Welcome to my guide. For those of you who recognize the name Pedestal from all the free Chaos runs I gave while leveling to 95, hi2u. For those of you who don't know me, I am THE #1 PvP Summonmancer, and I'm welcome to challenges if you don't believe me. A big thank you to coldfire724 for helping me come up with this build, and of course, thanks to all who helped make this build a reality.Okay, let's get started:
Stats:Note: Remember, these are Hard points, as in, before gear is put on and any charms, etc. apply.
[+]Strength: enough to wear gear of course. I accomplished this with base strength, and this isn't hard at all.
[+]Dexterity: think about it. if something melee can hit you, you're probably fucked because there aren't skeles around you to take the hit instead. block is useless =P
[+]Vitality: Most of your points will be directed here, but read the below first.
[+]Energy: 225 OR Base energy.
I choose 225 Energy, why? I despise using mana pots, and considering with zero points in Energy your mana will be well under 1k with full gear, you will be mana potting often to summon your full army. In addition, after you go through this hassle, get ready to buy a bunch more, because you'll be teleporting around a LOT and nova-ing. Base-energy builds' mana goes bye-bye MUCH faster with a Summoner than a bone nec. NOW TELL ME this isn't annoying.
Skill Tree1) MAX Skeletons
2) MAX Summon Mastery
3) ONE point into Lower Resist
4) ONE point into all Golems but fire (he's useless considering the low hp)
5) ONE point into Revive
6) ONE point into Summon Resist
Now this is where it gets tricky. Ask yourself: Do you want to spam Poison Nova a lot? Or let Mages do the work?
I prefer Mages because they're Multi-elemental, but this is UP TO YOU.
Choice A (Super-Strong Mages)
Max Mages, then put the rest of your points into Poison Nova until it's maxed, then work on one of its Synergies (Poison Explosion or Dagger)
My Poison Nova does 3k with this option at Level 95. Want more? Choice B is for you.
Choice B (Rapes with Poison)
Max Poison Nova, Max one of its synergies (Either Explosion or Dagger), then work on Mages
Mage damage will be much less, and they will die way too fast to be of much use, but you'll do better by yourself.
This choice will rape ES sorcs incredibly well, if you have a grudge against them then by all means choose this ;D
Ok, so now you have a character ready to go, but no gear? Let's change that!ITANZFrom Head to Toe
Helm: Shako is my personal favorite, it's cheap, it's got dr, Life, Mana, Magic Find if you like that, and +2 All skills
Other options? Circlet with 20 fcr and 2 Necro, as well as other stats. However, this depends on which fcr breakpoint you desire to hit.
Ammy: I used Mara's, you could use a +2 Necro ammy with 10% fcr or more, depending on which gear you're going with. Once again, it's all about breakpoints.
Armor: Enigma. I don't think I need to explain why ;D It's up to you which armor to use for it, some say Ring Mail is "cute," some say BP looks cool, this is personal preference.
Weapons: These will be switched. I used 3 different weapons: Wizzy, Doomz, and Beastz. Here's why for each:
Wizzy: Vs. some casters, you will want all the fcr you can get, as well as resists. Using Wizzy I hit the 125 fcr breakpoint, and teled circles around many windies, making them quite fun to rape.
Doomz: Oh dear god, this thing is sexy. I believe I was the first to start using this on my summoner, though I may be wrong. The aura's slowing effect screws over chargers (bye-bye desynch), screws over Smiters (bye-bye ias), screws over Zons (can't run away from me), screws over all other characters' fhr, letting skeles get more hits in. And last but not least, the +2 skills pumped up my Poison Nova for those few times I needed it (plus my skele damage). This thing is almost bm.
Beastz: Fana gives bonuses to ALL your minions, enough said. The ar bonus will rape too with melee skeles.
Shield: 3/3/3 Darkforce, it's sex. If you like Spirit, that's up to you, whether you can't afford DF or just dont like it. Once again, up to you.
Belt: Arach, hands-down. Increased mana, 20% fcr, +1 Skills. Find a better belt PLEASE.
Gloves: Magefists ARE an option, but I MUCH prefer Trangs due to the outstanding +2 curses. Lower Resist is an essential Curse to cast PvP with this thing, if you don't, you're a dumbass =\
Rings: I used 1 SoJ and 1 Fcr/Str/Res/Mana ring. This was done to give me more resists, allow me to wear my spirit monarch on the switch when I had imperfect gear, and most importantly hit the 75% fcr bp (I had 80%)
Dual SoJ's is fine as long as you hit the 75% fcr bp WITHOUT wizzy ;/
Boots: Marrowwalks, duh. +2 Skele Mastery, +dex (for wizzy), +str Need I say more?
And now the most important part, PvP strategies. Thanks to coldfire724, since he pointed out most prevalent classes seen PvP today, and vs. some this char duels the same way.PvP MasteryDruids:Fury druid: Pathetic. Just don't get hit by them, as they can't teleport
Fire Claw druid: LOL?
Fissure druid: Just run and duel someone else if in a pub game. If in private, CTA drop LOL Area of Effect screws you over kind of like a Fireball Sorc does.
Wind druid: Strap on Wizzy, having high fcr vs. them helps to tele circles around 'em. Spam nova, let Mages kill off the Cyclone Armor. This will be a long battle, but you will most likely win.
Summon druid: Not worth mentioning
Rabies Druid: I fucking hate these, one hit and you see a countdown on your Skeles. Run away and let mages kill, just hope they don't hit :|
Sorceress':Light Sorc(Es):Low damage, you can tank at least 20 hits with no revives..just tele on them with amp and rape them. ALSO, poison nova will kill them fast. Truly pathetic duel =\
Light sorc(50k+): Personally I prefer teleporting right on top and ending it quick with amp. The less time they have to attack the better.
Nova sorc:Unless it has inf MERC and damage gear on, it's a joke, tele on it and rape it. if it's max block, use nova and mages with lower res. this would be an interesting duel, but the summoner has an advantage here. if they're es, Poison Nova will rape it.
Blizz sorc:Mages help out a LOT here, and Poison nova will help rape. Just remember not to be cocky, as blizz is one of the few sorc attacks that can IMMEDIATELY kill you if you're in the wrong spot. Most GOOD blizzers are es, so rape them with Nova like all other Es sorcs ;D
Orb/es sorc:95% es orbers are fun. Poison nova/Lower Res will rape them ^^ while skeles sorb the orbs for you.
FB sorc: These will be a difficult duel, all they have to do is spray-and-pray. If they come close and they're ES, just Lower res, Nova, and RUN LIKE HELL, then hide in a good spot. When they come close, Lower res and Nova again, then run. Repeat the process until they are at 1 life, then dodge fbs, tele on top, dead.
CB sorc:Dead, just don't let them run away and spam cb, play defensive or your army is gone, ESPECIALLY if they use infinity.
Melee sorc:Bear melee is dead. Bowa is dead. Zeal sorc is Hard, especially with dual dreams and an inf merc, that in itself can take you. You need to kill it Fast, or the auras will rape you :/
Paladins:Zealots:Strap on Doomz, tele around them, and maiden them if you like. Just don't let them come close to your skeles if they use tap. If they don't, ezpk'd
Smiters: These can be either easy or hard, depending on whether or not they gmod. I run away and let mages do the work, up to you.
Hdins:Dead, just stay out of the hammers..even 17k hdins only take about 1-2 skeles per hammer anyway, with revive stack they are screwed even if they have smite, and desynch is just an annoyance, nothing that really affects you once you get good.
Auradins: Rofl
V/t: Gmodded Tele-smite can hurt, but if they are legit, no problem.
Foher:They shoot you one time, take MAYBE 5 summons, and then they are dead with a simple amp + tele
Bow pallys: GOGO POWER RANGER...no.
Necros:Bone Nec: This is probably the funniest struggle of a duel to watch. They work hard to kill one or two summons and die. Sigh..
Poison Nec: They will out-class you unless you kill them fast. Watch out when they Poison Nova you, dodge it, amp, and tele IMMEDIATELY on them to rape, otherwise you're fucked.
Summoners: Fun duel, but Poison nova will eat away at summons fast with Lower res. You clearly have the advantage.
Other Hybrids: This is where you test your experience dueling with a Poison hybrid with another. This is all up to you strategy-wise
Assassins:Kicksins:Maiden and dead.
WWsins:Watch for mindblasts, try to kill with lr/mages.
Ghosts:These are basically same as WWsins, cept can tank much better and recov much faster from hits.
Trapper:If they host you, just leave, you won't win unless they don't use MB
Firetrapper:Even worse than light trapper, your fhr will be broken so bad they probably won't even need to mindblast lol.
Barbs:BvC:Watch out for the ones smart enough to leap..DON'T tele under them, stay at a distance and lr/mages, and Poison Nova if you can.
All other barbs:As long as they don't get a namelock, they are raped. Just maiden them LOL
Zons:CS zons:Strap on Doom, tele on top after amping, rape...if they fc, they die too fast to make use of it anyways
Bowzons: These duels make me feel like I'm going to hell...Doom isn't even needed rofl
Thank you for reading. In conclusion I'd like to say that if you find an error in this whatsoever, feel free to PM me with it and I'll make note of it. IF YOU FEEL LIKE FLAMING, do so in a PM, I'd prefer not having this spammed with retards criticizing my build who haven't even dueled against it.