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Sep 19 2013 06:50pm

How about how the financial system has ruined self sustaining societies. And that if we went back to bartering with goods and services. The world would be a much better place and the people would work harder and be much more grateful...

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Sep 19 2013 06:50pm
Quote (Blorgg @ Sep 20 2013 12:50am)

How about how the financial system has ruined self sustaining societies. And that if we went back to bartering with goods and services. The world would be a much better place and the people would work harder and be much more grateful...

agreed, i have a bunch of useless shit i dont need that someone could use
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Sep 19 2013 06:51pm
tried to make controversial topix but closed oop
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Sep 19 2013 06:52pm
Quote (Gratuitous @ Sep 19 2013 07:48pm)
how about our love and the army of +1 babys we shall in turn make?

They will be perfect and beautiful name 1/2 Krugg jr. And the other half gratuitous jr.
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Sep 19 2013 06:52pm
so far i think im winning this thread

Weres ur christmas spirit
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Sep 19 2013 06:53pm
Quote (JCamp @ Sep 19 2013 07:51pm)
tried to make controversial topix but closed oop

Because this one is already up and yours sucked.
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Sep 19 2013 06:54pm
Quote (Blorgg @ Sep 19 2013 07:52pm)
so far i think im winning this thread

Weres ur christmas spirit

I can agree with your point of view but it's hard todo just straight bartering cause it's hard to get someone to build a house when ur paying them with a toaster. And it's hard to get someone to build a toaster when ur paying them with something less significant than a toaster
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Sep 19 2013 06:54pm
Quote (Krugg @ Sep 19 2013 06:52pm)
They will be perfect and beautiful name 1/2 Krugg jr. And the other half gratuitous jr.

sounds perfect! just like i always dreamed
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Sep 19 2013 06:55pm
Quote (Krugg @ Sep 19 2013 10:23pm)
Because this one is already up and yours sucked.

keep the truth out of this thread plz

Only controversy :fume:
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Sep 19 2013 06:55pm
Quote (Katmunk @ 19 Sep 2013 19:49)
immigrants should be granted citizenship if they've been working for a while and spending their money in usa

all day err day
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