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Sep 3 2012 05:19am
DHA’s 63 fcr Bvc Guide

Table of Contents

● Introduction
● Technical words
● Stats and skills
● Equipment

Main gear
Druid setups
Assassin setups
Paladin setups
Amazon setups
Necromancer setups
Sorceress setups
Barbarian setups

●Dueling strategy
Pvp tactics
1 versus 1

- Necromancer
- Druid
- Assassin
- Paladin
- Amazon
- Sorceress
- Barbarian

● Conclusion



Hello jsp, some people asking me what is my bvc build so I decided to write this guide since I have some free time. I hope it will help some people there.
I will try to make it as clear as possible. I think the videos will help a lot. Feel free to pm me for any questions.

About me (I’m sure you all care)
Well, I’m matt aka DHA, I’m playing d2 for years in Europe. Barb is for me the funniest but also the hardest character to play in this game. If you hated barb when you clicked on this topic, I will try to make you love it :) !

What is a 63fcr bvc ?

It’s a barb with 63fcr :-D!.. well what’s the point?
The 63 fcr allows you to move faster (orly?), it gives you mobility and the opportunity to be more aggressive. That’s how a barb should be played in my opinion, as a real hunter. Make them fear you!

The Build :
First of all, this build isn’t really made for public dueling but more for private dueling, 1vs1,tvt/Fpk.
If you played d2 nowadays then you know that pubs are worthless most the time filled with hacked chars and 90% of hammerdins, smiters , I don’t even talk about the guys who accuse you of hacking after 1 chainlock…so have fun there.
But if you still want to pub :), just bring some nec mate and go bm/nk/steal/flame them with amp, that’s very funny actually.
This build is mainly to duel pb necros, ele druids and trapsins or sorcs, but I will give you strategy for every characters.
Then, this build isn’t cheap, it’s kinda expensive, you will see why. But I will always give cheap option.
/!\ I don’t recommend this build if you got high ping, perfect ping would be like 15-50, it will be extremely boring to play if you got a ping over 120-150 (I know what I’m talking about -,-), you will have ww bugs, long leaps bug, black screen while teleporting, tele delays etc..So you better look for some 37 fcr bvc guide, there is some good ones around. /!\


Some Technical words

Bvc – Barb vs caster: a barb made with all points in vitality.
tvt – team vs team.
Fpk – Funpk: it’s a tvt with only barb, trapsin c/c, vita necro, vita druid (look at video).
c/c trapsin – Trapsin using dual claws.
Bm – Bad manner.
Wsg – weapon switch glitch: switching the weapons cancels fhr animations and allows you to escape stun.
Ba – Berserker Axe.
Cbf – Cannot be frozen.
Ar – Attack rating.
Dr – Damage reduction.
Pb – Poison and bones.
Mb - Maxblock or Mindblast.
Dmg- Damage.
Bp - Breakpoint.
Tgod – Thundergod.
Sc – Small charm.
C/t – Character / Tree screen


Stats and Skills

Stats : All points into vitality.

Skills :

20 Leap – It’s your stun skill, the more points the more the area of the stun will be important.
20 Battle order
20 Axe mastery
20 Whirlwind
1 Zerk – Sometimes zerk can be deadly, and it’s a good way to chainlock.
4-5 Natural resist – Depends if you really needs resist, over 5 points it’s useless.
3-4 Increased Speed – That skill is very important, frw while wsg’ing allows you to escape some deadly situation like to outrun necro’s spirits or to get out mindblast + traps etc
1 Warcry – It can be effective vs nec/druid/sorc , especially druid cause of their bad fhr it put swirlie on them, they will get stunned easier.
Rest in shout



Main gear – Usually the 4v4 Fpk setup
This is your Main Gear, like a bvc vs all setup.

1. Super Expensive option
2 barb / 20 fcr /Visio (ar per level) /50+life/ 10fhr or 30 frw / 2 socks (Cham - Lo)
Something like that:

2. Less Expensive option
2 barb / 20 fcr / visio / 2 socks (Cham - lo)
3. Cheap option
2 barb / 20 fcr / 2 socks (Cham - Lo) - Visio is still very important, but it’s a good option if you can’t afford it.

Enigma, for str bug you need Wire fleece if you are over level 97 and archon plate at 97 or under


Left weapon
Grief 34+ ias in Ba

Right weapon
Beast in Ba


Ring N1
Wisp 20 absorb

Ring N2
1. Expensive option
10 fcr 100+ ar 50+ life 80+ mana with res or dext
2. Cheap option
10 fcr 40+life 60+ mana

Gore rider or some insane fhr/frw/resist boots. But I prefer gore myself.


Swith weapon 1
+3 Bo club with 41+ str to pick up eni
(assuming you have perfect torch and anni)

Swith weapon2
Hoto – it allows you to have the 105 fcr bp, it can help to run away or even in tvt/fpk to rush some defwhoring guy and leap them.

Cube with +5 or +6 bo helm, 2xBk, +3bo amu and demon limb for enchant, only if precasting is allowed.
10x 5fhr 20 ar scs if your helm has no fhr and you use gore rider.(If you need resist choose some 5fhr/5@ or some 5/11 instead)
3-4 20/17 mana scs (more or less if you need mana or not)
Rest 3/20/20, ar is the most important thing

Explanation : This build works perfectly in 4v4 fpk or even in 1v1 vs pb necro and Trapsin.
Lo + wisp give you enough absorb/resist to face trapsin (even if tgod still better)
Wisp allows you to use oaks (depends of your realm) which is very usefull vs necros.
Cham give you cbf, which is usefull in fpk against druids.



Elemental druid

Setup 1: Tank setup

1. Circlet option
2 barb / 20 fcr /Visio (ar per level) /50+life/ 10fhr or 30 frw / 2 socks (Ber - Ber)
2. Coa option
Coa 31 dr

1. With circlet option
Bugbelt or dungo 15 dr
2. With coa option

Ring N1
Raven instead of wisp

2barb 15fcr Life mana etc

Rest is the same

Note: With coa you gain some fhr, so you can use some more 3/20/20 instead of fhr scs. The circlet option give you more ar and dr, it's still way better.

Explanation: This setup give you more dr, you can tank more nados but you will do less damage cause you are losing the deadly strike from highlord.
It’s still a solid option.


Setup 2: Dmg setup

1. Expensive option
08 valk (cham’d)
2. Cheap option
Griffon (cham’d)

Dungo 15 Dr or Bugbelt (if you are in Europe)

2x 10 fcr 100+ ar 50+ life 80+ mana with res or dext

Rest of the eq is the same

Enough fhr scs for the bp
Rest of the invent is the same

Explanation: 08 valk or griffon allows you to keep 63 fcr, and dungo/bugbelt give you some dr.
The problem is that you lose some ar an dr but you keep good dmg with highlord.

Shaper druid
Same eq as ele druid.



The main gear is fine but it can be even more effective with thundergod. So here is the tgod build with 63 fcr.

1. Expensive option
08 valk (best would be shael’d so you switch the fhr scs with some 3/20/20)
2. Cheap option
Griffon shael’d

2x 10 fcr 100+ ar 50+ life 80+ mana with res or dext

Rest of the eq is the same.

Enough fhr scs for the bp.
Rest is the same.

Main gear should be enough.


Paladin (oh yes those palalovers ..)

Use the same eq as druid.

Main gear can be fine. But if you really want to beat them, you may need more ar. So you use angelic rings/amu instead of highlord and wisp and you still keep 63 fcr.
It will be even more effective if you forgot the 63 fcr and go with something like gulli face, angelic sets etc. But this is a 63 fcr bvc so… :D

Foh (lol..)
Use the main gear and take some stack with rare boots, some rest scs if you really need it etc.



Use the same eq as druid.

Use the trapsin setup.



Pb necro
The main gear is fine. But to be even more effective, you could have another circlet like this:
2 barb / 20 fcr / 30 frw / 50+ life / 2 sox (Shael – Shael) – The 30 frw helps you to outruns spirits and the shaels allows you to use 8x 3/20/20 instead of fhr scs.

Poison necro
Well… just drink some antidotes, kill and nk him lol
No seriously, take enough stack to outstack the “lower resist”…



Take Hotspur instead of gore rider with the main gear.

Main gear with raven instead of wisp. You may need some cold res boots and some 5/11 scs.

Use the main gear or trapsin setup if you need more sorb.


o_____O seems like you entered the wrong topic my friend.


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Sep 3 2012 05:20am

Dueling strategy

Some Pvp Tactics :

Namelock/Jump/stomp : Just a simple namelock with teleport then you hit with either ww or zerk.

Chainlocking : You will be able to do namelocks in row, you can do this with zerk on barb. Lock him with zerk or even unsummon for the first lock, then put mousse in middle of screen on his name and you teleport and relock him, then tele and relock him etc.
Note: if you use zerk to lock at right, you must press the "stand still" key at the same time.

Double tele chainlocking: This is deadly on barb, once you get a lock just put mousse in middle of the screen, on his name and click tele again and again and again, you will follow him, it's way faster than normal chainlocking, but you must get the timing to place ww or zerk else it's useless.
Good thing is a combination of double tele chainlocking and normal chainlocking like 3 double tele 1 zerk to keep the lock then 3 double tele 1 zerk .
You will understand with a video. Here a little one showing some double tele chainlocks then a whirl then again some double tele chainlocks then a whirl etc (forgot the bear thing, it’s just for fun lol)

Corner locking: Try to move using the corners, it makes your moves larger and faster and you can get some corner locks, it’s usually very effective when you are used to move only with the mini map, once you get the lock in corner, it will often surprise your opponent.

Tri whirls: You are like turning around the opponent making a triangle of whirls. The smaller the better it is. He will get lot of hits and can’t escape.

Alt-whirls: Very important thing, you must press the ALT key (you can change it) while you are wwing, you get rid off ww locks (ww bugs) and then you can do very smalls tri-whirls without problems. The problem of this is that it will show all the craps on the floor.Those small whirls are faster, they hit more and they will put the opponents in some fhr animation or w/e, he will be stunned. (Watch vids)

Long whirls (aka sauce whirls <3 :P ): Basically, you just have to keep wwing away, you will make long whirlwinds, it makes you desynch. If they lock you they get hits and you don’t. A 63fcr build isn't made for this, but it can be useful in some situations.

C/t tele: It means that you are teleing while opening some windows like “skill tree” or “invent”. You make larger tele than usually. It’s useful when you want to go away very fast (not needed on barb tho).
Here a video showing it (not my vid) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JptI6bVo1rw

About hotkeys, I think it's better if you find it yourself, there is no best hotkeys. All I can say is that I'm using ww at left, it means I have to press Alt + Stand Still then click to whirl. Also I'm using Zerk on right, I have to press Stand Still + Zerk, I find it easier to chain, since you are used to chains at right on most of the chars.


Fpk : 4v4 Druid - Barb - Sin - Nec

Barb is the damage dealer, with amp you kill them all in 1-2 whirls. But you must take care, you die easily with amp’d nados or even with whirls. You can rush alone if you see an opportunity but you better try to stay near the sin, if she rushes, you follow and you kill.

Those videos of me playing fpk with this build will give you a better idea than words I think.


1 Versus 1 :


Vita Pb necro [Medium to Very Hard] - The funniest duel in my opinion. The nec should die in 2-3 whirls or 2-3 zerks. The tactic depends of the nec gameplay. You will find 3 kinds of necs.
At first, the “easy” nec will tele randomly spamming some spirits or even trying to outank you. Well just hunt him with double tele chainlocks if needed and tri-ww or zerk him, shouldn't be that hard.
Then the defwhores necs (my favorite), they will tele as much as possible spamming spirits and teeth and going away very fast, the smarter ones will make spirits lines before you come to them. Tactic is…stop thinking, shut off your brain, just be a machine (gun), be as aggressive as you can, rush him with double tele chainlocking etc you must find the timing for a ww or a zerk. Those duels are fun cause you need to be very fast.
Note that so far not a single leap is needed.
Then you will find some other kind of necros, the ones who stay in a small area, spamming spirits lines and teeth and tele into them, those necs are very hard sometimes, if you lock them you take all hits and you get fhr'd enough that he can lock you or even prison you and it’s game over.
So you can turn around him, try to leap him, enough to make him go away, then you have the time to lock and chain him. If he doesn’t go away enough but stay in this area, then after the leap, double tele chain him 2-3 times no more because he will stop moving after 2 or 3 tele to stay in the spirits area, then you tri-ww as if your life depended of it, if he can escape then he will try to get the fuck out :P so you double tele chain him like mad until you find the timing for a zerk or a ww.

I tried to be as clear as possible, but I think that video > words so you better watch it:

You can also use war cry to stun him, here a video of a mate doing it :

Maxblock Pb necro [Hard to Very Hard] - Well, if you are dueling a top nec, good luck. You must perfectly tri-ww him, trying to put him in fhr/block animation.
Forgot zerk in those duels in my opinion. Most of the time the maxblock necros are not really good players, they are too confident they will try to outank you, problem is that they can outank you often …

Poison necro [Easy to Medium] – Usually they are vita and not really good, it’s such a boring char, I haven’t seen any good duelers playing those seriously. If vita they die easily, you can be aggressive but try to avoid the poison as much as possible, leap some to get a lock opportunity if needed, they will be defensive anyway, you have to rush.
If maxblock, I guess it can be hard, stay out of the poison area, leap to make him stun then jump and whirl. Gameplay isn’t different, just take care, you will need a lot more hits to kill him.



Vita Elemental [Medium to Very Hard] - Another really fun duel.
Druids got bad fhr, leap is very effective against them, especially with 63 fcr, sometimes they can’t escape the Leap -> Tele -> ww.
Also it’s hard to hit a druid with 5 wolves, you must do some hits in row to really hurt him.
There are two kinds of druids. The defensive ones who will only tele away and spam nados, you must rush them, you will have problems to leap them if they keep defwhoring so it’s better to hunt them, once the druid get an hit he will go recast few screens away, at this time you must chain him with double tele and then ww or zerk to keep the lock and do it again and again until he dies.
The smart ones are those who stay in an area and spam nados and then tele into it. If you lock them you will take all the damage. Against those druids leap is very effective. Just leap them then jump and ww, if he is fast enough to get out the leap’s stun then chain him and ww and keep chainlocking till he dies.

Once again video>words. You will find few rounds against druid there, I hope it will help you.
Here a video by a mate showing how ït works with “War cry”, it's very effective vs druids :

Maxblock Elemental [Hard to Very Hard] - Usually they are 99fcr and easy to catch. Good tactic is to leap them then tri-ww. Maxblock + wolves is a hard combination, most of the time they will try to outank you, you must do really tight whirls to kill them.
There is another kind of maxblock druids, the ones using “snatchii gloves” (Europe only if I’m right) and 163fcr, those are very hard. Playing too offensive is suicidal, leap them until you get an opportunity and once you hit him you can be offensive. To kill good maxblock 163fcr druids you must not do any mistakes.

Shaper [Easy to Medium]
- It's an easy duel imo, if he is camping waiting for you to jump, then jump him fast in corner lock, long whirl him to avoid hit and repeat it. If he is running to you, then ww away in circle, you should not get hits.



Trapsin claw-claw [Medium to Very hard] - Depends of the opponents and his ability to mb lock you. A very good trapsin can be very hard to duel, you can't move at all. It's still a very fun duel. My tactic is to turn around with tele as fast as I can, trying to get corner lock. If trapper is good he will be moving 24/7, so once you get a lock with teleport, do a very small whirl then you can relock him very fast without getting stunned and do it again and again. Small whirls allow you to avoid the stun sometimes so you can tele faster after the whirl.
If you get stunned by mb and traps and the sin is close to you, try to ww in her direction, it's good for two reasons, at first you can hit before he has the time to tele (happens often cause you are desynching) or if he tele before you hit him it means you are not stunned anymore so you can lock him. If the sin is not close at all, then just wsg run out of this shit! and come back :P

Watch my Bvc Compilation video there is few rounds vs trapsin, it will give you a better idea.

Trapsin Maxblock [Hard to Very Hard] - Take less risks, you must hit a lot to kill, try to tri-whirls like a beast and put him in fhr/block animation.

Hybsin [Easy to Medium] - If he uses enigma and whirlwind often then just go "bvb" him, shouldn't be hard. If he plays, more like a trapsin, then play like if it was a trapsin!
If he uses bramble or w/e but not enigma, go bvb him, you should win anyway unless he got very very high damage.



Hammerdin [Medium to Very Hard]
- Well to duel them you can make long whirls. However, take care, good hdin will predict your moves easily, it’s still effective vs most of them.
Other way to play is to make very small whirls when they jump, enough to dodge the hit and to hit him.
If you face a very defensive hdin… it will be boring (feel free to flame him that he is a pussy defwhore :-D), you can try to leap some and ww him in the blindspot so you don’t get hit.
Boring duels anyway.
Some guys using widowmaker or w/e. Well it's not the way I think a barb should be played but it could be effective. It's just boring to me lol.

Smiter [Medium] - If he camp (stand smiting), go away and come back very fast to jump him in corner and long whirls him.
If he charges only (then his block is lowered), just lock him and ww.
If it is an offensive tele smiter, he will non stomp jump you, you will have to make long whirls to dodge hits and hit him. Good ones will predict your moves to hit you, try to move while wwing, don’t ww In a line.
If it’s a v/t get some abs/stack, gameplay is the same.
Boring duels anyway.

Foh [easy] – With enough stack and sorb it’s easy. Just hunt him, he will run like rabbit, just keep namelocking and ww him until he dies.



Bowzon [Easy to Hard] – This duel can be fun actually.
Go away from her, when you don’t see her on mini map then you come back and rush to stomp her. You must catch her in a corner lock to avoid the multis. On bow slot zon dies usually in 1 whirl. Good zons will be moving 24/7 and switching to maxblock and fury you. You can try to hunt her, keep namelocking don’t try to tri-ww cause she is moving, just lock tele ww, lock tele ww ezpk :-D, if she tries to outank, you can try tri-whirls. No video for this sadly.

Javazon [Easy to Medium] – Some javas tank a lot, you must make perfect tri-ww to put her in fhr/block animation. Leap is not that bad vs them.



Fire [Easy to Medium] – Usually they are not hard, but on some private realm there is sorcs with 7k mana maxblock etc those are extremely hard to kill.
Sorcs are fast, just keep hunting them, try to double tele chains them then to tri-w. Zerk chainlocking isn’t bad sometimes but still ww is more effective. Some sorcs will telewhore and then camp in meteor, you can leap them out of this, don’t get stupid meteor hits.
Maxblock ones can be very hard, hunt and tri-ww to put them in fhr/block animation.

Few rounds against maxblock 7k mana sorc here at 4:20 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iLm-zZSEhg&list=PLAC407C7ABBDBDD46&index=1&feature=plcp
Video from a m8 showing you how much a sorc can tank : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmNdw_M_gP4&feature=plcp

Blizz [Easy to Hard] – Depends of your stack, you can die in 3 blizz with a bad stack. Some blizz sorcs will camp on their blizz, just leap them out and chain them to hit. Keep hunting them and avoid blizz as much as possible.
Maxblock max dmg ones are hard, don’t get hits, try to tri-ww her, they can often outank you.

Light [Easy to Medium]
– Same as others but they are easier. Just rush/hunt until she dies.
Same for maxblock.

Note: War cry is also effective vs sorc.



Not this again plz -,-…



Barbarian can be a really fun and challenging char to play. It’s the most aggressive character and it requires good timing and fast reaction.
That's it guys, I wanted to share it, I hope I was clear and it helped at least few people here.
It took me more time than I thought hehe.
If you see some flaws and have any criticisms or any question, feel free to PM me, I will always reply.

The video channels used in this guide :


Thanks to all my mates for all those funny moments, was a pleasure to play with you. D2 was such a fantastic game, which a unique gameplay.

Special thanks to GcO aka Jeebus666@jsp for his help, and Loic aka Piw for some videos.

Regards, DHA

Posts: 41,565
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Sep 3 2012 05:29am
tudey's balanced BvC guide >

This post was edited by Razor on Sep 3 2012 05:29am
Posts: 37,339
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Sep 3 2012 05:33am
Quote (Razor @ Sep 3 2012 12:29pm)
tudey's balanced BvC guide >

True dat^
Posts: 62,793
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Sep 3 2012 05:38am
First, i dont want to argue about your guide, its only my opinion.

i dont understand why visio is needed for bvc.

Since you have many scs with ar, you can reach ~10k ar without visio.
Why the hell do u need visio vs necros, sorcs, assas?

You need ar vs hammers, smiters, shield barbs, but u will use coa angelics, + ench ~ 25k ar.

imo griffon + arach + to gloves works fine, even if u think not.

This post was edited by vargad on Sep 3 2012 05:40am
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Sep 3 2012 05:51am
Quote (vargad @ Sep 3 2012 12:38pm)
First, i dont want to argue about your guide, its only my opinion.

i dont understand why visio is needed for bvc.

Since you have many scs with ar, you can reach ~10k ar without visio.
Why the hell do u need visio vs necros, sorcs, assas?

You need ar vs hammers, smiters, shield barbs, but u will use coa angelics, + ench ~ 25k ar.

imo griffon + arach + to gloves works fine, even if u think not.

its for fpk where opponents have shout cos barb in other team, so yes their defence is quite high ( more important on eud2pk to have good AR too, as u can make items eth and rep there )

THis guide aint really made for vs hammer's and smiters lol, so that section isnt so important.
Posts: 37,339
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Sep 3 2012 06:11am
Quote (vargad @ Sep 3 2012 12:38pm)
First, i dont want to argue about your guide, its only my opinion.

i dont understand why visio is needed for bvc.

Since you have many scs with ar, you can reach ~10k ar without visio.
Why the hell do u need visio vs necros, sorcs, assas?

You need ar vs hammers, smiters, shield barbs, but u will use coa angelics, + ench ~ 25k ar.

imo griffon + arach + to gloves works fine, even if u think not.

It works fine as you said but i still think circlet > griffon maybe the visio isnt needed but the others mods like 30frw > griffon setup by far vs nec or trapsin.
Btw i didn't say once that visio is needed vs nec,sorc, or sin.
Pb necro
The main gear is fine. But to be even more effective, you could have another circlet like this:
2 barb / 20 fcr / 30 frw / 50+ life / 2 sox (Shael – Shael)


The main gear is fine but it can be even more effective with thundergod. So here is the tgod build with 63 fcr.

The 1v1 section is made on the "Main gear", visio is needed in fpk. Assuming you already have this visio circlet, it works fine vs nec,sorc,sin. But i gave more effective setup vs them. Did you read the guide?
For barbs,palas i said it also, it's a "63 fcr build"
This build is mainly to duel pb necros, ele druids and trapsins or sorcs, but I will give you strategy for every characters
It will be even more effective if you forgot the 63 fcr and go with something like gulli face, angelic sets etc. But this is a 63 fcr bvc so…

Sure a 0fcr barb with max dmg with gulli, and agelics for ar is way better vs smiters.
If you want to duel "shield barb" as a bvc, sorry i cant help you there.
Quote (Jeebus666 @ Sep 3 2012 12:51pm)
its for fpk where opponents have shout cos barb in other team, so yes their defence is quite high ( more important on eud2pk to have good AR too, as u can make items eth and rep there )

THis guide aint really made for vs hammer's and smiters lol, so that section isnt so important.

My boy B)
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Sep 3 2012 06:54am
Some1 with clue made a guide and a lovely one :thumbsup:

Can't say anything to "improve" it or so since I am using 99% of same items except some stuff like Shael'd visio circs, but it's matter of taste...

Great guide, great videos....making it look simple B)

gj bro !

This post was edited by Alone on Sep 3 2012 06:55am
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Sep 3 2012 07:08am
So people do use fcr amulets. I thought i was the only one.
Posts: 37,339
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Sep 3 2012 07:16am
Quote (Alone @ Sep 3 2012 01:54pm)
Some1 with clue made a guide and a lovely one :thumbsup:

Can't say anything to "improve" it or so since I am using 99% of same items except some stuff like Shael'd visio circs, but it's matter of taste...

Great guide, great videos....making it look simple B)

gj bro !

Thanks :) mate
I prefer Cham lo for cbf and sorb.
Shael shael is a good option in 1v1 against nec.

Quote (ranorn @ Sep 3 2012 02:08pm)
So people do use fcr amulets. I thought i was the only one.

I did it for a while with arreat, before those circlets build :P
Tank setup with fcr amu is good vs druid.

This post was edited by DHA on Sep 3 2012 07:17am
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