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Jul 25 2015 01:10pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jul 25 2015 01:58pm)
This heavily depends on your goals, as well as your body composition to begin with.

If you are a hardgainer, you will need an equal blend of fast, medium, and slow acting proteins, with a heavy amount of casein before bed.

If you have a tendency to be heavier year-round and gain fat easier, you would want fast acting protein, like isolate, as your only protein source.

If you tend to sit towards the middle, you can do fast and medium upon waking, with fast PWO and slow pre-bedtime.

That being said -

1. Overall shake for pre-bedtime and meal replacement would be tricky. You would need at least a 50/50 blend of casein and perhaps whey concentrate or 25/25 isolate and concentrate. You can also do albumin protein, pea protein, whey isolate, whey concentrate, and casein to recreate a type of all-range protein matrix. The concentrate would be medium-to-fast digesting and the casein would be slow. To make it a meal replacement would mean adding things outside the protein mix, such as bananas, peanut butter, milk, etc (blended).

2. Overall shake for PWO is extremely easy - whey isolate and waxy maize covers all the bases - glycogen restoration and fast acting protein with maximum digestibility.


I also forgot to mention, if your goals are FAT LOSS, plain whey protein isolate is superior (no waxy maize or other carb). For that, try NOW! Whey Isolate 10 lb bag - it's much cheaper than truenutrition.

Thanks for the info Raynor! This will help me to decide on what to go with. I'll definitely look into that whey isolate that you suggested for the post workout.
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Jul 25 2015 03:48pm
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jul 25 2015 10:53am)
I have a pair of adidas powerlifts, which are excellent, especially for deadlifiing, cleans, and squats.

However, Orion high tops are pretty much the gold standard in overall great lifting shoes.

Perfect, thanks!
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Jul 25 2015 07:49pm
Is it cool to take shakes on non-workout days just to hit macros?

It's tough for me to hit the 1g of protein per body weight without the shakes. I'm drinking two a day (48g of protein each, so 96g total).

On work out days, I usually take one post work-out and then the other before bed.

On non-work out days, I usually drink one just at any point in the day and then the other before bed.

Any problems with this?

e: Also, what are supplements you suggest for maximizing fat/weight loss. I'm only taking GAT Jet Fuel and BCAA prior to fasted workouts as well as the Optimum Nutrition shakes

This post was edited by Greet on Jul 25 2015 07:52pm
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Jul 26 2015 02:56am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jul 21 2015 03:00am)
Hey there.

Please provide me with your current height/weight and body fat %.

Also please provide me with your allergies, as well as any medical conditions.

Also, I'm assuming you have full access to a gym, right?

172 lbs + 5 feet 11inch + body fat: 13.1%

I neither have any allergy nor any medical conditions.

My topic was :

Quote (cnbrkhancan @ Jul 17 2015 10:42pm)
Hey Ray,

First of all I wanted to thank you on behalf of the jsp community "again" :) your advices and vital information in this thread were game changers in my life.

I strictly followed your workouts and diets that you suggested to me and I lost tons of weight and was able to build upper body and lower body muscles(at least far better than my old self)

However I still have belly fat on my belt and that ugly fat still stresses my life..

Even though I followed your final workout+diet you suggested to me after 2 months I didn't see a slightest bit of results and after doing deep research and consulting a doctor I found out that I lack the vital hormones to build further muscle and get rid of that ugly belly fat :


HGH Growth Hormone

Leptin and Adiponectin

D-Aspartic Acid

Can you suggest me a specific abs/adonis and calorie burning/cardio based(I would prefer to swim more than running but I will listen your suggestions) workout and diet that would enhance my hormone levels that I mentioned above naturally?

And if there is a supplement(s) that is focused on those hormones(but not steroids) can you please give me the name(s) of it?

I really appreciate your help.

Many thanks and regards..

Edit : And yes I have full access to gym, swimming pool and even to wing-chun dojo.

This post was edited by cnbrkhancan on Jul 26 2015 02:58am
Posts: 7,490
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Jul 26 2015 10:47am

Age: 24
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 165lbs

Now my goal in all of this is to develop muscle. im not trying to body build, but i want to be able to flex any where on my body and have some definition. right now all my fat is pretty much on my belly and my upper leg/thighs, some calves.

Started working out last week, taking it slow. I started with doing an hour walk for a total of four miles every morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water before going.

Friday I signed up for a gym, and i felt like an idiot because i didnt check their equipment before signing up and they dont have any barbells, they do have squat hammer machines though (i tried using these, really annoying having the bar on the track), but i only had to pay a dollar to start up and there was no commitment, i can cancel any time, which i probably will by the end of the month to find a gym with barbells.

I ran half a mile to warm up (6 minutes) and then did 3x10 of front squats, overhead press, and deadlifts with the empty bar.

Saturday I was a little sore, my girlfriend and me did a 9 mile hike on the Batona Trail in New Jersey. I am sore as fuck now.

I've been using this app called My Fitness Pal to track my macros. This is where my questions come in:

I set it for losing two lbs a week (im not sure if i even want to continue with this) and its allowing me 1500 calories a day (75g Protein, 188g Carbs, 56g Sugar, 50g Fat). Is this a good idea? i can enter custom goals, what would you suggest for my macro intake?

Yesterdays hike (lots of hills, sandy trail so walking on it was a difficult for some stretches, my legs were burning lol) was a total of three and half hours for a distance of nine miles and i was carrying about 10-15lbs on my back so i used the apps cardio calculator to see how much calories i burned, which it claims i burned 1912 calories, which seems extremely high to me. i crossed referenced it with some websites and they gave a number in about the same range. how accurate is this?

Also, I think ive been doing okay with my diet. This is pretty much what ive been eating daily:

Wake up: water, walk
Breakfast: 3 Large eggs, 1 slice american, 1 tsp ketchup OR 1/2 cup 2% Milk with 3/4 cup Honey Bunches of Oats/Honey Nut Cheerios
Mid morning: 5oz Turkey, 1 slice swiss, lettuce, 1oz vinegar, 1oz olive oil, on a 5 inch hoagie roll (im eating at work at this point, i work in a kitchen) OR PB&J sammy on potato bread (heavy on the PB, light on the J)
Lunch: 5oz Chicken Tenderloin (grilled, sometimes i marinade it in lemon juice, olive oil, basil, and a couple drops of yellow mustard) over a salad of my choice (usually like romaine, shredded carrots, cucumbers, almonds, whatever im feeling that day)
Dinner: Usually ill grill something in my backyard, chicken or steak, with roasted sweet/white potato and onions (julliened, wrapped in tin foil, just put it on the top rack of my grill and let it slow cook for like 45 mins, so fuckin good)
Before Bed: 5oz Merlot Wine, Chobani Yogurt 0% fat w/ fruit on the bottom.

Ill snack on things like almonds, apples, bananas, oranges, etc throughout the day, it helps me get my fiber and carbs to where they need to be as im usually lacking this two by the end of the day.
I've also cut out all soda and sugary drinks (iced tea, juices, etc)

Being that thats my typical diet since im trying to eat better and clean, friday after my work out i kind of crumbled in and had a small fry from McDonalds. I still came in under my macros for the day, so I hope it wasnt that big of a deal.
Yesterday I went to Outback Steakhouse and had half of the small cheese fries (my gf and i split it) and alfredo pasta with grilled chicken, but again, I didnt go over my macros. The only reason I went of course with my diet is because I had ate clean all week and I figured I could pig out a little after the hike because according to my app on my phone, i had 2800 calories I could still eat for the day, and like 100g of fat! I still had about 10g of fat I could eat before i went to bed and like 800 calories, but I didnt, I felt full anyway. Should I have hit my number?

Like i said my goal is to develop some muscle, I'm not trying to go hardcore, I just want to get started on my path to becoming stronger. Any advice would be great. Thanks!

Edit: Also, I recently kicked my cigarette smoking habit, i havent touched one for two weeks (I know its not a long time but its a start, i've been on and off with cigarettes since i was a teen, smoke for a few months, quit a few, then smoking again, etc) and i plan on staying with it for the rest of my life
unfortunately, i still smoke the ganja, probably one to two bong tokes a day, usually after work, it helps me wind down (12hr kitchen shifts can really wind you up). how bad is this for me compared to cigarettes? (i always smoke out of glass, i hate blunts/joints)

This post was edited by B4K3R on Jul 26 2015 10:55am
Posts: 14,696
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Jul 26 2015 05:27pm
Quote (Greet @ Jul 25 2015 09:49pm)
Is it cool to take shakes on non-workout days just to hit macros?

It's tough for me to hit the 1g of protein per body weight without the shakes. I'm drinking two a day (48g of protein each, so 96g total).

On work out days, I usually take one post work-out and then the other before bed.

On non-work out days, I usually drink one just at any point in the day and then the other before bed.

Any problems with this?

e: Also, what are supplements you suggest for maximizing fat/weight loss. I'm only taking GAT Jet Fuel and BCAA prior to fasted workouts as well as the Optimum Nutrition shakes

Absolutely no problem - Shakes are an excellent way to hit protein macros. The manner that you are taking them is fine. They can be consumed whenever you want.

No other supps are really NEEDED...although you can look into Multivitamins, Chromium, and R-ALA

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Jul 26 2015 07:02pm
Quote (cnbrkhancan @ Jul 26 2015 04:56am)
172 lbs + 5 feet 11inch + body fat: 13.1%

I neither have any allergy nor any medical conditions.

My topic was :

Edit : And yes I have full access to gym, swimming pool and even to wing-chun dojo.

Quote (cnbrkhancan @ Jul 26 2015 04:56am)
172 lbs + 5 feet 11inch + body fat: 13.1%

I neither have any allergy nor any medical conditions.

My topic was :

Edit : And yes I have full access to gym, swimming pool and even to wing-chun dojo.

First start here:

Cutting Workout Routine (6 day all equipment)

In addition, you can add 30-45 minutes of cardio, immediately post-workout. Throughout the day, try to stay as active as possible, stand/walk more than sitting. You already are relatively lean at 13% BF, and getting down to the 8% area won't be very difficult.

With regards to diet, based on your stats, you are burning around 1,800 cals per day, being purely sedentary. Lightly active (no exercise included) would put you around 2,200 per day. You can safely eat around 2,500 cals, per day, and work out on top of it, to burn at least 500-800 cals per day, assuming you are following my cutting workout routine, and training 30-45 minutes of cardio per day, 7 days a week (running, swimming, etc)

If for some reason you don't exercise that day, follow the 2,000 cal meal plan instead.

Workout Days:

2,500 cals (approx)

Meal 1 - 3 whole eggs + 5 egg whites + green peppers and onions + 3/4 cup oatmeal (uncooked volume) + handful of mixed berries (any)
Meal 2 - 6 oz grilled chicken + 1 cup cooked brown rice + 1 large salad + 1 tbsp olive oil + vinegar
Meal 3 - 2 slices whole grain bread + 1 can of tuna + 1 oz of 2% cheese + 1tbsp mayo + veggies (tuna sandwich) =
Meal 4 - 6 oz grilled sirloin steak 90/10 or leaner (trim off the fat) + 1/2 cup black beans + 1/2 cup brown rice + veggies + 1 tbsp olive oil
Meal 5 - 40g protein shake + handful mixed berries + 1 slice whole grain bread w/ 1 tbsp peanut butter and 1 tsp jelly =
Meal 6 - 3/4 cup of 2% cottage cheese + 1tsp heavy cream + handful mixed berries + 10 almonds + cinnamon to taste =

Non-Workout Days:

2,000 cals (approx)

Meal 1 - 2 slices whole grain toast + 2 tbsp peanut butter + 1 tsp jelly + 20g protein shake (half a shake basically)
Meal 2 - 4 oz LEAN ground beef or steak + 1 cup broccoli + 1 cup black beans
Meal 3 - 1 large apple, 1 large banana, 20g protein shake
Meal 4 - 6 oz chicken breast + large green salad + olive oil and vinegar
Meal 5 - 6 oz salmon or other fish + green beans + carrots
Meal 6 - 1/2 cup greek yogurt + handful of mixed nuts

Obviously you can make changes as necessary, these diets are an EXAMPLE, but not a requirement. Keep the macros about the same, and calories as close as possible, and you'll be good to go.

Lastly, as far as your hormone levels go...

Try this stack:

NOW! Testojack (Test booster), Onnit T+ (Test booster), Humantropin (HGH precursor), NOW! Adam (multivitamin), NOW! ZMA
Posts: 9,745
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Jul 27 2015 01:02am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jul 27 2015 03:02am)
First start here:

Cutting Workout Routine (6 day all equipment)

In addition, you can add 30-45 minutes of cardio, immediately post-workout. Throughout the day, try to stay as active as possible, stand/walk more than sitting. You already are relatively lean at 13% BF, and getting down to the 8% area won't be very difficult.

With regards to diet, based on your stats, you are burning around 1,800 cals per day, being purely sedentary. Lightly active (no exercise included) would put you around 2,200 per day. You can safely eat around 2,500 cals, per day, and work out on top of it, to burn at least 500-800 cals per day, assuming you are following my cutting workout routine, and training 30-45 minutes of cardio per day, 7 days a week (running, swimming, etc)

If for some reason you don't exercise that day, follow the 2,000 cal meal plan instead.

Workout Days:

2,500 cals (approx)

Meal 1 - 3 whole eggs + 5 egg whites + green peppers and onions + 3/4 cup oatmeal (uncooked volume) + handful of mixed berries (any)
Meal 2 - 6 oz grilled chicken + 1 cup cooked brown rice + 1 large salad + 1 tbsp olive oil + vinegar
Meal 3 - 2 slices whole grain bread + 1 can of tuna + 1 oz of 2% cheese + 1tbsp mayo + veggies (tuna sandwich) =
Meal 4 - 6 oz grilled sirloin steak 90/10 or leaner (trim off the fat) + 1/2 cup black beans + 1/2 cup brown rice + veggies + 1 tbsp olive oil
Meal 5 - 40g protein shake + handful mixed berries + 1 slice whole grain bread w/ 1 tbsp peanut butter and 1 tsp jelly =
Meal 6 - 3/4 cup of 2% cottage cheese + 1tsp heavy cream + handful mixed berries + 10 almonds + cinnamon to taste =

Non-Workout Days:

2,000 cals (approx)

Meal 1 - 2 slices whole grain toast + 2 tbsp peanut butter + 1 tsp jelly + 20g protein shake (half a shake basically)
Meal 2 - 4 oz LEAN ground beef or steak + 1 cup broccoli + 1 cup black beans
Meal 3 - 1 large apple, 1 large banana, 20g protein shake
Meal 4 - 6 oz chicken breast + large green salad + olive oil and vinegar
Meal 5 - 6 oz salmon or other fish + green beans + carrots
Meal 6 - 1/2 cup greek yogurt + handful of mixed nuts

Obviously you can make changes as necessary, these diets are an EXAMPLE, but not a requirement. Keep the macros about the same, and calories as close as possible, and you'll be good to go.

Lastly, as far as your hormone levels go...

Try this stack:

NOW! Testojack (Test booster), Onnit T+ (Test booster), Humantropin (HGH precursor), NOW! Adam (multivitamin), NOW! ZMA

Thx Ray your post is full of satisfactory info again and Im gonna try this one strictly for 3 months and I hope this plan can finally turn me into a beast :lol:
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Jul 27 2015 05:49am
Quote (SKCRaynor @ Jul 25 2015 02:03pm)
Something comfortable with good arch support. Some people respond well and love new balance style shoes, whereas others hate them and opt for a raised heel like nike shox or reebok zigs. That being said, you need to try them all on and figure out which one feels better to you. Moreover, you ABSOLUTELY should get a good set of sleeves, like these:


as well as a good insole, like this:


Thanks man.
I do have a high arch and what would that sleeve do? Like protection wise?
And the last insole I have ever had was made by a foot doctor to fit my exact foot
I think I'll be getting another one like that

This post was edited by killerrs2 on Jul 27 2015 05:50am
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Jul 29 2015 10:10am
Quote (B4K3R @ Jul 26 2015 12:47pm)

Age: 24
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 165lbs

Now my goal in all of this is to develop muscle. im not trying to body build, but i want to be able to flex any where on my body and have some definition. right now all my fat is pretty much on my belly and my upper leg/thighs, some calves.

Started working out last week, taking it slow. I started with doing an hour walk for a total of four miles every morning on an empty stomach, drink a glass of water before going.

Friday I signed up for a gym, and i felt like an idiot because i didnt check their equipment before signing up and they dont have any barbells, they do have squat hammer machines though (i tried using these, really annoying having the bar on the track), but i only had to pay a dollar to start up and there was no commitment, i can cancel any time, which i probably will by the end of the month to find a gym with barbells.

I ran half a mile to warm up (6 minutes) and then did 3x10 of front squats, overhead press, and deadlifts with the empty bar.

Saturday I was a little sore, my girlfriend and me did a 9 mile hike on the Batona Trail in New Jersey. I am sore as fuck now.

I've been using this app called My Fitness Pal to track my macros. This is where my questions come in:

I set it for losing two lbs a week (im not sure if i even want to continue with this) and its allowing me 1500 calories a day (75g Protein, 188g Carbs, 56g Sugar, 50g Fat). Is this a good idea? i can enter custom goals, what would you suggest for my macro intake?

Yesterdays hike (lots of hills, sandy trail so walking on it was a difficult for some stretches, my legs were burning lol) was a total of three and half hours for a distance of nine miles and i was carrying about 10-15lbs on my back so i used the apps cardio calculator to see how much calories i burned, which it claims i burned 1912 calories, which seems extremely high to me. i crossed referenced it with some websites and they gave a number in about the same range. how accurate is this?

Also, I think ive been doing okay with my diet. This is pretty much what ive been eating daily:

Wake up: water, walk
Breakfast: 3 Large eggs, 1 slice american, 1 tsp ketchup OR 1/2 cup 2% Milk with 3/4 cup Honey Bunches of Oats/Honey Nut Cheerios
Mid morning: 5oz Turkey, 1 slice swiss, lettuce, 1oz vinegar, 1oz olive oil, on a 5 inch hoagie roll (im eating at work at this point, i work in a kitchen) OR PB&J sammy on potato bread (heavy on the PB, light on the J)
Lunch: 5oz Chicken Tenderloin (grilled, sometimes i marinade it in lemon juice, olive oil, basil, and a couple drops of yellow mustard) over a salad of my choice (usually like romaine, shredded carrots, cucumbers, almonds, whatever im feeling that day)
Dinner: Usually ill grill something in my backyard, chicken or steak, with roasted sweet/white potato and onions (julliened, wrapped in tin foil, just put it on the top rack of my grill and let it slow cook for like 45 mins, so fuckin good)
Before Bed: 5oz Merlot Wine, Chobani Yogurt 0% fat w/ fruit on the bottom.

Ill snack on things like almonds, apples, bananas, oranges, etc throughout the day, it helps me get my fiber and carbs to where they need to be as im usually lacking this two by the end of the day.
I've also cut out all soda and sugary drinks (iced tea, juices, etc)

Being that thats my typical diet since im trying to eat better and clean, friday after my work out i kind of crumbled in and had a small fry from McDonalds. I still came in under my macros for the day, so I hope it wasnt that big of a deal.
Yesterday I went to Outback Steakhouse and had half of the small cheese fries (my gf and i split it) and alfredo pasta with grilled chicken, but again, I didnt go over my macros. The only reason I went of course with my diet is because I had ate clean all week and I figured I could pig out a little after the hike because according to my app on my phone, i had 2800 calories I could still eat for the day, and like 100g of fat! I still had about 10g of fat I could eat before i went to bed and like 800 calories, but I didnt, I felt full anyway. Should I have hit my number?

Like i said my goal is to develop some muscle, I'm not trying to go hardcore, I just want to get started on my path to becoming stronger. Any advice would be great. Thanks!

Edit: Also, I recently kicked my cigarette smoking habit, i havent touched one for two weeks (I know its not a long time but its a start, i've been on and off with cigarettes since i was a teen, smoke for a few months, quit a few, then smoking again, etc) and i plan on staying with it for the rest of my life
unfortunately, i still smoke the ganja, probably one to two bong tokes a day, usually after work, it helps me wind down (12hr kitchen shifts can really wind you up). how bad is this for me compared to cigarettes? (i always smoke out of glass, i hate blunts/joints)

Hey there. Given your goals, once you get situated at a new gym, I want you to start the 5x5 plan:

5x5 plan

With regard to cardio, keep up the walking (or jogging/any type of cardio). The hike you took burning 1900 cals is possible. As 500 cals per hour of vigorous exercise is fairly common, so 3.5 hours would be close to 1,750 cals, in addition to your regular BMR.

Obviously you do NOT NEED to pig out on heavy exercise days. Eat until satisfaction, and make sure you have your macros in check. A cheat meal once a week is fine, also as long as you are keeping your overall weekly calories/macros in order.

As far as macros go, myfitnesspal is wrong. 75g of protein is absurdly low for anyone trying to gain muscle mass. You should strive for a MINIMUM of 1g / lb of bodyweight of protein. For you, 165-170g of protein per day, MINIMUM. Fat should be around 40-60g per day, and the leftover cals should come from complex carbs only (continue to avoid sugar).

The food choices you have are OK...but not ideal.

Here is a sample meal plan for 2,100 cals (that would be a cutting routine, where you did only 1 total hour of exercise for the day)

Meal 1 - 3 whole eggs + 5 egg whites + green peppers and onions + 3/4 cup oatmeal (uncooked volume) + handful of mixed berries (any) = 40g protein, 35g carbs, 12g fat
Meal 2 - 6 oz grilled chicken + 1 large salad + 1 tbsp olive oil + vinegar = 42g protein, 10g carbs, 12g fat
Meal 3 - 2 slices whole grain bread + 1 can of tuna + 1 oz of 2% cheese + 1tbsp mayo + veggies (tuna sandwich) = 40g protein, 40g carbs, 13g fat
Meal 4 - 4 oz grilled sirloin steak (trim off the fat) + 1/2 cup black beans + 1/2 cup brown rice + veggies + 1 tbsp olive oil = 36g protein, 40g carbs, 12g fat
Meal 5 - 35g protein shake + handful mixed berries + 1 slice whole grain bread w/ 1 tbsp peanut butter and 1 tsp jelly = 40g protein, 35g carbs, 10g fat
Meal 6 - 3/4 cup of 2% cottage cheese + 1tsp heavy cream + handful mixed berries + 10 almonds + cinnamon to taste = 22g protein, 5g carbs, 6g fat

Here is a sample plan for 2,500 cals, which would be 2 hours of exercise (intense exercise) while on cutting

Meal 1 - 3 whole eggs + 5 egg whites + green peppers and onions + 3/4 cup oatmeal (uncooked volume) + handful of mixed berries (any)
Meal 2 - 6 oz grilled chicken + 1 cup cooked brown rice + 1 large salad + 1 tbsp olive oil + vinegar
Meal 3 - 2 slices whole grain bread + 1 can of tuna + 1 oz of 2% cheese + 1tbsp mayo + veggies (tuna sandwich)
Meal 4 - 6 oz grilled sirloin steak 90/10 or leaner (trim off the fat) + 1/2 cup black beans + 1/2 cup brown rice + veggies + 1 tbsp olive oil
Meal 5 - 40g protein shake + handful mixed berries + 1 slice whole grain bread w/ 1 tbsp peanut butter and 1 tsp jelly
Meal 6 - 3/4 cup of 2% cottage cheese + 1tsp heavy cream + handful mixed berries + 10 almonds + cinnamon to taste

Lastly, if you try intermittent fasting, refer to this plan for a 1 hr exercise day.

Meal 1 - 6 whole eggs + 6 egg whites (cooked in olive oil) + green peppers and onions + 1 cup oatmeal (uncooked volume) + 1/2 cup of mixed berries (any) = 72g protein, 50g carbs, 20g fat
Meal 2 - 2 slices whole grain bread + 2 cans of tuna + 1 oz of 2% cheese + 1tbsp mayo/mustard + veggies (tuna sandwich) + 1 baked potato w/ 1 tbsp olive oil = 72g protein, 80g carbs, 20g fat
Meal 3 - 8 oz grilled sirloin steak (trim off the fat) + 1 cup black beans + 3/4 cup brown rice + veggies + 1 tbsp olive oil = 70g protein, 70g carbs, 20g fat

214 g protein
200 g carbs
60g fat

2,244 cals approximately.
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