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Apr 11 2024 07:47am
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Apr 5 2024 01:18pm)
So you'll both admit that there was existence before us going back to the hypothetical "Big Bang".

In physics all matter is simply changing states. Matter is neither created nor destroyed.

So we were all of that that's behind and we will be all that going to the future. This is causal reality and backed by science.

Only religion has created a condition where this is the "one all be all". How is consciousness destroyed if it's present in all living things throughout the universe(not just Earth).

You will go on in some form. Not YOU as the name you were given at birth. Not you and all the material possessions and memories you've accumulated. Like I've said before the "tendencies" go on. That's what is reborn.

That's why we see all the virtues/principals continuing to this very day. Why are some people evil? It's a tendency. Why do some not believe in God and some do? It's a tendency.

As Buddha said only you in this body/mind can escape samsara which is described as follows,

Buddhists conceive of the world as a suffering-laden cycle of life, death, and rebirth, without beginning or end, known as samsara. Beings are driven from life to life in this system by karma, which is activated by their good or ill actions committed in this life as well as previous lives.

A Hindu or Buddhist believes that you can escape samsara by achieving nirvana, enlightenment, freeing yourself of the root causes of suffering (such as greed and fear).

Even photons eventually decay. Quantum mechanics says fuck you physics
The rules of the universe don't apply to physics

This post was edited by Loipisdead on Apr 11 2024 07:50am
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Apr 11 2024 07:48am
"Contrast is after all God's own plan to enhance the beauty of his own creation, or it would be if God were not a ludicrous fantasy designed to provide a career opportunity to the family idiot." -Sherlock Holmes
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Apr 12 2024 02:43pm
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Apr 5 2024 12:40pm)
Right but who are you to fear?

Who are you?

When you read a scripture especially the Bible you are the "I" in it.

It is you who is reading it in your own mind. God is not reading you the Bible. You are.

There is no separation it was just the Western philosophies that said, "You aren't God. You aren't Christ. You are a nobody" and that was beneficial because the FEAR created a structure that put people in line aka controlled them.

That never happened in Eastern philosophies. That's why they don't fear death because they see life as going on regardless instead of, "You did good now come sit next to me on this golden throne in this heavenly body".

You don't have to read the Bible to know God. You don't have to read any scripture at all. You can do nothing and you'll still have that word "god" floating around. So even if you say God doesn't exist(which is normal) it doesn't magically make you a good person. You still have a moral/ethic understanding without any encounters with religious texts.

This is why a lot of people are atheists because they do good and avoid doing bad and don't need a God to tell them if they are right or wrong they simply know it in their heart to be true. Can they do bad and think its good? Of course. Can they do good and it actually be bad. Yup. You are the one in your own mind who comes to that realization. God doesn't come down with a magic wand and tap you on the shoulder and say, "You are on the right path".

The part that I find difficult is that if you're atheist, how do you decide what is "good" and what is "bad?" If there is no moral baseline (what I think is God) for what is right and wrong, then who gets to decide? Hitler and Martin Luther King both thought they were doing "good", but we know they can't both be right. So who is good? Who is bad?

If its all a matter of opinion, and we are our own god and we decide what good and bad is, that doesn't make sense to me. Because then nothing is good, nothing is bad, life has no meaning, and we all might as well do whatever we want to whoever we want

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Apr 12 2024 03:42pm
Quote (Kluch @ 13 Apr 2024 04:43)
The part that I find difficult is that if you're atheist, how do you decide what is "good" and what is "bad?" If there is no moral baseline (what I think is God) for what is right and wrong, then who gets to decide? Hitler and Martin Luther King both thought they were doing "good", but we know they can't both be right. So who is good? Who is bad?

If its all a matter of opinion, and we are our own god and we decide what good and bad is, that doesn't make sense to me. Because then nothing is good, nothing is bad, life has no meaning, and we all might as well do whatever we want to whoever we want

Philosophy I guess...
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Apr 12 2024 03:46pm
Quote (Kluch @ Apr 12 2024 04:43pm)
The part that I find difficult is that if you're atheist, how do you decide what is "good" and what is "bad?" If there is no moral baseline (what I think is God) for what is right and wrong, then who gets to decide? Hitler and Martin Luther King both thought they were doing "good", but we know they can't both be right. So who is good? Who is bad?

If its all a matter of opinion, and we are our own god and we decide what good and bad is, that doesn't make sense to me. Because then nothing is good, nothing is bad, life has no meaning, and we all might as well do whatever we want to whoever we want

I find it odd that people who practice religion can honestly ask such a question and not realize how odd it sounds. Because someone tells you do not kill you wouldn't know it's probably a bad thing without that guidance???? Because a "god" tells you a thing that's how you must view said thing??? It's kind of ridiculous to be honest.
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Apr 12 2024 03:50pm
Quote (Kluch @ Apr 12 2024 05:43pm)
The part that I find difficult is that if you're atheist, how do you decide what is "good" and what is "bad?" If there is no moral baseline (what I think is God) for what is right and wrong, then who gets to decide? Hitler and Martin Luther King both thought they were doing "good", but we know they can't both be right. So who is good? Who is bad?

If its all a matter of opinion, and we are our own god and we decide what good and bad is, that doesn't make sense to me. Because then nothing is good, nothing is bad, life has no meaning, and we all might as well do whatever we want to whoever we want

"I would like here to appeal to a greater than I, Count Lerchenfeld. He said in the last session of the Landtag that his feeling 'as a man and a Christian' prevented him from being an anti-Semite. I say: My feeling as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded only by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God's truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was his fight against the Jewish poison. Today, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed his blood upon the Cross. As a Christian, I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice."

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Apr 18 2024 12:07am
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Apr 9 2024 07:08pm)
Anytime someone says the word "God" to an atheist they just automatically presume the "God" being discussed is the Abrahmic's God.

You are right Jesus is the Messiah.

Amen brother.

For those who've seen him there is no denial.


This post was edited by lodd222 on Apr 18 2024 12:17am
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Apr 18 2024 12:52am
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ 5 Apr 2024 11:22)
A pretty simple question, or is it? I would love to hear your opinion, PaRD

I know what is love.

Baby don't hurt me, Don't hurt me...no more....
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Apr 18 2024 03:50am
Quote (Handcuffs @ Apr 5 2024 04:56pm)
"God", in all its forms and iterations across history and culture, remain centrally connected to death anxiety for all mortal beings. A conscious mind yearns for some kind of significance, meaning, or purpose to all the suffering and uncertainty that they experience while alive, and it is too painful to the psyche to accept that you (we) are not special, that there is nothing after death, and that there is no God(s), Oneness, or Grand Unified Consciousness on the other side of death.

well said.
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Apr 29 2024 02:39am
Quote (SwamiVivekananda @ Apr 6 2024 02:40am)
Right but who are you to fear?

Who are you?

When you read a scripture especially the Bible you are the "I" in it.

It is you who is reading it in your own mind. God is not reading you the Bible. You are.

There is no separation it was just the Western philosophies that said, "You aren't God. You aren't Christ. You are a nobody" and that was beneficial because the FEAR created a structure that put people in line aka controlled them.

That never happened in Eastern philosophies. That's why they don't fear death because they see life as going on regardless instead of, "You did good now come sit next to me on this golden throne in this heavenly body".

You don't have to read the Bible to know God. You don't have to read any scripture at all. You can do nothing and you'll still have that word "god" floating around. So even if you say God doesn't exist(which is normal) it doesn't magically make you a good person. You still have a moral/ethic understanding without any encounters with religious texts.

This is why a lot of people are atheists because they do good and avoid doing bad and don't need a God to tell them if they are right or wrong they simply know it in their heart to be true. Can they do bad and think its good? Of course. Can they do good and it actually be bad. Yup. You are the one in your own mind who comes to that realization. God doesn't come down with a magic wand and tap you on the shoulder and say, "You are on the right path".

If we don't have to read the Bible to know God then why did he have to send his one and only Son, Jesus, to reveal to us what the Father is like?

If you read scripture you will see that God has placed those morals within our hearts. An example of this is Genesis 9:4-6.

4 “But you must not eat meat that has its lifeblood still in it. 5 And for your lifeblood I will surely demand an accounting. I will demand an accounting from every animal. And from each human being, too, I will demand an accounting for the life of another human being.

6 “Whoever sheds human blood,
by humans shall their blood be shed;
for in the image of God
has God made mankind.

These verses right here show why you know that taking the life of another person is wrong and how there is an entire justice system on this very thing.

When you say "You still have a moral/ethic understanding without any encounters with religious texts." You can read the Scripture and know where you got that moral/ethic understanding in the first place.

I don't know what world you're living in but I'm going to take a wild guess and say that you don't watch the news daily. I don't see people doing good. I see a lot of youth crime and the like. I see wars going on around the world.
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