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Jan 11 2018 05:52pm
Im suspicious. Its awfully convenient politically. Its red meat to his baze that was getting rebellious over DACA, and it puts democrats into an uncomfortable position of clutching pearls against someone speaking common sense and then defending immigration from shithole countries during the immigration debate.

Then again, its trump. Hanlons razor kicks in
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Jan 11 2018 05:54pm
Quote (PlasmaSnake101 @ Jan 12 2018 12:47am)
Why not have both?

CNN is pissing their panties right now. Pearl clutching and couch fainting all around.

Mostly because it's not conducive to a good argument. It also makes the president less popular, increasing pressure on him and his administration and possibly making it harder to pass policies domestically, it alienates foreign governments that may be less forthcoming in future deals, etc. Even if the aforementioned arguments wouldn't materialise there is no potential benefit to saying what he said
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Jan 11 2018 05:56pm
Quote (IceMage @ Jan 11 2018 03:50pm)
Pretty funny comment. It's a legitimate question, although why Trump felt the need to use that language in front of people who would inevitably leak it just confirms what we all know, he's erratic and undisciplined.

Now we can spend the next few days watching everyone in the media feign outrage while they blabber on about how America is great because we let immigrants in from the third-world.

It's that kind of language that electrified his base. Something like this was required to restore some faith among supporters. Also, heard he rejected a DACA deal. To his defense it was an objectively shit deal. Just saying what I saw on /pol/, their having a field day over this news.

1) DACA get path to citizenship
2) 1.6 billion for FENCE BARRIER, technical surveillance, agents and additional 1.2 bil for "other border priorities"
3) Family based migration: Parents of DACA cannot become citizens but get protected status.
4) Visa lottery uses some of the 50k slots for people who lost their temporary protected status

How the fuck can any Senate Republican even show their face if this is true. Did they even fucking try to get anything the President wanted?
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Jan 11 2018 06:07pm
america sux anyway (according to lefties, democrats, the media etc.) so why would we let people in so they can just suffer more here than they would in their current situation????
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Jan 11 2018 06:10pm
Quote (PlasmaSnake101 @ Jan 11 2018 06:56pm)
It's that kind of language that electrified his base. Something like this was required to restore some faith among supporters. Also, heard he rejected a DACA deal. To his defense it was an objectively shit deal. Just saying what I saw on /pol/, their having a field day over this news.

1) DACA get path to citizenship
2) 1.6 billion for FENCE BARRIER, technical surveillance, agents and additional 1.2 bil for "other border priorities"
3) Family based migration: Parents of DACA cannot become citizens but get protected status.
4) Visa lottery uses some of the 50k slots for people who lost their temporary protected status

How the fuck can any Senate Republican even show their face if this is true. Did they even fucking try to get anything the President wanted?

1. You seem to think Trump intentionally said this for political reasons, which is naive.
2. You think the Trump base is so anti-intellectual and childish that Trump saying something like this boosts their morale and renews their faith in him, which is hilarious(and true).
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Jan 11 2018 06:19pm
isnt america becoming a shithole itself ? :rofl:
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Jan 11 2018 06:20pm
Quote (Saucisson6000 @ 11 Jan 2018 20:19)
isnt america becoming a shithole itself ? :rofl:

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Jan 11 2018 06:26pm
Quote (excellence @ 12 Jan 2018 01:07)
america sux anyway (according to lefties, democrats, the media etc.) so why would we let people in so they can just suffer more here than they would in their current situation????


i always find it kinda cute how people complain "america is so bad, so racist and oppressive mimimi" and its still number one destination for migration
if its really so "bad" stay the fuck away
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Jan 11 2018 06:37pm
Legitimate questions, wording of a child.
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Jan 11 2018 06:39pm

This presidency has been legendary.
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