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Jul 31 2022 08:14am
Quote (Norlander @ Jul 31 2022 04:08pm)
What's actually wrong? Ironfister as a Pole has more pro-Ukrainian position than most of us. Even I'm pro-Ukrainian. I'm just unhappy with pothead Zelensky, nazies and anti-Russian agenda since early 90's.

ok lets pick it apart:

Ukraine lost like 30k soldiers in last 5 months (dead and wounded).

Dead + wounded? Hard to know, but probably much higher. I would say 30-60k range for dead and wounded.

They cant really keep that kind of losses for years, but neither Russia can as they also suffer heavy losses, and Russia cannot draft troops for offensive war.

Much smaller countries have sustained 1-2million deaths in 10+- year long wars. Russia could easily do that, as could ukraine. "russian cannot draft troops", doubtful. They havn't done so far, does not mean that they won't do it. If they need to, they will do it.

American Himars recently changed the situation in Ukraine favor, but its possible that Russians will learn and adapt, improve their logistics, move warehouses 100km away from the front line etc.

Do you honestly think 12 missile systems have changed the situations tide? The Russians have 100's of equivalent systems to himlrs, smerch/tornado are more or less exactly the same. This is without talking about the massive amounts of long range missiles Russia has. (iskander, onyx, kalibr, etc etc)

So nothing is certain now about the future. remember they are fighting a bigger country that is also richer because of their natural resources.

Only correct statement

you can be pro-ukraine, pro-satan, pro eu, pro russia w/e it doesn't matter. But dont say completely nonsensical shit like this
Russians fighting in Ukraine are mongolian horde, who came from the poorest and wildest areas of vast Russia, not really civilized soldiers. There are no rules in Ukraine, this war is one big war crime.

Ukraine still has most civilian infrastructure undamaged, there has only been 7000 dead civilians. You blow shit out of proportion, and portray russian as some evil cartoon shit, as if it isn't about politics. This is 100% a political war, russia has every right to defend its border and stop american/european expansion on its doorstep, the ukranians are completely welcome to act as a proxy force and try to hold the line, neither side is inherently wrong. Other nations in recent years have done far worse shit, so save ur hyperbole shit.

This post was edited by ownyaah on Jul 31 2022 08:20am
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Jul 31 2022 08:20am
Quote (ferdia @ 31 Jul 2022 11:18)
to be fair i liked 300 and the marvel series, suspend belief and just go with simplistic visions of right and wrong. goodies are handsome and baddies are, well, this:


yep, looks like an orc.

the idea is that when you leave the cinema you employ your brain. sadly this is not possible for some people.

History showed us, that underestimating bad people is not a good idea.
About Hitler: people thought he was only saying bad words to gain popularity, while he was serious.
Then again in 1938/1939 democraties should have stopped him when they had the chance, instead they let him peacefully conquer other countries and grow nazi reich in power, so they couldnt stop him later.
They werent scared, because French people had a powerful maginot line, that they thought was uncrossable.
Future showed they were very wrong, and they had to quickly capitulate to nazi Germany. The French were then lucky that Hitler and Stalin ended at war with each other, otherwise the French country would be no more today.
Can we not make the same errors over and over please?
And stop Hitler of our age in his mid/late 1930's?
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Jul 31 2022 08:22am
Quote (Ironfister @ Jul 31 2022 04:20pm)
History showed us, that underestimating bad people is not a good idea.
About Hitler: people thought he was only saying bad words to gain popularity, while he was serious.
Then again in 1938/1939 democraties should have stopped him when they had the chance, instead they let him peacefully conquer other countries and grow nazi reich in power, so they couldnt stop him later.
They werent scared, because French people had a powerful maginot line, that they thought was uncrossable.
Future showed they were very wrong, and they had to quickly capitulate to nazi Germany. The French were then lucky that Hitler and Stalin ended at war with each other, otherwise the French country would be no more today.
Can we not make the same errors over and over please?
And stop Hitler of our age in his mid/late 1930's?

Since ur a moralist, and you deny politics and interests how about you stop the evil american empire who has directly and indirectly killed millions in africa/middle east the last few years? After russia kills 2-3 million ukranians, then you can start focusing on russia.

The problem with moralists is that they are always completely hypocritical and filthy sewage. Also their worldviews are completely skewd and nothing they say makes any sense

-- ill give you a wake up call, no matter if ukraine wins the war or losses its gonna continue being the same mega corrupt shithole.

This post was edited by ownyaah on Jul 31 2022 08:24am
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Jul 31 2022 08:26am
Quote (ownyaah @ 31 Jul 2022 22:14)
ok lets pick it apart:

Dead + wounded? Hard to know, but probably much higher. I would say 30-60k range for dead and wounded.

Much smaller countries have sustained 1-2million deaths in 10+- year long wars. Russia could easily do that, as could ukraine. "russian cannot draft troops", doubtful. They havn't done so far, does not mean that they won't do it. If they need to, they will do it.

Do you honestly think 12 missile systems have changed the situations tide? The Russians have 100's of equivalent systems to himlrs, smerch/tornado are more or less exactly the same. This is without talking about the massive amounts of long range missiles Russia has. (iskander, onyx, kalibr, etc etc)

Only correct statement

you can be pro-ukraine, pro-satan, pro eu, pro russia w/e it doesn't matter. But dont say completely nonsensical shit like this

Ukraine still has most civilian infrastructure undamaged, there has only been 7000 dead civilians. You blow shit out of proportion, and portray russian as some evil cartoon shit, as if it isn't about politics. This is 100% a political war, russia has every right to defend its border and stop american/european expansion on its doorstep, the ukranians are completely welcome to act as a proxy force and try to hold the line, neither side is inherently wrong. Other nations in recent years have done far worse shit, so save ur hyperbole shit.

Might happen to Taiwan soon . -_-

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Jul 31 2022 08:34am
Russians fighting in Ukraine are mongolian horde, who came from the poorest and wildest areas of vast Russia, not really civilized soldiers. There are no rules in Ukraine, this war is one big war crime

That's a half-truth. The easiest thing you can believe in. Especially when you are young and passionate as I believe Ironfister is. While most of Russian soldiers "came from the poorest and wildest areas" (which is widespread here, people in large cities can just bribe a colonel in recruitment office for $2k and get a military ID, same goes to Ukraine, it's even cheaper there right now) so their commanders are the ones to blame for all the war crimes mentioned.

This post was edited by Norlander on Jul 31 2022 08:35am
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Jul 31 2022 08:38am
Quote (Norlander @ Jul 31 2022 04:34pm)
That's a half-truth. The easiest thing you can believe in. Especially when you are young and passionate as I believe Ironfister is. While most of Russian soldiers "came from the poorest and wildest areas" (which is widespread here, people in large cities can just bribe a colonel in recruitment office for $2k and get a military ID, same goes to Ukraine, it's even there right now) so their commanders are the ones to blame for all the war crimes mentioned.

Ukranians executed 4 Russian POW's early in the war, the video, you know which one. Does that mean all of Ukrainian army is low piss-tier racist murderers?

Ukraine is the only country which is partially ruled by officially and openly supports azov, aidar etc who are 100% nazis. Still i understand all of this is done as ploy to raise nationalism and to create a fierce anti-Russian sentiment, i wouldn't argue that is because Ukrainians are filthy sub humans who are genetically low-tier bred inferior Slavs (this is the type of arguments these people make against russia).

No it is politics. If you want to be an american proxy, then so be it, then win against the Russians or eat shit 8feet under. This war, unless resolved through diplomacy will go on for years and years, you will bury millions, there is no real end goal. Russia will burn through a million if they need to.(this is how i see it, you people underestimate large countries, their tenacity and ability to produce/fight). Ukrainian commentators talk about how all they need to do is take Kherson by destroying 2-3 bridges then the war will be over and Putin will go home.. Lol. I believe in political freedom, and political idiocy. If you want to fight the Russians, keep at it. Its your problem, the world doesn't actually care, but they will happily use you are as a playing piece.

If you cared about ukraine, you would know that russia isn't the main problem. Neither is eu/nato a solution. The solution is to make peace and be neutral, stop bleeding for both sides, and play both sides to your advantage. Combat corruption, and grow your economy/peoples. That is it.
If anyone of you gave a single fuck about ukraine, you wouldn't let 1 of your brothers die for this silly nonsense cause, for what? So NATO can have missiles pointed closer to Moscow, whilst ignoring the massive corruption destroying your nation.

This post was edited by ownyaah on Jul 31 2022 08:45am
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Jul 31 2022 08:45am
Quote (ownyaah @ 31 Jul 2022 17:38)
Ukranians executed 4 Russian POW's early in the war, does that mean all of Ukrainian army is low piss-tier racist murderers?

Ukraine is the only country which is partially ruled by officially and openly supports azov, aidar etc who are 100% nazis. Still i understand all of this is done as ploy to raise nationalism and to create a fierce anti-Russian sentiment, i wouldn't argue that is because Ukrainians are filthy sub humans who are genetically low-tier bred inferior Slavs (this is the type of arguments these people make against russia).

No it is politics.

Did it happen before the intervention? No. Does Russia support neo-nazi batallions in Donbass (Rusich, for example). Yes. Is it politics? Yes. This war isn't about freedom or independence of Donetsk/Luhansk. Not about protecting Crimea and of course is not about changing the fascist regime. It's about money. Trillions of dollars in upcoming decades. Gas and oil.
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Jul 31 2022 08:46am
Quote (ownyaah @ 31 Jul 2022 16:22)
Since ur a moralist, and you deny politics and interests how about you stop the evil american empire who has directly and indirectly killed millions in africa/middle east the last few years? After russia kills 2-3 million ukranians, then you can start focusing on russia.

The problem with moralists is that they are always completely hypocritical and filthy sewage. Also their worldviews are completely skewd and nothing they say makes any sense

-- ill give you a wake up call, no matter if ukraine wins the war or losses its gonna continue being the same mega corrupt shithole.

Americans killed millions people in Africa/Middle East?
WTF are you saying BS. America brings freedom. Look at Afghanistan, after American left, Taliban militia took over the country and introduced harsh laws, especially hard for women.
Its Russia that kills people everywhere in the world.
Anyway this is true, that a conflict in Europe means more for Europeans than a conflict in some far away country, that we cant even place on the map.
We didnt have such a fullscale war here since 1945?
Russia has kidnapped more than 1 million Ukrainians into savage Russia areas. Very often very cold areas, also very poor, these are very difficult conditions to live in and we can expect most of Ukrainians there die sooner or later. Not to mention they wont be able to return home, until there will be a government change in Russia.
Another ones are starving and live in terrible conditions inside Ukraine, Ukrainian men are forced into Russian army.
Ukrainians under Russian occupation can afford their food only thanks to the Ukrainian government, that still send their people money in pensions, even if their location is under Russian occupation.
Yes I do really believe Russians killed directly or undirectly like 1 million Ukrainians already. This year.
So 1 million kidnapped, one million killed, makes 2million already.
And the war continues.
Also we know, that Russians target ukrainian elites: teachers, politicians, activists, Ukrainian patriots. They basically want Ukraine erased and convert leftovers to Russians.
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Jul 31 2022 08:47am
Quote (Norlander @ Jul 31 2022 04:45pm)
Did it happen before the intervention? No. Does Russia support neo-nazi batallions in Donbass (Rusich, for example). Yes. Is it politics? Yes. This war isn't about freedom or independence of Donetsk/Luhansk. Not about protecting Crimea and of course is not about changing the fascist regime. It's about money. Trillions of dollars in upcoming decades. Gas and oil.

Crimea is very important by the way, all of the black sea is and to an extent even the sea of azov. Considering crimea is 78% russian/tartar, and has always been russian (given in 1954) it was always gonna be taken back if ukraine aligned against the russians.

A lot of this conflict is about taking back old russian cities, with odessa/kharkiv being the main goals(i think) and creating a larger buffer against nato. but yes the economics is part of it. The reserves around south and east ukraine are relatively untapped and plausibly massive.. Considering you are pro-ukranian you are far more rational than these monkies. By the way i am neither pro-russian or pro-ukraine, i have a curious interest for euro-asia so that is why i might appear pro-russian.

Quote (Ironfister @ Jul 31 2022 04:46pm)
Americans killed millions people in Africa/Middle East?
WTF are you saying BS. America brings freedom. Look at Afghanistan, after American left, Taliban militia took over the country and introduced harsh laws, especially hard for women.
Its Russia that kills people everywhere in the world.
Anyway this is true, that a conflict in Europe means more for Europeans than a conflict in some far away country, that we cant even place on the map.
We didnt have such a fullscale war here since 1945?
Russia has kidnapped more than 1 million Ukrainians into savage Russia areas. Very often very cold areas, also very poor, these are very difficult conditions to live in and we can expect most of Ukrainians there die sooner or later. Not to mention they wont be able to return home, until there will be a government change in Russia.
Another ones are starving and live in terrible conditions inside Ukraine, Ukrainian men are forced into Russian army.
Ukrainians under Russian occupation can afford their food only thanks to the Ukrainian government, that still send their people money in pensions, even if their location is under Russian occupation.
Yes I do really believe Russians killed directly or undirectly like 1 million Ukrainians already. This year.
So 1 million kidnapped, one million killed, makes 2million already.
And the war continues.
Also we know, that Russians target ukrainian elites: teachers, politicians, activists, Ukrainian patriots. They basically want Ukraine erased and convert leftovers to Russians.

Just look at what you have done to libya, you insect. Not gonna read what you write, tired of deranged moralists. You have completely destroyed iraq, from one of the most prosperous nations in the middle-east to a shithole 3rd country. etc

This post was edited by ownyaah on Jul 31 2022 08:51am
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Jul 31 2022 08:53am
Quote (ownyaah @ 31 Jul 2022 17:47)
Crimea is very important by the way, all of the black sea is and to an extent even the sea of azov. Considering crimea is 78% russian/tartar, and has always been russian (given in 1954) it was always gonna be taken back if ukraine aligned against the russians.

A lot of this conflict is about taking back old russian cities, with odessa/kharkiv being the main goals(i think) and creating a larger buffer against nato. but yes the economics is part of it. Considering you are pro-ukranian you are far more rational than these monkies. By the way i am neither pro-russian or pro-ukraine, i have a curious interest for euro-asia so that is why i might appear pro-russian.

Just look at what you have done to libya, you insect. Not gonna read what you write, tired of deranged moralists.

Welcome to the club then. Now we are three.
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