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Dec 5 2021 11:08pm
Quote (NetflixAdaptationWidow @ Dec 6 2021 12:04am)
Treatment doesn't prevent filling hospitals. Vaccines, masks, and social distancing do that. Treatment only occurs once you are sick and already in the hospital.

This is not true. Treatment can and does prevent people from going to the hospital. The infamous case of Joe rogan, among thousands of others.

But no he wasn’t even sick he just guzzled horse paste.

Lmao why do you think the entire world went fucking insane when he basically said, “yeah I got the ‘kitchen sink’ and I got over it without it getting too bad”

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Dec 5 2021 11:12pm
Quote (WickedDarkJuggalos @ Dec 5 2021 11:08pm)
This is not true. Treatment can and does prevent people from going to the hospital. The infamous case of Joe rogan, among thousands of others.

But no he wasn’t even sick he just guzzled horse paste.

Lmao why do you think the entire world went fucking insane when he basically said, “yeah I got the ‘kitchen sink’ and I got over it without it getting too bad”

I looked it up and turns out the monoclonal treatment can be given outpatient.

That's cool, didn't know that.
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Dec 5 2021 11:22pm
Quote (NetflixAdaptationWidow @ Dec 6 2021 12:12am)
I looked it up and turns out the monoclonal treatment can be given outpatient.

That's cool, didn't know that.

There are many treatments you can get from even just a regular urgent care right now.
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Dec 5 2021 11:41pm
Quote (LouisLeGros @ Dec 5 2021 01:41pm)
This is such a stupid take. The "left" response to Covid has generally been in line with countries where the response to Covid was not politicized and Trump was not President.

Study after study shows that "leftists" and liberals believes are more consistent and don't sway as much when their political leaders flip flop.
With Trump in particular there is some initial knee-jerk reactions toward his statements because even in the cases when he is right about something it is usually presented in a crude and divisive manner. Like in the initial post there were attacks on Trump with the initial travel ban from China. Most of that criticism was focused on the rhetoric surrounding the ban and how the 'left' didn't like demonization of Chinese people. The act of imposing a travel ban from a region identified as a source of a novel widely transmissible virus is generally good policy. Sure there were some shit lib political hacks, hacks like Breitbart can always mine Twitter to find these takes.

Its almost like the demand was higher than the supply and there wasn't much that could be done short term to change the rate of vaccination roll out and it had nothing to do with changing political views.

You are spot on with public faith in the Covid policy was undermined from the very beginning, but that is largely due to Trump's handling of it and not 'leftists' being contrarian to be contrarian. Shit if the orange turd was doing rallies and marketing MAGA masks early on he'd probably had an easy win in 2020. He was one of the few political leaders who was hurt by the handling of the pandemic. People usually come together and support an existing leader during a time of external crisis.

equals nothing more than lefties getting played by the fake news.

your TDS is showing

Quote (inkanddagger @ Dec 5 2021 08:51pm)
I don’t wear a mask because I’m vaxxed and can spread the disease to Republicans. My only regret is not knowing how high my kill count is.

hahaha your spreading a disease that your "vaxxed" against. no wonder they keep changing the definition of vaccine.

Quote (NetflixAdaptationWidow @ Dec 5 2021 09:04pm)
Treatment doesn't prevent filling hospitals. Vaccines, masks, and social distancing do that. Treatment only occurs once you are sick and already in the hospital.

that chit .....what a joke its turned into so many larpers still playing along

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Dec 6 2021 11:47am
Quote (WickedDarkJuggalos @ 5 Dec 2021 21:02)
My original point was that Biden’s original goal of a million shots a day was already reached when he set the goal. This is irrefutable.

Another point I made is vaccines are not the end all to Covid. There is very little talk about treatment, which when preventing people from dying or filling hospitals (which is the only real goal when it comes to endemic viruses) is barely discussed. You just pointed out trump wanted to focus on treatment as well.

I have never on any thread said the vaccines do nothing. I have been extremely clear that vaccines are not the end all solution, and the Biden administration seems to be ignoring this almost entirely.

I have even gone so far as to say the Biden administration has tried to deter states from focusing on treatment, which was made crystal clear when they tried limiting the shipments of regeneron to states like Florida.

I have also been very clear that we can discuss numbers and which are more important than others, but the fact is that the vaccines are not the ultimate answer at this point in time, and not focusing on treatment and simply saying “get vaccinated” is not solving the problem.

Sorry if I pointed out that the most popular state to shit on (Florida) is doing much better at this point in time, and one of the most vaccinated states which nobody in the media will even mention (Vermont) is doing the worst at this point in time. This is obviously politically motivated, and is not doing any good when it comes to improving the situation.

Apparently that means I am some tin foil Covid denying anti vax person. Okay.

The point is that most people focusing on 'treatment', particularly unproven treatments, are promoting such measures instead of vaccinations.

It is difficult to take people seriously that are downplaying getting vaccinated, not promoting mask usage, etc as actors seriously promoting a better public good and not just virtue signalling to those who have made being antivax as part of their political identity.

Biden & the 'left' aren't shitting on Regeneron. They aren't against further development of Covid treatments, they are supplying funding for development of treatments. emphasizing the need for higher vaccination rates over pushing Ivermectin doesn't mean we aren't investigating and promoting new and effective treatments/prophylactics.

I guess if the point is you believe that a significant portion of conservatives will never get vaccinated and to deal with Covid we have to accept that they will never change their mind and moving vaccination rates up will not happen. Therefore the only alternative is that we must focus on post infection treatments that the antivaxxers will not refuse as part of their political identity. However, it seems like you don't see value in trying to move the vaccination percentages from ~50% to 80%+ as meaningful way to tackle Covid and I'm not sure if you think it is because you don't think it would help or you think it can't happen.
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Dec 6 2021 06:04pm
Quote (LouisLeGros @ Dec 6 2021 12:47pm)
The point is that most people focusing on 'treatment', particularly unproven treatments, are promoting such measures instead of vaccinations.

It is difficult to take people seriously that are downplaying getting vaccinated, not promoting mask usage, etc as actors seriously promoting a better public good and not just virtue signalling to those who have made being antivax as part of their political identity.

Biden & the 'left' aren't shitting on Regeneron. They aren't against further development of Covid treatments, they are supplying funding for development of treatments. emphasizing the need for higher vaccination rates over pushing Ivermectin doesn't mean we aren't investigating and promoting new and effective treatments/prophylactics.

I guess if the point is you believe that a significant portion of conservatives will never get vaccinated and to deal with Covid we have to accept that they will never change their mind and moving vaccination rates up will not happen. Therefore the only alternative is that we must focus on post infection treatments that the antivaxxers will not refuse as part of their political identity. However, it seems like you don't see value in trying to move the vaccination percentages from ~50% to 80%+ as meaningful way to tackle Covid and I'm not sure if you think it is because you don't think it would help or you think it can't happen.

Many believe treatment is just as important as the vaccine. I believe it is more important. Nowadays, many never even have to go to the hospital for any reason, even if they actually get sick. A year ago they would not have gotten any treatment until they were in ICU. Basically go home and come back if you feel like dying.

They definitely cut regeneron shipments to several states for no apparent reason but “equity”. You can say whatever makes sense to you but this was literally their only answer. Most of the media wouldn’t cover this. The only reason I know about it is because Desantis held a press conference to ensure his citizens he will not let them go without treatments. You cannot take this back. They cut supply of life saving drugs. Because equity. Not because of short supply, or greater supply in other states. Equity. Okay.

We clearly are not going to get very far. You don’t take people seriously who don’t get Covid vaccines, I don’t take people seriously who just say the popular opinion almost verbatim.
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Dec 6 2021 06:39pm
Quote (WickedDarkJuggalos @ Dec 6 2021 04:04pm)

They definitely cut regeneron shipments to several states for no apparent reason but “equity”. You can say whatever makes sense to you but this was literally their only answer. Most of the media wouldn’t cover this. The only reason I know about it is because Desantis held a press conference to ensure his citizens he will not let them go without treatments. You cannot take this back. They cut supply of life saving drugs. Because equity. Not because of short supply, or greater supply in other states. Equity. Okay.


We live in a country which has basically gone totally insane, and now values insane political narratives over basic common sense and reason.

True equality & fairness has been thrown out the window in the pursuit of arrogance, hypocrisy, stupidity, and a delusional sense of false superiority over those whom have been "judged" by the hypocrite class of power-hungry idiots.

This is reflected at the level of both domestic as well as foreign policy.

In a nation where nobody cares about being hypocrites, can't see reason, and whom falsely claim unjustified moral superiority over both their own fellow citizens as well as the rest of the world at every turn, the outlook isn't great right now.

Americans need to snap out of it, come back to reality, admit their faults, and come together instead of engaging in continuously divisive rhetoric and actions.

The rest of the world is looking on at America in sheer horror. What the hell happened, they ask? How did an entire country go batshit insane so quickly? And they are afraid, because an America on the decline might suddenly decide to lash out at them for any nonsensical reason at all.
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Dec 6 2021 07:28pm
Quote (WickedDarkJuggalos @ 6 Dec 2021 16:04)
Many believe treatment is just as important as the vaccine. I believe it is more important. Nowadays, many never even have to go to the hospital for any reason, even if they actually get sick. A year ago they would not have gotten any treatment until they were in ICU. Basically go home and come back if you feel like dying.

They definitely cut regeneron shipments to several states for no apparent reason but “equity”. You can say whatever makes sense to you but this was literally their only answer. Most of the media wouldn’t cover this. The only reason I know about it is because Desantis held a press conference to ensure his citizens he will not let them go without treatments. You cannot take this back. They cut supply of life saving drugs. Because equity. Not because of short supply, or greater supply in other states. Equity. Okay.

We clearly are not going to get very far. You don’t take people seriously who don’t get Covid vaccines, I don’t take people seriously who just say the popular opinion almost verbatim.

You are conveniently ignoring the question of whether getting vaccination rates to 80%+ would be a meaningful action in addressing Covid. Why do you think new treatments are more important than increasing vaccination percentages? You've said you aren't antivax, so I'd assume you don't think it is some sort of conspiracy to kill/microchip everyone.

You are acting like treatments are the goal to preventing the need for hospitalizations. I mean sure there are treatments that can help prevent someone from needing to get ICU care after contracting Covid, and we are working on developing more as we speak. However, we already have vaccines that have been administered billions of times and shown to be effective and safe and have massively reduced hospitalization rates due to Covid by preventing spread & severely reducing symptoms of those who do catch Covid.

Also Desantis is a corrupt lying piece of shit who has a history of manipulating Covid numbers and him saying something in a press conference means jack shit. I don't see any evidence of there being no supply issues with regeneron and I think it is perfectly fair for states that are not taking precautions to mitigate the spread of Covid with measures like vaccinations, social distancing & masks to not be allowed to hoard the limited supplies.

Also seems like you are being contarian for the sake of being contarian. Oh you have the 'popular' opinion and are just parroting what those scientists are saying. What next? You'll be telling me germ theory explains disease and that gravity is responsible for items falling? Pssh, just parroting popular positions.
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Dec 7 2021 04:04am
Quote (LouisLeGros @ Dec 6 2021 09:47am)
The point is that most people focusing on 'treatment', particularly unproven treatments, are promoting such measures instead of vaccinations.

It is difficult to take people seriously that are downplaying getting vaccinated, not promoting mask usage, etc as actors seriously promoting a better public good and not just virtue signalling to those who have made being antivax as part of their political identity.

Biden & the 'left' aren't shitting on Regeneron. They aren't against further development of Covid treatments, they are supplying funding for development of treatments. emphasizing the need for higher vaccination rates over pushing Ivermectin doesn't mean we aren't investigating and promoting new and effective treatments/prophylactics.

I guess if the point is you believe that a significant portion of conservatives will never get vaccinated and to deal with Covid we have to accept that they will never change their mind and moving vaccination rates up will not happen. Therefore the only alternative is that we must focus on post infection treatments that the antivaxxers will not refuse as part of their political identity. However, it seems like you don't see value in trying to move the vaccination percentages from ~50% to 80%+ as meaningful way to tackle Covid and I'm not sure if you think it is because you don't think it would help or you think it can't happen.

its not a "vaccine" it is an experimental mRNA shit shot with alot of nasty side effects and its a joke when considering covid. give that chit to a kid and the kid drops dead ...........fukn kooked out lefties.

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Dec 7 2021 04:06am
Quote (Jupe @ Nov 27 2021 07:14pm)
seek help schizo

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