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Sep 22 2018 11:59am
Quote (Saucisson6000 @ Sep 21 2018 03:32pm)
or maybe because this place is an alt right hole ?

Careful lad, its dangerous to say alt right in europe
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Sep 23 2018 10:41am
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Sep 23 2018 04:44pm
Islamist hate preacher Anjem Choudary to be released from prison next month, less than 3 years into a five and a half year sentence.

He was banged up for encouraging Muslims to join Islamic State and even the government admit that he remains “a genuinely dangerous person”.

State Run Swedish Kindergarten Bans Words “He,” “She,” Makes Boys Wear Dresses, Asks children as young as two to talk about ‘boys falling in love with boys and girls falling in love with girls’

A whistleblower working at a state-run kindergarten in Sweden has revealed how officials told her never refer to children as “he” or “she,” to encourage boys to wear dresses, and to initiate conversations with children as young as two about “boys falling in love with boys and girls falling in love with girls.”

In an interview with Världen idag, “Anna,” who has been working in the kindergarten for two years, said she was quickly informed that telling children something they were wearing was “nice” was forbidden and that the pre-schoolers should not be assigned genders.

When Anna read books to the children, she noticed that all mentions of “he” or “she” had been covered with Tipp-Ex and replaced with the gender neutral pronoun “hen”.

She later discovered that the popular “Emil and Pippi” books had been thrown away because they didn’t feature any gender neutral characters and the bookshelves had “been filled with children’s books with subjects such as transsexuality and homosexuality.”

Anna also asserted that children as young as one and two were partaking in group discussions where they were told by teachers “that a girl could fall in love with a girl and boy in a boy.” The toddlers were then asked “Who are you in love with?”

A confused little boy responded, “My Lego.”

Dolls, cars and trains have also been banned at the pre-school because they are gender-normative, while a boy who dressed up in a fireman’s outfit was told by a teacher to take it off and wear a dress instead even though he didn’t want to.

“I do not want a dress, I want this,” the boy said, to which the teacher responded, “But you know you’ll have a dress?”

Anna reveals how even some of the parents are on board with the indoctrination. When a mother came to pick up her son, Anna said to the boy, “Your mom is here,” to which the mother responded, “I’m not their mother, I’m a parent.”

Officials also told Anna not to say “Mom” and “Dad” because “a child can have two custodians of the same gender.”

Anna says that a 3-year-old girl who once proclaimed “I’m a boy today!” later asked her, “Am I a boy or girl?” to which Anna firmly responded, “You are a girl.”

“I cannot follow those rules. I just cannot. They are against everything I know,” concluded Anna.

The kindergarten in question was not named by the newspaper because they didn’t want to expose their source.

Since 1998, the Swedish government’s guidelines on schooling have “forbidden enforcing gender stereotypes, and government funded gender neutral kindergartens with gender aware teachers has made it possible for families to raise their children without a set gender identity,” according to a VICE report.

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Sep 23 2018 04:57pm
Quote (HeLiCaL @ Sep 23 2018 05:44pm)
Islamist hate preacher Anjem Choudary to be released from prison next month, less than 3 years into a five and a half year sentence.


State Run Swedish Kindergarten Bans Words “He,” “She,” Makes Boys Wear Dresses, Asks children as young as two to talk about ‘boys falling in love with boys and girls falling in love with girls’



that second story is just fucked up
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Sep 24 2018 03:51pm
cultural enrichment in full swing

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Sep 26 2018 01:38am
Manuel Valls has officially announced that he will run for mayor of Barcelona next year :lol: :wacko:

He will probably get some votes, as he's backed by C's, the most voted party in Catalonia during the last regional elections (more so in unionist areas, like Barcelona). He will run as an independent, with several members of the aforementioned party in his list, along with some unionist non-partisan activists and/or intellectuals, and maybe some former members of PSC (the centre-left PSOE's sister party, which contests elections in their place in Catalonia).

Ultimately though, I think it will be a huge fiasco. This guy has never lived in Barcelona... why would anyone want a mayor like him? His campaign will be centered around unionism, peaceful coexistence, and promoting a positive and reliable image of Barcelona towards investors all around the world... but what about cleaning up the city, urban development, traffic handling, etc, which are generally more important aspects of being a mayor?

He's also a major rat... back stabbing his party in France, then trying to crawl onto Macron's lap... now flees to Spain to try to resurrect his career after being rejected and done for in his country. He doesn't have the best image to run for any elections imo.
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Sep 26 2018 04:42am
Bundestag President Tells Germans to Forget About “Refugees” Returning Home
“We should not foster too much hope” of sending them back


Migrant Crisis Architect Swedish prime minister to resign after losing no confidence vote


This post was edited by HeLiCaL on Sep 26 2018 04:44am
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Sep 26 2018 08:27am
Quote (HeLiCaL @ 26 Sep 2018 12:42)
Bundestag President Tells Germans to Forget About “Refugees” Returning Home
“We should not foster too much hope” of sending them back


for those who think "lol infowars", he did actually say that

the disgrace of these statements is unprecedented and that says a lot considering the state of our country
the second man in the state basically hoists the white flag and surrenders country and law, everyone can come, plunder the welfare state, do everything they want and still not get deported

such statements make it clear that the mainstream parties try to get as many people into the country as possible, deportations are actually going down despite merkels fake news declaring deportations a "national effort"

the derangement of schäuble as former minister of finance and now president of parliament has reached the level of donald trump
two more examples

he said that europe would "degenerate in incest/inbreeding" without migration, what a disgusting and racist statement
not to mention that he supports dumping even more tax money in the third world and spreads fake news about integration
he talks about the great potential of the the children of the former guest workers from turkey and especially the women
meanwhile in reality integration is getting worse with every generation and the people he mentions have ridiculous unemployment rates (two thirds of females with turkish descent have no job, what an amazing addition to our society)

schäuble lied to parliament about the financial help for greece (not to mention that all of this completely illegal) by stating that the IMF would also provide substantial funds
parliament only agreed on that condition and as it turns out the IMF will NOT provide money as they criticise the terms of the agreements with greece
this lie will cost us and the european community billions more

the list goes on with minor things like ignoring the rules of parliament within the compound, where leftist party members spread propaganda despite it being forbidden in the house rules
and now he basically surrenders the german state to illegal migrants and tells us citizens to deal with it, i can barely believe my eyes to be honest
says it all when someone like that is the second man in the state.....

sources with translations


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Sep 26 2018 09:20am

preparing for a no deal. talks about a second referendum as well lately, your thoughts? i'm strictly opposed, the UK has to leave, their voters decided.

Quote (ampoo @ 26 Sep 2018 15:27)
for those who think "lol infowars", he did actually say that

the disgrace of these statements is unprecedented and that says a lot considering the state of our country
the second man in the state basically hoists the white flag and surrenders country and law, everyone can come, plunder the welfare state, do everything they want and still not get deported

such statements make it clear that the mainstream parties try to get as many people into the country as possible, deportations are actually going down despite merkels fake news declaring deportations a "national effort"

the derangement of schäuble as former minister of finance and now president of parliament has reached the level of donald trump
two more examples

he said that europe would "degenerate in incest/inbreeding" without migration, what a disgusting and racist statement
not to mention that he supports dumping even more tax money in the third world and spreads fake news about integration
he talks about the great potential of the the children of the former guest workers from turkey and especially the women
meanwhile in reality integration is getting worse with every generation and the people he mentions have ridiculous unemployment rates (two thirds of females with turkish descent have no job, what an amazing addition to our society)

schäuble lied to parliament about the financial help for greece (not to mention that all of this completely illegal) by stating that the IMF would also provide substantial funds
parliament only agreed on that condition and as it turns out the IMF will NOT provide money as they criticise the terms of the agreements with greece
this lie will cost us and the european community billions more

the list goes on with minor things like ignoring the rules of parliament within the compound, where leftist party members spread propaganda despite it being forbidden in the house rules
and now he basically surrenders the german state to illegal migrants and tells us citizens to deal with it, i can barely believe my eyes to be honest
says it all when someone like that is the second man in the state.....

sources with translations

elaborate. how is this statement 'racist'? for someone who gets so mad about others calling out his racism for blatantly racist statements, accusing them of seeing racists everywhere (the irony), you sure seem to use the term rather loosely.
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