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Posts: 63,838
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Mar 10 2018 06:45am
Quote (Ghot @ Mar 10 2018 09:55pm)
Same shyt, different day from you.

No where in the bible does is request that YOU spread the word. It does say, love your fellow man...it doesn't say bro beat him with your belief system.
You are not loving your fellow man in this topic. In fact you're committing quite a few deadly sins, by ragging on others, in this topic.

You are being prideful by assuming that YOU should spread the word. You're not god, nor are you a disciple.
You are being lustful, greedy..for I don't know what. Heaven? Self aggrandizement?
You are somewhat being wrathful as well.

Maybe you should do more reading of the bible than preaching. ^^

/e Do the other posters in here, seem to you to feel they are being loved by you, or do they seem like they'd rather you just went away?

CPK001 is just fine in my opinion. It is you who keeps trolling and baiting him.

And btw, it is a Christians duty to spread the Gospel to those who may not know the name of Jesus. It is not a "full time job", it is only required where necessary.
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Mar 10 2018 06:47am
Quote (ChivasRegal @ Mar 10 2018 07:45am)
CPK001 is just fine in my opinion. It is you who keeps trolling and baiting him.

And btw, it is a Christians duty to spread the Gospel to those who may not know the name of Jesus. It is not a "full time job", it is only required where necessary.

First off, I only just started discussing this with him. And second off, even if it is a "Christian duty", you don't have to spend 2000 posts letting people know.
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Mar 10 2018 07:07am
Quote (Ghot @ Mar 10 2018 10:25pm)
Same shyt, different day from you.

No where in the bible does is request that YOU spread the word. It does say, love your fellow man...it doesn't say bro beat him with your belief system.
You are not loving your fellow man in this topic. In fact you're committing quite a few deadly sins, by ragging on others, in this topic.

You are being prideful by assuming that YOU should spread the word. You're not god, nor are you a disciple.
You are being lustful, greedy..for I don't know what. Heaven? Self aggrandizement?
You are somewhat being wrathful as well.

Maybe you should do more reading of the bible than preaching. ^^

/e Do the other posters in here, seem to you to feel they are being loved by you, or do they seem like they'd rather you just went away?

Ahh, I see Thor has tagged you in.

Psalm 105:1 - Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. (Increasing God's renown)

Proverbs 11:30 - “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and the one who is wise saves lives” (Wise work)

Isaiah 6:8 - “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us? And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’” (Our willingness to go)

Isaiah 12:4 - “In that day you will say: ‘Give praise to the Lord, proclaim His name; make known among the nations what He has done, and proclaim that His name is exalted” (Simply telling what God has done)

Isaiah 45:22 - “Turn to Me and be saved, all you ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other” (Only source of salvation)

Ephesians 2:8–9 - “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast” (Always about God's work)

All that and something Jesus says in Matthew 9:37-38 - Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (They asked the Lord of the harvest and then they themselves became the answer to that prayer. I actually asked the Lord the same thing one time and you have one guess how he answered that prayer for me)

Oh yes and my reference: https://www.jesusfilm.org/blog-and-stories/40-verses-about-evangelism.html

I really enjoy doing this, you ask me questions and I find out many Bible verses that answer that question. I learn something new almost every day by coming here and it also gives me the constant reminder of why I am here and why I will not go away.
Am I being prideful or do I feel that it is my obligation? You're right that I'm not God, nor am I a disciple. According to the internet I'm more of an Apostle than a disciple. I'm merely a messenger and nothing more.
The definition of lust is a strong sexual desire, I see no such thing in this topic. Greed would imply that I personally gain something, which I don't. What more could I possibly gain if I have already received the free gift of salvation?

The truth hurts doesn't it? The Bible does not shy away from the true horror of sin and neither do I.

I am prompted to read The Bible every time I come in here, which in turn helps me preach. Oh and everyone else who has come and gone before you eventually realized the only way to win the game.

I must ask you, why do you care so much about whether the Good News is preached or not? If you do not believe it then why would you get so involved in all this? I don't know about you but if I didn't like or believe something then I would merely have no part of it in my life. At least that way I gain extra, precious time to live my life.

Yet here you are doing the exact opposite. How powerful must God be when your very act of trying to stop all the preaching from happening is the very thing that lets the Good News spread to even more people?

This post was edited by CPK001 on Mar 10 2018 07:09am
Posts: 16,621
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Mar 10 2018 07:33am
Quote (ChivasRegal @ Mar 10 2018 04:45am)
CPK001 is just fine in my opinion. It is you who keeps trolling and baiting him.

LOL PRETTY rich coming from you!

This post was edited by JohnMiller92 on Mar 10 2018 07:33am
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Mar 10 2018 08:06am
why do they have the name "CHURCH" ?

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Mar 12 2018 02:31pm
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Mar 12 2018 04:54pm
Quote (Ghot @ Mar 10 2018 06:25am)
Same shyt, different day from you.

No where in the bible does is request that YOU spread the word. It does say, love your fellow man...it doesn't say bro beat him with your belief system.
You are not loving your fellow man in this topic. In fact you're committing quite a few deadly sins, by ragging on others, in this topic.

You are being prideful by assuming that YOU should spread the word. You're not god, nor are you a disciple.
You are being lustful, greedy..for I don't know what. Heaven? Self aggrandizement?
You are somewhat being wrathful as well.

Maybe you should do more reading of the bible than preaching. ^^

/e Do the other posters in here, seem to you to feel they are being loved by you, or do they seem like they'd rather you just went away?

The dictionary definition to clarify......

disciple (plural disciples)

-A person who learns from another, especially one who then teaches others.
-An active follower or adherent of someone, or some philosophy etc.

The Bible teaches that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be a true Christian and NOT be a disciple Acts 6 explains this if you are interested in reading it. We as disciples are to spread the good news of the gospel to the world.
Posts: 104,564
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Mar 12 2018 04:56pm
Quote (Instrument @ Mar 12 2018 06:54pm)
The dictionary definition to clarify......

disciple (plural disciples)

-A person who learns from another, especially one who then teaches others.
-An active follower or adherent of someone, or some philosophy etc.

The Bible teaches that it is IMPOSSIBLE to be a true Christian and NOT be a disciple Acts 6 explains this if you are interested in reading it. We as disciples are to spread the good news of the gospel to the world.

Posted earlier...

God told his 11 disciples to go out and spread the word.
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Mar 13 2018 04:55am
Quote (Ghot @ Mar 13 2018 08:56am)
Posted earlier...

Matthew 28:19 - Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

disciple (plural disciples)

-A person who learns from another, especially one who then teaches others.
-An active follower or adherent of someone, or some philosophy etc.
Posts: 64,732
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Mar 13 2018 05:46am
Quote (CPK001 @ Mar 13 2018 04:55am)
Matthew 28:19 - Therefore go andmake disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

disciple (plural disciples)

-A person who learns from another, especially one who then teaches others.
-An active follower or adherent of someone, or some philosophy etc.

You aren't teaching anybody here. You're far too poor of a communicator to ever teach.

If you want to actually teach others you need to learn to listen, because it's very obvious from your responses that you aren't listening for comprehension, just to respond.
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