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Dec 14 2014 02:00pm
Hello folks ^_^ !

Well i would like to introduce to you in this guide one of the bestest way to make Werewolf Fury Druid for PvM purpose.

And how this differs from the previous " beta " one, i have added few things and corrected a few spelling errors, and the fact.

Table of Contents

1. Good To Know

2. Goals

3. Stat Section

4. Skill Section

5. Equipments

6. Inventory

7. Mercenary

8. Alternative items

9. Picture Examples

10. Fantastic Example !

11. Ubering

12. Basics About Playing

13. Credits

Well lets start, shall we ^_^

1. Good To Know

First at all to everyone who haven't ever tested a Fury Druid for PvM, you should know that with this character it's possible to do all around PvM things and in most cases without any problems, but " key things " what this really needs are fast Fury attacks with Crushing Blow and Deadly Strike. These things basically doubles your damage output and makes your Fury attacks seriously slaps poop out of monsters ! Fury Druid is also effective solo runner, not so fast than those basic cookie-cutter / mainstream Hdins or Sorcs, but if you like to play by yourself or probably with few friends then this is definitely a stong char choice. Also if you want do some Ubers, it is possible and certainly much more interesting than with basic UT Smiter. Only things what you will need for UT is just few EQ changes.

2. Goals

Well here are few examples about goals what we will reach :

2.1 About Dmg and FPA

- Upg Ribcracker " Shael " = 5/5/5/5/8 FPA Fury ( ~ 4, 8 - 7,3K Dmg / 65% CB / +45% DS / 10% OW )

- Eth Tomb Reaver " ShaelShaelZod = " 4/4/4/4/6 FPA Fury ( ~ 2,5 - 11K DMg / 50% CB / +60% DS / 10% OW )

Notice that Dmg varies can be different on you, all depents about your Str / Vita ration and weapon ED% etc.

And the reason why I took these two weapon up to Damage examples, is that those are two best choices for PvM Fury Druid. Both ensure enough fast Fury attacks with nice amounth of CB% / DC%

2.2 About FHR

- 42% Fhr = Enough for PvM and easy to reach.

2.3 About Life

- 2 - 3k Life = It's all depents about your charms and how much Vitality you have added, but basically for normal PvM playing / MF runs / Chaos or Ball runs, 3K Life is clearly enough.

2.4 About Life Leeh

- Huge Life Leech : Werewolf can reach a huge Life Leach with Feral Rage's charge what makes this build extremly tanky one, but still keep your feet on the ground.

2.5 About Faster Run / Walk

- Neat Frw % = Werewolf can reach high FRW% with Feral Rage's charge, this if what is great bonus of the build.

3. Stats section

- Vitality : ~300 - 350 Stats points. It's all about personal preference, but over 400 points is unnecessary.

- Dexterity : Not needed. ( For Eth Tomb Reaver, you maybe need put few points to Dex )

- Energy : Not needed.

- Strenght : Rest for more Dmg.

Also one way is put all stats ponits to Str, Titan Build, and it should works fine since Werewolf have huge Life Leech amount. This statting way offers most Damage.

4. Skill Section

4.1 Shape Shifting

- 20 Points to Werewolf : Your main form, which also increase your Attack Rating and Attack Speed.

- 20 Points to Lycanthropy : Synergie to Werewolf, what will increases your Life and Werewolf form duration.

- 1 Point to Feral Rage : Your Life Leech source, which also increases your Frw %

- 1 Point to Rabies : Fury's prerequisite.

- 20 Points to Fury : Your main attack, which allows you to strike multiple times to one enemy or to several enemies at once.

4.2 Summoning

- 1 Point to Oak Sage : Heart of Wolverine's prerequisite.

- 20 Points to Heart of Wolverine : This little flying balloon will increases your Damage and Attack Rating.

- 1 Point to Poison Creeper : Carrion Vine's prerequisite.

- 1 Point to Carrion Vine : This little worm will replenish your Life, definitely worth a one point.

- 1 Point to Raven : Summon Grizzly's prerequisite. Also cool creatures.

- 1 Point to Summon Spirit Wolf : Summon Grizzly's prerequisite and synergie.

- x Point to Summon Dire Wolf : Summon Grizzly's prerequisite and synergie. Put your rest skill points here, because this will give more Life to your Summon Grizzly.

- 1 Points to Summon Grizzly : Your " meet wall ".

Well about Summon Glizzly Dmg and Life, here is Druid Pet Calculator : http://tph.tuwien.ac.at/~gottwald/druid_pet_calculator.html

There you can check best ratio to use skill points between Summon Dire Wolf and Summon Grizzly, i prefer use last skill points to Summon Dire Wolf, but it's all about personal preference :

- Putting skill points Summon Dire Wolf gives more Life to Summon Grizzly.

- Putting skill points Summon Grizzly gives more Dmg to Summon Grizzly

4.3 Elemental

Not needed.

5. Equipments

/!\ Attention /!\

Werewolf gets most effective attack FPA from weapon and Werewolf Skill, so getting other Ias example from EQ or adding jewel to Helm is mostly unnecessary. With slow 1H or 2H weapons ( if you play with budget weapon) some OIAS can help, but best way to check this is use Ias Calculator, Google : Titanseal Attack Speed Calculator for that ( http://lmgtfy.com/?q=Titanseal+Attack+Speed+Calculator + http://i.imgur.com/VZXnQyL.png )

Remember add Werewolf form and Werewolf Skills when you check your Ias needs.

Below you can see setup what i recommend:

- Helm = Jalal's Mane : Great and cheap for PvM Fury Druid, + 2 Druid Skill / +2 Shape Shifting Skill and and nice All Res + % Bonus AR. Also that 30 Fhr helps to reach 42% Fhr break point. Soc this with Um Rune to get more All Res.

- Weapon = Upg Ribcracker : Really nice and mostly cheap weapon choice. Massive 50% Crushing Blow makes your Fury attacks to shine. Soc this with Shael Rune or 15 Ias / ED% Jewel to reach 5/5/5/5/8 FPA Fury. Also 50% Fhr gave break point to you.

- Armor = Fortitude : Nice Dmg / Def boost and All Res + 5% max Lite Res. Wire Fleece / Great Hauberk / Archon Plate are good Armor bases for this.

- Gloves = Laying of Hand : 50% Fr will help a alot about Fire Res and 350% Dmg to Deamons is superior, if we think that like 2/3 mosnters of this game are Demons.

- Belt = String of Ears : Nice DR% / MDR source and also give a bit LL%

- Boots = Gore Rider : Frw / Crushing Blow / Deadly Strike / Open Wounds, all what you need from boots are here. I don't recommend any Tri Res boots, even if lag Res, just use Res SC's.

- Amulet = Highlord's Wrath = +1 All Skil and 35% Lr is nice, but main reason is Deadly Strike.

- Ring = Raven Frost : This gives some Ar / Dex and bit Mana, but main reason is Cannot Be Frozen what is must.

- Ring = Nice Rare : Dmg / Ar / ML% / Res would be ideal. Str or Dex is nice add too. ( Manald Heal also works to get ML% source )

- Switch = Basic CTA + BO Spirit works here, but if you ask to me those are not so must to get. These will give a bit more Life to you and your Summons / Merc. Other opinion here would be Ondal's Wisdom, great for exp leeching and nobody will not realize that when you are Werewolf form :thumbsup: Basically you can keep here what ever you want.

I'll also talk later about other item options.

6. Inventory

- Torch and Anni : Get Druid Torch and Anni with high Res. Ideal ones would be +15 Stats / 20 All Res. Buy 20 Stats / 20 All Res if you can afford.

- Shape Shifting Skillers : Get these with Life.

- Small Charms : Well here you will get your missing Res, Life / Res SC's would be ideal. Also Max Damage / Ar / Life SC's are recommented, if you get some on your hand.

7. Mercenary

Well here is two Merc options for this char : NM Act 2 Offensive or NM Act 2 Defensive :

- Offensive Merc offers Might Aura what will increases your Damage

- Defensive Merc offers Holy Freeze Aura what will slow down monsters.

For both Mercs best EQ setup is :

- Guillaume's Face " 15 Ias / 15 All Res Jewel "

- Eth Reaper's Toll " 15 Ias / 40% Ed Jewel "

- Eth Treachery

This is one of the moust Dmg dealing Merc on D2 and also that Reaper's Toll Decrepify will helps you alot ( target's speed, damage and physical resistance -50% ) . It's up to you do you want Might Auta what offers more Damage or do you want Holy Freeze Aura what will slow down monsters.

In some cases i have seen that Holy Freeze Aura will be handy, if you face a pack of Fana monsters example.

8. Alternative items

If setup what i said previously doesn't fit to your budget or you just want use something else, then here is few options for it :

- Eth Tomb Reaver and Guillaume's Face instead of Jalal's Mane and Upg Ribcracker : This is also fantastic combination for Fury Druid. It can offer more Res with 50@ Eth Tomb Reaver and higher max Damage ( i just like more smoother min / max Damage vs Bosses ). Guillaume's Face offers CB% / DS% and Fhr%. One thing here is that decent Eth Tomb Reaver ( 3 Soc / 50@ / + 27x% ED ) can be hard to find and in most cases it can be expensive. Soc your Guillaume's Face with Um Rune to get more All Res and Eth Tomb Reaver with 2 x 15 Ias / ED% + Zod to reach 4/4/4/4/7 FPA Fury. Also 2 x Shael + Zod works fine and with these you will reach 4/4/4/4/6 FPA Fury.

- Atma's Scarab instead of Highlord's Wrath : This Amulet is recommented if you don't use Reaper's Toll on your Merc. Amplify Damage what you can cast while striking will helps you to break monsters physical immunes and 20% Bonus Attackrating is also nice add.

- Duress instead of Fortitude : Definitely a nice choice for budget Fury Druid, if you can't afford to Fortitude and it's also cheap to make. It offer a bit ED%, some CB% and nice Res.

- Immortal King's Detail instead of String of Ears : This is recommented belt, if you lag some Fire and / or Lite Res. 25 Str will also give a bit more Damage.

- War Traveler instead of Gore Rider : These boots are also nice for budget setup and easy to get. Str / Vita are always welcome and +Add Damage will helps too. Good and usefull with Ribcracker + Duress combination. ( Maybe brainless but working ! )

9. Picture Examples

Here you can see differnce between Jalal's Mane + Upg Ribcracker and Guillaume's Face + Eth Tomb Reaver

Notice that Eth Tomb Reaver what i use in this example is only 38@.

10. Fantastic Example !

Now i want quete a fantastic example what Master_Zappy said on previous, " beta version ", guide :

20 how
20 Grizzly
20 fury
20 lycanth
rest ~20 to werewolf for AR
12K ar
7X summon gcs for boosting the HOW and grizzly. (grizzly is 8K damage itself , ranged attack you can cast in front of doll packs or to keep you safe around nasty packs)

gface ed%, fort SA , botd archon staff (9/5), highlords, 2X ravenfrosts, IK belt, gores, loh's. Mang song staff on switch for shifting and summoning grizz, how
50% cb , 67*% deadly strike. Decrep, 12K min to 14K max lcs or ~22K average damage per hit.

Thanks to Zappy for this great example :hug:

11. Ubering

Yes, doing Ubers is also possible with this char.

This skilling way is only recommented if you plan on doing more Uber runs than basic MF / Chaos and Baal runs !

- Max your Oak Sage instead of Heart of Wolverine : This will give more Life to you. ( For Softcore this is not so must.. )

- Put rest points to Cyclone Armor instead of Raven / Summon Spirit Wolf / Summon Dire Wolf / Summon Grizzly : With this you can absorb some Elemtal Damage what Uber Bosses cause. But remember that you can only cast Cyclone Armor in human form so do this between Uber Bosses, handle them as 1 by 1.

First at all you should change some of your EQ ( Keep these items on your stash ) :

- Dracul's Grasp instead of Laying of Hands : Your Life Tap source for safety.

- Thundergod's Vigor instead of String of Ears : More max Lite Res vs Meph.

- Treachery : Pre Cast Fade with this to get stacked Res.

Also if you still lag some how Res, then following EQ swap would be handy :

- Chains of Honor instead of Fortitude : More All Res and nice +2 All Skill and Damage to Demons.

- Kira's Guardian instead of Jalal's Mane : Kira's Guardian what is socked with Um Rune will give a nice All Res boost and also that Cannot Be Frozen allows to you swap your Raven Frost to some other ring, example use Wisp Projector + Dwarf Star combination.

12. Basics About Playing

Well here is few basic thing what you should remember :

- Keep your Summons ( Carrion Vine + Summon Grizzly + Oak and Ravens if you like them ) up and Merc alive.

- Remember keep Feral Rage's charge up. When you see that balloon disappear hit few times with Feral Rage to get it up again. Bigger balloon around you means more Life Leech and more Frw.

- When your Life go to 1 HP, you will turn back to human form. In this case you must be quick and turn back yourself to Werewolf form to keep your char alive. ( You don't die if you do this enough fast ). Keeping some Full Rejuvs on belt is handy for cases like this.

- Don't try to be a SUPERHERO !! Example some Fana Knight's / Lord's etc can be deadly, if you just run middle of them. Be sneaky and handle them as 1 by 1.

13. Credits

At the end i want to thanks few JSP members :

Master_Zappy : One more hug to you for fantastic example to make PvM Fury Druid :hug:

TheBe : Thx for great theorycrafting support via PM's and few suggestion ^_^

Telefunken : Thx for most disappointed post on previous, " beta version ", guide :thumbsup: This gave me some inspiration to do even better guide about Wrewolf Fury Druid for PvM purpose :blush:

Well thats all :)

Feel free to post comment and say your opinion about this, but please don't spam or flame, it's not necessary here.

This post was edited by TR0LLFACE on Dec 14 2014 02:12pm
Posts: 13,421
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Dec 14 2014 02:23pm
looks pretty gg so far, not that i have touched druids alot, so kinda hard for me to say what would be better and what would be worse.

but i do have another cheap option for your boot-section which is goblin toe boots, they offers up 25% cb which is great and these boots are easy to get, if you can't afford gores.

also another thing, but that's just me, i havent really been a fan of torches on melee chars, since i'm thinking the firestorm proc (even if you got the 5% one) is annoying.
but i wonder if it interrupts fury/feral rage and such? because i remember readin something about it with zealots, i might be wrong thou, since my memory gets a little foggy here :P

This post was edited by Shadowfaxe24 on Dec 14 2014 02:24pm
Posts: 47,956
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Dec 14 2014 02:30pm
Quote (Shadowfaxe24 @ 14 Dec 2014 20:23)
looks pretty gg so far, not that i have touched druids alot, so kinda hard for me to say what would be better and what would be worse.

but i do have another cheap option for your boot-section which is goblin toe boots, they offers up 25% cb which is great and these boots are easy to get, if you can't afford gores.

also another thing, but that's just me, i havent really been a fan of torches on melee chars, since i'm thinking the firestorm proc (even if you got the 5% one) is annoying.
but i wonder if it interrupts fury/feral rage and such? because i remember readin something about it with zealots, i might be wrong thou, since my memory gets a little foggy here  :P

If you want cheap goblins are pretty obvious aren't they :P

Firestorm from torch doesn't interrupt/delay your attacks.

Guide looks decent :)
Posts: 4,182
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Dec 14 2014 02:36pm
Nice guide!

thx for the picture; comparing the 2 setups I was arguing about :thumbsup:
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Dec 15 2014 02:17am
Thx for comments :)

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Dec 15 2014 06:00pm
Quote (TR0LLFACE @ Dec 15 2014 03:17am)
Thx for comments :)

Here's the end product on my legit (non botted gear, no forum traded parts, no unperm doop crap) Ebotd Archon staff pvm Fury-Summon druid as posted in build above (low 358%ed Stick)

adjusted actual grizzly damage w/ might and how bonus per Druid pet calc.

This post was edited by Master_Zappy on Dec 15 2014 06:03pm
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Dec 16 2014 02:10am
Quote (Master_Zappy @ 16 Dec 2014 02:00)
Here's the end product on my legit (non botted gear, no forum traded parts, no unperm doop crap) Ebotd Archon staff pvm Fury-Summon druid as posted in build above  (low 358%ed Stick)

adjusted actual grizzly damage w/ might and how bonus per Druid pet calc.


Wow, that looks nice :thumbsup:

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Dec 16 2014 06:57am
Nice guide.
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Dec 17 2014 06:58am
Bump !
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Dec 27 2014 04:19pm
Up !
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