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Jan 11 2021 10:31pm
Quote (SenorNZ @ 11 Jan 2021 21:21)
I totally get you, I might be a little too nice for this industry as I'm not the type to fuck other people over to succeed. The company I work at is very ethical so I'm happy here.

Definitely worked my ass off to get here, but I like that, I need pressure to perform at my best.

Sorry to hear someone stole your shit, thieves are fucking trash.

Ha morality is another big reason why I work for myself, like fuck if I'm going to let a piece of shit dictate right and wrong to me

I've said it for years - the evil man always has an advantage over the just because they do not hesitate to act while the just must satisfy their internal morals

Frankly I'm tired of competing with people because I know in my heart I'm already behind in the score and if I am to play their game and win I have to be a greater evil than them

Money and possessions are great but the only currency in my life that matters is honour and morality.. it's tough because I feel like the only one sometimes
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Jan 11 2021 10:31pm
Quote (death_knight @ Jan 11 2021 08:14pm)

After talking to you over the years it sounds like you have a good life setup for yourself and have worked hard to get where you are and I can't really comment on a sector that I know very little about and have never worked in

My job is entirely physical with some basic logistics so I have come to realize a physical job makes the back hurt while the office work makes the mind hurt.. I have held authoritative positions under several companies but controlling people really isnt my life and I can that since I've been vegan I have very little desire to profit off another man's sweat

I'm also plagued with moral issues these days.. for example my ladder as stolen off my site a few weeks ago and tomorrow I'll be buying a brand new one instead of a used one for a third of the price because I can't risk buying stolen gear and it pisses me off that some good citizen will probably unknowingly buy my stolen ladder and make money via it's utilization

So you can see the more "people" that get involved in business the more corruption to follow hence my comments on trump

im in the process of doing a difficult career change. I will most likely quit my job in 2 months, because thats when his next project is set to begin. my father is getting old and he wants to retire, he wants me to take over his commecrial construction business. my background is in the logistics business so i have really no clue about the construction business.
he urged me to take some courses and he hopes i can transition and take over his business within this year. It sure would be nice to have a mentor...
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Jan 11 2021 10:36pm
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Jan 11 2021 10:39pm
Quote (death_knight @ Jan 12 2021 05:31pm)
Ha morality is another big reason why I work for myself, like fuck if I'm going to let a piece of shit dictate right and wrong to me

I've said it for years - the evil man always has an advantage over the just because they do not hesitate to act while the just must satisfy their internal morals

Frankly I'm tired of competing with people because I know in my heart I'm already behind in the score and if I am to play their game and win I have to be a greater evil than them

Money and possessions are great but the only currency in my life that matters is honour and morality.. it's tough because I feel like the only one sometimes

Agreed fully, possessions are not high on my priorities, I rather spend my money on my friends and have a good time, or travel than buy toys. I live pretty minimally, except for sports equipment and gaming stuff really.
I think being kind and spending time with people is much more important than having lots of fancy stuff.

Quote (cjlove90 @ Jan 12 2021 05:31pm)
im in the process of doing a difficult career change. I will most likely quit my job in 2 months, because thats when his next project is set to begin. my father is getting old and he wants to retire, he wants me to take over his commecrial construction business. my background is in the logistics business so i have really no clue about the construction business.
he urged me to take some courses and he hopes i can transition and take over his business within this year. It sure would be nice to have a mentor...

Good luck buddy, sounds daunting but your dad can mentor you through it, and you'll have a profitable business at the end. Great opportunity!
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Jan 11 2021 10:43pm
Quote (cjlove90 @ 11 Jan 2021 21:31)
im in the process of doing a difficult career change. I will most likely quit my job in 2 months, because thats when his next project is set to begin. my father is getting old and he wants to retire, he wants me to take over his commecrial construction business. my background is in the logistics business so i have really no clue about the construction business.
he urged me to take some courses and he hopes i can transition and take over his business within this year. It sure would be nice to have a mentor...

My best advice is self discipline is the most effective way to improve your life

As far as construction goes I would generally not recommended it because it's hard work physically and you too will get old.. I'm personally waiting on covid to start a program in electrical engineering so I can land a job that I can actually do until I'm 65, I'm quite content living middle class if that means lifelong comfort

Also you should definitely take courses especially if you are to lead, I can tell you experienced tradesmen absolutely HATE a person who comes in with no experience and a desire to command especially if they are the owners kid and most tradesmen are there because they fucked up their life so many will be hard to deal with

Obviously I'm generalizing but construction is no joke especially if your sector is critical such as civil or structal engineering

All this being said there is also something to be said about what I call "real" work.. aka as actually building something.. when you stand back and look at your creation in May ways that can be motivation enough
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Jan 11 2021 11:07pm
Quote (SenorNZ @ Jan 11 2021 08:39pm)
Agreed fully, possessions are not high on my priorities, I rather spend my money on my friends and have a good time, or travel than buy toys. I live pretty minimally, except for sports equipment and gaming stuff really.
I think being kind and spending time with people is much more important than having lots of fancy stuff.

Good luck buddy, sounds daunting but your dad can mentor you through it, and you'll have a profitable business at the end. Great opportunity!


Quote (death_knight @ Jan 11 2021 08:43pm)
My best advice is self discipline is the most effective way to improve your life

As far as construction goes I would generally not recommended it because it's hard work physically and you too will get old.. I'm personally waiting on covid to start a program in electrical engineering so I can land a job that I can actually do until I'm 65, I'm quite content living middle class if that means lifelong comfort

Also you should definitely take courses especially if you are to lead, I can tell you experienced tradesmen absolutely HATE a person who comes in with no experience and a desire to command especially if they are the owners kid and most tradesmen are there because they fucked up their life so many will be hard to deal with

Obviously I'm generalizing but construction is no joke especially if your sector is critical such as civil or structal engineering

All this being said there is also something to be said about what I call "real" work.. aka as actually building something.. when you stand back and look at your creation in May ways that can be motivation enough

my father is not a tradesman, he is a builder, he just oversees the entire thing from start to finish and makeing sure everything is done properly. He wants me to take courses from blueprint reading, building materials, construction estimating, building codes, fire safety regulations and a bunch of other related courses. The courses are pretty intensive and on the school page it says it generally takes 2-3 years to finish all the courses as a full time student.

my current logistic job that ive been in for that last 8 years has treated me well, made decent money and this mid-life career change is going to be tough. Everything I knew pretty much no longer applies, starting from scratch.
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Jan 11 2021 11:12pm
what a joke lmao

just sets the precedent - if you control the house and ideally the senate just impeach the current president if he's in the opposite party to you

don't need evidence or anything since it's 100% political
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Jan 11 2021 11:16pm
Quote (cjlove90 @ 11 Jan 2021 22:07)

my father is not a tradesman, he is a builder, he just oversees the entire thing from start to finish and makeing sure everything is done properly. He wants me to take courses from blueprint reading, building materials, construction estimating, building codes, fire safety regulations and a bunch of other related courses. The courses are pretty intensive and on the school page it says it generally takes 2-3 years to finish all the courses as a full time student.

my current logistic job that ive been in for that last 8 years has treated me well, made decent money and this mid-life career change is going to be tough. Everything I knew pretty much no longer applies, starting from scratch.

Well in that case it sounds like a good opportunity because you will start near the top of the ladder, I take it your dad is superintendent where his job is to make sure everyone is doing theirs

Starting from scratch? Na just bring skills you already learnt such as devotion, attention to detail, resourcefulness and respect and you will do fine, which in my opinion are the cornerstones to any successful collaboration

To be the boss requires a lot from a person and very few can hold the crown.. peoples lives are at stake both figuratively and literally concerning things like fire exits
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Jan 11 2021 11:27pm
Quote (Reset @ Jan 12 2021 06:12pm)
what a joke lmao

just sets the precedent - if you control the house and ideally the senate just impeach the current president if he's in the opposite party to you

don't need evidence or anything since it's 100% political

He incited a riot and attack on the foundations of democracy. He set a precedent as no USA president in history has abandoned the party and tried to overturn the course of democracy after an election.

Watch his speech at the capitol building, and his preceding tweets calling for violence:

“Something is wrong here, something is really wrong, can’t have happened and we fight, we fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.”

"So we are going to–we are going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue, I love Pennsylvania Avenue, and we are going to the Capitol, and we are going to try and give–the Democrats are hopeless, they are never voting for anything, not even one vote but we are going to try–give our Republicans, the weak ones because the strong ones don’t need any of our help, we’re try–going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country. So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue."

Trump's little turtle of a lawyer giuliani then takes the mic and says:

"If we’re right, a lot of them will go to jail. So let’s have trial by combat … I’ll be darned if they’re going to take our free and fair vote…We’re going to fight to the very end to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

Also the free days before trump tweets asking his cult to assemble for a protest and it's going to be wild.

Trump's bum buddy and fellows traitor general Flynn threated Congress at one of Trump's rallies:

“Those of you who are feeling weak tonight, those of you who don’t have the moral fiber in your body — get some tonight because tomorrow we the people are going to be here.”

It's pretty clear that Trump deliberately incited an attack on the capitol building to pervert the course of democracy by stopping the electoral college vote. A deliberate act attacking the foundations of democracy and a treasonous act. The guy should at the very minimum be impeached again, and face real arrest as soon as he leaves office.
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Jan 11 2021 11:31pm
they already tried to impeach with all the phony reasons wasted alot of taxpayers money. This is just them being salty as usual, the lefties/dems been on copium for the last 4 years so they are desperate
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