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Jul 25 2017 05:50am
Did any of you even listen to the audio? Every one of the people you hear in the background is obviously mentally disabled. How can you hold a mentally disabled person responsible for something like that? They obviously don't understand. Steralize them and give them helmets.
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Jul 25 2017 06:13am
Quote (fender @ Jul 24 2017 08:32pm)
it's actually easier if they have exhausted all their energy, our bodies float just fine. although i never had to do it outside a training scenario, it's much more difficult to rescue someone who's still struggling and has energy left to "fight" you...

Are you used to saltwater or freshwater?
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Jul 25 2017 08:04am
Good tourism slogan

"Come to Florida, we let you watch people die for $1000"
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Jul 25 2017 08:17am
Legal duty to contact aid. If you decide provide aid in safe situations, you open up a can of worms about what is actually safe/unsafe.
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Jul 25 2017 09:27am
Voted "A legal duty to provide aid in reasonable/safe cases".

Quote (JohnMiller92 @ Jul 25 2017 02:53am)
with what crime?

Criminal neglect is what we call it here (Belgium).

It does not mean that everybody is required (in this case) to jump in the lake by law to save a drowning man, but you are required to do anything in your power to help save a person's life. If you can't swim, you obviously don't have to dive in, if there are alligators you are not expected to turn into Crocodile Dundee, etc...

On the same grounds you are not legally required to run into a blazing building to save somebody, but you are required to call the emergency number for the fire department.
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Jul 25 2017 09:27am
Quote (Tuna_BeIIy @ Jul 25 2017 09:04am)
Good tourism slogan

"Come to Florida, we let you watch people die for $1000"

You can legally shoot for being scared in Florida.
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Jul 25 2017 09:35am
Quote (Goomshill @ 25 Jul 2017 13:13)
Are you used to saltwater or freshwater?

we exclusively trained in freshwater, i don't live anywhere close to the coast, at least by european standards. doesn't make a difference though, except the salinity is ridiculously high (like in the dead sea).
waves and currents ofc make it harder too...
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Jul 25 2017 10:55am
Gaps in the law such as this are what vigilantes are meant for. I'd love to hear about these kids floating to the surface of that pond any day now.
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Jul 25 2017 11:10am
Quote (Saucisson6000 @ Jul 24 2017 11:28pm)
here too


it's a "national priority" to know how to swim.


I should learn how lol.

Quote (BrendanSchaub @ Jul 25 2017 11:27am)
Criminal neglect is what we call it here (Belgium).

It does not mean that everybody is required (in this case) to jump in the lake by law to save a drowning man, but you are required to do anything in your power to help save a person's life. If you can't swim, you obviously don't have to dive in, if there are alligators you are not expected to turn into Crocodile Dundee, etc...

On the same grounds you are not legally required to run into a blazing building to save somebody, but you are required to call the emergency number for the fire department.

I think this is a very rational solution.

This post was edited by Voyaging on Jul 25 2017 11:17am
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Jul 25 2017 12:52pm
Quote (Handcuffs @ Jul 24 2017 03:03pm)

Also, I tried to look through the past couple pages of PaRD to see if a thread was made on this story yet, which I didn't see. Just now though, your comment made me feel like I missed something. Sure enough, this story had already been shared in the YouTube video thread by Sakuraba, which I didn't think to look at before.

My bad! Womp womp.

The YouTube thread isn't for actual videos and topics, it's for idiots to put all their shitposts in one place so the rest of us don't have to deal with them. Anything important deserves an actual thread, like this.

Not gonna watch the video, 'cuz I don't get my rocks off to snuff films, but it sounds like a fucked up incident. I think it says a lot about our culture and youth today that their actions don't surprise me in the least. As for mandatory help laws, they're idiotic without Good Samaritan laws protecting those who are now obligated to offer help. There was a case a few years back where someone got sued for saving someone else's life, lost the case, and had to pay financial reparations for saving a life. I don't see any reason why laws shouldn't stipulate the necessity of notifying law enforcement or rescue officials in the case of a life-threatening event.

More to the point, however, I wish we didn't have to legislate this stuff. What do you think needs to change so that we wouldn't have to put laws on the books like "don't videotape people dying and laugh"? This reminds me of Oryx and Crake, by Margaret Atwood, where the main character spends a lot of his time in his youth watching the most horrible, depraved shit he can find on the internet. Brutal videos of people getting sold into sex slavery and raped and then beaten to death, etc. That's really where the internet can take you today, unfortunately, with shit like 50/50 Reddit, where it's either a kitten or someone getting their throat slit. Stuff like this is just becoming par for the course as we strive to reach a critical level of stimulation that is pushed ever higher by the constant bombardment of information, just so we can vainly try to fill the hole in our hearts left by the nigh complete and utter dissociation from humans that the digital age has brought upon us.

It's pretty grim shit, and it's certainly not going anywhere any time soon. I don't have any good answers.
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