Quote (Goomshill @ 23 Mar 2022 13:56)
d2post contains blocked Quote ( by Tommyvv[/URL] )Ukraine dictator Zelensky bans all pro-russian political opposition parties.
The pro-russian party was the plurality Party of Regions, which won the last democratic election in 2014 with Yanukovych as the head, and was overthrown in a coup. That party ceased to exist when its base of support seceded. What Zelensky just banned was not the pro-russian opposition party, but rather the 'moderate' opposition party, who officially denounced the Russian invasion. If they were pro-russian, they'd support the russian invasion. Rather, they opposed both Russian aggression and NATO expansion, and sought to renegotiate the EU agreement and strike a neutral path between the EU and Russia. Zelensky turned the country into a one-party state and also seized control of all media and folded them under that one party state apparatus.
I've already said numerous times how there isn't any credible democracy in Ukraine when the lawfully elected government was overthrown in a coup and the new government was "elected" with half the country not participating. But with this weeks developments, any pretense or superficial trappings of democracy were cast aside and now Zelenksy has simply instituted a one party ruled dictatorship. No opposition parties allowed, no opposition media allowed. I think he deserves another standing ovation in US congress.
Of all the shit fucking foreign policy America has engaged in over the past few decades, this is by far the most obviously misguided engagement. We are prodding on a war without being willing to intervene to win it, making the loss inevitable. Our only contribution is to make it far more bloody and catastrophic than it needs to be. We're siding with literal Nazi war criminals, openly reveling in their violations of the Geneva Conventions. We've driven a wedge into international relations and put the entirety of the rest of the world against our alliance, even countries that had close ties to us. We're driving right up to the bring of nuclear annihilation without actually challenging the rival that truly threatens us- instead we're ceding the Chinese a geopolitical boon as Russia is driven into their open arms. And all this in the supposed name of 'democracy' in a country that overthrew its elected government and now rules as a repressive dictatorship. We have absolutely nothing to gain, no national security at stake, no proliferation of weapons, no terrorists to stomp on. And unlike killing Gaddafi to protect the petrodollar, we're jeopardizing it.
- The democratically elected parliament of Ukraine had ratified the association agreement with the EU, which was veto'd by Yanukovych. This was the spark that ignited the shitshow in 2014 in which both Western and Russian intelligence messed with the protests and wrestled for control.
- Yanukovych's election was mired in allegations of voter fraud and manipulation. He was not a leader elected in a squeaky-clean election.
- Zelensky banned the moderate pro-Russian party after Russia invaded his country. Authoritarian, anti-democratic measures are par for the course during wartime.
- There is no wedge between "the rest of the world and the Western alliance". Here's a map of the UN resolution to condemn Russia's invasion of Ukraine:
Almost all of Latin America sided with the West, as did half of Africa, most of the Middle East and all of South East Asia with the exception of Vietnam. The only countries explicitly siding with Russia were Belarus, North Korea, Eritrea and Syria. Even Kazakhstan, an explicit ally of Russia whose president was saved from a coup d'etat by Russian paramilitary forces mere weeks before this vote, decided to abstain. Hell, even the Taliban in Afghanistan and the genocidal military dictatorship in Myanmar sided with the West.
This post was edited by Black XistenZ on Mar 23 2022 07:31am