Quote (moosicdetoreador @ Jan 18 2020 09:56am)
Turks are not Arabs, not sure why you started and finished like an arab which we Turks mostly hate.
I didn't know that the turkish and arabic ppl have no armony. i started writing because i thought that all believe in Alah and the religions can be usefull to make peace if we use them allright. As the holy books say.
In any case i like both of them becouse i growed up few years with north africa in the west of europe and i also had a turkish father in my children's time. i visitedTurkey for first time and the last one till now in 2016 and that month passed in ur country was amazying. Nice ppl, a lot of tee and sea. i saw wild dolphins in Marmara and i also was very impressed of Sultan Ahmed. I finnaly achived my wish to have a Coran and i readed part of them. i like the old part of istanbul but i have a remember from Taxis too.
I don't understand why turkish and arabic ppl aren't friendly now. i can udnerstand a lot of problems in the middle orient and positions of them whichones can hit the turkish ways but it maybe its the move of others persons whose fight against the islam trying to put others knowledges.,
in any case, i would like for forgiveness if i made any misstakes posting here.
By the way, thank you to turkey for the all gifts what she gaves me. more than i espected ever from somebody without ask for it.
This post was edited by El_LoCo on Jan 18 2020 05:47am