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Poll > Pay To Increase Event Mods?
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Feb 11 2023 05:02am
+24% Quality to Maps Found
+17% Treasure Chest Quality
+90% More Items From Chests

+50% Minimum Room Size

+233.33% More Enigmatic Emblems
+40% to Experience Cap
+100% Trapdoor Maximum Monster Level

Currently the above mods for the event this weekend has been posted.

The idea or suggestion is that you spend Forum Gold to increase a mod during the event, and the cost would be 10 forum gold per 1% added.

Example, I spend 100 forum gold (10%) to increase the 90% More Items From Chests, this means it will have a 100%.

or if I chose "Quality to Maps Found" it would increase to 34% instead of 24%

Should there be a limit on how much you can spend, &/or a limit to the events you can choose?

The above is just an idea, I hope people will respond with some ideas to why it should not be added or be added.

Example: The rich will only get richer etc.

EDIT: Oh, you can only spend FG on the Event mods that are current at that time.

This post was edited by izParagonzi on Feb 11 2023 05:04am
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Feb 11 2023 05:04am
[x] No
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Feb 11 2023 05:07am
No ty
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Feb 11 2023 05:24am
Quote (n1ghtm4r3 @ 12 Feb 2023 00:04)
[x] No

Quote (~Devil~ @ 12 Feb 2023 00:07)
No ty

OUt of the 7 No votes, you both took the time to post No. However, neither of you posted why you voted No. So can we in the community (or for myself) ask why? What are the reasons? Is it because that the removing FG from the Site would compromise the Income of FG?

Here is another example of a Mod that may appear in an Event... +1/2 or 3 Well... the forum gold to increase the number would be like 100 fg instead of 10 for mods that have a percentage(%) modifier.

Just wondering because instead of voting NO instantly, there maybe a way to make it work... remember in my first post, I suggested paying when the "Event" modifiers are active, not to add in other modifiers for that event.
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Feb 11 2023 06:13am
Quote (izParagonzi @ Feb 11 2023 08:24am)
OUt of the 7 No votes, you both took the time to post No. However, neither of you posted why you voted No. So can we in the community (or for myself) ask why? What are the reasons? Is it because that the removing FG from the Site would compromise the Income of FG?

Here is another example of a Mod that may appear in an Event... +1/2 or 3 Well... the forum gold to increase the number would be like 100 fg instead of 10 for mods that have a percentage(%) modifier.

Just wondering because instead of voting NO instantly, there maybe a way to make it work... remember in my first post, I suggested paying when the "Event" modifiers are active, not to add in other modifiers for that event.

My concern is that since we are already a negative bunch
1. Those of us who do pay will be complaining about paying extra and not finding anything godly/any more items worth selling and complain about wasting fg
2. More drops = more items in the store which pretty much means everything that isn’t 100 ee or better will be considered 1 fg junk and the market will be flooded with very few buyers
3. Those of us who don’t pay will be complaining that drop rates got worse and that only the rich players are getting the good items and will probably cause more newish players to quit the game.

I haven’t voted yet but I’m also leaning towards NO
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Feb 11 2023 06:23am
Quote (CARTRACK @ 12 Feb 2023 01:13)
My concern is that since we are already a negative bunch
1. Those of us who do pay will be complaining about paying extra and not finding anything godly/any more items worth selling and complain about wasting fg
2. More drops = more items in the store which pretty much means everything that isn’t 100 ee or better will be considered 1 fg junk and the market will be flooded with very few buyers
3. Those of us who don’t pay will be complaining that drop rates got worse and that only the rich players are getting the good items and will probably cause more newish players to quit the game.

I haven’t voted yet but I’m also leaning towards NO

And you just pointed out why people should pay on those events, when (especially when) they know they have the TIME to play the game when they invested X amount of fg during the 2 or 3 day event(s) to have a chance to gain profitable items for either selling or upgrading.

Those that do NOT partake, that is THEIR fault. Simple as Pie.
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Feb 11 2023 06:25am
Quote (izParagonzi @ Feb 11 2023 09:23am)
And you just pointed out why people should pay on those events, when (especially when) they know they have the TIME to play the game when they invested X amount of fg during the 2 or 3 day event(s) to have a chance to gain profitable items for either selling or upgrading.

Those that do NOT partake, that is THEIR fault. Simple as Pie.

And once again those that do partake will quickly complain about not getting godly items and will flood the market with all the junk that they do find.

The problem here is we also need more item buyers. We need more uses for essences or better reasons why someone should invest in suffusencing. I’m going with needs more work on my vote

This post was edited by CARTRACK on Feb 11 2023 06:31am
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Feb 11 2023 07:39am
Quote (izParagonzi @ 11 Feb 2023 12:24)
OUt of the 7 No votes, you both took the time to post No. However, neither of you posted why you voted No. So can we in the community (or for myself) ask why? What are the reasons? Is it because that the removing FG from the Site would compromise the Income of FG?

yeah was hesitating if i were gonna post my vote or just vote. Figured i would get quoted and expecting to write a 7 page essay on why i voted no and in different colors and sizes on the text.
But i just settle this time writing what i voted, maybe next time.
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Feb 11 2023 07:41am
No thanks
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Feb 11 2023 07:43am
better mods --> better items --> no chance, item drops must be bad

e: every one in sc say no
every one in hc say yes -> so we can have the change in hc with better drops and sc guys can loot shit

This post was edited by tor_zero on Feb 11 2023 07:47am
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