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Dec 23 2011 12:47am

My previous guide can be found here in the following link:


Credit to the following Jsper's for their valuable contributions:

First off, huge thanks to hapycmpr for making it possible for this guide to be stickied.

Ryans for getting this guide stickied for us.

JayPee for helping me post this up as a single thread.

Lastly, thanks to the USWNL community for providing meaningful suggestions for what to improve off the previous guide.

Important Info. for Using the Price Guide:

  • Make sure to use "Ctrl + F" on your keyboard to help you locate items faster. This guide is enormous. It often helps to search item subheadings like "Unique Helms" for instance.
  • All prices are listed as ranges. This is done to respect the fact that buyers/sellers may want to get rid of or ensure the purchase of various items at their own respective paces. Some want things to be bought/sold immediately; others are fine with waiting longer periods.
  • Because buyers/sellers have different time goals, any price within the range can be considered a fair price.
  • The price ranges are a best attempt at reflecting the minimum price anyone should sell/buy the item for as well as the maximum price anyone should sell or buy the item for within a certain margin of error if your goal is NOT to be ripped off. Otherwise, any price is fair game.
  • If the item has a stat range, the price range can also be used as a reflection of the minimum and maximum stat range:

    Unique Example:

    CoA 2 Socket 15% Dr: 40 - 75 FG

    A 2 Socket 15% Dr CoA with 20 Res would be around 40 fg. Whereas a 2 Socket 15% Dr CoA with 29 Res (not quite 30 because that would be the next tier item on the list) would be around 75 fg. A 2 Socket 15% Dr CoA with 25 Res, however, may be worth about 50 - 60 fg.

    Runeword Example:

    Grief Pb 390-399 Dmg: 30 - 80 FG

    A Grief Pb with 390 Dmg and 30% IAS would likely be worth around 30 fg. Whereas a Grief Pb with 399 Dmg and 40% IAS would likely be worth around 80 fg. A Grief Pb with 395 Dmg and 34% IAS, however, may be worth about 50 - 60 fg.

    Rare/Crafted Example:

    10FCR 24FHR 20-29Str 50-59Life (Crafted Belt): 1,500 - 2,000 FG

    A Crafted Caster Belt with 10 FCR, 24 FHR, 20 Str, and 50 Life would likely be worth around 1,500 fg. Whereas a Crafted Caster Belt with 10 FCR, 24 FHR, 29 Str, and 59 Life would likely be worth around 2,000 fg. A Crafted Caster Belt with 10 FCR, 24 FHR, 25 Str, and 53 Life, however, may be worth about 1,700 fg.
  • Sellers: When selling items in bulk or in character packages, it may be wise to gauge your bulk price based on the lowest amount all items can be sold for, or even 10-20% less. When selling individual items that are in high demand/difficult to obtain, you may want to gauge your price based on the high end of that item's range.
  • This price guide is expected to remain relatively accurate for at least the next 3 months. I will try to update the guide roughly every 3 months for maximum accuracy.
  • All items are listed in either a green, blue, or red font.
  • Font color code key:

    Green font = price range is projected to rise in the future
    Blue font = price range is projected to remain relatively the same in the future
    Red font = price range is projected to drop in the future
  • Futures market projections as indicated by font color are made out to the next 3 months and are meant to help users predict prices in the months after this price guide is published. This info. is obtained by observing current supply/demand trends.
  • Large ranges on unperms/dupes explained: The prices of jewels/unperms will rise and fall dramatically in relation to where we are at in the ladder season. Make sure to watch jewel/unperm markets before, during, and after a reset. Typically after a reset, prices on these items will begin to rise dramatically (towards the upper end of the range) and then fall back down (towards the lower end of the range) as the season approaches its end.
  • Beware of imports: New imports brought in from various sites can destroy the value of a class of items fast; be sure to have advanced knowledge of their release to avoid losing value on items of a similar type.
  • Lastly, please inform me of any items not on this list that you feel should be added to the next version. Also inform me of any serious inaccuracies. Thanks. :)

Alphabetic list of abbreviations used in this guide:

@ - All, as in "All Resist"
08/09 - Patch item spawned/was created in
Ar - Attack Rating
Bv - Bone Visage
CA/Ca - Cryptic Axe
CB/Cb - Crushing Blow or Colossus Blade
Cd - Cold Damage
Class Skills - 2 to paladin skills 2 to sorc skills etc.
Cr - Cold Resist
CS/Cs - Crystal Sword
Cv - Colossus Voulge
Def - Defense
Dex - Dexterity
Dmg - Damage
Dr - Damage Reduce
Ds - Dusk Shroud
Dur/Dura - Durability
Ebug - Eth items defense bugged (cube bugged - 50%+ defense)
ED - Enhance Damage or Enhanced Defense
Es - Energy Shield
ETH/Eth - Ethereal
FCR/fcr - Faster Cast Rate
Fd - Fire Damage
FG - Forum Gold
FHR/Fhr - Faster Hit Recovery
FRW/Frw - Faster Run Walk
Fr - Fire Resist
FYI - For Your Information
Gc - Grand Charm
GF - Gold Find
GMB - Grand Matron Bow
Gpa - Great Poleaxe
Gs - Ghost Spear
IAS - Increase Attack Speed
Igg - In-game Gold
Lc - Large Charm
Ld - Lightning Damage
LL - Life leech
Lpk - Life Per Kill
LPL - Life Per Level
Lr - Lightning Resist
Ls - Lightning Sentry
Max - Maximum Damage
MB - Matriarchal Bow
Mdr - Magic Damage Reduce
MF - Magic Find
Min - Minimum Damage
Misc - Miscellaneous
ML - Mana Leech
Mp- Mage Plate
Mpk - Mana Per Kill
os - Open socket(s)
OW - Open Wound
P - Perfect
Pb - Phase Blade
Pc - Paladin Combat
Perf - Perfect
PnB- Poison and Bone
Pr- Poison Resist
P&M- Passive And Magic
Rep - Replenish
Res - Resist/Resistances
Req - Requirements
SA - Sacred Armor
Sc - Small Charm
Sin - Assassin
Sorc - Sorceress
ST/St - Sacred Targe
SR/Sr - Sacred Rondache
Str - Strength
V/t - Vindicator/templar (type of paladin build)
Wp - Warpike
Z - Berzerker Axe
Zbug - Eth items bugged indestructible without a zod rune

Armor Appearances:

Jewels, Charms, Ring, Amulet Styles:

Table of contents:

1) Misc. Items/Exchanges
2) Runes
3) Jewels/Unsocketed Bases
4) Charms
5) Amulets & Rings
6) Sets
7) Helms
8) Belts
9) Boots
10) Gloves
11) Armors
12) Shields
13) Weapons
14) Runewords
15) Hybrid Runewords
16) Zod Bugged Items
17) Perm/Legit Old Patch Items
18) Unperm Items

1) Misc. Items/Exchanges:


Socket Quest: 3 - 5 FG
Imbue Quest: 3 - 5 FG
All Hell Warps: 10 - 15 FG
Organ Set: 5 - 7 FG
Key Set: .5 - 1 FG
Essence: .25 - .5 FG
Restat Token: 1 - 2 FG

Crafting Supplies:

Baal Charm: 5 - 7 FG
40 Perfect Gems (assorted): 15 - 20 FG
40/40/40 Craft pack: 100 - 125 FG
40 Perfect Amethysts: 15 - 20 FG
40 Perfect Rubies: 15 - 20 FG
40 Perfect Skulls: 30 - 40 FG
40 Junk Jewels: 5 - 15 FG
40 Magic Amulets: 15 - 20 FG
40 Magic Rings: 15 - 20 FG
40 Magic Armets: 75 - 100 FG
40 Magic Mithril Coils: 50 - 75 FG


1 Million Igg: 1-2 FG

Leveling Services (Legit):

Classic Rush (Crush): 20 - 25 FG
Levels 1-60: 40 - 60 FG
Levels 60-90: 100 - 150 FG
Levels 60-91: 150 - 200 FG
Levels 60-92: 200 - 250 FG
Levels 60-93: 300 - 350 FG
Levels 60-94: 450 - 550 FG
Levels 60-95: 600 - 700 FG
Levels 60-96: 800 - 1,000 FG
Levels 60-97: 1,500 - 1,750 FG
Levels 60-98: 3,000 - 3,500 FG
Levels 60-99: 6,000 - 7,000 FG

  • The speed of the level job, reputation of the user performing the level job, and the method by which the level job is performed all additionally affect the price of leveling services. Pm users that advertise leveling services to negotiate specific deals.

Char Names/Account Names:

  • The worth of a particular character name/account name is in the eye of the beholder. The worth of a name is solely determined by a seller's and/or a buyer's appraisal of the name. Pm the user with the name you desire in order to negotiate a price.

2) Runes:

Low Runes:

El: 0.5 - 1 FG
Eld: 0.5 - 1 FG
Eth: 0.5 - 1 FG
Ith: 0.5 - 1 FG
Tir: 0.5 - 1 FG
Nef: 0.5 - 1 FG
Sol: 0.5 - 1 FG
Shael: 0.5 - 1 FG
Dol: 0.5 - 1 FG
Hel: 0.5 - 2 FG
Ort: 0.5 - 1 FG
Ral: 0.5 - 1 FG
Tal: 0.5 - 1 FG
Amn: 0.5 - 1 FG
Io: 0.5 - 1 FG
Lum: 0.5 - 1 FG
Ko: 0.5 - 1 FG
Fal: 0.5 - 1 FG

Mid runes:

Lem: 1 - 2 FG
Pul: 0.5 - 1 FG
Um: 1 - 2 FG
Mal: 1 - 2 FG
Ist: 2 - 3 FG
Gul: 0.5 - 1 FG

High Runes:

Vex: 2 - 3 FG
Ohm: 2 - 4 FG
Lo: 2 - 4 FG
Sur: 2 - 4 FG
Ber: 3 - 5 FG
Jah: 2 - 4 FG
Cham: 2 - 4 FG
Zod: 2 - 4 FG


3) Jewels/Unsocketed Bases:

Unique Jewels:


+5 -5, Poison Level: 3 - 5 FG
+5 -5, Poison Die: 5 - 8 FG


+5 -5, Fire Level: 5 - 8 FG
+5 -5, Fire Die: 8 - 12 FG


+5 -5, Cold Level: 5 - 8 FG
+5 -5, Cold Die: 8 - 12 FG


+5 -5, Light Level: 5 - 10 FG
+5 -5, Light Die: 15 - 20 FG


Magic Jewels:


40% ED 15 IAS: 20 - 30 FG
40% ED 15 Max: 20 - 30 FG
40% ED -15 Req: 20 - 30 FG
40% ED 9 Dex: 15 - 25 FG
40% ED 9 Str: 15 - 25 FG
40% ED 20 Life: 15 - 20 FG

15 IAS:

15 IAS: 1 - 2 FG
15 IAS 30 Fire Res: 25 - 35 FG
15 IAS 30 Light Res: 25 - 35 FG
15 IAS 30 Cold Res: 25 - 35 FG
15 IAS 30 Psn Res: 15 - 25 FG
15 IAS 15 @ Res: 20 - 30 FG
15 IAS 15 Max: 15 - 25 FG
15 IAS 100 Ar: 25 - 35 FG

15 @ Res:

15 @ Res: 1 - 2 FG
15 @ Res 15 Max: 15 - 20 FG
15 @ Res -15 Req: 25 - 35 FG


9 Str -15 Req: 15 - 20 FG
9 Dex -15 Req: 15 - 20 FG

20 Life:

20 Life 15 @ Res: 20 - 25 FG
20 Life 20 Mana: 20 - 25 FG

Max Dmg:

15 Max (Lvl 18): 3 - 5 FG
15 Max 20% ED (Lvl 18): 30 - 40 FG
15 Max 100 Ar: 25 - 35 FG
20-23 Max (LLD): 50 - 100 FG
24 Max (LLD): 150 - 200 FG
30 Max (Perf): 35 - 50 FG


Rare Jewels:

  • Rare jewels change in price rapidly at the discretion of the seller. Pm the owners of various jewel shops or refer to their threads for quotes on duped rares as well as legit rares. Legit rares better than similar jewels offered in jewel shops can be worth a high amount.

Unsocketed Bases:


3os Grand Crown: 3 - 5 FG
3os 15% ED Grand Crown: 10 - 15 FG
3os Demonhead: 3 - 5 FG
3os 15% Demonhead: 10 - 15 FG
3os Bone Visage: 4 - 6 FG
3os 15% ED Bone Visage: 10 - 15 FG
3os 3 Tornado Druid Helm: 15 - 20 FG
3os 3 Tornado 3 Cyclone Armor Druid Helm: 50 - 75 FG
3os 3 Battle Orders Barb Helm: 15 - 20 FG
3os 3 Battle Orders 3 Shout Barb Helm: 50 - 75 FG


3os Mage Plate: 2 - 3 FG
3os 15% ED Mage Plate: 10 - 15 FG
3os Archon Plate: 3 - 5 FG
3os 15% ED Archon Plate: 15 - 20 FG
3os Dusk Shroud: 2 - 3 FG
3os 15% ED Dusk Shroud: 10 - 15 FG
3os Wyrmhide: 3 - 5 FG
3os 15% ED Wyrmhide: 25 - 35 FG
3os Full Plate Mail: 15 - 20 FG
3os 15% ED Full Plate Mail: 50 - 75 FG
4os Dusk Shroud: 3 - 5 FG
4os 15% ED Dusk Shroud: 10 - 15 FG
4os Archon Plate: 3 - 5 FG
4os 15% ED Archon Plate: 15 - 20 FG
4os Gothic Plate: 5 - 10 FG
4os 15% Gothic Plate: 25 - 35 FG
4os Full Plate Mail: 5 - 10 FG
4os 15% Full Plate Mail: 25 - 35 FG


5os Flail: 2 - 3 FG
Eth 5os Flail: 5 - 10 FG
5os Crystal Sword: 3 - 5 FG
Eth 5os Crystal Sword: 10 - 15 FG
Eth 5os Double Axe: 15 - 20 FG
6os Crystal Sword: 3 - 5 FG
6os 15% ED 3 Ar Crystal Sword: 10 - 15 FG
Eth 6os Crystal Sword: 5 - 10 FG
Eth 6os 15% ED 3 Ar Crystal Sword: 25 - 30 FG
3os Phase Blade: 3 - 5 FG
3os 15% ED 3 Ar Phase Blade: 10 - 15 FG
4os Phase Blade: 3 - 5 FG
4os 15% ED 3 Ar Phase Blade: 20 - 25 FG
5os Naga: 5 - 10 FG
5os 15% ED 3 Ar Naga: 25 - 35 FG
3os Berserker Axe: 5 - 10 FG
3os 15% ED 3 Ar Berserker Axe: 15 - 20 FG
4os Berserker Axe: 5 - 10 FG
4os 15% ED 3 Ar Berserker Axe: 20 - 25 FG
5os Berserker Axe: 5 - 10 FG
5os 15% ED 3 Ar Berserker Axe: 20 - 25 FG
Eth 6os Berserker Axe: 10 - 15 FG
Eth 6os 15% ED 3 Ar Berserker Axe: 20 - 30 FG
Eth 6os Warpike: 15 - 20 FG
Eth 6os 15% ED 3 Ar Warpike: 35 - 50 FG
3os 2H Sword: 3 - 5 FG
3os 15% ED 3 Ar 2H Sword: 35 - 50 FG
5os 3 Holy Shield Scepter: 30 - 40 FG
5os 3 FOH 3 Conviction Scepter: 40 - 60 FG
5os 3 Blessed Hammer 3 Concentration: 75 - 100 FG


4os Monarch: 3 - 5 FG
4os 15% ED Monarch: 10 - 15 FG
3os Troll Nest: 3 - 5 FG
3os 15% ED Troll Nest: 10 - 15 FG
4os 45 @ Res Elite Pally Shield: 15 - 20 FG
4os 15% ED 45 @ Res Elite Pally Shield: 25 - 30 FG

  • The worth of socketed bases such as 4 socketed monarchs or 4 socketed 15% ED monarchs socketed with jewels can be found by using the following formula pretty reliably:

    worth of socketed base + worth of jewel * amount of jewels * .6 (60%)

    Example: 4 socketed monarch with no ED socketed with 4x 5/5 light die facets

    = 5 + 15 * 4 * .6
    = 5 + 60 * .6
    = 65 * .6
    = 39

    This is about correct, because a 20/20 light monarch with no ED is worth 35-40 fg.
    Using thie formula, you'd get 27 fg for a 20/20 cold/fire monarch, which is also correct, because those are worth between 25-30 fg.

4) Charms:

Unique Charms:


Anni Unid: 25 - 30 FG
Anni (10-15/10-15/x): 3 - 7 FG
Anni (10-15/10-15/10): 7 - 10 FG
Anni (10-15/16-20/x): 10 - 20 FG
Anni (16-19/10-15/x): 10 - 20 FG
Anni (16-19/16-19/x): 10 - 45 FG
Anni 19/20/x: 60 - 80 FG
Anni 17/20/10: 45 - 55 FG
Anni 18/20/10: 70 - 90 FG
Anni 19/20/10: 125 - 150 FG
Anni (20/10-15/x): 20 - 40 FG
Anni (20/16/x): 40 - 50 FG
Anni (20/17/x): 55 - 65 FG
Anni (20/18/x): 70 - 85 FG
Anni (20/19/x): 100 - 125 FG
Anni (20/10-14/10): 40 - 60 FG
Anni (20/15-18/10): 70 - 125 FG
Anni 20/19/10: 175 - 225 FG
Anni 20/20/5: 350 - 400 FG
Anni 20/20/6: 400 - 450 FG
Anni 20/20/7: 450 - 500 FG
Anni 20/20/8: 500 - 550 FG
Anni 20/20/9: 600 - 700 FG
Anni 20/20/10: 1,300 - 1,700 FG


Hellfire Torches:

Torch Unid: 8 - 12 FG


Pala 10-15/10-15: 3 - 8 FG
Pala 16-19/10-15: 7 - 15 FG
Pala 10-15/16-20: 5 - 15 FG
Pala 16-18/16-20: 10 - 35 FG
Pala 19/20: 60 - 80 FG
Pala 20/10-14: 20 - 30 FG
Pala 20/15-17: 30 - 40 FG
Pala 20/18: 50 - 60 FG
Pala 20/19: 75 - 100 FG
Pala 20/20/5%: 300 - 350 FG

Pala 20/20/25%: 500 - 600 FG


Sorc 10-15/10-15: 2 - 5 FG
Sorc 16-19/10-15: 4 - 12 FG
Sorc 10-15/16-20: 3 - 12 FG
Sorc 16-18/16-20: 8 - 25 FG
Sorc 19/20: 30 - 40 FG
Sorc 20/10-14: 15 - 25 FG
Sorc 20/15-17: 25 - 35 FG
Sorc 20/18: 35 - 45 FG
Sorc 20/19: 45 - 55 FG
Sorc Perf.: 100 - 150 FG

Sorc 20/20/25%: 200 - 250 FG


Nec 10-15/10-15: 1 - 5 FG
Ne 16-19/10-15: 4 - 10 FG
Nec 10-15/16-20: 3 - 10 FG
Nec 16-18/16-20: 5 - 20 FG
Nec 19/20: 25 - 30 FG
Nec 20/10-14: 10 - 20 FG
Nec 20/15-17: 20 - 30 FG
Nec 20/18: 30 - 35 FG
Nec 20/19: 35 - 45 FG
Nec Perf.: 90 - 110FG

Nec 20/20/25%: 150 - 175 FG


Sin 10-15/10-15: 1 - 5 FG
Sin 16-19/10-15: 4 - 10 FG
Sin 10-15/16-20: 3 - 10 FG
Sin 16-18/16-20: 5 - 20 FG
Sin 19/20: 25 - 30 FG
Sin 20/10-14: 10 - 20 FG
Sin 20/15-17: 20 - 30 FG
Sin 20/18: 30 - 35 FG
Sin 20/19: 35 - 45 FG
Sin Perf.: 90 - 110 FG

Sin 20/20/25%: 150 - 175 FG


Zon 10-15/10-15: 1 - 5 FG
Zon 16-19/10-15: 5 - 10 FG
Zon 10-15/16-20: 3 - 10 FG
Zon 16-18/16-20: 5 - 20 FG
Zon 19/20: 25 - 35 FG
Zon 20/10-14: 15 - 20 FG
Zon 20/15-17: 25 - 30 FG
Zon 20/18: 35 - 40 FG
Zon 20/19: 40 - 50 FG
Zon 20/20/5%: 100 - 125 FG

Zon 20/20/25%: 250 - 300 FG


Barb 10-15/10-15: 2 - 5 FG
Barb 16-19/10-15: 5 - 12 FG
Barb 10-15/16-20: 3 - 12 FG
Barb 16-18/16-20: 5 - 25 FG
Barb 19/20: 40 - 50 FG
Barb 20/10-14: 15 - 25 FG
Barb 20/15-17: 30 - 45 FG
Barb 20/18: 45 - 50 FG
Barb 20/19: 50 - 60 FG
Barb Perf.: 100 - 125 FG

Barb 20/20/25%: 250 - 300 FG


Dru 10-15/10-15: 1 - 5 FG
Dru 16-19/10-15: 4 - 10 FG
Dru 10-15/16-20: 3 - 10 FG
Dru 16-18/16-20: 5 - 20 FG
Dru 19/20: 25 - 30 FG
Dru 20/10-14: 10 - 20 FG
Dru 20/15-17: 20 - 30 FG
Dru 20/18: 30 - 35 FG
Dru 20/19: 35 - 45 FG
Dru Perf.: 90 - 110 FG

Dru 20/20/25%: 150 - 175 FG


Gheeds Fortune:

Gheeds random: 1 - 3 FG
Gheeds 39% MF: 5 - 10 FG
Gheeds 40% MF: 15 - 25 FG
Gheeds 160 GF: 15 - 25 FG
Gheeds 160 GF 15% Vendor: 30 - 40 FG
Gheeds 15% Vendor: 4 - 6 FG
Gheeds 40% MF 15% Vendor: 30 - 40 FG
Gheeds Perf.: 175 - 225 FG


This post was edited by RUSSiABANK on Dec 23 2011 12:55am
Retired Moderator
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Dec 23 2011 12:48am
Magic Small Charms (Scs):

5 Frw scs:

5 Faster Run & Walk Plain: 20 - 30 FG
5 Faster Run & Walk 100 Poison Dmg: 150 - 200 FG
5 Faster Run & Walk 175 Poison Dmg: 300 - 350 FG
5 Faster Run & Walk, 5 Res: 450 - 500 FG
5 Faster Run & Walk 3 Max Dmg 10-19 AR: 600 - 700 FG
5 Faster Run & Walk 3 Max Dmg 20 AR: 1,100 - 1,300 FG (Legit Bearclaw Shape)
5 Faster Run & Walk 3 Max Dmg 20 AR : 1,300 - 1,500 FG (Legit Football / M Shape)
5 Faster Run & Walk 5-9 Res: 50 - 75 FG (Cold/Light/Fire)
5 Faster Run & Walk 5-9 Res: 35 - 50 FG (Poison)
5 Faster Run & Walk 10 Res: 100 - 125 FG (Cold/Light/Fire)
5 Faster Run & Walk 10 Res: 50 - 75 FG (Poison)
5 Faster Run & Walk 11 Res: 300 - 350 FG (Cold/Light/Fire)
5 Faster Run & Walk 11 Res: 150 - 200 FG (Poison)

Frw/Max Dmg/Ar Scs:

3 Faster Run & Walk 3 Max Dmg 10 - 15 Ar (3/3/xx's): 15 - 20 FG
3 Faster Run & Walk 3 Max Dmg 16 - 19 Ar (3/3/xx's): 20 - 30 FG
3 Faster Run & Walk 3 Max Dmg 20 Ar (3/3/20's): 50 - 75 FG

3 Max Dmg Scs (all other types):

3 Max/10 - 15 Ar/10 - 15 Life(3/xx/xx): 15 - 20 FG
3 Max/16 - 19 Ar/16 - 19 Life(3/xx/xx): 20 - 45 FG
3 Max/10 Ar/20 Life: 30 - 35 FG
3 Max/11 Ar/20 Life: 30 - 35 FG
3 Max/12 Ar/20 Life: 35 - 40 FG
3 Max/13 Ar/20 Life: 35 - 40 FG
3 Max/14 Ar/20 Life: 40 - 45 FG
3 Max/15 Ar/20 Life: 45 - 55 FG
3 Max/16 Ar/20 Life: 60 - 70 FG
3 Max/17 Ar/20 Life: 75 - 85 FG
3 Max/18 Ar/20 Life: 100 - 125 FG
3 Max/19 Ar/20 Life: 125 - 150 FG
3 Max/20 Ar/10 Life: 25 - 35 FG
3 Max/20 Ar/11 Life: 25 - 35 FG
3 Max/20 Ar/12 Life: 25 - 35 FG
3 Max/20 Ar/13 Life: 30 - 40 FG
3 Max/20 Ar/14 Life: 30 - 40 FG
3 Max/20 Ar/15 Life: 125 - 150 FG
37x 3 Max/20 Ar/15 Life Legit Bearclaw Shape: 5,000 - 6,000 FG
37x 3 Max/20 Ar/15 Life Legit Coin/Football Shape: 5,500 - 6,500 FG
3 Max/20 Ar/16 Life: 35 - 45 FG
3 Max/20 Ar/17 Life: 40 - 50 FG
3 Max/20 Ar/18 Life: 60 - 70 FG
3 Max/20 Ar/19 Life: 100 - 125 FG
3 Max/20 Ar/20 Life Legit/Perm Bearclaw Shape: 250 - 300 FG
3 Max/20 Ar/20 Life Legit Coin/Football Shape: 275 - 325 FG
37x 3 Max/20 Ar/20 Life Legit Bearclaw Shape: 8,000 - 10,000 FG
37x 3 Max/20 Ar/20 Life Legit Coin/Football Shape: 9,000 - 11,000 FG
3 Max xx Ar 2 Dex/Str: 5 - 10 FG
3 Max 20 Ar 2 Dex/Str: 15 - 20 FG
3 Max xx Ar 5 Fhr: 15 - 25 FG
3 Max 20 Ar 5 Fhr: 35 - 45 FG
3 Max xx Ar 5-9 Cd: 30 - 40 FG
3 Max 20 Ar 5-9 Cd: 100 - 150 FG

4 Max Dmg Scs

4 Max 10-15 Ar: 40 - 60 FG
4 Max/16-19 Ar: 55 - 75 FG
4 Max 20 Ar: 150 - 200 FG

Ar/Life Scs:

20-29 Ar 15-19 Life: 3 - 8 FG
30-35 Ar 15-19 Life: 8 - 20 FG
36 Ar 19 Life: 50 - 60 FG
20 Ar 20 Life: 5 - 8 FG
21-25 Ar 20 Life: 8 - 12 FG
26-29 Ar 20 Life: 13 - 17 FG
30 Ar 20 Life: 20 - 25 FG
31 Ar 20 Life: 25 - 30 FG
32 Ar 20 Life: 30 - 35 FG
33 Ar 20 Life: 40 - 45 FG
34 Ar 20 Life: 50 - 60 FG
35 Ar 20 Life: 65 - 80 FG
36 Ar 20 Life: 130 - 170 FG
10x 36 Ar 20 Life Legit Bearclaw/Coin Shape: 1,500 - 1,800 FG
10x 36 Ar 20 Life Legit Football Shape: 1,700 - 2,000 FG

20 Life, Def Scs:

10x 30 Def/20 Life (any skin): 800 - 1,200 FG
30 Def/20 Life: 75 - 100 FG
29 Def/20 Life: 35 - 40 FG
28 Def/20 Life: 30 - 35 FG
27 Def/20 Life: 30 - 35 FG
26 Def/20 Life: 25 - 30 FG
25 Def/20 Life: 25 - 30 FG
24 Def/20 Life: 20 - 25 FG
23 Def/20 Life: 20 - 25 FG
22 Def/20 Life: 15 - 20 FG
21 Def/20 Life: 15 - 20 FG
20 Def/20 Life: 13 - 17 FG
15-19 Def/20 Life: 8 - 12 FG
10-14 Def/20 Life: 4 - 8 FG

20 Life, Ele Dmg Scs:

19-29 Fd/20 Life: 175 - 225 FG
10-20 Cd/20 Life: 200 - 250 FG
1-71 Ld/20 Life: 175 - 225 FG

Poison Dmg Scs:

451 Psn (legit): 50 - 70 FG
313 Psn: 15 - 20 FG
251 Psn: 8 - 12 FG
3 Frw 175 Psn: 10 - 15 FG
5 Fhr 175 Psn: 10 - 15 FG
175 Psn 20 Life: 25 - 35 FG
175 Psn: 3 - 5 FG
3 Frw 100 Psn: 4 - 6 FG
5 Fhr 100 Psn: 4 - 6 FG
100 Psn 20 Life: 10 - 15 FG
100 Psn: 1 - 2 FG

20 Life, Resist Scs:

20 Life 5 @ Res: 140 - 165 FG
10x 20 Life/5 @ Res Legit Bearclaw/Coin Shape: 1,400 - 1,600 FG
10x 20 Life/5 @ Res Legit Football Shape: 1,500 - 1,700 FG
20 Life 4 @ Res: 45 - 55 FG
20 Life 3 @ Res: 25 - 35 FG
19 Life 5 @ Res: 60 - 75 FG
19 Life 4 @ Res: 30 - 40 FG
19 Life 3 @ Res: 15 - 20 FG
18 Life 5 @ Res: 40 - 45 FG
18 Life 4 @ Res: 20 - 30 FG
18 Life 3 @ Res: 10 - 15 FG
17 Life 5 @ Res: 30 - 35 FG
17 Life 4 @ Res: 15 - 20 FG
17 Life 3 @ Res: 7 - 10 FG
16 Life 5 @ Res: 20 - 25 FG
16 Life 4 @ Res: 10 - 15 FG
16 Life 3 @ Res: 3 - 5 FG
15 Life 5 @ Res (LLD): 50 - 75 FG
20 Life 5-9 Res: 4 - 12 FG (Cold/Fire)
20 Life 5-9 Res: 5 - 15 FG (Light)
20 Life 5-9 Res: 3 - 7 FG (Poison)
20 Life 10 Res: 15 - 25 FG (Cold/Fire)
20 Life 10 Res: 25 - 35 FG (Light)
20 Life 10 Res: 10 - 15 FG (Poison)
20 Life 11 Res: 35 - 45 FG (Cold)
20 Life 11 Res: 40 - 50 FG (Fire)
20 Life 11 Res: 50 - 65 FG (Light)
10x 20 Life/11 Res: 550 - 700 FG (Light)
20 Life 11 Res: 20 - 30 FG (Poison)

Life/Mana Scs:

10x 20Life/17Life (any skin): 1,250 - 1,500 FG
20 Life 17 Mana: 100 - 125 FG
20 Life 16 Mana: 40 - 60 FG
20 Life 10-15 Mana: 15 - 35 FG
19 Life 17 Mana: 30 - 40 FG
19 Life 16 Mana: 20 - 25 FG
19 Life 10-15 Mana: 7 - 15 FG
18 Life 17 Mana: 20 - 25 FG
18 Life 16 Mana: 10 - 15 FG
18 Life 10-15 Mana: 5 - 12 FG
17 Life 17 Mana: 12 - 17 FG
15-16 Life/15-17 Mana: 5 - 10 FG
10-14 Life/10-14 Mana: 2 - 4 FG

5 Fhr Scs:

5 Fhr 10 Res: 5 - 7 FG (Cold/Fire/Light)
5 Fhr 10 Res: 3 - 4 FG (Poison)
5 Fhr 11 Res (5/11's): 10 - 15 FG (Cold/Fire/Light)
5 Fhr 11 Res (5/11's): 5 - 7 FG (Poison)
5 Fhr 3-4 @ Res: 10 - 15 FG
5 Fhr 5 @ Res (5/5's): 20 -30 FG
5 Fhr 30-35 Ar: 10 - 15 FG
5 Fhr 36 Ar: 35 - 45 FG
5 Fhr 20-29 Def: 10 - 15 FG
5 Fhr 30 Def: 35 - 45 FG
5 Fhr 15 Mana: 4 - 6 FG
5 Fhr 16 Mana: 8 - 12 FG
5 Fhr 17 Mana (5/17's): 15 - 25 FG

3 Frw Scs:

3 Frw 10 Res: 5 - 7 FG (Cold/Light/Fire)
3 Frw 10 Res: 3 - 4 FG (Poison)
3 Frw 11 Res (3/11's): 10 - 15 FG (Cold/Light/Fire)
3 Frw 11 Res (3/11's): 5 - 7 FG (Poison)
3 Frw 3-4 @ Res: 10 - 15 FG
3 Frw 5 @ Res (5/5's): 25 - 35 FG
3 Frw 30-35 Ar: 10 - 15 FG
3 Frw 36 Ar: 30 - 40 FG
3 Frw 20-29 Def: 10 - 15 FG
3 Frw 30 Def: 30 - 40 FG
3 Frw 15 Mana: 3 - 4 FG
3 Frw 16 Mana: 5 - 7 FG
3 Frw 17 Mana (5/17's): 15 - 20 FG

Str/Dex Scs:

2 Str/15-16 Mana: 3 - 5 FG
2 Str/17 Mana: 10 - 15 FG
2 Dex/15-16 Mana: 2 - 4 FG
2 Dex/17 Mana: 8 - 12 FG
2 Str/2Dex 10-11 Light/Fire/Cold Res: 5 - 10 FG
2 Dex/5 @ Res: 10 - 15 FG
2 Str/5 @ Res: 10 - 15 FG

7 MF Scs:

7 MF(plain): 0.75 - 1.5 FG
7 MF 17 mana: 10 - 15 FG
7 MF 15-16 mana: 5 - 10 FG
7 MF 5 @ Res: 25 - 35 FG
7 MF 11 Res: 10 - 15 FG (Cold/Fire/Light/Poison)
7 MF 10 Res: 5 - 8 FG (Cold/Fire/Light/Poison)
7 MF 5-9 Res: 3 - 5 FG (Cold/Fire/Light/Poison)
7 MF 3 Max Dmg 20 Ar (7/3/20's): 35 - 50 FG
7 MF 3 Max Dmg 10-19 Ar: 25 - 35 FG
7 MF 36 Ar (7/36's): 30 - 40 FG
7 MF 20-35 Ar: 15 - 30 FG

Plain Scs:

37x 20 Life: 50 - 75 FG
20 Life: 1 - 2 FG
18-19 Life: .5 - .75 FG
16-17 Life: 0 - .25 FG
15 Life: 2 - 3 FG
7 MF: 0.75 - 1.5 FG
10 GF: 2 - 4 FG
5 Fhr: 0.5 - 1 FG
5 @ Res : 3 - 5 FG
2 Str/2 Dex: 0.5 - 1 FG


Magic Large Charms (Lcs):

6 Max Dmg Lcs:

6 Max/xx/xx Rand: 10 - 15 FG
6 Max/40-48 Ar/30-34 Life: 40 - 100 FG
6 Max/48 Ar/35 Life (any skin): 750 - 950 FG
18x 6 Max/48 Ar/35 Life (any matching skin): 16,000 - 18,000 FG

Ar/Life Lcs:

xx/35 Life Rand: 10 - 25 FG
70-76 Ar/30-34 Life: 30 - 50 FG
77 Ar/35 Life (any skin): 150 - 200 FG


Magic Grand Charms (Gcs):

Melee Gcs:

9 Max/50-76Ar Plain: 3 - 5 FG
9 Max/50-76 Ar/30-39 Life: 15 - 30 FG
9 Max/50-76 Ar/40-44 Life: 40 - 70 FG
9 Max/50-75 Ar/45 Life: 80 - 120 FG
9 Max/76 Ar/45 Life: 100 - 150 FG
10 Max/50-76Ar Plain: 7 - 12 FG
10 Max/50-75 Ar/6 Dex: 20 - 25 FG
10 Max/76 Ar/6 Dex: 40 - 60 FG
10 Max/50-75 Ar/6 Str: 20 - 25 FG
10 Max/76 Ar/6 Str: 75 - 45 - 70 FG
12 FHR/10 Max/50-75 Ar: 25 - 35 FG
12 FHR/10 Max/76 Ar: 50 - 75 FG
7% Frw/10 Max/50-75 Ar: 25 - 35 FG
7% Frw/10 Max/76 Ar: 50 - 75 FG
10 Max/50-76 Ar/30-39 Life: 35 - 50 FG
10 Max/50-76 Ar/40 Life: 70 - 80 FG
10 Max/50-76 Ar/41 Life: 90 - 100 FG
10 Max/50-76 Ar/42 Life: 110 - 120 FG
10 Max/50-76 Ar/43 Life: 130 - 140 FG
10 Max/50-76 Ar/44 Life: 150 - 175 FG
10 Max/50-69 Ar/45 Life: 200 - 250 FG
10 Max/70-75Ar/45 Life: 250 - 275 FG
10 Max/76 Ar/45 Life: 500 - 600 FG
9x Matching Set 10 Max/76 Ar/45 Life (any shape): 5,000 - 7,000 FG
14 Max/50-69Ar: 40 - 60 FG
14 Max/70-75Ar: 55 - 75 FG
14 Max/76 Ar: 175 - 225 FG
1xx Ar 12 FHR: 10 - 15 FG
132 Ar 12 FHR: 25 - 35 FG
1xx Ar 20-29 Life: 10 - 15 FG
1xx Ar 30-35 Life: 15 - 25 FG
1xx Ar 36-39 Life: 25 - 35 FG
1xx Ar 40 Life: 40 - 50 FG
1xx Ar 41 Life: 60 - 70 FG
1xx Ar 42 Life: 70 - 80 FG
1xx Ar 43 Life: 80 - 90 FG
1xx Ar 44 Life: 100 - 115 FG
132 Ar 44 Life: 135 - 150 FG
1xx Ar 45 Life: 135 - 150 FG
132 Ar 45 Life: 225 - 275 FG
9x Matching Set 132 Ar 45 Life (any shape): 2,000 - 2,500 FG


Fire Gcs/Cold Gcs/Light Gcs/Java Gcs:

+1 plain: 2 - 3 FG
+1 40% GF: 50 - 75 FG
+1 7% Frw: 10 - 15 FG
+1 Jav 7% Frw: 20 - 25 FG
+1 3-5 Dex: 3 - 7 FG
+1 6 Dex: 10 - 15 FG
+1 3-5 Str: 3 - 7 FG
+1 6 Str: 15 - 20 FG
+1 Fhr: 20 - 30 FG
+1 1x Life: 4 - 8 FG
+1 2x Life: 10 - 20 FG
+1 30-33 Life: 25 - 30 FG
+1 34-35 Life: 30 - 35 FG
+1 36-37 Life: 35 - 40 FG
+1 38-39 Life: 40 - 50 FG
+1 40 Life: 60 - 80 FG
+1 41 Life: 85 - 95 FG
+1 42 Life: 100 - 110 FG
+1 43 Life: 120 - 130 FG
+1 44 Life: 140 - 160 FG
+1 45 Life: 300 - 375 FG
9x Matching Set +1 45 Life Light Gcs: 3,250 - 3,750 FG
9x Matching Set +1 45 Life Cold Gcs: 3,250 - 3,750 FG
9x Matching Set +1 45 Life Fire Gcs: 3,000 - 3,500 FG
9x Matching Set +1 45 Life Jav Skillers: 3,000 - 3,500 FG


Pnb Gcs/Ele Gcs/Trap Gcs:

+1 plain: 2 - 3 FG
+1 40% GF: 50 - 75 FG
+1 7% Frw: 10 - 15 FG
+1 Pnb 7% Frw: 20 - 30 FG
9x Matching Set +1 Pnb 7% Frw: 400 - 500 FG
+1 3-5 Dex: 3 - 7 FG
+1 6 Dex: 10 - 15 FG
+1 3-5 Str: 3 - 7 FG
+1 6 Str: 15 - 20 FG
+1 Fhr: 20 - 30 FG
+1 1x Life: 4 - 8 FG
+1 2x Life: 10 - 20 FG
+1 30-33 Life: 25 - 30 FG
+1 34-35 Life: 30 - 35 FG
+1 36-37 Life: 35 - 40 FG
+1 38-39 Life: 40 - 50 FG
+1 40 Life: 60 - 80 FG
+1 41 Life: 85 - 95 FG
+1 42 Life: 100 - 110 FG
+1 43 Life: 120 - 130 FG
+1 44 Life: 140 - 160 FG
+1 45 Life: 300 - 350 FG
9x Matching Set +1 45 Life Pnb/Ele/Trap: 3,500 - 4,000 FG


Pcomb Gcs:

+1 Plain: 4 - 6 FG
+1 40% GF: 50 - 75 FG
+1 7% Frw: 20 - 25 FG
+1 3-5 Dex: 8 - 10 FG
+1 6 Dex: 15 - 20 FG
+1 3-5 Str: 8 - 10 FG
+1 6 Str: 15 - 20 FG
+1 Fhr: 25 - 35 FG
+1 1x Life: 10 - 15 FG
+1 2x Life: 15 - 25 FG
+1 30-33 Life: 40 - 45 FG
+1 34-35 Life: 45 - 50 FG
+1 36-37 Life: 50 - 55 FG
+1 38-39 Life: 60 - 70 FG
+1 40 Life: 70 - 90 FG
+1 41 Life: 100 - 110 FG
+1 42 Life: 120 - 130 FG
+1 43 Life: 140 - 160 FG
+1 44 Life: 175 - 200 FG
+1 45 Life: 325 - 375 FG
9x Matching Set + 1 45 Life Pcomb: 3,250 - 3,750 FG


Barb Mastery Gcs/Shadow Gcs/Shapeshift Gcs (ss):

+1 Plain: 1 - 2 FG
+1 40% GF: 40 - 60 FG
+1 7% Frw: 8 - 12 FG
+1 3-5 Dex: 3 - 5 FG
+1 6 Dex: 8 - 12 FG
+1 3-5 Str: 3 - 5 FG
+1 6 Str: 10 - 15 FG
+1 Fhr: 15 - 20 FG
+1 1x Life: 5 - 7 FG
+1 2x Life: 8 - 15 FG
+1 30-35 Life: 15 - 25 FG
+1 36-39 Life: 25 - 35 FG
+1 40 Life: 40 - 50 FG
+1 41 Life: 55 - 65 FG
+1 42 Life: 65 - 75 FG
+1 43 Life: 75 - 85 FG
+1 44 Life: 100 - 115 FG
+1 45 Life: 175 - 225 FG
9x Matching Set + 1 45 Life Mastery/Shapeshift: 1,800 - 2,200 FG
9X Matching Set + 1 45 Life Shadow: 2,250 - 2,750 FG


Bcomb Gcs/Warcry Gcs (wc)/Nec Summon Gcs/ Pally Offensive Gcs/Martial Arts Gcs (ma):

+1 Plain: 1 - 2 FG
+1 40% GF: 30 - 40 FG
+1 Warcry 30-39% GF: 35 - 75 FG
+1 Warcry 40% GF: 150 - 200 FG
+1 7% Frw: 8 - 12 FG
+1 3-5 Dex: 2 - 4 FG
+1 6 Dex: 6 - 8 FG
+1 3-5 Str: 2 - 4 FG
+1 6 Str: 8 - 12 FG
+1 Fhr: 10 - 15 FG
+1 1x Life: 3 - 5 FG
+1 2x Life: 7 - 10 FG
+1 30-35 Life: 15 - 20 FG
+1 36-39 Life: 20 - 25 FG
+1 40 Life: 30 - 40 FG
+1 41 Life: 45 - 55 FG
+1 42 Life: 55 - 65 FG
+1 43 Life: 65 - 75 FG
+1 44 Life: 75 - 85 FG
+1 45 Life: 100 - 150 FG
9x Matching Set + 1 45 Life Bcomb/Pally Offensive: 1,100 - 1,300 FG
9x Matching Set + 1 45 Life Nec Summon: 1,250 - 1,500 FG
9x Matching Set + 1 45 Life Warcry/Martial Arts: 1,400 - 1,600 FG


Curse Gcs/Druid Summon Gcs (dsummon)/Bow and Crossbow Gcs (B&C)/Passive Gcs (P&M)/Defensive Gcs:

+1 Plain: 1 - 2 FG
+1 40% GF: 30 - 40 FG
+1 7% Frw: 5 - 10 FG
+1 3-5 Dex: 2 - 3 FG
+1 6 Dex: 5 - 7 FG
+1 3-5 Str: 2 - 3 FG
+1 6 Str: 5 - 7 FG
+1 Fhr: 8 - 12 FG
+1 1x Life: 2 - 4 FG
+1 2x Life: 5 - 8 FG
+1 3x Life: 10 - 15 FG
+1 40 Life: 20 - 30 FG
+1 41 Life: 30 - 40 FG
+1 42 Life: 40 - 45 FG
+1 43 Life: 45 - 50 FG
+1 44 Life: 50 - 60 FG
+1 45 Life: 75 - 100 FG
9x Matching Set + 1 45 Life Curse/Druid Summon/Bow and Crossbow/Passive/Defensive: 750 - 1,000 FG


Misc. Gcs:

7% Frw/50-58 Mana: 15 - 25 FG
7% Frw/59 Mana: 40 - 60 FG
12FHR/50-58 Mana: 25 - 35 FG
12FHR/59 Mana: 50 - 75 FG
3x Life/4x Mana: 15 - 20 FG
3x Life/5x Mana: 25 - 35 FG
40-44 Life/50-54 Mana: 40 - 50 FG
40-44 Life/55-59 Mana: 50 - 60 FG
44 Life/59 Mana: 100 - 125 FG
45 Life/50-58 Mana: 75 - 100 FG
45 Life/59 Mana: 250 - 300 FG
9x Matching Set 45 Life/59 Mana: 2,250 - 2,750 FG
15 @ Res/30+ Life: 25 - 35 FG
15 @ Res/40+ Life: 50 - 100 FG
15 @ Res/45 Life: 150 - 200 FG
15 @ Res/6 Dex: 15 - 20 FG
15 @ Res/6 Str: 15 - 20 FG
12 FHR/15 @ Res: 15 - 20 FG
10-12% MF/39% GF: 20 - 30 FG
12% MF/40% GF: 75 - 100 FG
40% GF/20+ Res: 10 - 15 FG (Light/Cold/Fire)


Plain Gcs:

40% GF: 5 - 10 FG
15 @ Res: 5 - 10 FG
6 Str: 1 - 2 FG
6 Dex: 1- 2 FG


This post was edited by hapycmpr on Mar 24 2012 08:13pm
Posts: 69,886
Joined: Jan 22 2009
Gold: 133,165.00
Dec 23 2011 12:49am
5) Amulets & Rings:

Unique Ammys:

Nokazon Relic: 1 - 2 FG
Saracen’s Chance: 1 - 2 FG
Saracen’s Chance 25 @ Res: 5 – 10 FG
Eye of Etlich: 1 - 2 FG
Eye of Etlich 7% LL: 5 - 10 FG
Crescent Moon: 1 - 2 FG
Crescent Moon 15% ML: 5 - 7 FG
Crescent Moon 15% ML 6% LL: 10 - 15 FG
Cat’s Eye: 1 - 3 FG
Highlord: 2 - 3 FG
Atma’s Scarab: 2 - 3 FG
Rising Sun: 2 - 3 FG

Seraph 2/1: 1 - 2 FG
Seraph 2/2: 4 - 6 FG
Seraph All Perf: 40 - 50 FG

Metalgrid rand: 5 - 10 FG
Metalgrid 35 Res: 15 - 25 FG
Metalgrid 350 Def: 35 - 50 FG
Metalgrid 450 Ar: 35 - 50 FG
Metalgrid 350 Def 35 Res: 75 - 100 FG
Metalgrid 450 Ar 35 Res: 75 - 100 FG
Metalgrid 450 Ar 350 Def: 100 - 150 FG
Metalgrid 35/350/450 100% Perf: 350 - 450 FG

Maras 20-24 Res: 1 - 3 FG
Maras 25-28 Res: 3 - 5 FG
Maras 29 Res: 5 - 8 FG
Maras 30 Res: 10 - 15 FG


Magic Ammys:

3 Cold Skills 10 FCR: 10 - 15 FG
3 Light Skills 10 FCR: 10 - 15 FG
3 Fire Skills 10 FCR: 10 - 15 FG
3 PnB Skills 10 FCR: 10 - 15 FG
3 Elemental Skills 10 FCR: 10 - 15 FG
3 Trap Skills 10 FCR: 10 - 25 FG
3 Paladin Combat Skills 10 FCR: 15 - 20 FG
3 Warcries 10 FCR: 10 - 15 FG

2 Zon Skills 100 Life: 50 - 75 FG
2 Sorc Skills 100 Life: 75 - 100 FG
2 Barb Skills 100 Life: 75 - 100 FG
2 Assassin Skills 100 Life: 75 - 100 FG
2 Nec Skills 100 Life: 75 - 100 FG
2 Druid Skills 100 Life: 80 - 120 FG
2 Paladin Skills 100 Life: 100 - 150 FG

3 Cold Skills 100 Life: 75 - 100 FG
3 Light Skills 100 Life: 75 -100 FG
3 Fire Skills 100 Life: 75 - 100 FG
3 PnB Skills 100 Life: 100 - 125 FG
3 Elemental Skills 100 Life: 75 - 100 FG
3 Trap Skills 100 Life: 75 - 100 FG
3 Paladin Combat Skills 100 Life: 100 - 125 FG
3 Warcries 100 Life: 50 - 75 FG
3 SS Skills 100 Life: 75 - 100 FG

3 Cold Skills 30 Str: 50 - 75 FG
3 Light Skills 30 Str: 75 - 100 FG
3 Fire Skills 30 Str: 50 - 75 FG
3 PnB Skills 30 Str: 40 - 60 FG
3 Elemental Skills 30 Str: 35 - 50 FG
3 Trap Skills 30 Str: 35 - 50 FG
3 Paladin Combat Skills 30 Str: 40 - 60 FG
3 Warcries 30 Str: 35 - 50 FG
3 SS Skills 30 Str: 35 - 50 FG

3 Cold Skills 30 Dex: 35 - 50 FG
3 Light Skills 30 Dex: 35 - 50 FG
3 Fire Skills 30 Dex: 35 - 50 FG
3 PnB Skills 30 Dex: 35 - 50 FG
3 Elemental Skills 30 Dex: 35 - 50 FG
3 Trap Skills 30 Dex: 35 - 50 FG
3 Paladin Combat Skills 30 Dex: 50 - 75 FG
3 Warcries 30 Dex: 35 - 50 FG
3 SS Skills 30 Dex: 35 - 50 FG

3 Cold Skills 35 MF: 50 - 75 FG
3 Light Skills 35 MF: 50 - 75 FG
3 Fire Skills 35 MF: 50 - 75 FG
3 PnB Skills 35 MF: 35 - 50 FG
3 Elemental Skills 35 MF: 35 - 50 FG
3 Trap Skills 35 MF: 35 - 50 FG
3 Paladin Combat Skills 35 MF: 50 - 75 FG
3 Warcries 35 MF: 35 - 50 FG
3 SS Skills 35 MF: 35 - 50 FG

3 Warcries 80% GF: 200 - 250 FG
3 Other Skill 80% GF: 75 - 100 FG

2 Class Skills 10 FCR: 5 - 10 FG
3 Any Skill Plain: 2 - 5 FG
30 Str Plain: 3 - 5 FG
30 Dex Plain: 3 -5 FG
100 Life Plain: 3 - 5 FG
80% GF Plain: 10 - 15 FG
50 MF Plain (100% p): 75 - 100 FG


Rare/Crafted Ammys (Basic Guidelines):

Amazon Ammys:

2 Amazon Skills 10-29Str 10-19Dex: 20 - 100 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30Str 10-19Dex: 50 - 150 FG
2 Amazon Skills 10-29Str 20Dex: 50 - 150 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30Str 20Dex: 200 - 250 FG
2 Amazon Skills 10-29Str 10-19Dex 10-19@Res: 40 - 300 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30Str 10-19Dex 10-19@Res: 100 - 350 FG
2 Amazon Skills 10-29Str 20Dex 10-19@Res: 150 - 400 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30Str 20Dex 10-19@Res: 300 - 500 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30Str 20Dex 20@Res: 550 - 650 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30-59Life 10-29Str 10-19Dex: 300 – 2,500 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30-59Life 30Str 10-19Dex: 600 – 2,750 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30-59Life 10-29Str 20Dex: 800 - 3,000 FG
2 Amazon Skills 60Life 10-29Str 10-19Dex: 1,000 - 3,250 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30-59Life 30Str 20Dex: 1,250 - 3,500 FG
2 Amazon Skills 60Life 30Str 10-19Dex: 1,250 - 3,500 FG
2 Amazon Skills 60Life 10-29Str 20Dex: 1,500 - 3,750 FG
2 Amazon Skills 60Life 30Str 20Dex: 4,000 - 4,250 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30-59Life 10-29Str 10-19@Res: 75 - 350 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30-59Life 10-29Str 20@Res: 150 - 500 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30-59Life 30Str 20@Res: 300 - 600 FG
2 Amazon Skills 60Life 20Str 20@Res: 800 - 1,000 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30-59Life 10-19Dex 10-19@Res: 100 - 400 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30-59Life 10-19Dex 20@Res: 200 – 600 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30-59Life 20Dex 20@Res: 400 - 800 FG
2 Amazon Skills 60Life 20Dex 20@Res: 1,000 – 1,250 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30-59Life 10-29Str 10-19Dex 10-19@Res: 400 – 3,500 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30-59Life 10-29Str 10-19Dex 20@Res: 500 – 3,750 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30-59Life 10-29Str 20Dex 20@Res: 1,250 – 4,000 FG
2 Amazon Skills 30-59Life 30Str 20Dex 20@Res: 2,000 - 4,500 FG
2 Amazon Skills 60Life 30Str 20Dex 20@Res: 5,500 - 7,000 FG

  • Barbarian and Druid amulets of the same stats above are about 75% of the prices above.

Assassin Ammys:

2 Sin Skills 17+FCR: 40 - 60 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 10-29Str: 80 - 400 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 30Str: 600 - 800 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 10-19Dex: 120 - 450 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 20Dex: 650 - 850 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 30-59Life: 300 - 800 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 60Life: 1,000 - 1,200 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 10-29Str 10-19Dex: 300 - 1,500 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 30Str 10-19Dex: 1,000 - 1,900 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 10-29Str 20Dex: 1,100 - 2,000 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 30Str 20Dex: 3,000 - 3,500 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 30-59Life 10-29Str: 800 – 3,500 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 30-59Life 30Str: 1,500 - 4,000 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 60Life 10-29Str: 1,750 - 4,250 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 60Life 30Str: 4,500 - 5,000 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 30-59Life 10-19Dex: 900 - 3,600 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 30-59Life 20Dex: 1,600 - 4,100 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 60Life 10-19Dex: 1,700 - 4,200 FG
2 Sin Skills 17+FCR 60Life 20Dex: 4,750 - 5,250 FG


Druid Ammys:

2 Druid Skills 18+FCR: 35 - 50 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 10-29Str: 100 - 500 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 30Str: 800 - 1,000 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 10-19Dex: 80 - 400 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 20Dex: 600 - 800 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 30-59Life: 600 – 1,500 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 60Life: 1,750 - 2,000 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 10-29Str 10-19Dex: 400 – 2,000 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 30Str 10-19Dex: 1,250 - 2,500 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 10-29Str 20Dex: 1,000 – 2,250 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 30Str 20Dex: 3,500 - 4,000 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 30-59Life 10-29Str: 1,250 – 4,250 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 30-59Life 30Str: 2,000 – 4,500 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 60Life 10-29Str: 2,500 – 5,000 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 60Life 30Str: 6,000 - 8,000 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 30-59Life 10-19Dex: 1,000 - 4,000 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 30-59Life 20Dex: 1,750 - 4,250 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 60Life 10-19Dex: 2,250 - 4,750 FG
2 Druid Skills 18+FCR 60Life 20Dex: 5,500 - 6,500 FG


Es Sorceress Ammys:

2 Sorc Skills 10FCR 10-29Str 50-110Mana: 75 - 350 FG
2 Sorc Skills 10FCR 10-29Str 50-110Mana 10-19@Res/or 25-75%Psn Reduce/or 5-9LifeRep: 150 - 500 FG
2 Sorc Skills 10FCR 10-29Str 30-59Life 50-110Mana: 250 – 1,500 FG
2 Sorc Skills 10FCR 10-19Dex 50-110Mana: 75 - 350 FG
2 Sorc Skills 10FCR 10-19Dex 50-110Mana 10-19@Res/or 25-75%Psn Reduce/or 5-9LifeRep: 150 - 500 FG
2 Sorc Skills 10FCR 10-19Dex 30-59Life 50-110Mana: 300 – 1,500 FG
2 Sorc Skills 10FCR 30-59Life 50-110Mana 10-19@Res/or 25-75%Psn Reduce/or 5-9LifeRep: 300 - 1,000 FG
2 Sorc Skills 10FCR 60Life 50-110Mana 20@Res/or 25-75%Psn Reduce/or 5-9LifeRep: 800 - 1,500 FG
2 Sorc Skills 10FCR 20Dex 60Life 50-110Mana: 1,000 – 2,500 FG
2 Sorc Skills 10FCR 10-19Dex 30-59Life 50-110Mana 10-19@Res/or 25-75%Psn Reduce/or 5-9LifeRep: 400 - 2,000 FG
2 Sorc Skills 10FCR 20Dex 60Life 90Mana 20@res/or 25-75%Psn Reduce/or 5-9LifeRep: 4,000 - 5,000 FG
2 Sorc Skills 10FCR 30Str 60Life 50-110Mana: 1,000 – 2,500 FG
2 Sorc Skills 10FCR 10-29Str 30-59Life 50-110Mana 10-19@Res/25-75%Psn Reduce/5-9LifeRep: 450 - 2,500 FG
2 Sorc Skills 10FCR 30Str 60Life 90Mana 20@res/or 25-75%Psn Reduce/or 5-9LifeRep: 5,000 - 6,000 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20FCR 50-110Mana: 150 - 400 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20FCR 10-29Str 50-110Mana: 300 – 1,500 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20FCR 30Str 50-110Mana: 600 – 2,500 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20FCR 10-19Dex 50-110Mana: 250 – 1,250 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20FCR 20Dex 50-110Mana: 500 - 2,000 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20FCR 30-59Life 50-110Mana: 400 – 3,000 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20FCR 60Life 50-110Mana: 1,000 - 3,500 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20FCR 50-110Mana 10-20@Res/or 25-75%Psn Reduce/or 5-9LifeRep: 300 - 1,000 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20FCR 60Life 110Mana: 3,500 - 4,000 FG


Necromancer/Paladin Ammys:

2 Class Skills 10FCR: 5 - 10 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 10-29Str: 15 - 75 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 30Str: 100 - 150 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 10-19Dex: 20 - 60 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 20Dex: 75 - 125 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 30-59Life: 50 - 200 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 60Life: 350 - 450 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 10-29Str 10-19Dex: 75 - 300 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 30Str 10-19Dex: 200 – 350 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 10-29Str 20Dex: 175 – 325 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 30Str 20Dex: 400 – 500 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 30-59Life 10-19Dex: 125 - 500 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 30-59Life 20Dex: 250 - 600 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 60Life 10-19Dex: 600 - 800 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 60Life 20Dex: 1,000 – 1,200 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 30-59Life 10-29Str: 150 - 600 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 30-59Life 30Str: 300 - 700 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 60Life 10-29Str: 700 - 900 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 60Life 30Str: 1,100 – 1,300 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 10-29Str/or 10-19Dex 30-59Life 10-19@Res: 200 – 700 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 10-29Str/or 10-19Dex 30-59Life 20@Res: 250 – 750 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 10-29Str/or 10-19Dex 60Life 10-20@Res: 800 – 1,000 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 30Str/or 20Dex 60Life 10-20@Res: 1,500 – 2,000 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 10-29Str/or 10-19Dex 30-59Life 70-89Mana 10-19@Res: 450 - 2,000 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 10-29Str/or 10-19Dex 30-59Life 70-89Mana 20@Res: 550 – 2,100 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 10-29Str/or 10-19Dex 30-59Life 90Mana 10-20@Res: 550 – 2,100 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 10-29Str/or 10-19Dex 60Life 70-90Mana 10-20@Res: 1,500 - 2,500 FG
2 Class Skills 10FCR 30Str/20Dex 60Life 70-90Mana 10-20@Res: 2,000 – 3,000 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR: 35 - 50 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 10-29Str: 100 – 400 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 30Str: 500 - 700 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 10-19Dex: 150 - 450 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 20Dex: 550 - 750 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 30-59Life: 400 – 1,000 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 60Life: 1,250 - 1,500 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 10-29Str 10-19Dex: 400 - 1,500 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 30Str 10-19Dex: 1,000 - 1,750 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 10-29Str 20Dex: 1,100 – 1,850 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 30Str 20Dex: 3,000 - 3,500 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 30-59Life 10-29Str: 800 – 3,500 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 30-59Life 30Str: 1,500 - 4,000 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 60Life 10-29Str: 1,750 - 4,250 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 60Life 30Str: 4,500 - 5,000 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 30-59Life 10-19Dex: 800 - 3,500 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 30-59Life 20Dex: 1,500 - 4,000 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 60Life 10-19Dex: 1,750 - 4,250 FG
2 Class Skills 20FCR 60Life 20Dex: 4,500 – 5,000 FG

  • Sorceress amulets of the same stats above are about 75% of the prices above.
  • Barbarian amulets of the same stats above are about 50% of the prices above.

V/t Paladin Ammys:

2 Paladin Skills 10-29Str 10-19Dex: 25 - 150 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30Str 10-19Dex: 75 - 200 FG
2 Paladin Skills 10-29Str 20Dex: 75 - 200 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30Str 20Dex: 250 - 300 FG
2 Paladin Skills 10-29Str 10-19Dex 10-19@Res: 50 - 400 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30Str 10-19Dex 10-19@Res: 150 - 450 FG
2 Paladin Skills 10-29Str 20Dex 10-19@Res: 200 - 500 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30Str 20Dex 10-19@Res: 350 - 600 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30Str 20Dex 20@Res: 700 - 800 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30-59Life 10-29Str 10-19Dex: 400 - 3,000 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30-59Life 30Str 10-19Dex: 800 - 3,250 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30-59Life 10-29Str 20Dex: 1,000 - 3,500 FG
2 Paladin Skills 60Life 10-29Str 10-19Dex: 1,250 - 3,750 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30-59Life 30Str 20Dex: 1,500 - 4,000 FG
2 Paladin Skills 60Life 30Str 10-19Dex: 1,500 - 4,000 FG
2 Paladin Skills 60Life 10-29Str 20Dex: 1,750 - 4,250 FG
2 Paladin Skills 60Life 30Str 20Dex: 4,500 – 5,000 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30-59Life 10-29Str 10-19@Res: 125 - 400 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30-59Life 10-29Str 20@Res: 200 - 600 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30-59Life 30Str 20@Res: 400 - 800 FG
2 Paladin Skills 60Life 20Str 20@Res: 1,000 – 1,250 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30-59Life 10-19Dex 10-19@Res: 150 - 500 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30-59Life 10-19Dex 20@Res: 250 – 750 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30-59Life 20Dex 20@Res: 500 - 1,000 FG
2 Paladin Skills 60Life 20Dex 20@Res: 1,250 – 1,500 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30-59Life 10-29Str 10-19Dex 10-19@Res: 500 - 4,000 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30-59Life 10-29Str 10-19Dex 20@Res: 600 – 4,250 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30-59Life 10-29Str 20Dex 20@Res: 1,500 – 4,500 FG
2 Paladin Skills 30-59Life 30Str 20Dex 20@Res: 3,000 - 5,000 FG
2 Paladin Skills 60Life 30Str 20Dex 20@Res: 6,000 - 8,000 FG


Unique Rings:

Stone of Jordan (SoJ): 4 - 6 FG
2x SoJ (Matching): 10 - 15 FG

Bul Kathos (BK) 3% LL: 3 - 4 FG
Bul Kathos 4% LL: 3 - 5 FG
Bul Kathos 5% LL: 5 - 7 FG

Manald Heal Rand: 0 - 1 FG
Manald Heal 7% ML: 2 - 3 FG
Manald Heal 7% ML 8 Rep Life: 7 - 10 FG

Nagel Rand: 0 - 1 FG
Nagel 30 MF: 3 - 5 FG

Raven Frost 15-19 Dex Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Raven Frost 20 Dex: 3 - 5 FG
Raven Frost 20 Dex 220-239 Ar: 5 - 10 FG
Raven Frost 20 Dex 240-248 Ar: 10 - 15 FG
Raven Frost 20 Dex 249 Ar: 15 - 20 FG
Raven Frost 20 Dex 250 Ar: 40 - 60 FG
2x Raven Frost 20 Dex 250 Ar (Matching): 100 - 125 FG

Wisp Projector Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Wisp 15-19% Absorb: 5 - 15 FG
Wisp 20% Absorb: 30 - 40 FG
Wisp 20% Absorb 20 MF: 100 - 125 FG

Dwarf Star Rand: 1 - 3 FG
Dwarf Star 15 Mdr: 5 - 10 FG

Carrion Wind Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Carrion Wind 9% LL: 4 - 6 FG
Carrion Wind 9% LL 160DvM: 50 - 75 FG

Natures Peace Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Natures Peace 30 Pr: 10 - 15 FG
Natures Peace 30 Pr/11 Dr: 30 - 40 FG


Magic Rings:

31-39 MF Plain: 10 - 20 FG
40 MF Plain (100% Perfect): 50 - 75 FG
2x 40 MF Plain (Matching): 125 - 150 FG
10 FCR 120 Mana: 30 - 40 FG
10 FCR 40 Life: 10 - 15 FG
10 FCR 15 @ Res: 10 - 15 FG


Rare/Crafted Rings (Basic Guidelines):

Caster Rings:

10FCR 15-20Str: 5 - 10 FG
10FCR 10-15Dex: 10 - 15 FG
10FCR 30-40Life: 5 - 10 FG
10FCR 15-20Str 10-15@Res: 15 - 25 FG
10FCR 10-15Dex 10-15@Res: 20 - 30 FG
10FCR 30-40Life 10-15@Res: 15 - 25 FG
10FCR 15-20Str 10-15Dex: 50 - 150 FG
10FCR 10-15Dex 30-40Life: 75 - 200 FG
10FCR 15-20Str 30-40Life: 75 - 200 FG
10FCR 15-20Str 10-15Dex 10-15@Res: 75 - 200 FG
10FCR 15-19Str 30-39Life 10-15@Res: 100 – 250 FG
10FCR 20Str 40Life 10-15@Res: 300 - 400 FG
10FCR 100-120Ar 15-19Str 30-39Life: 150 - 350 FG
10FCR 120Ar 20Str 40Life: 400 - 500 FG
10FCR 10-14Dex 30-39Life 10-15@Res: 125 - 275 FG
10FCR 15Dex 40Life 10-15@Res: 350 - 450 FG
10FCR 100-120Ar 10-14Dex 30-39Life: 200 - 400 FG
10FCR 120Ar 15Dex 40Life: 500 - 600 FG
10FCR 15-19Str 10-14Dex 30-39Life: 250 - 600 FG
10FCR 20Str 15Dex 40Life: 700 - 800 FG
10FCR 15-19Str 10-14Dex 30-39Life 10-15@Res: 500 – 1,200 FG
10FCR 20Str 15Dex 40Life 10-15@Res: 1,500 - 2,000 FG
10FCR 50-59Life: 100 - 175 FG
10FCR 60Life: 250 - 350 FG
10FCR 20-25Str 50-59Life: 350 - 750 FG
10FCR 25Str 60Life: 2,000 - 2,500 FG
10FCR 20-24Str 50-59Life 10-11@Res/or 30Res: 1,000 – 1,500 FG
10FCR 25Str 60Life 10-11@Res/or 30Res: 3,500 - 4,000 FG
10FCR 50-59Life 5-8LifeRep: 1,000 – 1,500 FG
10FCR 60Life 5-8LifeRep: 2,500 - 3,000 FG
10FCR 50-59Life 9LifeRep: 3,000 - 5,000 FG
10FCR 60Life 9LifeRep: 6,000 - 8,000 FG
10FCR 50-59Life 9LifeRep 10@Res/or 30Res: 6,000 - 10,000 FG
10FCR 60Life 9LifeRep 10@Res/or 30Res: 8,000 - 12,000 FG


Caster Rings w/ Mana:

10FCR 70-90Mana: 10 - 20 FG
10FCR 70-90Mana 10-15@Res: 20 – 50 FG
10FCR 30-39Life 70-89Mana: 50 - 150 FG
10FCR 30-39Life 90Mana: 150 - 250 FG
10FCR 40Life 70-89Mana: 125 - 200 FG
10FCR 40Life 90Mana: 300 – 350 FG
10FCR 15-20Str 70-90Mana: 40 - 200 FG
10FCR 10-15Dex 70-90Mana: 40 - 200 FG
10FCR 10-14Dex 30-39Life 70-89Mana: 300 - 1,000 FG
10FCR 15Dex 40Life 90Mana: 2,000 - 2,500 FG
10FCR 10-14Dex 30-39Life 70-89Mana 10-15@Res: 600 - 2,000 FG
10FCR 15Dex 40Life 90Mana 15@res: 4,000 - 6,000 FG
10FCR 15-19Str 30-39Life 70-89Mana: 300 - 1,000 FG
10FCR 20Str 40Life 90Mana: 2,000 - 2,500 FG
10FCR 15-19Str 30-39Life 70-89Mana 10-15@Res: 600 - 2,000 FG
10FCR 20Str 40Life 90Mana 15@Res: 4,000 - 6,000 FG
10FCR 15-19Str 10-14Dex 70-89Mana: 200 - 350 FG
10FCR 20Str 15Dex 90Mana: 750 – 1,000 FG
10FCR 10-14Dex 50-59Life 70-89Mana: 1,000 - 2,500 FG
10FCR 15Dex 60Life 90Mana: 8,000 - 12,000 FG
10FCR 20-24Str 50-59Life 70-89Mana: 1,000 - 2,500 FG
10FCR 25Str 60Life 90Mana: 8,000 - 12,000 FG
10FCR 15-20Str 5-8LifeRep 70-90Mana: 150 - 500 FG
10FCR 10-15Dex 5-8LifeRep 70-90Mana: 150 - 500 FG
10FCR 15-20Str 9LifeRep 70-90Mana: 400 - 1,500 FG
10FCR 10-14Dex 9LifeRep 70-89Mana: 400 - 1,500 FG
10FCR 15Dex 9LifeRep 90Mana: 2,000 - 2,500 FG
10FCR 30-40Life 5-8LifeRep 70-90Mana: 150 - 1,000 FG
10FCR 30-40Life 9LifeRep 70-90Mana: 1,000 - 4,000 FG
10FCR 30-40Life 9LifeRep 70-90Mana 10-15@Res: 1,500 - 10,000 FG


Melee Rings:

100-120AR 15-19Str 10-14Dex 30-39Life: 300 - 1,000 FG
120AR 20Str 15Dex 40Life: 1,500 - 2,000 FG
100-120AR 20-24Str 10-14Dex 50-59Life: 4,000 - 6,000 FG
120Ar 25Str 15Dex 60Life: 10,000 - 15,000 FG
100-120AR 15-19Str 10-14Dex 30-39Life 10-15@Res: 750 - 2,500 FG
120AR 20Str 15Dex 40Life 15@res: 4,000 - 5,000 FG
100-120AR 20-24Str 50-59Life 10-11@Res/or 30Res: 1,500 - 3,000 FG
120AR 25Str 60Life 11@res: 4,000 - 5,000 FG
100-120AR 6-8%ML 6-8%LL 30-40Life: 50 - 200 FG
100-120AR 6-8%ML 6-11%LL 50-59Life: 150 - 500 FG
120AR 8%ML 11%LL 60Life: 1,000 – 1,500 FG
3-9Max Dmg 100-119AR 15-19Str 10-14Dex 30-39Life: 500 - 3,000 FG
9Max Dmg 120AR 20Str 15Dex 40Life: 4,000 - 5,000 FG
3-9Max Dmg 100-119AR 20-24Str 10-14Dex 15-19Life: 500 - 3,000 FG
9Max Dmg 120AR 25Str 15Dex 20Life: 4,000 - 5,000 FG

  • All rare/crafted rings and ammy lists are far from comprehensive. There are several other stats that can contribute to the worth of caster/melee rings and ammys, in different ranges as well.
  • These lists are basic guidelines, to give people an idea of the minimum, and maximum worth of certain types of ammys/rings depending on if the stats fall on the minimum end, or maximum end of a set of ranges. They also demonstrate which stats tend to be most useful in combination.
  • Feel free to pm me for accurate prices on your specific rare rings and amulets.

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Dec 23 2011 12:49am
6) Set Items:


Rand Set (Ex: Sigon's Set): 10 - 15 FG
Tal Rasha's Set: 15 - 20 FG
P Tal Rasha's Set (100% P): 100 - 150 FG (Highest Value: P Tal Rasha's Armor)
Griswold's Set (P Sockets): 25 - 35 FG
Griswold's Set 5/5'd Faceted: 100 - 150 FG
P Griswold's Set: 400 - 500 FG (Highest Value: P Gris Helm, Shield, and Weapon)
P Griswold's Set 5/5'd Faceted: 550 - 650 FG
Aldur's Set: 10 - 15 FG
P Aldur's Set: 150 - 200 FG (Highest Value: P Aldur's Boots)
Trang Oul's Set: 15 - 20 FG
P Trang Oul's Set: 650 - 900 FG (Highest Value: P Trang Oul's Belt)
Immortal King's Set: 10 - 15 FG
P Immortal King's Set: 100 - 150 FG (Highest Value: P IK Helm)
Natalya's Set : 10 - 15 FG
P Natalya's Set: 350 - 400 FG (Highest Value: P Nat's Helm/Boots)
Mavina's Set: 15 - 20 FG
P Mavina's Set: 100 - 150 FG (Highest Value: P Mav's Helm)


Set Items:

Angelic Rings (Matching) + Ammy: 3 - 5 FG
P Trang Belt 166/50: 500 - 750 FG
Aldurs Boots 50% Fr: 10 - 15 FG
P Aldurs Boots 47/50: 75 - 100 FG
Whitstan's Guard: 2 - 3 FG
Guillaume's Face: 2 - 3 FG
Sigon Shield: 1 - 2 FG
25 Def Sigon Shield: 3 - 5 FG
333 Def Gris Shield: 100 - 150 FG
240/4 Gris Weapon: 100 - 150 FG
290/75 Gris Helm: 50 - 75 FG
290/75/30 Gris Helm: 150 - 200 FG
Tal Ammy: 1 - 2 FG
Death's Gloves/Belt 3 Def: 3 - 5 FG Each
31 Def Sanders Gloves: 5 - 10 FG
6 Def Sanders Boots: 3 - 5 FG
Hsarus' Belt/Boots/Shield: 3 - 5 FG Each
Cow King's Boots: 15 - 25 FG
Trang Gloves: 2 - 3 FG
74 Def Trang Gloves: 4 - 6 FG
9 Def Cleglaws Gloves: 3 - 5 FG
175/40 IK helm: 35 - 50 FG


7) Helmets:

Unique Helmets:


Arreats Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Arreats 190 - 195% ED: 4 - 6 FG
Arreats 195 - 199% ED 3 - 6% LL: 7 - 10 FG
Arreats 200% ED 3 - 5% LL: 25 - 35 FG
Arreats 200% ED 6% LL: 40 - 60 FG
Arreats Upped (Total Def 360-450): 5 - 20 FG
Arreats Upped (Total Def 451-489): 20 - 50 FG
Arreats Upped (Total Def 490-499): 60 - 150 FG
Arreats Upped (Total Def 500-503): 200 - 400 FG
Arreats Upped (Total Def 504/3-5% LL): 600 - 800 FG
Arreats Upped (Total Def 504/6% LL): 1,000 - 1,200 FG
Arreats Eth Rand: 8 - 12 FG
Arreats Eth 190-199% ED: 20 - 30 FG
Arreats Eth 200% ED 6% LL: 100 - 150 FG
Arreats Eth Upped (Total Def 530-650): 10 - 30 FG
Arreats Eth Upped (Total Def 651-699): 30 - 75 FG
Arreats Eth Upped (Total Def 700-730): 75 - 200 FG
Arreats Eth Upped (Total Def 731-753): 200 - 400 FG
Arreats Eth Upped (Total Def 756//3-5% LL): 1,000 - 1,500 FG
Arreats Eth Upped (Total Def 756//6% LL): 1,500 - 2,000 FG


Andariels Rand: 2 - 3 FG
Andariels 30 Str: 4 - 6 FG
Andariels 30 Str 10%LL: 10 - 15 FG
Andariels 150% ED 30 Str 10% LL: 60 - 80 FG
Andariels Eth Rand: 15 - 25 FG
Andariels Eth 30 Str: 25 - 35 FG
Andariels Eth 30 Str 10% LL: 40 - 60 FG
Andariels Eth 140-148% ED 30 Str 10% LL 75 - 100 FG
Andariels Eth 149% ED 30 Str 10% LL: 150 - 200 FG
Andariels Eth 150% ED 30 Str 10% LL: 600 - 800 FG

Crown of Ages (CoA):

CoA 1 Socket random: 3 - 5 FG
CoA 1 Socket 15% Dr: 5 - 10 FG
CoA 1 Socket 15% Dr 30 @ Res 150 Def: 10 - 15 FG
CoA 2 Socket Rand: 15 - 25 FG
CoA 2 Socket 15% Dr: 40 - 75 FG
CoA 2 Socket 15% Dr 30 @ Res: 125 - 175 FG
CoA 2 Socket 100% Perf w/ 150 Def: 250 - 300 FG

Crown of Thieves (CoT):

CoT Rand: 2 - 3 FG
CoT 100% GF: 10 - 15 FG
CoT 12% LL 100% GF: 20 - 30 FG
CoT 12% LL 200% ED 100% GF: 50 - 75 FG
CoT Eth 12% LL: 25 - 35 FG
CoT Eth 12% LL 100% GF: 100 - 150 FG
CoT Eth 12% LL 200% ED 100% GF: 200 - 250 FG
CoT Eth Up'd 12% LL: 40 - 60 FG
CoT Eth Up'd 12% LL 100% GF: 250 - 300 FG
CoT Eth Up'd 12% LL 200% ED 100% GF Perf: 500 - 600 FG


Griffon Rand: 10 - 15 FG
Griffon 15% Dmg: 25 - 35 FG
Griffon -20% Res: 30 - 40 FG
Griffon 19/15: 40 - 60 FG
Griffon 20/14: 40 - 60 FG
Griffon 20/15: 150 - 200 FG
Griffon Perf 260 Def: 350 - 450 FG
Griffon Eth Rand: 10 - 15 FG
Griffon Eth 15% Dmg 20% Light: 50 - 75 FG
Griffon Eth 15% Dmg 20% Light +200 Def: 75 - 100 FG


Jalals Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Jalals 190-199% ED: 3 - 5 FG
Jalals 200% ED: 15 - 20 FG
Jalals Up'd Rand: 10 - 30 FG
Jalals Up'd 200% ED: 50 - 150 FG
Jalals Up'd 200% ED 477 Def: 600 - 800 FG
Jalals Eth Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Jalals Eth 200% ED: 50 - 75 FG


Kira Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Kira 70 @ Res: 20 - 25 FG
Kira Eth 70 @ Res: 30 - 40 FG
Kira 100% Perf Non-upped: 50 - 75 FG
Kira 70 @ Res Upped: 30 - 40 FG
Kira Eth 70 @ Res Upped: 40 - 60 FG
Kira 70 @ Res Upped +120 Def: 100 - 150 FG


Nightwings Rand: 2 - 5 FG
Nightwings 15% Dmg: 15 - 20 FG
Nightwings 15% Dmg 20 Dex: 40 - 50 FG
Nightwings Perf (120/15/20/9): 100 - 125 FG
Nightwings Eth Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Nightwings Eth 15% Dmg: 50 - 75 FG
Nightwings Eth 15% Dmg 20 Dex: 150 - 200 FG
Nightwings Eth 15% Dmg 20 Dex 120% ED: 400 - 500 FG
Nightwings Eth Perf (120/15/20/9): 800 - 1,000 FG


Shako Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Shako 141 Def Perf: 10 - 15 FG
Shako Eth Rand: 3 - 7 FG
Shako Eth Perf: 25 - 30 FG

Vampire Gaze:

Gaze Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Gaze 20% Dr: 5 - 10 FG
Gaze (8/8/20): 20 - 25 FG
Gaze Perf (8/8/20/15): 75 - 100 FG
Gaze Eth Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Gaze Eth 20% Dr: 20 - 25 FG
Gaze Eth (8/8/20): 35 - 50 FG
Gaze Eth Perf (8/8/20/15): 150 - 200 FG
Gaze Eth Upped Rand: 30 - 40 FG
Gaze Eth Upped 20% Dr: 50 - 75 FG
Gaze Eth Upped (8/8/20): 100 - 150 FG
Gaze Eth Upped 100% Perf: 400 - 500 FG

Rand Helms of Interest:

Wolfhowl Rand: 1 - 20 FG
Wolfhowl (3/6/6/6): 50 - 75 FG
Wolfhowl 100% Perf (3/6/6/6/150/15/15/15): 1,000 - 1,500 FG

Gskull 2 os Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Gskull 2 os 35 Str: 15 - 25 FG
Gskull Eth Rand: 10 - 25 FG
Gskull Eth 2 os 35 Str: 75 - 100 FG
Gskull 100% P Eth 2 os 35 Str +320 Def: 200 - 250 FG

Stealskull Rand: 0.5 - 2 FG
Stealskull 50% MF: 10 - 15 FG
Stealskull Eth 50% MF: 35 - 50 FG
Stealskull Eth Perf: 75 - 100 FG

Ravenlore Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Ravenlore -20% Res: 15 - 20 FG
Ravenlore - 20% Res 25 @ Res: 50 - 75 FG
Ravenlore 100% Perf -20% Res 30 Energy 25 @ Res 150% ED: 250 - 300 FG

Spirit Keeper 25 Cr: 10 - 15 FG
Spirit Keeper 2 Skill 25 Cr: 25 - 35 FG

Peasant Crown Rand: 1 - 3 FG
Peasant Crown 12 Life Rep: 8 - 12 FG


Magic Helmets:

3 sockets:

30 FRW Tiara: 200 - 250 FG
30 FRW Diadem: 300 - 350 FG
30 FRW 60 Def Diadem: 400 - 500 FG
20 FRW Tiara: 35 - 50 FG
20 FRW Diadem: 50 - 75 FG
100 Life Tiara: 200 - 250 FG
100 Life Diadem: 300 - 350 FG
95 - 99 Life: 75 - 100 FG
90 - 94 Life: 50 - 75 FG
8x Life: 25 - 50 FG
30 Dex: 150 - 200 FG
30 Str: 125 - 175 FG
20 FCR: 40 - 60 FG

3 Skills:

3 of Any Skills Plain (Prebuff Skills): 3 - 5 FG
3 of Any Skills 30 Str/30 Dex 2os: 50 - 75 FG
3 Fire Skills 20 FCR 2 os: 50 - 75 FG
3 Fire Skills 100 Life 2 os: 75 - 100 FG
3 Cold Skills 20 FCR 2 os: 35 - 50 FG
3 Cold Skills 100 Life 2 os: 75 - 100 FG
3 Light Skills 20 FCR 2 os: 50 - 75 FG
3 Light Skills 100 Life 2 os: 75 - 100 FG
3 Poison & Bone Skills 20 FCR 2 os: 50 - 75 FG
3 Poison & Bone skills 100 Life 2 os: 75 - 100 FG
3 Elemental Skills 20 FCR 2 os: 30 - 40 FG
3 Elemental Skills 100 Life 2 os: 60 - 80 FG
3 Trap Skills 20 FCR 2 os: 35 - 50 FG
3 Trap Skills 100 Life 2 os: 75 - 100 FG
3 Paladin Combat Skills 20 FCR 2 os: 50 - 75 FG
3 Offensive Skills 100 Life 2 os: 50 - 75 FG
3 Paladin Combat Skills 100 Life 2 os: 100 - 150 FG
3 Necromancer Summon Skills 100 Life 2 os: 50 - 75 FG

2 Skills:

2 Amazon 30 FRW 2 os: 50 - 75 FG
2 Sorceress 100 Life 2 os: 50 - 75 FG
2 Nercromancer 100 Life 2 os: 75 - 100 FG
2 Druid 100 Life 2 os: 100 - 150 FG
2 Assassin 100 Life 2 os: 75 - 100 FG
2 Paladin 100 Life 2 os: 100 - 150 FG
2 Amazon 20 FCR 2 os: 20 - 30 FG
2 Sorceress 20 FCR 2 os: 40 - 60 FG
2 Necromancer 20 FCR 2 os: 40 - 60 FG
2 Druid 20 FCR 2 os: 40 - 60 FG
2 Assassin 20 FCR 2 os: 40 - 60 FG
2 Paladin 20 FCR 2 os: 50 - 75 FG
2 Barbarian 20 FCR 2 os: 40 - 60 FG


Rare Helmets/Special (Basic Guidelines):

5/6 Bo Helms:

5 Bo Green Arreats (Basic): 25 - 50 FG
5 Bo Green Arreats 2 os: 100 - 150 FG
5 Bo Red Arreats 30+Life: 100 - 150 FG
5 Bo Red Arreats 30+Life 2 os: 350 - 500 FG
5 Bo Blue Arreats (Basic): 150 - 200 FG
5 Bo Blue Arreats 2 os: 500 - 750 FG
5 Bo Light Blue Arreats (Basic): 500 - 750 FG
5 Bo Light Blue Arreats 2 os: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
5 Bo Silver/White Arreats (Basic): 3,500 - 5,000 FG
5 Bo Visionary 250+Def: 10,000 - 15,000 FG
5 Bo Visionary 300+Def: 15,000 - 30,000 FG
5 Bo Visionary 400+Def: 30,000 - 50,000 FG
6 Bo Arreats Plain: 100 -150 FG
6 Bo Arreats 2 os: 250 - 350 FG
6 Bo Arreats 100Life 2 os: 1,500 - 2,000 FG
6 Bo Red/Blue Arreats 2 os: 1,500 - 2,000 FG

5/6 Nado Helms:

5 Nado Green Hawk/Wolf (Basic): 15 - 25 FG
5 Nado Green Antlers (Basic): 30 - 40 FG
5 Nado Red Hawk/Wolf 30+Life: 75 - 100 FG
5 Nado Red Hawk/Wolf 30+life 2os: 600 - 800 FG
5 Nado Red Hawk/Wolf 10FHR 15-29Life 2os: 2,000 - 4,000 FG
5 Nado Red Hawk/Wolf 10FHR 30-40Life 2os: 5,000 - 8,000 FG
5 Nado Red Antlers 30+Life: 100 - 150 FG
5 Nado Red Antlers 30+Life 2os: 800 - 1,000 FG
5 Nado Red Antlers 10FHR 15-29Life 2os: 2,000 - 5,000 FG
5 Nado Red Antlers 10FHR 30-40Life 2os: 6,000 - 10,000 FG
5 Nado Red Any Shape 60Life 2os (Magic): 8,000 - 10,000 FG
5 Nado Blue Hawk/Wolf 30+Life: 50 - 100 FG
5 Nado Blue Antlers 30+Life: 100 - 150 FG
5 Nado Blue Antlers 30+Life 2os: 800 - 1,200 FG
5 Nado Blue Any Shape 10FHR 15-29Life 2os: 3,000 - 5,000 FG
5 Nado Blue Any Shape 10FHR 30-40Life 2os: 6,000 - 10,000 FG
5 Nado White Hawk/Wolf: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
5 Nado White Antlers: 1,500 - 2,000 FG
5 Nado White 10FHR: 2,000 - 2,500 FG
5 Nado White 10FHR 2os: 10,000 - 15,000 FG

  • Prices in this section depend heavily on whether the stats are in the high or low end of their ranges.
  • Feel free to pm me for more accurate prices on your specific rare circlets/diadems/etc.
Posts: 69,886
Joined: Jan 22 2009
Gold: 133,165.00
Dec 23 2011 12:50am
8) Belts:

Unique Belts:


Arachnid Rand: 2 - 3 FG
Arachnid 119% ED: 3 - 5 FG
Arachnid 120% ED: 10 - 15 FG


Razortail Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Razortail Up'd: 10 - 15 FG
Razortail 150-156 Def Up'd: 25 - 35 FG
Razortail 157 Def Up'd Perf.: 200 - 250 FG


Snowclash Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Snowclash lvl 19 Blizz: 15 - 20 FG
Snowclash Perf.: 250 - 300 FG


Nos Belt Rand: 2 - 3 FG
Nos Belt 7% LL: 4 - 6 FG
Nos Belt 7% LL 63 Def: 10 - 15 FG

String of Ears:

SoE Rand: 1 - 2 FG
SoE 15 Dr 15 Mdr: 5 - 10 FG
SoE 8% LL: 4 - 6 FG
SoE 8% LL 15 Dr: 10 - 15 FG
SoE 8% LL 15 Dr 15 Mdr: 20 - 25 FG
SoE 8/15/15 Up'd: 50 - 75 FG
SoE 8/15/15 173 Def Up'd: 200 - 250 FG


Goldwrap Rand: 1 - 3 FG
Goldwrap 80% GF: 5 - 10 FG
Goldwrap 80% GF 36 Def: 15 - 20 FG
Goldwrap 80% GF Double Up'd: 35 - 50 FG
Goldwrap 80% GF 130 Def Perf. Double Up'd: 150 - 200 FG


Thundergod Rand: 2 - 3 FG
Thundergod 200% ED: 8 - 12 FG
Thundergod 200% ED Upped: 10 - 20 FG
Thundergod 200% ED 210-212 Def Upped: 30 - 50 FG
Thundergod 200% ED 213 Def Upped: 150 - 200 FG


Verdungo Rand: 2 - 3 FG
Verdungo 40 Vit: 5 - 7 FG
Verdungo 15 Dr 30-38 Vit: 5 - 10 FG
Verdungo 15 Dr 39 Vit: 10 - 15 FG
Verdungo 15 Dr 39 Vit 13 Life Rep: 20 - 25 FG
Verdungo 40 Vit 15 Dr: 25 - 35 FG
Verdungo 40 Vit 15 Dr 13 LifeRep: 60 - 80 FG
Verdungo 40 Vit 15 Dr 140% ED: 100 - 150 FG
Verdungo 40 Vit 15 Dr 140% ED 13 Life Rep: 275 - 325 FG
Verdungo 100% Perf. w/ 120 Stamina: 750 - 900 FG

Rand Belts of Interest:

Lenymo : 2 - 5 FG

Nightsmoke: 1 - 2 FG

Gloom Trap: 1 - 2 FG

Bladebuckle: 1 - 2 FG


Rare/Crafted Belts (Basic Guidelines):

24FHR Rare:

24FHR 10-19Str 50-59Life: 10 - 30 FG
24FHR 10-19Str 50-59Life 20+Single Res: 20 - 40 FG
24FHR 20-29Str 50-59Life: 35 - 75 FG
24FHR 20-29Str 50-59Life 20+Single Res: 75 - 100 FG
24FHR 30Str 60Life: 175 - 225 FG
24FHR 30Str 60Life 20-30%Lr: 400 - 600 FG
24FHR 30Str 60Life 20-30%Lr 20-30%Fr: 750 - 1,000 FG
24FHR 30Str 60Life 20-30%Lr 20-30%Fr 20-30%Pr-Cr: 1,500 - 2,000 FG

FCR/24FHR Crafted:

6-9FCR 24FHR 30-49Life: 25 - 50 FG
10FCR 24FHR 30-49Life: 50 - 100 FG
6-9FCR 24FHR 50-59Life: 50- 75 FG
10FCR 24FHR 50-59Life: 100 - 150 FG
6-9FCR 24FHR 60Life: 100 - 150 FG
10FCR 24FHR 60Life: 200 - 250 FG
6-9FCR 24FHR 60Life 5-9Life Rep: 350 - 750 FG
10FCR 24FHR 60Life 5-9Life Rep: 750 - 1,500 FG
6-9FCR 24FHR 20-29Str 50-59Life: 500 - 1,000 FG
10FCR 24FHR 20-29Str 50-59Life: 1,500 - 2,000 FG
6-9FCR 24FHR 20-29Str 50-59Life 20-30Res: 750 - 1,500 FG
10FCR 24FHR 20-29Str 50-59Life 20-30Res: 1,500 - 2,500 FG
6-9FCR 24FHR 30Str 60Life 30Res: 3,000 - 4,000 FG
10FCR 24FHR 30Str 60Life 30Res: 6,000 - 8,000 FG

Blood Craft:

24FHR 10%OW 20-59Life: 50 - 250 FG
24FHR 10%OW 60-70+Life: 250 - 500 FG
24FHR 10%OW 10-29Str 20-59Life: 200 - 1,000 FG
24FHR 10%OW 10-29Str 60-70+Life: 750 - 2,000 FG
24FHR 10%OW 30Str 70+Life 20-30Res: 2,500 - 3,000 FG

Gold Find Rare:

24FHR 80%GF: 20 - 25 FG
24FHR 20+Dual/Tri Res 80%GF: 50 - 100 FG
24FHR 20-30Str 20+Tri Res 80%GF: 200 - 250 FG


9) Boots:

Unique Boots:

Rand Boots:

Tearhaunch: 1 - 2 FG

Gorefoot: 1 - 3 FG

Gore Rider:

Gores Rand: 2 - 5 FG
Gores 200% ED: 10 - 15 FG
Gores Up'd Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Gores Up'd 200-206 Def: 5 - 10 FG
Gores Up'd 207-210 Def: 15 - 30 FG
Gores Up'd 211 Def: 35 - 45 FG
Gores Up'd 212 Def: 50 - 75 FG
Gores Up'd 213 Def: 200 - 250 FG


Hotspurs Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Hotspurs 20% ED: 10 - 15 FG
Hotspurs 2x Up'd 20% ED: 35 - 50 FG
Hotspurs 2x Up'd 20% ED 80 Def Perf.: 200 - 250 FG

Goblin Toes:

Gtoe Rand: 2 - 5 FG
Gtoe 60% ED: 10 - 15 FG
Gtoe 2x Up'd 60% ED: 40 - 60 FG
Gtoe 2x Up'd 60% ED 123 Def Perf.: 250 - 300 FG


Inferno Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Inferno 70% GF: 5 - 10 FG
Inferno 70% GF 150% ED: 20 - 25 FG
Inferno Up'd 70% GF 150% ED 170 Def: 100 - 150 FG


Silk Rand: 2 - 3 FG
Silk 190% ED: 10 - 15 FG
Silk Up'd 190% ED: 25 - 35 FG
Silk Up'd 190% ED Perf.: 100 - 150 FG


Marrow Rand: 1 - 3 FG
Marrow 2 Skele: 3 - 5 FG
Marrow 2 Skele 20 Str: 5 - 10 FG
Marrow 2 Skele 20 Str 200% ED: 15 - 25 FG

Sandstorm Trek:

Treks Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Treks 15 Str: 3 - 5 FG
Treks 15 Str 15 Vita: 8 - 10 FG
Eth Treks Rand: 8 - 10 FG
Eth Treks 15 Str: 20 - 25 FG
Eth Treks 15 Str 15 Vita: 50 - 60 FG
Eth Treks 15 Str 15 Vita 170% ED: 100 - 150 FG
Eth Treks 15 Str 15 Vita 70 Pr: 75 - 100 FG
Eth Treks 15 Str 15Vita 170% ED 70 Pr Perf.: 350 - 500 FG

Shadow Dancers:

SDancer Rand: 5 - 10 FG
SDancer 1 Skill 25 Dex: 20 - 30 FG
SDancer 2 Skill 25 Dex: 50 - 70 FG
SDancer 2 Skill 25 Dex 90-99% ED: 80 - 120 FG
SDancer 2 Skill 25 Dex 100% ED Perf.: 350 - 450 FG

War Travelers:

War Travs Rand: 1 - 2 FG
War Travs 40+ MF: 3 - 5 FG
War Travs 50 MF: 10 - 15 FG
War Travs 190% ED 50 MF: 30 - 40 FG
War Travs 190% ED 50 MF 10 ATD Perf: 80 - 120 FG
War Travs Up'd 180-189% ED: 25 - 35 FG
War Travs Up'd 190% ED 50 MF: 75 - 100 FG
War Travs Up'd 190% ED 50 MF 10 ATD: 150 - 200 FG
War Travs Up'd 190-196 Def: 100 - 150 FG
War Travs Up'd 197 Def: 250 - 300 FG

War Travs Up'd 190% ED 50 MF 10 ATD 197 Def: 1,000 - 1,500 FG


Ww's Rand: 1 - 3 FG
Ww's 65 Life: 10 - 15 FG
Ww's 65 Life 210% ED: 25 - 35 FG
Ww's Up'd 65 Life 165-189 Def: 20 - 45 FG
Ww's Up'd 65 Life 210% ED 190-198 Def: 50 - 100 FG
Ww's Up'd 65 Life 210% ED 199 Def: 125 - 150 FG
Ww's Up'd 65 Life 210% ED 201 Def Perf.: 650 - 850 FG


Rare/Crafted Boots (Basic Guidelines):

Caster Boots Crafted:

50+Mana 3-4%Inc Max: 25 - 50 FG
50+Mana 5%Inc Max: 75 - 100 FG
10FHR/or 5-9Dex/or 5-9LifeRep 50+Mana 5%Inc: 200 - 250 FG
20-30FRW 10FHR/or 5-9Dex/or 3-5LifeRep 50+Mana 5%Inc: 500 - 750 FG
20-30FRW 10FHR/or 5-9Dex/or 3-5LifeRep 50+Mana 5%Inc 15-30Res: 800 - 1,200 FG
20-30FRW 10FHR/or 5-9Dex/or 3-5LifeRep 60Mana 5%Inc 15-30Res: 2,000 - 2,500 FG
30FRW 10FHR/or 5-9Dex 3-5LifeRep 50+Mana 5%Inc: 2,500 - 3,000 FG
30FRW 10FHR 5-9Dex/3-5LifeRep 60Mana 5%Inc: 5,000 - 6,000 FG

Generic Rare:

30FRW 10FHR 30+Dual Res: 40 - 60 FG
30FRW 10FHR 30+Tri Res: 100 - 150 FG
30FRW 10FHR 30/30/40 Res: 200 - 250 FG
30FRW 10FHR 30/40/40 Res: 300 - 350 FG
30FRW 10FHR 40/40/40 Res: 600 - 800 FG
30FRW 10FHR 5-9Dex/or 3-9LifeRep 30+Tri Res: 350 - 450 FG
30FRW 10FHR 5-9Dex/or 3-9LifeRep 30/30/40 Res: 400 - 500 FG
30FRW 10FHR 5-9Dex/or 3-9LifeRep 30/40/40 Res: 450 - 550 FG
30FRW 10FHR 5-9Dex/or 3-9LifeRep 40/40/40 Res: 800 - 1,200 FG
30FRW 10FHR 3-5LifeRep 30-40Mana 30+/30+ Dual Res: 300 - 500 FG
30FRW 10FHR 3-5LifeRep 35-40Mana 30+/40 Dual Res: 500 - 700 FG
30FRW 10FHR 3-5LifeRep 35-40Mana 40/40 Dual Res: 800 - 1,200 FG
30FRW 10FHR 5Life Rep 40Mana 40/40 Dual Res: 2,000 - 2,500 FG

Gold Find Rare:

30FRW 10FHR 80%GF: 25 - 50 FG
30FRW 10FHR 30+Dual Res 80%GF: 100 - 150 FG
30FRW 10FHR 30+Tri Res 80%GF: 250 - 300 FG


10) Gloves:

Unique Gloves:


Bfists Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Bfists 20% ED: 3 - 5 FG
Bfists 1x Up'd 20% ED: 5 - 10 FG
Bfists 1x Up'd 20% ED 56 Def: 20 - 30 FG
Bfists 2x Up'd 20% ED: 15 - 20 FG
Bfists 2x Up'd 20% ED 80-85 Def: 25 - 40 FG
Bfists 2x Up'd 20% ED 86-87 Def: 50 - 75 FG
Bfists 2x Up'd 20% ED 88 Def Perf.: 200 - 250 FG

Chance Guards:

Chance Rand: 1- 2 FG
Chance 40 MF: 5 - 10 FG
Chance 40 MF 30% ED: 10 - 15 FG
Chance 2x Up'd 40 MF 30% ED 90-101 Def: 40 - 75 FG
Chance 2x Up'd 40 MF 30% ED 102 Def Perf: 250 - 300 FG

Draculs Grasp:

Dracs Rand: 2 - 3 FG
Dracs 15 Str: 4 - 6 FG
Dracs 15 Str 10% LL: 8 - 12 FG
Dracs 15 Str 10% LL 120% ED: 35 - 50 FG
Dracs 15 Str 10% LL 120% ED 145 Def 10 LPK: 200 - 250 FG


Frost Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Frost 20% ED 49 Def: 4 - 6 FG
Frost 1x Up'd 20% ED Rand Def: 8 - 12 FG
Frost 1x Up'd 20% ED 93 Def: 50 - 75 FG
Frost 2x Up'd 20% ED Rand Def: 20 - 30 FG
Frost 2x Up'd 20% ED 115 Def: 100 - 150 FG


Hellmouths Rand: 1 - 3 FG
Hellmouths 200% ED: 10 - 15 FG
Hellmouths Up'd 200% ED: 35 - 50 FG
Hellmouths Up'd 200% ED 213 Def: 150 - 200 FG


Mages Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Mages 30% ED: 3 - 5 FG
Mages 1x Up'd 30% ED Rand Def: 5 - 10 FG
Mages 1x Up'd 30% ED 71 Def: 40 - 60 FG
Mages 2x Up'd 30% ED Rand Def: 15 - 20 FG
Mages 2x Up'd 30% ED 95-97 Def: 25 - 35 FG
Mages 2x Up'd 30% ED 98 Def: 50 - 75 FG


Rends Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Rends 20 Str: 15 - 20 FG
Rends 60% ED: 35 - 50 FG
Rends 50-59% ED 20 Str: 40 - 60 FG
Rends 60% ED 18-19 Str: 50 - 75 FG
Rends 60% ED 20 Str Rand Def: 150 - 200 FG
Rends 60% ED 20 Str 270-280 Def: 250 - 350 FG
Rends 60% ED 20 Str +210 Def 281 Def 100% Perf: 750 - 900 FG


Gouts Rand: 2 - 3 FG
Gouts 200% ED: 10 - 15 FG
Gouts Up'd 200% ED: 25 - 40 FG
Gouts Up'd 200% ED 204 Def Perf: 150 - 200 FG

Rand Gloves of Interest:

Soul Drainer Rand: 2 - 3 FG
Soul Drainer 7% ML 7% LL: 10 - 15 FG
Soul Drainer 7% ML 7% LL 120%ED: 30 - 40 FG

Gravepalm: 1 - 2 FG

Ghoulhide: 1 - 2 FG

Venom Grip Rand: 1 - 2 FG

Hand of Broc: 1 - 2 FG
Hand of Broc 20% ED: 5 - 10 FG


Magic Gloves:


3 Java 20 IAS: 15 - 20 FG
3 Bow 20 IAS: 5 - 10 FG
3 Skill 25 MF: 15 - 20 FG


Rare/Crafted Gloves (Basic Guidelines):

Rare IAS Gloves:

20IAS 13-14Str 13-14Dex: 40 - 60 FG
150+Def 20IAS 13-14Str 13-14Dex: 125 - 175 FG
20IAS 15Str 15Dex: 200 - 300 FG
150+Def 20IAS 15Str 15Dex: 500 - 750 FG
20IAS 15Str 15Dex 20+Dual Res: 350 - 500 FG
2 Java 20IAS 10-14Str 10-14Dex: 100 - 250 FG
2 Java 20IAS 15Str 15Dex: 400 - 600 FG
2 Java 20IAS 15Str 15Dex 20+Lr: 800 - 1,200 FG
2 Java 20IAS 15Str 15Dex 20+Dual Res: 1,800 - 2,200 FG

Crafted IAS KB Gloves:

20IAS KB Rand: 3 - 5 FG
20IAS KB 10+Dex/or 10+Str: 35 - 50 FG
2 Passive 20IAS KB: 100 - 150 FG
2 Passive 20IAS KB 10+Dex: 300 - 500 FG
2 Passive 20IAS KB 10+Str: 500 - 750 FG
2 Passive 20IAS KB 15Dex: 600 - 800 FG
2 Passive 20IAS KB 15Str: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
2 Passive 20IAS KB 15Dex 10+Str: 3,000 - 3,500 FG
2 Passive 20IAS KB 10+Dex 15Str: 3,500 - 4,500 FG
2 Passive 20IAS KB 15Dex 15Str: 8,000 - 10,000 FG

Crafted IAS CB Gloves:

20IAS 10%CB: 25 - 50 FG
20IAS 10%CB 15-20Life: 50 - 75 FG
20IAS 10%CB 10+Str/or 10+Dex: 60 - 80 FG
20IAS 10%CB 15-20Life 10+Str/or 10+Dex: 150 - 200 FG
20IAS 10%CB 20Life 15Str/or 15Dex: 350 - 500 FG
20IAS 10%CB 15-20Life 15Str 15Dex: 1,500 - 2,000 FG
20IAS 10%CB 15-20Life 15Str/or 15Dex 20+Lr: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
20IAS 10% CB 15-20Life 15Str 15Dex 20+Lr: 3,000 - 4,000 FG


11) Armors:

Unique Armor:

Arkaines Valor:

Valor Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Valor 2 Skill: 3 - 5 FG
Valor 2 Skill 180% ED 15 Dr Perf: 40 - 60 FG
Valor Eth 2 Skill 170-179% ED: 75 - 100 FG
Valor Eth 2 Skill 15 Dr: 75 - 100 FG
Valor Eth 2 Skill 180% ED 15 Dr Perf: 150 - 200 FG

Black Hades:

Bhades Rand: 2 - 3 FG
Bhades Eth Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Bhades Eth 200% ED: 25 - 35 FG
Bhades Eth Up'd 2007-2300 Def: 15 - 100 FG
Bhades Eth Up'd 2301-2399 Def: 100 - 250 FG
Bhades Eth Up'd 2400-2499 Def: 250 - 2,000 FG
Bhades Eth Up'd 2500-2504 Def: 2,000 - 4,000 FG

Guardian Angel:

GA Rand: 2 - 4 FG
GA 200% ED: 10 - 15 FG
GA Up'd 200% ED 1590 Def Perf: 150 - 200 FG
GA Eth Rand: 5 - 10 FG
GA Eth 200% ED: 25 - 35 FG
GA Eth Up'd 40 - 60 FG
GA Eth Up'd 200% ED 2385 Def Perf: 400 - 500 FG


Levi Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Levi 25 Dr: 10 - 15 FG
Levi 25 Dr 45+ Str: 25 - 50 FG
Levi 25 Dr 50 Str: 75 - 100 FG
Levi 25 Dr 50 Str 200% ED +150 Def: 250 - 300 FG

Ormus Robes:

3 Es Rand: 10 - 15 FG
3 Any Skill 15% Skill Dmg of Type: 20 - 30 FG (Generic)
3 Es 15% Light: 25 - 35 FG
3 Fb 15% Fire: 30 - 40 FG
3 Lightning 15% Light: 30 - 40 FG
3 Blizz 15% Cold: 40 - 50 FG
3 Light/Fb/Blizz 1x 15% Skill Dmg 15% Mana Regen: 75 - 100 FG
3 Light/Fb/Blizz (15/15/15): 100 - 150 FG
3 Light/Fb/Blizz (15/15/15) 15% Mana Regen: 250 - 300 FG
3 Light/Fb/Blizz (15/15/15) 15% Mana Regen 487 Def Perf: 1,000 - 1,500 FG


Shaft Rand: 1 - 3 FG
Shaft 220% ED: 15 - 20 FG
Shaft Up'd 220% ED: 35 - 50 FG
Shaft Up'd 220% ED 1616 Def: 400 - 500 FG
Shaft Eth Up'd 220% ED 1913-2299 Def: 15 - 50 FG
Shaft Eth Up'd 220% ED 2300-2349 Def: 50 - 125 FG
Shaft Eth Up'd 220% ED 2350-2399 Def: 125 - 300 FG
Shaft Eth Up'd 220% ED 2400-2409 Def: 300 - 400 FG
Shaft Eth Up'd 220% ED 2410-2419 Def: 400 - 1,000 FG
Shaft Eth Up'd 220% ED 2420-2421 Def: 1,500 - 2,000 FG
Shaft Eth Up'd 220% ED 2422 Def Perf: 4,000 - 4,500 FG


Viper Rand: 1 - 3 FG
Viper 35 Res: 7 - 10 FG
Viper 35 Res 13 Mdr: 15 - 20 FG
Viper Up'd 35 Res: 35 - 50 FG
Viper Up'd 35 Res 13 Mdr 1k+ Def: 80 - 120 FG
Viper Up'd 35 Res 13 Mdr 1034 Def Perf: 750 - 1,000 FG
Viper Eth Up'd 35 Res 13 Mdr 1.5k+ Def: 75 - 100 FG
Viper Eth Up'd 35 Res 13 Mdr 1551 Def: 250 - 300 FG

Skullder's Ire:

Skullders Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Skullders 200% ED: 5 - 7 FG
Skullders Eth Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Skullders Eth 200% ED: 20 - 30 FG
Skullders Eth Up'd 200% ED 1845-2324 Def: 40 - 250 FG
Skullders Eth Up'd 200% ED 2325 Def Perf: 750 - 1,000 FG

Tyrael's Might:

Tyraels Rand: 30 - 50 FG
Tyraels 30 Res 30 Str: 250 - 300 FG
Tyraels 30 Res 30 Str 150% ED: 500 - 750 FG
Tyraels 30 Res 30 Str 150% ED 100% Dtd 100% Perf: 1,500 - 2,000 FG

Steel Carapace:

Carapace Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Carapace 220% ED: 10 - 15 FG
Carapace 100% Perf all stats: 75 - 100 FG
Carapace Eth Rand: 15 - 25 FG
Carapace Eth 220% ED: 300 - 400 FG
Carapace Eth 100% Perf all stats: 1,000 - 1,500 FG


Tooth Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Tooth 220% ED: 10 - 15 FG
Tooth Up'd 220% ED: 35 - 50 FG
Tooth Up'd 220% ED 1733 Def: 400 - 500 FG
Tooth Eth Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Tooth Eth 220% ED: 20 - 30 FG
Tooth Eth Up'd Rand: 10 - 30 FG
Tooth Eth Up'd 2300-2399 Def: 40 - 75 FG
Tooth Eth Up'd 2400-2499 Def: 75 - 200 FG
Tooth Eth Up'd 2500-2530 Def: 200 - 400 FG (steep curve after hitting 2500def on these)
Tooth Eth Up'd 2531-2559 Def 35-40 ATD: 400 - 1,250 FG
Tooth Eth Up'd 2560-2567 Def: 35-40 ATD: 1,250 - 2,000 FG
Tooth Eth Up'd 2568 Def 35-40 ATD Perf: 8,000 - 10,000 FG

Gladiator Bane:

Bane Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Bane 20 Mdr 20 Dr: 15 - 20 FG
Bane 20 Mdr 20 Dr 200% ED: 50 - 75 FG
Bane Eth 20 Mdr 20 Dr 200% ED : 250 - 300 FG

Rand Armors of Interest:

Twitchthroe Rand: 2 - 4 FG
Twitchthroe 60 Def: 10 - 15 FG

Spirit Shroud Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Spirit Shroud 11 Mdr: 5 - 10 FG

Que-Hegan's Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Que-Hegan's 160% ED 10 Dr: 5 - 10 FG
Que-Hegan's Eth Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Que-Hegan's Eth 160% ED 10 Dr: 35 - 50 FG

Atma's Wail Rand: 1 - 3 FG

Templar's Might 2+Aura: 10 - 15 FG

Corpsemourn Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Corpsemourn Eth: 15 - 20 FG
Corpsemourn Eth 180%ED: 75 - 100 FG

Magic Armor:

24 FHR 4 os (ancient, balrog, kraken armors, etc.): 20 - 30 FG
24 FHR 4 os (archon, dusk, wyrm armors, etc.): 50 - 75 FG

20 Str 4 os (ancient, balrog, kraken armors, etc.): 50 - 75 FG
20 Str 4 os (archon, dusk, wyrm armors, etc.): 100 - 150 FG

80 Life 3 os (gothic plate, mage plate, etc): 40 - 60 FG
80 Life 3 os (light plate): 75 - 100 FG

90-99 Life 4 os (ancient, balrog, kraken armors, g hauberk, etc.): 25 - 70 FG
90-99 Life 4 os (archon, dusk, wyrm, wire armors, etc.): 100 - 150 FG
100 Life 4 os (ancient, balrog, kraken armors, g hauberk, etc.): 80 - 120 FG
100 Life 4 os (archon, dusk, wyrm, wire armors, etc.): 250 - 300 FG


12) Shields:

Unique Shields:

Alma Negra:

Alma Negra Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Alma Negra 2 Skill: 5 - 10 FG
Alma Negra Non-Eth 100% Perf: 250 - 300 FG
Alma Negra Eth Rand: 15 - 20 FG
Alma Negra Eth 2 Skill: 35 - 50 FG
Alma Negra Eth 2 Skill 75% ED: 75 - 100 FG
Alma Negra Eth 2 Skill 70%+ ED 70%+ Ar: 150 - 200 FG
Alma Negra Eth 2 Skill 210% ED 70%+ ED 70%+ Ar: 350 - 500 FG
Alma Negra Eth 2 Skill 210% ED 75% ED 70%+ Ar 9 Mdr: 750 - 1,000 FG
Alma Negra Eth 2 Skill 210% ED 75% ED 75%+ Ar 9 Mdr 100% Perf: 1,500 - 2,000 FG


Bf Rand: 2 - 5 FG
Bf 30 Res: 5 - 10 FG
Bf 3 Pb Skills: 10 - 15 FG
Bf 140%+ ED 3 Pb Skills, 28+Res: 25 - 30 FG
Bf 3 Pb Skills 30 Res: 35 - 50 FG
Bf 150% ED 3 Pb Skills, 30 Res: 75 - 100 FG

Darkforce Spawn:

Df Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Df 3/x/x: 15 - 25 FG
Df 3 Pb Skills: 20 - 30 FG
Df 3/3/3 Skills: 100 - 150 FG
Df 180% ED 3/3/3 Skills Perf Legit: 200 - 250 FG

Herald of Zakarum (HoZ):

Hoz Rand: 2 - 3 FG
Hoz 195-199% ED: 5 - 10 FG
Hoz 200% ED: 20 - 25 FG
Hoz Up'd Rand: 15 - 20 FG
Hoz Up'd 531-550 Def: 25 - 40 FG
Hoz Up'd 200% ED 551-560 Def: 40 - 60 FG
Hoz Up'd 200% ED 561-570Def: 60 - 100 FG
Hoz Up'd 200% ED 571-578Def: 100 - 200 FG
Hoz Up'd 200% ED 579 Def: 500 - 600 FG
Hoz Eth Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Hoz Eth 200% ED: 40 - 60 FG
Hoz Eth Up'd 700+ Def: 25 - 35 FG
Hoz Eth Up'd 750+ Def: 35 - 50 FG
Hoz Eth Up'd 800+ Def: 75 - 150 FG
Hoz Eth Up'd 850+ Def: 200 - 250 FG
Hoz Eth Up'd 860+ Def: 300 - 400 FG
Hoz Eth Up'd 867 Def Perf: 1,000 - 1,500 FG


Homo Rand: 1 - 3 FG
Homo 200% ED 213 Def: 10 - 15 FG
Homo Up'd 200% ED: 25 - 35 FG
Homo Up'd 200% ED 400+ Def: 75 - 100 FG
Homo Up'd 200% ED 430-443 Def: 100 - 150 FG
Homo Up'd 200% ED 444 Def: 400 - 500 FG
Homo Eth Up'd 200% ED 666 Def: 600 - 800 FG

Lidless Wall

Lidless Rand: 1 - 3 FG
Lidless 130% ED 5 Mpk: 20 - 25 FG
Lidless Eth Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Lidless Eth 130% ED 5 Mpk: 75 - 100 FG
Lidless Eth Up'd 130% ED: 75 - 100 FG
Lidless Eth Up'd 130% ED 5 Mpk: 150 - 200 FG

Stormshield (SS)

SS Rand: 2 - 5 FG
SS 151 Def (Level 1 Char) Perf: 15 - 20 FG

Rand Shields of Interest:

Blackoak Luna Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Blackoak Luna 200%ED: 20 - 30 FG

Dragonscale Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Dragonscale 25 Str: 15 - 20 FG
Dragonscale 20% Sorb: 20 - 25 FG
Dragonscale 25 Str 20% Sorb: 40 - 50 FG
Dragonscale 25 Str 20% Sorb 200% ED: 75 - 100 FG

Head Hunter's Glory 3 os: 5 - 10 FG
Head Hunter's Glory 100% Perf: 75 - 100 FG

Lance Guard Rand: 2 - 5 FG

Moser's Blessed Circle Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Moser's Blessed Circle 220% ED: 10 - 15 FG
Moser's Up'd 220%ED: 35 - 50 FG

Spike Thorn Rand: 2 - 5 FG
Spike Thorn 20 Dr: 5 - 10 FG
Spike Thorn 20 Dr 150% ED: 15 - 20 FG

Spirit Ward Rand: 3 - 5 FG

Visceratuant Rand: 1 - 3 FG
Visceratuant 150% ED: 10 - 15 FG
Visceratuant Up'd 150% ED: 35 - 50 FG


Retired Moderator
Posts: 27,813
Joined: Dec 29 2005
Gold: 4.79
Trader: Trusted
Dec 23 2011 12:50am
Magic Shields:

JMOC (Jeweler's Monarch of the Colossus):

Monarch, 41-48 Life, 4 Sockets: 150 - 250 FG
Monarch, 49-54 Life, 4 Sockets: 300 - 500 FG
Monarch 55-58 Life, 4 Sockets: 600 - 800 FG
Monarch, 59 Life, 4 Sockets: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
Monarch, 60 Life, 4 Sockets: 2,000 - 3,000 FG

JMOS (Jeweler's Monarch of Simplicity):

Monarch, -30 Req, 4 Sockets: 300 - 400 FG

JMOB (Jeweler's Monarch of Blocking):

Monarch, 15/10, 4 Sockets: 50 - 75 FG

JMOD (Jeweler's Monarch of Deflecting):

Monarch, 30/20, 4 Sockets, 133-147 Def: 250 - 350 FG
Monarch, 30/20, 4 sockets, 148 Def: 350 - 450 FG
Ward, 30/20, 4 sockets: 75 - 100 FG

JSROD (Jeweler's Sacred Rondache of Deflecting):

SR, 30/20, 4 Sockets, 40-54%ED/80-99Ar: 200 - 400 FG
SR, 30/20, 4 Sockets, 55%+ED/100+Ar: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
SR, 30/20, 4 Sockets, 40-44@Res: 400 - 600 FG
SR, 30/20, 4 sockets, 45@Res Perf: 1,000 - 1,500 FG

JSTOD (Jeweler's Sacred Targe of Deflecting):

ST, 30/20, 4 Sockets, 40-54%ED/80-99Ar: 1,500 - 2,500 FG
ST, 30/20, 4 Sockets, 55%+ED/100+Ar: 2,500 - 3,500 FG
ST, 30/20, 4 Sockets, 40-44@Res: 750 - 1,250 FG
ST, 30/20, 4 sockets, 45@Res Perf: 3,000 - 3,500 FG


KSOD, Kite, 30/20, 3 Sockets: 75 - 100 FG
HSOD, Hyperion, 30/20, 3 Sockets: 100 - 150 FG
PSOD, Pavise, 30/20, 3 Sockets: 75 - 100 FG
TSOD, Tower, 30/20, 3 Sockets: 100 - 150 FG
DSOD, Dragon, 30/20, 3 Sockets: 100 - 150 FG
TNSOD, Troll Nest, 30/20, 3 Sockets: 75 - 100 FG


13) Weapons:

Unique Weapons:

Astreon's Ward:

Astreons Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Astreons +4 Pc Skills: 10 - 15 FG
Astreons +4 Pc Skills 280%+ ED 190+ Ar - 50 - 75 FG


Azure Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Azure 13 Sanc: 15 - 20 FG
Azure 13 Sanc 10 Attr: 35 - 50 FG
Azure 13 Sanc 10 Attr 270% ED: 100 - 150 FG


Bartuc Rand: 2 - 3 FG
Bartuc 200% ED: 15 - 20 FG
Bartuc 200% ED 9% LL: 20 - 30 FG
Bartuc Up'd 200% ED 9% LL: 50 - 75 FG
Bartuc Eth 200% ED 9% LL: 75 - 100 FG
Bartuc Eth Up'd 200% ED 9% LL: 250 - 300 FG

Blade of Ali Baba:

Ali Baba Rand: 1 - 3 FG
Ali Baba 120% ED 15 Dex: 75 - 100 FG
Ali Baba Eth Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Ali Baba Eth 120% ED 15 Dex: 250 - 300 FG
Ali Baba Eth Up'd Rand: 25 - 35 FG
Ali Baba Eth Up'd 120% ED 15 Dex 100% Perf: 500 - 600 FG

Death Cleaver:

DC Rand: 5 - 10 FG
DC Non-Eth 280% ED: 35 - 50 FG
DC Eth Rand: 20 - 30 FG
DC Eth 250-259% ED: 35 - 50 FG
DC Eth 260-270% ED: 75 - 100 FG
DC Eth 271-275% ED: 100 - 150 FG
DC Eth 276-279% ED: 150 - 300 FG
DC Eth 280% ED: 600 - 800 FG
DC Eth 280% ED 9 Lpk Perf: 1,000 - 1,500 FG

Death Fathom:

Fathom Rand: 8 - 10 FG
Fathom 25-28% Cold Dmg: 20 - 30 FG
Fathom 29% Cold Dmg: 35 - 45 FG
Fathom 30% Cold Dmg: 60 - 80 FG
Fathom 30% Cold Dmg 35+/35+ Res: 100 - 125 FG
Fathom 30% Cold Dmg 40/40 Res Perf: 350 - 400 FG
Fathom Eth Rand: 20 - 25 FG
Fathom Eth 25-28% Cold Dmg: 35 - 50 FG
Fathom Eth 29% Cold Dmg: 75 - 125 FG
Fathom Eth 30% Cold Dmg: 350 - 450 FG
Fathom Eth 30% Cold Dmg 35+/35+ Res: 450 - 550 FG
Fathom Eth 30% Cold Dmg 40/40 Res Perf: 1,250 - 1,500 FG

Death Web:

Deathweb Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Deathweb 2 Skill Rand: 15 - 20 FG
Deathweb 2 Skill -50 Psn Res: 75 - 100 FG
Deathweb Perf All Stats: 150 - 200 FG
Deathweb Eth 2 Skill -50 Psn Res: 250 - 350 FG
Deathweb Eth Perf. All Stats: 500 - 600 FG

Eschutas Temper:

Eschutas Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Eschutas 3 Skills: 3 - 5 FG
Eschutas 3 Skills 20% Dmg (1 Skill): 15 - 20 FG
Eschutas 3 Skills 20% Dmg (1 Skill) 30 Energy: 40 - 50 FG
Eschutas 3 Skills 20% Light Dmg 20% Fire Dmg: 40 - 60 FG
Eschutas (3/20/20/30): 100 - 150 FG
Eschutas Eth Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Eschutas Eth 3 Skills: 10 - 15 FG
Eschutas Eth 3 Skills 20% Dmg (1 Skill): 50 - 75 FG
Eschutas Eth 3 Skills 20% Dmg (1 Skill) 30 Energy: 75 - 100 FG
Eschutas Eth 3 Skills 20% Light Dmg 20% Fire Dmg: 100 - 125 FG
Eschutas Eth (3/20/20/30): 400 - 500 FG

Heavens Light:

Heavens Light Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Heavens Light 2 os: 10 - 15 FG
Heavens Light 3 Skills 2 os: 25 - 35 FG
Heavens Light Eth Rand: 25 - 35 FG
Heavens Light Eth 3 Skills 2 os: 75 - 100 FG
Heavens Light Eth 3 Skills 290-300% ED 2 os: 200 - 300 FG

Ondals Wisdom:

Ondals Rand: 2 - 3 FG
Ondals 4 Skills: 3 - 5 FG
Ondals Eth Rand: 10 - 15 FG
Ondals Eth 4 Skills: 20 - 25 FG


Cracker Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Cracker Eth Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Cracker Eth Up'd Rand: 35 - 50 FG
Cracker Eth Up'd 290-299% ED: 100 - 200 FG
Cracker Eth Up'd 300% ED Perf: 400 - 500 FG

Rune Master:

Rune Master 3-4 Sockets: 1 - 2 FG
Rune Master Rand 5 Sockets: 5 - 10 FG
Rune Master Non-Eth 5 Sock 170% ED: 35 - 50 FG
Rune Master Eth 5 Sockets Rand: 35 - 50 FG
Rune Master Eth 5 Sockets 260%+ ED: 75 - 100 FG
Rune Master Eth 5 Sockets 270% ED: 150 - 200 FG

Suicide Branch:

SBranch Rand: 3 - 5 FG
SBranch Eth: 20 - 30 FG
SBranch Eth Up'd: 80 - 120 FG


Thunderstroke Rand: 2 - 3 FG
Thunderstroke +4 Skills: 5 - 10 FG
Thunderstroke +4Skills 200% ED Perf: 25 - 35 FG
Thunderstroke Eth +4Skills: 25 - 50 FG
Thunderstroke Eth +4Skills 200% ED Perf: 100 - 150 FG

Titans Revenge:

Titans Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Titans 195%+ ED: 3 - 5 FG
Titans 200% ED: 10 - 15 FG
Titans 200 Ed 9% LL: 20 - 30 FG
Titans Eth Rand: 8 - 12 FG
Titans Eth 195-199% ED: 15 - 25 FG
Titans Eth 200% ED: 40 - 60 FG
Titans Eth Upped Rand: 15 - 25 FG
Titans Eth Upped 190-195% ED: 30 - 50 FG
Titans Eth Upped 196-199% ED: 50 - 75 FG
Titans Eth Upped 200% ED: 150 - 200 FG
Titans Eth Upped 200% ED 9% LL: 250 - 350 FG

Tomb Reaver:

Tombreaver Non-Eth 1 - 3 Socket(s): 3 - 10 FG
Tombreaver Eth 3 sockets Rand: 50 - 75 FG
Tombreaver Eth 3 sockets Mid/High Stats: 100 - 125 FG
Tombreaver Eth 3 sockets 280% ED 200+ Dtu 40+ Res: 150 - 250 FG
Tombreaver Eth 3 sockets 280% ED 50 Res 80 MF: 400 - 600 FG
Tombreaver Eth 3 Sockets 100% Perf All Stats: 1,000 - 1,500 FG


Widowmaker Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Widowmaker 5+ Skills: 20 - 30 FG
Widowmaker 5+ Skills 200% ED Perf.: 150 - 200 FG

Rand Weapons of Interest:

Arm of King Leoric: 2 - 3 FG
Eth Arm of King Leoric: 15 - 20 FG

Blackbog's Sharp: 3 - 5 FG

Bonehew Rand: 1 - 3 FG
Bonehew Non-Eth 320% ED: 10 - 15 FG
Bonehew Rand Eth: 7 - 12 FG
Bonehew Eth 320% ED: 75 - 100 FG

Boneshade Rand: 2 - 5 FG
Boneshade High Stats: 10 - 15 FG
Boneshade (2/2/3/3/5/5) 100% Perf: 50 - 75 FG
Boneshade Eth (2/2/3/3/5/5) 100% Perf: 150 - 200 FG

Buriza: 2 - 3 FG

Demon's Arch Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Demon's Arch Eth Rand: 10 - 15 FG
Demon's Arch Eth 190%+ ED: 20 - 40 FG
Demon's Arch Eth 210% ED: 60 - 80 FG
Demon's Arch Eth 210% ED 12%LL: 100 - 150 FG

Demon Limb Rand: 2 - 3 FG
Eth Demon Limb: 0 FG (Cannot use charges)

Earth Shifter Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Earth Shifter Eth Rand: 15 - 20 FG
Earth Shifter Eth 290-299%ED: 50 - 100 FG
Earth Shifter Eth 300% ED: 150 - 200 FG

Flamebellow Rand: 3 - 5 FG
100% P Flamebellow all stats: 150 - 200 FG
Eth Flamebellow Rand: 20 - 30 FG
100% P Eth Flamebellow all stats: 400 - 500 FG

Fleshripper Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Fleshripper 275%+ ED: 10 - 15 FG
Fleshripper 300% ED: 75 - 100 FG
Fleshripper Rand Eth: 20 - 30 FG
Fleshripper Eth 300% ED: 300 - 350 FG

Gull Dagger: 1 - 2 FG
Eth Gull Dagger: 5 - 10 FG

Grandfather Rand: 10 - 20 FG
Grandfather 240%+ ED: 30 - 50 FG
Grandfather 250% ED: 100 - 150 FG

Hand of Blessed Light Rand: 3 - 5 FG

Heart Carver: 1 - 2 FG
Eth Heart Carver: 5 - 10 FG

Hellrack Crossbow: 2 - 3 FG

Horizon's Tornado Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Horizon's Tornado Eth Rand: 15 - 20 FG
Horizon's Tornado Eth 260%+ ED: 25 - 35 FG
Horizon's Tornado Eth 280% ED: 100 - 150 FG

Jade Talon Rand: 1 - 2 FG
Jade Talon 2/2/50: 15 - 20 FG
Eth Jade Talon: 5 - 10 FG
Eth Jade Talon 2/2/50: 50 - 75 FG
Eth Jade Talon 240/2/2/50: 100 - 150 FG

Lacerator Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Eth Lacerator Rand: 15 - 25 FG
Eth Lacerator 200%+ ED: 50 - 75 FG
Eth Lacerator 210% ED Perf: 200 - 250 FG

Lightsabre: 2 - 3 FG
200% ED Lightsabre: 10 - 15 FG

Occulus Normal: 0.5 - 1 FG
Occulus Eth: 3 - 5 FG
Occulus Eth Up'd: 15 - 20 FG

Plague Bearer: 3 - 5 FG

Reapers Toll Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Reapers Toll Non-Eth 240%: 25 - 35 FG
Reapers Toll Eth Rand: 20 - 30 FG
Reapers Toll 220%-239% ED: 50 - 75 FG
Reapers Toll Eth 240% ED: 250 - 300 FG
Reapers Toll Eth 240% ED 15%LL: 400 - 500 FG

Warshrike Eth Rand: 20 - 35 FG
Warshrike Eth 230%+ ED: 50 - 75 FG
Warshrike Eth 250% ED Perf: 200 - 250 FG

Windforce Rand: 4 - 6 FG
Windforce 8% ML: 8 - 12 FG

Witchwild String: 3 - 5 FG
Witchwild String 170%ED: 20 - 30 FG
Witchwild String Up'd: 25 - 35 FG
Witchwild STring 170% ED Up'd: 100 - 150 FG

Wizard Spike: 1 - 2 FG

  • Random weapons and random items in general such as razor's edge, gavel of pain, and gravespine, etc. are priced on a per trade basis. Items such as these are not traded enough to set average prices for them.

Magic Weapons:

Barb BO Weapons:

Rand +3BO Weapon Spear: 3 - 5 FG
Rand +3BO Weapon Other Type/No Color: 5 - 10 FG
Rand +3BO Weapon Spear Color: 20 - 30 FG
Rand +3BO Weapon Other Type/Color: 50 - 75 FG
Rand +3BO Weapon Other Type/Color Eth: 150 - 200 FG
+3BO 30Str 1os Club: 75 - 100 FG
+3BO 30Str 2os Club: 250 - 300 FG
+3BO 30Str 2os Eth Club: 1,000 - 1,500 FG

Paladin Scepters:

3 Fist of Heavens w/- 25/+25 : 20 - 30 FG
3 Fist of Heavens 1 - 2 Conv 5 Sockets : 10 - 15 FG
3 Fist of Heavens 1 - 2 Conv w/ - 25/+25 : 40 - 60 FG
3 Fist of Heavens 1 - 2 Conv w/ 6 Bo CTA: 50 - 75 FG
3 Fist of Heavens 3 Conv w/ - 25/+25 : 100 - 150 FG
3 Fist of Heavens 3 Conv w/ 6 Bo CTA: 90 - 110 FG
3 Holy Shield w/ 6 Bo CTA: 90 - 110 FG
6 Holy Shield Magic Scepter: 6,000 - 8,000 FG

Sin Claws - Greater Talons:

+2 Assassin +3 Lightning Sentry 1 Socket: 25 - 35 FG
+2 Assassin +2 Lightning Sentry 2 Sockets: 40 - 60 FG
+2 Assassin +3 Lightning Sentry 2 Sockets: 100 - 150 FG
+2 Assassin +3 Lightning Sentry 20 Base IAS 2 Sockets: 1,500 - 2,500 FG
+2 Assassin +3 Lightning Sentry 30 Base IAS 2 Sockets: 4,000 - 5,000 FG
+2 Assassin +3 Lightning Sentry 40 Base IAS 2 Sockets: 6,000 - 8,000 FG
+6 Lightning Sentry (3 Trap 3 LS) 2 Sockets: 150 - 200 FG
+6 Lightning Sentry 20 Base IAS 2 Sockets: 1,500 - 2,000 FG
+6 Lightning Sentry 30 Base IAS 2 Sockets: 3,000 - 4,000 FG
+6 Lightning Sentry 40 Base IAS 2 Sockets: 5,000 - 7,000 FG
+5 Lightning Sentry (3 Trap 2 LS OR 2 Trap 3 LS) 2 Sockets: 60 - 80 FG
+3 Lightning Sentry Fools 2 Sockets: 100 - 150 FG
+3 Lightning Sentry Fools 2 Sockets 20-30 IAS: 400 - 600 FG
+3 Lightning Sentry Fools 2 Sockets 40 IAS: 1,000 - 1,500 FG

Other Claws:

+2 Assassin +3Lightning Sentry 1 Socket: 20 - 30 FG
+2 Assassin +3 Lightning Sentry 2 Sockets: 60 - 80 FG
+2 Assassin +3 Lightning Sentry 20 Base IAS 2 Sockets: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
+2 Assassin +3 Lightning Sentry 30 Base IAS 2 Sockets: 2,000 - 3,000 FG
+2 Assassin +3 Lightning Sentry 40 Base IAS 2 Sockets: 3,500 - 4,000 FG
+6 Lightning Sentry 2 Sockets: 100 - 150 FG
+6 Lightning Sentry 20 Base IAS 2 Sockets: 600 - 800 FG
+6 Lightning Sentry 30 Base IAS 2 Sockets: 1,500 - 2,000 FG
+6 Lightning Sentry 40 Base IAS 2 Sockets: 2,500 - 3,000 FG
+3 Lightning Sentry Fools 2 Sockets: 75 - 100 FG
+3 Lightning Sentry Fools 2 Sockets 20-30 IAS: 200 - 300 FG
+3 Lightning Sentry Fools 2 Sockets 40 IAS: 500 - 600 FG
+ 6 Venom 2 Sockets: 150 - 200 FG
+ 6 Fade 2 Sockets: 100 - 150 FG

Sorc Orbs:

2 Sorc Skills 3 Enchant 1 os: 10 - 15 FG
2 Sorc Skills 3 Enchant 2 os: 40 - 60 FG
3 Fire Skills 3 Enchant 1 os: 75 - 100 FG
3 Fire Skills 3 Enchant 2 os: 150 - 200 FG
3 Fire Skills 3 Enchant 1-2 Fire Mastery 2 os: 500 - 750 FG
3 Fire Skills 3 Enchant 3 Fire Mastery 2 os: 1,000 - 1,500 FG

2 Sorc Skills 3 Lightning 1 os: 20 - 30 FG
2 Sorc Skills 3 Lightning 2 os: 75 - 100 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20 FCR 3 Lightning 1 os: 200 - 300 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20 FCR 3 Lightning 2 os: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20 FCR 3 Lightning 1-2 Light Mastery 2 os: 1,500 - 3,000 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20 FCR 3 Lightning 3 Lightning Mastery 2 os: 6,000 - 8,000 FG
2 Sorc Skills 3 Fireball 1 os: 20 - 30 FG
2 Sorc Skills 3 Fireball 2 os: 75 - 100 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20 FCR 3 Fireball 1 os: 200 - 300 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20 FCR 3 Fireball 2 os: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20 FCR 3 Fireball 1-2 Fire Mastery 2 os: 1,500 - 3,000 FG
2 Sorc Skills 20 FCR 3 Fireball 3 Fire Mastery 2 os: 6,000 - 8,000 FG
3 Lightning Skills 3 Lightning 2 os: 200 - 300 FG
3 Lightning Skills 20 FCR 3 Lightning 1 os: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
3 Lightning Skills 20 FCR 3 Lightning 2 os: 3,000 - 5,000 FG
3 Lightning Skills 20 FCR 3 Lightning 1-2 Lightning Mastery 2 os: 6,000 - 8,000 FG
3 Lightning Skills 20 FCR 3 Lightning 3 Lightning Mastery 2 os: 12,000 - 15,000 FG
3 Lightning Skills 20 FCR 3 Lightning 3 Lightning Mastery 40+ Life 2 os: 15,000 - 25,000 FG
3 Fire Skills 3 Fireball 2 os: 200 - 300 FG
3 Fire Skills 20 FCR 3 Fireball 1 os: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
3 Fire Skills 20 FCR 3 Fireball 2 os: 3,000 - 5,000 FG
3 Fire Skills 20 FCR 3 Fireball 1-2 Fire Mastery 2 os: 6,000 - 8,000 FG
3 Fire Skills 20 FCR 3 Fireball 3 Fire Mastery 2 os: 12,000 - 15,000 FG
3 Fire Skills 20 FCR 3 Fireball 3 Fire Mastery 40+ Life 2 os: 20,000 - 30,000 FG

Zon Javelins:

4 Java Skills/40 IAS Javs: 75 - 100 FG
5 Java Skills/30 IAS Javs: 200 - 250 FG
5 Java Skills/40 IAS Javs: 450 - 550 FG
6 Java Skills/30 IAS Javs: 500 - 600 FG
6 Java Skills/40 IAS Rand Javs: 750 - 850 FG
6 Java Skills/40 IAS Maiden Javs: 1,000 - 1,200 FG


Rare Weapons:

  • Feel free to pm me for rough prices on your rare weapons.
Posts: 69,886
Joined: Jan 22 2009
Gold: 133,165.00
Dec 23 2011 12:51am
14) Runewords:



Beast Zerk/Other Rand: 10 - 20 FG
Beast Zerk 38+ Str: 25 - 35 FG
Beast Zerk 38+ Str 260%+ ED: 30 - 40 FG
Beast Zerk 40 Str Rand% ED: 40 - 60 FG
Beast Zerk 38+ Str 275%+ ED 3 Ar: 50 - 75 FG
Beast Zerk 40 Str 285% ED 3 Ar (100% Perf): 350 - 400 FG


Brand GMB/Mat/Merc Bow Rand: 30 - 40 FG
Brand GMB/Mat/Merc Bow 3 B&C Skills (If Zon Only) 340%+ ED: 75 - 100 FG
Brand GMB/Mat/Merc Bow 3 B&C Skills (If Zon Only) 355% ED 3 Ar: 150 - 200 FG
Brand GMB/Mat/Merc Bow 3 B&C Skills (If Zon Only) 355% ED 3 Ar 330% DtoD: 400 - 500 FG

Breath of the Dying (Ebotd):

Botd Eth Z/Cb Rand: 7 - 15 FG
Eth Botd Z/Cb 390%+ ED: 15 - 20 FG
Eth Botd Z/Cb 400% ED: 25 - 30 FG
Eth Botd Z/Cb 401-414% ED: 30 - 50 FG
Eth Botd Z/Cb 415% ED: 75 - 100 FG
Eth Botd Z/Cb 415% ED/3 Ar: 90 - 110 FG
Eth Botd Z/Cb 415% ED/3 Ar/15% LL: 125 - 150 FG

Eth Botd Warpike/Gpa/Gs Rand: 20 -25 FG
Eth Botd Warpike/Gpa/Gs 390-399%+ ED: 30 - 50 FG
Eth Botd Warpike/Gpa/Gs 400-414% ED: 60 - 80 FG
Eth Botd Warpike/Gpa/Gs 415% ED: 150 - 200 FG
Eth Botd Warpike/Gpa/Gs 415% ED/3 Ar: 175 - 225 FG
Eth Botd Warpike/Gpa/Gs 415% ED/3 Ar/15% LL: 250 - 300 FG

Call to Arms (CTA):

CTA Flail/Cs x/1/x: 3 - 5 FG
CTA Flail/Cs x/2/x: 4 - 7 FG
CTA Flail/Cs x/3/x: 5 - 10 FG
CTA Flail/Cs x/4/x: 7 - 12 FG
CTA Flail/Cs x/5/x: 10 - 15 FG
CTA Flail/Cs x/6/x: 20 - 30 FG
CTA Flail/Cs 6/6/x: 35 - 50 FG
CTA Flail/Cs 6/6/4: 75 - 100 FG
CTA Eth Flail x/6/x: 40 - 60 FG
CTA Eth Flail 6/6/x: 75 - 100 FG
CTA Eth Flail 6/6/4: 150 - 200 FG
CTA Eth Cs x/6/x: 50 - 75 FG (This price also applies to any other odd eth base like a double axe)
CTA Eth Cs 6/6/x: 100 - 150 FG (This price also applies to any other odd eth base like a double axe)
CTA Eth Cs 6/6/4: 300 - 350 FG (This price also applies to any other odd eth base like a double axe)

CTA Staff x/6/x 3 ES 3 CA: 150 - 200 FG
CTA Staff 6/6/x 3 ES 3 CA: 250 - 300 FG
CTA Staff 6/6/4 3 ES 3 CA: 500 - 750 FG
CTA Scepter x/6/x 3 Holy Shield or 3/3 FOH/Conviction: 90 - 110 FG
CTA Scepter 6/6/x 3 Holy Shield or 3/3 FOH/Conviction : 150 - 175 FG
CTA Scepter 6/6/4 3 Holy Shield or 3/3 FOH/Conviction: 400 - 500 FG
CTA Scepter 290% ED 15/3 Base 6/6/4 3 Holy Shield or 3/3 FOH/Conviction Perf: 900 - 1,100 FG


Chaos Suwayyah Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Chaos Suwayyah 3 LS: 15 - 25 FG
Chaos Suwayyah 3 LS 3 Venom: 30 - 40 FG
Chaos Suwayyah 3/3/3 Any Skills: 75 - 125 FG
Chaos Suwayyah 3/3/3 Any Skills 340% ED 3 Ar: 200 - 250 FG
Chaos Other Claw Rand: 4 - 8 FG
Chaos Other Claw 3 LS: 10 - 15 FG
Chaos Other Claw 3 LS 3 Venom: 20 - 30 FG
Chaos Other Claw 3/3/3 Any Skills: 60 - 80 FG
Chaos Other Claw 3/3/3 Any Skills 340% ED 3 Ar: 125 - 175 FG

Crescent Moon:

Crescent Moon Rand (any base): 10 - 15 FG
Crescent Moon 225-234% ED: 20 - 35 FG
Crescent Moon 235% ED: 75 - 100 FG
Crescent Moon 235% ED 3 Ar: 100 - 125 FG


Doom Z/Eca Rand: 15 - 20 FG
Doom Z/Eca -40-54% Cr 370%+ ED: 25 - 35 FG
Doom Z/Eca -55%+ Cr 370%+ ED: 35 - 45 FG
Doom Z/Eca -40-54% Cr 385% ED: 50 - 75 FG
Doom Z/Eca -55%+ Cr 385% ED: 75 - 100 FG
Doom Z/Eca -60% Cr 370%+ ED: 80 - 120 FG
Doom Z/Eca -60% Cr 385% ED 15 ED 3 Ar: 400 - 500 FG


EDeath Z/Cb Rand: 15 - 25 FG
EDeath Z/Cb 390-399%ED 15 ED: 35 - 50 FG
EDeath Z/Cb 400% ED 15 ED: 75 - 100 FG
EDeath Z/Cb 400% ED 15 ED 3 Ar: 150 - 200 FG

EDeath Decapitator Rand: 50 - 150 FG
EDeath Decapitator 390-399% ED 15 ED: 200 - 400 FG
EDeath Decapitator 400% ED 15 ED: 750 - 1,000 FG
EDeath Decapitator 400% ED 15 ED 3 Ar: 1,250 - 1,500 FG


Edge Bow Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Edge "Edge Bow": 10 - 15 FG


Faith Gmb/Mat +3 Skills Rand: 15 - 20 FG
Faith Gmb/Mat +3 Skills +2 All Skills +15 Fanaticism: 30 - 40 FG
Faith Gmb/Mat +3 Skills +2 All Skills +15 Fanaticism 345% ED: 75 - 100 FG
Faith Gmb/Mat +3 Skills +2 All Skills +15 Fanaticism 345% ED 3 Ar Perf: 125 - 175 FG

Faith Merc Bow Rand: 15 - 20 FG
Faith Merc Bow +15 Fanaticism: 25 - 35 FG
Faith Merc Bow +15 Fanaticism 345% ED: 50 - 75 FG
Faith Merc Bow +2 Skills +15 Fanaticism 345% ED 3 Ar: 150 - 200 FG
Faith Diamond Bow +2Skills +15 Fanaticism 345% ED 3Ar: 350 - 400 FG


Fort Z/Pb Rand: 25 - 35 FG
Fort Z/Pb 1.5 LPL: 50 - 75 FG
Fort Z/Pb 30 Res/1.5 LPL: 125 - 150 FG
Fort Z/Pb 15/3 Base 30 Res/1.5LPL: 350 - 400 FG


Fury Suwayyah Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Fury Suwayyah 3 LS: 15 - 25 FG
Fury Suwayyah 3 LS 3 Venom: 30 - 40 FG
Fury Suwayyah 3/3/3 Any Skills: 80 - 120 FG
Fury Suwayyah 3/3/3 Any Skills 224% ED 3 Ar: 200 - 250 FG
Fury Other Claw Rand: 4 - 8 FG
Fury Other Claw 3 LS: 10 - 15 FG
Fury Other Claw 3 LS 3 Venom: 20 - 30 FG
Fury Other Claw 3/3/3 Any Skills: 90 - 110 FG
Fury Other Claw 3/3/3 Any Skills 224% ED 3 Ar: 125 - 175 FG
Fury Z Rand: 15 - 25 FG
Fury Z 224% ED 3 Ar: 75 - 100 FG


Grief Z Rand IAS Rand Dmg: 5 - 10 FG
Grief Z Rand 34+ IAS: 10 - 25 FG
Grief Z 34+ IAS/ 380-389 Dmg: 25 - 35 FG
Grief Z 34+ IAS / 390-399 Dmg: 40 - 80 FG
Grief Z 34+ IAS / 400 Dmg / 15 ED: 100 - 150 FG
Grief Z 40 IAS / 400 Dmg: 200 - 250 FG
Grief Z 40 IAS / 400 Dmg / 15 ED / 3 Ar: 350 - 400 FG
Grief Z 40 IAS/ 400 Dmg/ 15 ED / 3 Ar / -25 Psn Res: 500 - 600 FG
Grief Z 40 IAS/ 400 Dmg/ 15ED / 3 Ar / -25 Psn Res/ 15 Lpk 100% Perf: 900 - 1,100 FG

Grief Pb Rand: 8 - 15 FG
Grief Pb 380-389 Dmg Rand IAS: 20 - 30 FG
Grief Pb 390-399 Dmg Rand IAS: 30 - 80 FG
Grief Pb 400 Dmg Rand IAS: 80 - 100 FG
Grief Pb 400 Dmg / 15 ED Rand IAS: 90 - 125 FG
Grief Pb 40 IAS / 400 Dmg: 150 - 200 FG
Grief Pb 40 IAS / 400 Dmg / 15 ED: 200 - 250 FG
Grief Pb 40 IAS / 400 Dmg / 15 ED / 3 Ar: 400 - 450 FG
Grief Pb 40 IAS/ 400 Dmg/ 15 ED / 3 Ar / -25 Psn Res: 500 - 600 FG
Grief Pb 40 IAS/ 400 Dmg/ 15ED / 3 Ar / -25 Psn Res/ 15 Lpk 100% Perf: 1,000 - 1,500 FG

Grief Colossus Rand 34+ IAS: 15 - 30 FG
Grief Colossus 34+ IAS / 390-399 Dmg: 60 - 125 FG
Grief Colossus 34+ IAS / 400 Dmg: 150 - 200 FG
Grief Colossus 40 IAS / 400 Dmg: 250 - 300 FG
Grief Colossus 40 IAS / 400 Dmg / 15 ED / 3 Ar: 500 - 600 FG
Grief Colossus 40 IAS/ 400 Dmg/ 15 ED / 3 Ar / -25 Psn Res: 700 - 900 FG
Grief Colossus 40 IAS/ 400 Dmg/ 15ED / 3 Ar / -25 Psn Res/ 15 Lpk 100% Perf: 1,500 - 2,000 FG

Hand of Justice (HoJ):

HoJ Z/Pb Rand: 10 - 20 FG
HoJ Z/Pb 330%+ ED: 30 - 40 FG
HoJZ/ Pb 345% ED: 50 - 75 FG
HoJ Z/Pb 345% ED 3 Ar Perf: 100 - 150 FG


Harmony GMB/Merc Rand: 15 - 25 FG
Harmony GMB/Merc 260%+ ED: 30 - 40 FG
Harmony GMB/Merc 275% ED: 50 - 75 FG
Harmony GMB/Merc 290% ED 3 Ar: 100 - 150 FG
Harmony GMB/Merc 290% ED +6 Valk 3 Ar: 250 - 300 FG

Heart of the Oak (Hoto):

Hoto Flail Rand: 2 - 5 FG
Hoto Flail 38-39 Res: 5 - 10 FG
Hoto Flail 40 Res: 15 - 25 FG
Hoto Flail 40 Res 15% ED 3 Ar: 35 - 45 FG
Hoto Eth Flail 40 Res: 45 - 65 FG
Hoto Eth Flail 40 Res 15% ED 3 Ar: 100 - 150 FG
Hoto Scourge 40 Res: 60 - 80 FG
Hoto Scourge 40 Res 15% ED 3 Ar: 150 - 200 FG
Hoto Eth Scourge 40 Res: 100 - 150 FG
Hoto Eth Scourge 40 Res 15% ED 3 Ar: 200 - 250 FG


Ice GMB/Merc Rand: 20 - 30 FG
Ice GMB/Merc 30% Cold Dmg: 50 - 75 FG
Ice GMB/Merc 30% Cold Dmg 200%+ ED: 75 - 100 FG
Ice GMB/Merc 30% Cold Dmg 210% ED 15 ED 3 Ar: 150 - 200 FG


Infinity Non-Eth Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Infinity Eth Cv/Ca/Thresher Rand: 20 - 40 FG
Infinity Eth Cv/Ca/Thresher -55% Light Res: 60 - 80 FG
Infinity Eth Cv/Ca/Thresher -55% Light Res 325% ED: 150 - 200 FG
Infinity Eth Cv/Ca/Thresher 15/3 -55% Light Res 340% ED Perf: 300 - 400 FG

Sorc Infinity (Low Str) Poleaxe/Voulge/Scythe Rand: 20 - 50 FG
Sorc Infinity (Low Str) Poleaxe/Voulge -55% Light Res: 75 - 100 FG
Sorc Infinity (Low Str) Scythe -55% Light Res: 150 - 200 FG
Sorc Infinity (Low Str) Eth Scythe -55% Light Res: 350 - 400 FG


Insight Non-Eth Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Insight Eth Gpa/Cv/Ca/Thresher Rand: 10 - 15 FG
Insight Eth Gpa/Cv/Ca/Thresher 17 Med: 20 - 30 FG
Insight Eth Gpa/Cv/Ca/Thresher 15/3 17 Med 275% ED: 75 - 100 FG
Insight Eth Gpa/Cv/Ca/Thresher 15/3 17 Med 275% ED 6 Crit: 200 - 300 FG
Insight Eth Gpa/Cv/Ca/Thresher 15/3 17 Med 275% ED 6 Crit 250% Ar: 750 - 1,000 FG

Insight Non-Eth/Eth Voulge/Poleaxe/Scythe (Low Str/Lvl) Any Med: 10 - 20 FG
Insight Non-Eth Voulge/Poleaxe/Scythe (Low Str/Lvl) 17 Med: 30 - 40 FG
Insight Eth Voulge/Poleaxe/Scythe (Low Str/Lvl) 17 Med: 50 - 75 FG

Last Wish:

Last Wish Z/Pb Rand: 15 - 25 FG
Last Wish Z/Pb 385%+ ED 65%+ CB: 35 - 50 FG
Last Wish Z/Pb 385%+ ED 70% CB: 75 - 100 FG
Last Wish Z/Pb 390% ED 65%+ CB: 75 - 100 FG
Last Wish Z/Pb 390% ED 70% CB 3 Ar: 350 - 450 FG

Last Wish Eth Cb Rand: 50 - 75 FG
Last Wish Eth Cb 385-389% ED 65-69% CB: 125 - 175 FG
Last Wish Eth Cb 385-389% ED 70% CB: 150 - 200 FG
Last Wish Eth Cb 390% ED 65-69% CB: 150 - 200 FG
Last Wish Eth Cb 390% ED 70% CB 3 Ar: 400 - 500 FG


Lawbringer Cs/Pb Rand: 10 - 15 FG
Lawbringer Cs/Pb +18 Sanc: 40 - 60 FG
Lawbringer Eth Cs/Pb +18 Sanc: 80 - 120 FG


Memory +9 ES (Energy Shield): 15 - 20 FG
Memory +9 ES 4 Chilling Armor: 50 - 75 FG
Memory +9 ES 5-6 Chilling Armor: 75 - 100 FG
Memory Eth +9 ES 5-6 Chilling Armor: 400 - 500 FG
Memory +9 ES 6 Chilling Armor 5 Thunder Storm: 150 - 200 FG
Memory +9 ES 4 Shiver Armor: 150 - 200 FG
Memory +9 ES 5-6 Shiver Armor: 250 - 300 FG
Memory Eth +9 ES 5-6 Shiver Armor: 500 - 600 FG


Passion Z/Pb Rand: 10 - 15 FG
Passion Z/Pb 200%+ ED Rand: 20 - 30 FG
Passion Z/Pb 80% Ar Rand: 50 - 75 FG
Passion Z/Pb 210%+ ED 70%+ Ar: 50 - 75 FG
Passion Z/Pb 225% ED: 75 - 100 FG
Passion Z/Pb 225% ED 3 Ar: 100 - 125 FG
Passion Z/Pb 225% ED 3 Ar 80% Ar (100% P): 500 - 750 FG


Pride Non-Eth Cv/Ca Rand: 10 - 15 FG
Pride Eth Cv/Ca Rand: 20 - 40 FG
Pride Eth Cv/Ca +20 Conc: 75 - 100 FG
Pride Eth Thresher +20 Conc: 100 - 125 FG
Pride Eth Cv/Ca +20 Conc 15 ED 3 Ar: 100 - 125 FG
Pride Eth Thresher +20 Conc 15 ED 3 Ar: 125 - 150 FG
Pride Eth Any +20 Conc +300% Ar 15 ED 3 Ar: 250 - 300 FG


Spirit Weapon Rand: 2 - 5 FG
Spirit Weapon Non-Eth 35 FCR: 15 - 20 FG
Spirit Weapon Eth 35 FCR: 35 - 50 FG
Spirit Weapon Eth 35 FCR 100+ Mana: 50 - 75 FG
Spirit Weapon Eth 35 FCR 110+ Mana: 80 - 120 FG
Spirit Weapon Eth 35 FCR 112 Mana: 125 - 175 FG
Spirit Weapon Eth 35 FCR 112 Mana 8 Sorb: 400 - 500 FG


White Rand: 2 - 3 FG
White +8 Bone Spear: 10 - 15 FG
White +8 Bone Spear +4-5 Bone Spirit or Other Skill: 30 - 40 FG
White +8 Bone Spear +6 Bone Spirit: 50 - 75 FG
White +8 Bone Spear +6 Bone Spirit 1-2 Revive/1-2 Other Skill: 150 - 200 FG
White +8 Bone Spear +6 Bone Spirit 3 Revive/3 Other Skill: 250 - 350 FG




Deli Completely Rand: 2 - 5 FG
Deli +3 Nado or +3 Bo: 15 - 20 FG
Deli Ebug Bv 600+ Def: 25 - 35 FG


Dream Bv Rand: 10 - 15 FG
Dream Bv 30 FHR or 20 @ Res: 25 - 35 FG
Dream Bv 30 FHR 20 @ Res 200-219 Def: 75 - 100 FG
Dream Bv 15/15 30 FHR 20 @ Res 220 Def: 125 - 150 FG

Dream Ebug Bv Rand: 25 - 40 FG
Dream Ebug Bv 30 FHR or 20 @ Res: 50 - 75 FG
Dream Ebug Bv 30 FHR 20 @ Res 200-219 Def: 150 - 200 FG
Dream Ebug Bv 30 FHR 20 @ Res 220 Def: 350 - 400 FG

  • Odd dream helm bases like diadems, winged helms and death masks cost about 50-75% more than bone visages.



Bramble Ap/Dusk Rand: 10 - 15 FG
Bramble Ap/Dusk +21 Thorns: 20 - 25 FG
Bramble Ap/Dusk +21 Thorns 50% Psn Dmg: 50 - 75 FG
Bramble Ap/Dusk 15/15 +21 Thorns 50% Psn Dmg: 75 - 100 FG

Bramble Ebug Rand: 20 - 25 FG
Bramble Ebug 21 Thorns 1.3k+ Def: 35 - 50 FG
Bramble Ebug 21 Thorns 50% Psn Dmg 1.3k+ Def: 100 - 150 FG

Chains of Honor (CoH):

CoH Dusk/Ap Rand: 5 - 10 FG
CoH Dusk/Ap 15% ED Perf: 15 - 20 FG

CoH Gothic/Fp/Wyrm/Other 15% ED: 30 - 50 FG

CoH Ebug Rand: 10 - 15 FG
CoH Ebug Ap 2004 Def: 30 - 40 FG


Dragon Dusk/Ap/Mp Rand: 15 - 20 FG
Dragon Dusk/Ap/Mp 5 Attr: 35 - 50 FG
Dragon Dusk/Ap/Mp 5 Attr 15% ED Perf.: 75 - 100 FG

Dragon Wyrm/Gothic/Bp/Other 5 Attr 15% ED Perf: 150 - 200 FG

Dragon Ebug 1k+ Def: 35 - 50 FG
Dragon Ebug 1k+ Def 5 Attr: 100 - 125 FG


Enigma Mp/Dusk/Ap Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Enigma Mp/Dusk/Ap 15% ED: 15 - 20 FG
Enigma Mp/Dusk/Ap 15% ED 775+ Def: 40 - 75 FG

Enigma Other Armor Rand: 15 - 30 FG
Enigma Breast Plate 15% ED 775+ Def: 100 - 150 FG
Enigma Ring Mail 15% ED 775+ Def: 200 - 250 FG
Enigma Diamond Mail 15% ED 775+ Def: 150 -200 FG
Enigma Wyrmhide 15% ED 775+ Def: 250 - 300 FG
Enigma Wire Fleece 15% ED 775+ Def: 300 - 350 FG
Enigma Russet Armor 15% ED 775+ Def: 300 - 350 FG
Enigma Ornate Plate 15% ED 775+ Def: 250 - 300 FG
Enigma Scarab Husk 15% ED 775+ Def: 250 - 300 FG
Enigma Gothic Plate 15% ED 775+ Def: 250 - 300 FG
Enigma Field Plate 15% ED 775+ Def: 300 - 350 FG
Enigma Templar Plate 15% ED 775+ Def: 350 - 400 FG
Enigma Ancient Armor 15% ED 775+ Def: 350 - 450 FG
Enigma Full Plate Mail 15% ED 775+ Def: 350 - 450 FG

  • The price of an Enigma and even a CoH is primarily determined by the base/style it is in.

Fort Ap Rand: 10 - 15 FG
Fort Ap 30 Res or 1.5 LPL: 25 - 35 FG
Fort Ap 30 Res 1.5 LPL: 50 - 75 FG
Fort Ap 30 Res 1.5 LPL 15% ED: 100 - 150 FG
Fort Dusk/Wyrm/Wirefleece: 20 - 30 FG
Fort Dusk/Wyrm/Wirefleece 30 Res or 1.5 LPL: 50 - 75 FG
Fort Dusk/Wyrm/Wirefleece 30 Res 1.5 LPL: 100 - 125 FG
Fort Dusk/Wyrm 30 Res 1.5 LPL 15% ED: 150 - 200 FG
Fort Wirefleece 30 Res 1.5 LPL 15% ED: 250 - 300 FG
Fort Sacred Rand: 20 - 30 FG
Fort Sacred 30 Res or 1.5 LPL: 30 - 40 FG
Fort Sacred 30 Res 1.5 LPL: 50 - 75 FG
Fort Sacred 30 Res 1.5 LPL 15% ED: 125 - 150 FG

Fort Ebug Rand: 15 - 20 FG
Fort Ebug 30 Res or 1.5LPL: 25 - 35 FG
Fort Ebug 30 Res 1.5LPL: 40 - 60 FG
Fort Ebug Ap 3552 Def 30 Res 1.5LPL: 75 - 100 FG
Fort Ebug Sa 4065 Def 30 Res 1.5LPL: 150 - 200 FG


Prudence Ebug Sa/Ap Rand: 15 - 25 FG
Prudence Ebug Ap 170% ED: 35 - 50 FG
Prudence Ebug Ap 170% ED 35 @ Res Perf: 150 - 200 FG
Prudence Ebug Sa (Sacred Armor) 170% ED: 50 - 75 FG
Prudence Ebug Sa 170% ED 35 @ Res Perf: 200 - 250 FG


Stone Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Stone Ebug Rand: 10 - 15 FG
Stone Ebug 290% ED: 25 - 30 FG
Stone Ebug 4.8k+ Def: 50 - 75 FG
Stone Ebug SA 5265 Def: 250 - 300 FG


Treachery/Wealth Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Treachery/Wealth 15% ED Base: 15 - 20 FG
Treachery/Wealth Ebug: 30 - 40 FG




Dragon Troll Nest/Mon Rand: 15 - 20 FG
Dragon Troll Nest/Mon 5 Attr: 30 - 40 FG
Dragon Troll Nest/Mon 15/15 5 Attr: 60 - 80 FG

Dragon Pally Shield Rand: 15 - 20 FG
Dragon Sacred Targe 30-44 @ Res: 20 - 30 FG
Dragon Sacred Targe 45 @ Res: 40 - 60 FG
Dragon Sacred Targe 45 @ Res 5 Attr: 75 - 100 FG
Dragon Sacred Targe 15/15 45 @ Res 5 Attr: 100 - 150 FG


Dream Troll Nest/Mon Rand: 15 - 20 FG
Dream Troll Nest/Mon 30 FHR or 20 @ Res: 30 - 35 FG
Dream Troll Nest/Mon 30 FHR 20 @ Res: 50 - 75 FG
Dream Troll Nest/Mon 15/15 30 FHR 20 @ Res: 100 - 150 FG

Dream Sacred Targe Rand: 20 - 25 FG
Dream Sacred Targe 50+ @ Res: 30 - 40 FG
Dream Sacred Targe 60+ @ Res: 50 - 75 FG
Dream Sacred Targe 65 @ Res: 100 - 150 FG
Dream Sacred Targe 30 FHR 65 @ Res: 200 - 250 FG
Dream Sacred Targe 15/15 30 FHR 65 @ Res: 250 - 300 FG


Exile Eth Vortex 40+ Res ~1k Def: 15 - 20 FG
Exile Ebug Vortex 45 Res 1.6k+ Def: 35 - 60 FG
Exile Ebug Vortex 45 Res 1.7k+ Def +16 Aura: 65 - 85 FG
Exile Ebug Vortex 45 Res 1818 Def +16 Aura Perf: 250 - 300 FG

Exile Ebug ST 45 Res 1k+ Def: 75 - 100 FG
Exile Ebug ST 45 Res 1278 Def + 16 Aura Perf: 400 - 600 FG
Exile Ebug ST 121/65 1278 Def +16 Aura Perf: 600 - 800 FG


Phoenix Monarch Rand: 10 - 15 FG
Phoenix Monarch +15 Redemption: 20 - 30 FG
Phoenix Monarch 390%+ ED: 25 - 40 FG
Phoenix Monarch 400% ED: 60 - 80 FG
Phoenix Monarch 400% ED +15 Redemption: 80 - 120 FG
Phoenix Monarch 15/15 400% ED +15 Redemption: 125 - 150 FG
Phoenix Monarch 15/15 400% ED +15 Redemption 21 Fire Absorb: 200 - 250 FG
Phoenix Monarch 15/15 400% ED +15 Redemption 21 Fire Absorb 399 DvM: 600 - 800 FG
Phoenix Pally Shield Rand: 10 - 15 FG
Phoenix Sacred Targe Rand: 15 - 20 FG
Phoenix Sacred Targe 40-44 Res: 25 - 30 FG
Phoenix Sacred Targe 45 Res: 40 - 60 FG
Phoenix Sacred Targe 45 Res +15 Redemption: 75 - 125 FG
Phoenix Sacred Targe 15/15 390%+ ED 45 Res: 75 - 125 FG
Phoenix Sacred Targe 15/15 400% ED 45 Res: 150 - 200 FG
Phoenix Sacred Targe 15/15 400% ED 45 Res +15 Redemption: 250 - 350 FG
Phoenix Sacred Targe 15/15 400% ED 45 Res +15 Redemption 21 Fire Absorb: 400 - 600 FG
Phoenix Sacred Targe 15/15 400% ED 45 Res +15 Redemption 21 Fire Absorb 399 DvM: 1,000 - 1,500 FG

  • Prices of 121/65 knight's base phoenix sacred targes are similar to 45 res base phoenix sacred targes. They can be slightly more expensive according to demand trends, however.

Sanc Troll Nest Rand: 5 - 10 FG
Sanc Troll Nest 70 Res: 40 - 60 FG
Sanc Troll Nest 70 Res 175% ED Perf: 100 - 125 FG
Sanc ST (Sacred Targe) 110-114 Res: 50 - 75 FG
Sanc ST 115 Res: 100 - 125 FG
Sanc ST 115 Res 175% ED: 200 - 250 FG


Spirit Monarch Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Spirit Mon Eth Rand: 10 - 15 FG
Spirit Mon Eth 35 FCR: 30 - 40 FG
Spirit Mon 35 FCR: 15 - 20 FG
Spirit Mon 35 FCR 100+ Mana: 25 - 30 FG
Spirit Mon 35 FCR 15% ED 100+ Mana: 35 - 50 FG
Spirit Mon 35 FCR 15% ED 112 Mana: 50 - 75 FG
Spirit Mon 35 FCR 15% ED 112 Mana 8 Sorb Perf: 150 - 200 FG
Spirit Mon Perf. w/ 15% ED/15 Dura: 200 - 250 FG

Spirit Sacred Targe/Pala Spirit Shield Rand: 3 - 5 FG
Spirit Sacred Targe/Pala Spirit Shield Eth Rand: 8 - 12 FG
Spirit Sacred Targe 35 FCR 45 @ Res: 30 - 40 FG
Spirit Sacred Targe 35 FCR 100+ Mana 45 @ Res: 40 - 60 FG
Spirit Sacred Targe 35 FCR 112 Mana 45 @ Res: 80 - 120 FG
Spirit Sacred Targe 35 FCR 112 Mana 8 Sorb 45 @ Res: 250 - 300 FG
Spirit Sacred Targe Perf. w/ 15% ED/15 Dura: 400 - 500 FG


15) Hybrid Runewords:

HLD Hybrids:

Beast of Doom: 6,000 - 8,000 FG
Delirium of Dream: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
Dragon of Dream: 2,000 - 2,500 FG
Faith of Ice GMB: 6,000 - 8,000 FG
Faith of Ice MB: 6,000 - 8,000 FG
Fortitude of Chains: 8,000 - 10,000 FG
Fortitude of Bramble: 6,000 - 8,000 FG
Fortitude of Stone: 8,000 - 10,000 FG
Enigma of Duress: 3,500 - 4,500 FG
Fury of Chaos: 2,500 - 3,500 FG
Grief of Destruction: 8,000 - 10,000 FG
Grief of Doom: 8,000 - 10,000 FG
Heart of Fortitude: 1,500 - 2,000 FG
Insight of Infinity: 2,000 - 2,500 FG
Rift of Phoenix: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
Spirit of Exile Sacred Targe: 6,000 - 8,000 FG
Spirit of Phoenix Monarch: 8,000 - 10,000 FG
Spirit of Phoenix Sacred Targe: 10,000 - 12,500 FG
Wish of the Dying Pb: 3,500 - 5,000 FG
Wish of the Dying Zerker: 4,000 - 5,500 FG

MLD Hybrids:

Heart of Reason: 400 - 600 FG
Spirit of Reason: 1,000 - 1,500 FG

LLD Hybrids:

Beast of Honor: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
Call of Honor: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
Death of Honor: 750 - 1,000 FG
Delirium of Radiance: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
Destruction of Honor: 750 - 1,000 FG
Duress of Peace: 600 - 800 FG
Enigma of Peace: 750 - 1,000 FG
Fury of Grace: 600 - 800 FG
Fury of Malice: 600 - 800 FG
Infinity of Insight: 500 - 750 FG
Kingslayer of Spirit: 400 - 600 FG FG
Lawbringer of Grace: 500 - 750 FG
Lionhart of Peace: 600 - 800 FG
Oath of Spirit: 600 - 800 FG
Obedience of Honor: 500 - 750 FG
Passion of Spirit: 600 - 800 FG
Phoenix of Insight: 500 - 750 FG
Phoenix of Spirit: 500 - 750 FG
Pride of Insight: 500 - 750 FG
Prudence of Stealth: 500 - 750 FG
Reason of Spirit: 600 - 800 FG
Rift of Phoenix: 500 - 750 FG
Smoke of Stealth: 500 - 750 FG
Splendor of Rhyme: 750 - 1,000 FG
Treachery of Peace: 700 - 900 FG
Wealth of Peace: 600 - 800 FG
White of Strength: 700 - 900 FG
Wind of Steel: 400 - 600 FG
Wind of Strength: 400 - 600 FG

  • These items cannot be created ingame through normal methods. These runewords have been imported (haxored) into the game. Prices also crash quickly per ladder reset.

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Joined: Dec 29 2005
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Dec 23 2011 12:51am
16) Zod Bugged Items:

Zod Bugged Spirit Monarchs:

25-29% FCR 89-99 Mana: 100 - 125 FG
25-29% FCR 100-104 Mana: 125 - 150 FG
25-29% FCR 105-109 Mana: 125 - 150 FG
25-29% FCR 110-111 Mana: 150 - 175 FG
25-29% FCR 112 Mana: 350 - 500 FG

30-33% FCR / 89-99 Mana: 225 - 275 FG
30-33% FCR / 100-104 Mana: 250 - 300 FG
30-33% FCR / 105-109 Mana: 300 - 350 FG
30-33% FCR / 110-111 Mana: 350 - 500 FG
30-33% FCR / 112 Mana: 1,000 - 1,500 FG

34%FCR / 89-99 Mana: 550 - 600 FG
34% FCR / 100-104 Mana: 600 - 700 FG
34% FCR / 105-109 Mana: 750 - 900 FG
34% FCR / 110-111 Mana: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
34% FCR / 112 Mana: 2,500 - 3,000 FG

35%FCR / 89-99 Mana: 2,500 - 3,000 FG
35% FCR / 100-104 Mana: 3,000 - 3,250 FG
35% FCR / 105 Mana: 3,000 - 3,500 FG
35% FCR / 106 Mana: 3,000 - 3,500 FG
35% FCR / 107 Mana: 3,250 - 3,750 FG
35% FCR / 108 Mana: 3,500 - 4,000 FG
35% FCR / 109 Mana: 3,750 - 4,250 FG
35% FCR / 110 Mana: 4,500 - 5,000 FG
35% FCR / 111 Mana: 6,000 - 7,000 FG
35% FCR / 112 Mana 3-5 Sorb: 10,000 - 12,000 FG
35% FCR / 112 Mana: 6-7 Sorb: 11,000 - 13,000 FG
35% FCR / 112 Mana/8 Sorb (Known to be Extinct): 20,000 - 25,000 FG


Zod Bugged Fortitude Archon Plates:

25 Res / 1 LPL: 450 - 500 FG
26 Res / 1 LPL: 460 - 510 FG
27 Res / 1 LPL: 470 - 520 FG
28 Res / 1 LPL: 480 - 530 FG
29 Res / 1 LPL: 490 - 540 FG
30 Res / 1 LPL: 550 - 600 FG

25 Res / 1.12 LPL: 550 - 600 FG
26 Res / 1.12 LPL: 560 - 610 FG
27 Res / 1.12 LPL: 570 - 620 FG
28 Res / 1.12 LPL: 580 - 630 FG
29 Res / 1.12 LPL: 590 - 640 FG
30 Res / 1.12 LPL: 700 - 750 FG

25 Res / 1.25 LPL: 700 - 750 FG
26 Res / 1.25 LPL: 710 - 760 FG
27 Res / 1.25 LPL: 720 - 770 FG
28 Res / 1.25 LPL: 730 - 780 FG
29 Res / 1.25 LPL: 740 - 790 FG
30 Res / 1.25 LPL: 850 - 900 FG

25 Res / 1.37 LPL: 900 - 950 FG
26 Res / 1.37 LPL: 950 - 1,000 FG
27 Res / 1.37 LPL: 1,000 - 1,050 FG
28 Res / 1.37 LPL: 1,100 - 1,150 FG
29 Res / 1.37 LPL: 1,250 - 1,300 FG
30 Res / 1.37 LPL: 1,400 - 1,500 FG

25 Res / 1.5 LPL: 3,500 - 3,750 FG
26 Res / 1.5 LPL: 3,500 - 3,750 FG
27 Res / 1.5 LPL: 3,750 - 4,000 FG
28 Res / 1.5 LPL: 4,000 - 4,500 FG
29 Res / 1.5 LPL: 4,500 - 5,000 FG
30 Res / 1.5 LPL: 7,000 - 9,000 FG


Zod Bugged COH/Bramble/Stone Archon Plates:

Zbug COH: 75 - 100 FG
Zbug Bramble Rand: 100 - 125 FG
Zbug 50% Psn Bramble: 300 - 350 FG
Zbug 50% Psn 21 Thorns Bramble: 500 - 750 FG
Zbug Stone Rand: 100 - 125 FG
Zbug Stone 290-299% ED: 150 - 250 FG
Zbug Stone 300% ED: 500 - 750 FG


Zod Bugged Phoenixes:

350-369% ED / 10-14 Redemption: 150 - 200 FG
350-369% ED / 15 Redemption: 200 - 250 FG

370-389% ED / 10-14 Redemption: 250 - 300 FG
370-389% ED / 15 Redemption: 350 - 400 FG

390-394% ED / 10-14 Redemption: 500 - 600 FG
390-394% ED / 15 Redemption: 600 - 700 FG

395-399% ED / 10-14 Redemption: 800 - 1,200 FG
395-399% ED / 15 Redemption: 1,000 - 1,500 FG
400% ED / 10-14 Redemption: 2,500 - 3,000 FG
400% ED / 15 Redemption: 8,000 - 10,000 FG


Zod Bugged 4 Socket Monarch:

Plain 4 os: 50 - 75 FG
4x Lo'd/Vex'd etc.: 50 - 75 FG
-20 -20 Light 4os Zbug: 75 - 100 FG
-20 -20 Fire 4os Zbug: 75 - 100 FG
-20 -20 Poison 4os Zbug: 50 - 75 FG
-20 -20 Cold 4os Zbug: 75 - 100 FG


17) Perm/Legit Old Patch Items:


Bitter Brogues : 1,000 - 1,200 FG
Bone Nails: 1,200 - 1,500 FG
Bitter Slippers: 600 - 800 FG
Death Treads: 1,500 - 1,800 FG
Dread Greave Chain Boots: 1,200 - 1,500 FG
Dread Greave Light Plate Boots: 3,500 - 4,500 FG
Eagle Brogues: 3,500 - 4,000 FG
Fiend Shanks: 2,500 - 3,000 FG
Ghoul Tracks: 1,800 - 2,000 FG
Havoc Tramples: 1,800 - 2,000 FG
Imp Shanks (Chain Boots): 1,700 - 2,100 FG
Imp Shanks (Single Up'd): 1,300 - 1,500 FG
Imp Shanks (Double Up'd): 1,000 - 1,200 FG
Order Spurs: 20,000 - 25,000 FG
Plague Slippers: 2,500 - 3,000 FG
Plague Spurs: 1,300 - 1,500 FG
Shadow Stalkers : 4,500 - 5,500 FG
Spirit Treads: 4,000 - 5,000 FG
Storm Tracks: 1,600 - 1,800 FG
Wraith Brands: 8,000 - 10,000 FG
Wraith Brands (Up'd): 6,000 - 7,000 FG
Wraith Spurs: 800 - 1,200 FG



Bitter Band: 500 - 600 FG
Bitter Hold: 100 - 150 FG
Blood Loop: 800 - 1,000 FG
Doom Hold: 450 - 550 FG
Doom Master: 450 - 550 FG
Eagle Turn: 450 - 550 FG
Order Spiral: 1,500 - 2,000 FG
Plague Master: 150 - 200 FG
Raven Spiral Ring: 150 - 200 FG
Storm Loop: 600 - 800 FG


Misc. 08/09 Patch Items:

Legit Zbug Arreats (200% ED/6% LL): 200,000 - 250,000 FG
Legit Zbug Arreats (191-198% ED): 60,000 - 80,000 FG
Legit Zbug Arreats (181-190% ED): 40,000 - 60,000 FG
Legit Zbug Arreats (171-180% ED): 30,000 - 40,000 FG
Legit Zbug Arreats (161-170% ED): 20,000 - 30,000 FG
Legit Zbug Arreats (150-160% ED): 15,000 - 20,000 FG
08 Arreats: 2,500 - 3,000 FG
Zbug CoT: 6,000 - 8,000 FG
CMBOE (Cruel Matriarchal Bow of Evisceration): 600 - 800 FG
Zbug Doom Thresher: 200 - 300 FG
08 Frostburns: 3,000 - 4,000 FG
08 Gores: 10,000 - 15,000 FG
08 Hellmouths: 12,500 - 17,500 FG
08 Highlords: 15,000 - 17,500 FG
Zbug HoZ (200% ED Legit): 17,500 - 22,500 FG
Zbug HoZ (190-199% ED): 8,000 - 10,000 FG
Zbug HoZ (180-189% ED): 6,000 - 7,000 FG
Zbug HoZ (160-179% ED): 5,000 - 6,000 FG
Zbug HoZ (150-159% ED): 4,000 - 5,000 FG
Zbug/Ebug Jalals: 8,000 - 12,000 FG
08 Raven Frost: 400 - 500 FG
08 Saracens: 8,000 - 10,000 FG
08 Shadow Knuckle: 1,500 - 1,800 FG
Zbug/Ebug Shaft 220% ED: 8,000 - 10,000 FG
Zbug/Ebug Shaft 201-219% ED: 2,250 - 4,000 FG
Zbug/Ebug Shaft 180-200% ED: 1,500 - 2,250 FG
Zbug/Ebug Shako: 35,000 - 45,000 FG
09 Siggard's Stealth (09 Nos Coil): 450 - 550 FG
Bugged Def Stormshield (160-163): 20,000 - 25,000 FG
08 Stormshield: 125 - 150 FG
Zbug Tarnhelm: 4,000 - 6,000 FG
09 74 Def Trang Gloves: 3,500 - 4,000 FG
09 67-73 Def Trang Gloves: 500 - 1,000 FG
Legit 08 Valk: 35,000 - 50,000 FG
Perm 08 Valk: 13,000 - 17,000 FG
Zbug Vampire Gaze 20% Dr: 5,000 - 6,000 FG
Zbug Vampire Gaze Rand: 3,000 - 4,000 FG
08 Vampire Gaze: 150 - 200 FG
Viper Bludgeon Divine Scepter: 6,000 - 8,000 FG
08 Viper Torc: 700 - 900 FG
08 Windforce: 200 - 250 FG
Beast Knuckle (V/t Gloves): 4,000 - 4,500 FG
Bramble Hand (V/t Gloves): 3,500 - 4,000 FG
Glyph Grip (V/t Gloves): 2,500 - 3,000 FG
Loath Grasp (V/t Gloves): 800 - 1,000 FG
Spirit Grip (V/t Gloves): 3,000 - 3,500 FG
Misc. One of a Kind 08/09 items (e.g.: 08 War Travs, 08 Bk Ring, Etc): 10,000 - 20,000 FG

  • Naming an item can reduce the worth of an item by 10-20% or more (at least on west). Perm/legit common dupes are not exempt from this general rule.
  • Prices of perm/legit 08/09 items can vary due to quality of history and can change due to hoarding trends.
  • "One of a kind" above refers to antique items in which there are a max of 3-5 remaining on west. Typically these items also have some practical purpose in patch 1.13.
  • Additionally, there are a few "One of a Kind" items worth far more than 20,000 FG. Most, however, fit nicely within that range.

18) Unperm Items:

Unperm Rings:

Bitter Band: 40 - 50 FG
Bitter Hold: 20 - 25 FG
Blood Loop: 30 - 40 FG
Doom Hold: 20 - 25 FG
Doom Master: 20 - 25 FG
Eagle Turn: 40 - 50 FG
Entropy Hold: 20 - 25 FG
Entropy Touch: 20 - 25 FG
Ghoul Grasp: 20 - 25 FG
Order Spiral: 30 - 40 FG
Plague Master: 20 - 25 FG
Raven Spiral: 20 - 25 FG
Rune Loop: 20 - 25 FG
Storm Loop (Sloop): 40 - 50 FG
Order Hold: 20 - 25 FG
Chaos Knot: 40 - 50 FG
Chaos Band: 20 -25 FG


Unperm Amulets:

Blood Eye: 20 - 25 FG
Blood Gorget: 20 - 25 FG
Chaos Noose: 20 - 25 FG
Death Torc: 20 - 25 FG
Dread Eye: 20 - 25 FG
Eagle Beads: 25 - 30 FG
Entropy Emblem: 20 - 25 FG
Ghoul Heart (Gheart): 25 - 30 FG
08 Highlords (Sun Shape): 50 - 75 FG
30 Maras: 2 - 3 FG
Order Talisman: 20 - 25 FG
250/20 Raven Frost: 3 - 5 FG
Rune Emblem: 20 - 25 FG
08 Saracens: 50 - 75 FG
Shadow Gorget: 20 - 25 FG
Shadow Knuckle: 50 - 60 FG
Stone Emblem: 10 - 15 FG
Viper Torc: 25 - 30 FG
Wraith Collar: 20 - 25 FG
Wraith Necklace: 50 - 60 FG


Unperm Zbugs (All Items Below are Zod-Bugged):

Arreats (197/5): 75 - 100 FG
Arreats (186/6, 190/3, 195/5, 196/3, 17x/x, 200/5, 200/6): 200 - 300 FG
Bartuc (200/9, 200/8): 50 - 75 FG
21/50 Bramble: 35 - 50 FG
"GoSu-VeL's" Chaos Scissors Suwayyah and Suwayyah: 250 - 300 FG
"Mark's" Wirefleece Enigma - 750 - 1,000 FG
Fortitude (1.375/30, 1.5/30): 50 - 75 FG
1227 Def Guardian Angel: 50 - 75 FG
Homunculus: 50 - 75 FG
Hoz (200% ED): 50 - 75 FG
92% ED Lidless: 50 - 75 FG
Shako (180 186 210 211): 75 - 100 FG
08 Skullders (wtf? yes this is real.): 50 - 75 FG
Spirit 35/107/6: 50 - 75 FG
Arkaine Valor: 50 - 75 FG
Vampire Gaze (378/8/8/20): 50 - 75 FG
4 os 10/10 Archons: 10 - 15 FG
20/20 or 4 os Monarchs: 10 - 15 FG


Unperm Weapons

2sin/40ias/3ls/2os gt claw: 350 - 500 FG
8/6 white: 10 - 15 FG
EDC (various stat combos): 15 - 20 FG
2/3/342/15 Faith GMB: 10 - 15 FG
35% Cd Fathom (various res combos): 15 - 20 FG
40/400/23/15 Grief Pb: 35 - 50 FG
200% ED/7LL Eth Up'd Titans: 15 - 20 FG
Viper Bludgeon: 75 - 100 FG


Unperm Helms:

08 Valk (123, 132 Defenses): 75 - 100 FG
08 Valk (126 Def, 127 Def, Other Rare Defense): 350 - 500 FG
Arreats Eth Up'd 720 Def (186/6): 15 - 20 FG
Brimstone Veil : 20 - 25 FG
Carrion Hood: 20 - 25 FG
30/15 2 os 399 Def Coa: 15 - 25 FG
20/25 Griffons: 15 - 20 FG
Imp Horn: 20 - 25 FG
15/20/9 Nightwings: 10 - 15 FG
Rune Horn: 20 - 25 FG
Rare/Magic 5 bo Helms: 15 - 25 FG
3/20/2 Helms: 10 - 15 FG


Unperm Misc:

20/20/10 Anni: 75 - 100 FG
Misc. 08 Boots: 50 - 75 FG
3/3/3 180% ED Darkforce: 15 - 20 FG
40/12-13/15: 10 - 15 FG
Gale Strap Crafted Belt: 40 - 50 FG
Imp shanks: 75 - 100 FG
Order Spur: 75 - 100 FG
15/400/21 Phoenix Mon: 15 - 20 FG
Ptorch 20/20: 35 - 50 FG
35/99/4/44@Res Spirit Rondache (yes this can be unperm): 10 - 15 FG
20/20 Torch Other: 15 - 25 FG
40x Unperm Sojs: 200 - 250 FG
Wizardspike Gloves: 150 - 250 FG
Wizardspike Armor: 75 - 100 FG
Wraith Brand Boots: 100 - 150 FG
37x 5/3/20s: 400 - 500 FG
37x 451 Pdscs: 175 - 200 FG
37x 3/20/20s (Usually Bc Shaped): 200 - 300 FG
10x 20/5s: 100 - 150 FG
9x 40-45 Life Skiller Gc's (Elemental, Trap, PnB, Pcomb, Cold, Fire, Etc): 175 - 200 FG

  • BEWARE: All of the above "unperm" items will poof if they clash against another unperm item with the same id on the same server. This occurs if exiting a game without "perming out" with an unperm on your character, and when someone else on the same server (and most certainly if in the same game) also possesses an unperm with the same ID.

Hope this guide helps! :)
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