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Jan 30 2024 12:06pm
Quote (Prox1m1ty @ 30 Jan 2024 11:19)
Wow I was going to reply until you said you trust god over science. Now I can't rightly expend the effort.

My brother has type 1 diabetes. He would have died already without science. Unfortunately God doesn't produce insulin.

Well I don't they care about my health particularly because I'm not American. Let me ask you something,

Do you think that medical science has improved the lives of billions of people?

What you fail to recognize because you clearly view "God" from an Abrahamic viewpoint is that "science" is an inception of "man" just like "language". You fail to recognize that science and language can both be used with mal intent and in fact of recent have been used with the WORST intent and caused irreversible damage to the entire planet/biosphere itself. Threatening not just the existence of the human race but also all the creatures and species we've destroyed along the way. So go ahead and use an example like "insulin" but first ask "where did diabetes come from". Didn't exist until "science" and the "industrial revolution".

People who don't believe in God out of faith will obediently follow science in the same manner and give "praise to scientific achievements" the same way a person like me gives thanks to God for life everyday.

So you realize that because of the KARMIC repercussion of humans "messing with the natural elements" that almost ALL disease now exists. It didn't exist before the introduction of the 50,000 patented chemicals we've all been exposed too since the 1900's.

So praise science for insulin? or denounce science for it's roll in the creation of diabetes itself?

That's like saying thanks for the "Potassium Iodine tablets" instead of denouncing scienes roll in the creation of nuclear weapons and nuclear technology which has the potential to end our species(but yea I guess blowing up nuclear warheads in the upper atmosphere and in the depths of the ocean is just fine!!!!) Woooooohoooo!!! Science!!

Putting the nail in our collective coffins....

edit: It's not God creating nuclear war heads. It's scientist. It's not God creating bioweapons and deadly virus's in a lab. It's scientist. It's not God who created "social media" and the "internet". It's scientist.

So don't ever blame "God" for your brother being insulin dependent. Blame the sciene for reaching too far into the unknown(God) and then having to face the "causation" of their "action"...

This post was edited by SwamiVivekananda on Jan 30 2024 12:16pm
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Jan 30 2024 12:12pm
Quote (JessiWan @ 30 Jan 2024 19:03)
“government of the psychopaths, by the psychopaths, for the psychopaths.”

should work for you

Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ 30 Jan 2024 19:06)

So praise science for insulin? or denounce science for it's roll in the creation of diabetes itself?

first recorded diabetes case was 1500b.c.

This post was edited by BaHgerAUT on Jan 30 2024 12:15pm
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Jan 30 2024 12:14pm
Quote (JessiWan @ Jan 30 2024 11:03am)
You guys think like this, but it's understandable. You are regular, good people, you cannot fathom true evil because you are not evil yourselves.

I found another article here that's very interesting, it's for people like you. I have included an excerpt below. You can find the full article using the link at the bottom. It deals with a phenomenon called "pathocracy".


Statist propaganda in the West tries to convince us that we live in a democracy, exemplifying Abraham Lincoln’s famous ideal of “government of the people, by the people, for the people.”

But this is gaslighting. In truth, we live in a pathocracy, which, borrowing from Lincoln, might be described as “government of the psychopaths, by the psychopaths, for the psychopaths.”

Although “pathocracy” is still a foreign concept to many, it is by now a well-established and thoroughly documented phenomenon. The term was coined by Andrew Lobaczewski — a Polish psychologist whose life’s work was shaped by his experience growing up first under the thumb of the brutal Nazi occupation and then under the equally brutal Soviet regime — in his book, Political Ponerology.

Lobaczewski defines pathocracy as a system of government “wherein a small pathological minority takes control over a society of normal people.” Then, in a chapter of Political Ponerology devoted to the subject, he describes how pathocracies develop, how they consolidate power, and how they trick, cajole, intimidate and otherwise induce non-psychopaths into participating in their madness.

How can soldiers’ natural aversion to pulling the trigger on complete strangers be overcome? How can doctors who have sworn an oath to do no harm participate in the pandemic madness of recent years? How can regular, salt-of-the-earth, working-class policemen be induced to brutally beat peaceful protesters? These are the questions that keep both the pathocrats in power and those looking to escape the pathocracy up at night, albeit for very different reasons.

Thankfully, we do not need to ponder these questions in a vacuum. In fact, the conditions for creating an environment in which the average person can be induced to participate in evil acts has been studied, catalogued and discussed by psychologists for the better part of a century. Unsurprisingly, though, this research, ostensibly intended to better understand how people can guard against such manipulation, has instead been weaponized by the pathocrats and used to fine-tune the creation of systems for generating more obedient order-followers. In fact, this was part of the point of the well-known but almost completely misunderstood Milgram experiments (more on which below).

At this point in our exploration, we are finally beginning to grasp the full extent of the problem posed by psychopaths in positions of political, corporate and financial power.

The problem isn’t just that psychology has been weaponized against those of us who would engage in political dissent. And the problem isn’t simply that this system for suppressing and pathologizing dissent has been created by literal psychopaths and their sociopathic lackeys.

The problem is that the state itself is psychopathic and is actively warping the morals of otherwise mentally sound individuals, causing them to adopt psychopathic traits in return for material reward and positions of authority.


To see more: https://druthers.ca/dissent-into-madness-escaping-the-madhouse/

If the link doesn't work, just go to Druthers.ca, then go to Read, then go to By subject, and then go to Philosophy. The article is titled: Dissent into Madness, Escaping the Madhouse.

You are supposedly Canadian. I want you to really think about Federal Government employees. Federal Government employees for the most part are individuals who could not hack it in private practice or industry, they simply lack the work ethic, intelligence or desire a far more lax work schedule and put a high priority on work-life balance.

These are not evil masterminds at work, they're average joes punching in their 9-5 not "psychopaths"

I mean look at the salary of the highest paid individuals in the Federal Govt. 250K? That's trash compared to any c-suite employee in private practice or industry. These are just people that didn't make it but want fancy titles still.

This post was edited by SBD on Jan 30 2024 12:17pm
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Jan 30 2024 12:20pm

Actually you don't need a healthy working population... just a working one.
People that aren't "firing on all eight cylinders" don't have the energy to... create a ruckus.

Same is true for education. Educated people are much harder to govern.

This post was edited by Ghot on Jan 30 2024 12:22pm
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Jan 30 2024 12:22pm
Quote (BaHgerAUT @ 30 Jan 2024 12:12)
should work for you

first recorded diabetes case was 1500b.c.

Quote (BaHgerAUT @ 30 Jan 2024 12:12)
should work for you

first recorded diabetes case was 1500b.c.

Nice fact now let's talk about how it's 10000000000000000000000000000000x more prevalent and far more dangerous even with "medicine"?

That's like saying there was someone who had cancer in 10,000 BCE so it's normal LOL

Don't ever get it jaded that God created these problems. Humans did in their attempt to "understand" this "reality" instead of just being at peace with the life they were given.

When science does in our entire species because a bunch of mad scientist tried playing God and LOST. The average person will wish they had a relationship with God because they'll finally have to admit no scientist could ever "know all things".

We are in the "Atlantean" moment where were about to destory ourselves throuch our own technology. Don't blame God. Blame the science that was never ABSOLUTE and guaranteed to cause unforeseen circumstances that no one was prepared for.

But yea let's let scientist "solve this problem" because they created it....THEY CANT. That's the ignorance of "science".. blame nature for your sick experiments going wrong...

This post was edited by SwamiVivekananda on Jan 30 2024 12:29pm
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Jan 30 2024 12:24pm
Quote (Ghot @ Jan 30 2024 11:20am)

Actually you don't need a healthy working population... just a working one.
People that aren't "firing on all eight cylinders" don't have the energy to... create a ruckus.

A working one is not a dead one which is what the tinfoil vacc people are going on about killing off population which is what we are discussing here.

and there's easier ways to ensure a population is happy and controlled. Look at the USA. Just let the clowns own a gun and they think they have absolute freedom.

This post was edited by SBD on Jan 30 2024 12:28pm
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Jan 30 2024 12:28pm
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Jan 30 2024 06:06pm)
What you fail to recognize because you clearly view "God" from an Abrahamic viewpoint is that "science" is an inception of "man" just like "language". You fail to recognize that science and language can both be used with mal intent and in fact of recent have been used with the WORST intent and caused irreversible damage to the entire planet/biosphere itself. Threatening not just the existence of the human race but also all the creatures and species we've destroyed along the way. So go ahead and use an example like "insulin" but first ask "where did diabetes come from". Didn't exist until "science" and the "industrial revolution".

People who don't believe in God out of faith will obediently follow science in the same manner and give "praise to scientific achievements" the same way a person like me gives thanks to God for life everyday.

So you realize that because of the KARMIC repercussion of humans "messing with the natural elements" that almost ALL disease now exists. It didn't exist before the introduction of the 50,000 patented chemicals we've all been exposed too since the 1900's.

So praise science for insulin? or denounce science for it's roll in the creation of diabetes itself?

That's like saying thanks for the "Potassium Iodine tablets" instead of denouncing scienes roll in the creation of nuclear weapons and nuclear technology which has the potential to end our species(but yea I guess blowing up nuclear warheads in the upper atmosphere and in the depths of the ocean is just fine!!!!) Woooooohoooo!!! Science!!

Putting the nail in our collective coffins....

edit: It's not God creating nuclear war heads. It's scientist. It's not God creating bioweapons and deadly virus's in a lab. It's scientist. It's not God who created "social media" and the "internet". It's scientist.

So don't ever blame "God" for your brother being insulin dependent. Blame the sciene for reaching too far into the unknown(God) and then having to face the "causation" of their "action"...

Sir, diabetes was not caused by science.

If you want to debate anything in good faith, please at least be honest and accurate.
I didn't blame any god for anything sir. How can I blame something that I can't readily prove exists?

I clearly explained that science allows my brother and approximately half a billion people with type 1 and 2 diabetes to live relatively normal lives.

Your using a device right now, either a mobile phone or a computer that exists because science also exists; Then using that device to deride science.
That's like someone from an authoritarian country without freedom to criticise the government, moving to a democratic liberal state and then criticizing liberal and democratic principles.

That is hypocrisy.

This post was edited by Prox1m1ty on Jan 30 2024 12:30pm
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Jan 30 2024 12:30pm
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Jan 30 2024 11:59am)

Part of my indifference comes from the fact that I don't support the non-humane testing of any vaccinations/medical interventions.

The average person doesn't realize every year MILLIONS of animals are crurelly experimented on in the "name of science".

I challenge anyone to sit and watch mice, monkeys, rabbits, rats, and other creatures get INJECTED and then spazz out and die shortly after during experiments..

I hope fauci burns in hell for eternity for what he did to those beagles. The human embodiment of "trust the science" was an animal torturer who loved it
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Jan 30 2024 12:32pm
Quote (SBD @ Jan 30 2024 10:14am)
You are supposedly Canadian. I want you to really think about Federal Government employees. Federal Government employees for the most part are individuals who could not hack it in private practice or industry, they simply lack the work ethic, intelligence or desire a far more lax work schedule and put a high priority on work-life balance.

These are not evil masterminds at work, they're average joes punching in their 9-5 not "psychopaths"

Those people you mentioned are mere foot soldiers. In another word, bureaucrats. They are not in charge of anything, they just follow orders and carry them out. The ones giving them the orders are the psychopaths and are the true ones in charge.

I find it hilarious that you can't make the distinction between the two. All those books and articles you read did not make you smarter at all.

This post was edited by JessiWan on Jan 30 2024 12:52pm
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Jan 30 2024 12:33pm
Quote (BaHgerAUT @ Jan 30 2024 10:12am)
should work for you

Haha, you are crying your face off.

This post was edited by JessiWan on Jan 30 2024 12:45pm
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