Im Playing BlizzSorc since last ladder ( now non ladder) and this is my legit pvp build.
I'll Explain all items on sorc, cheaper and more gosu options vs each one.
Also add some videos that you will see later on this guide.
I hope this is not very confuse or to find out something is wrong, but since is my first guide and im getting started to pvp now, here it goes :wink:
Lets start with Character Basics Table showing mana loss with 50dmgFHR and FCR BPs ( i recomend 105fcr)Cold Mastery Multiplier :arrow:
Statsstr : enough for equip ofc
dext: Enough for Block with whistans ( I'll say options for u save dexterity points for 1v1 build)
vit: All remaining
EneEnergy: Until you get arround 1500 ~ mana ( 1200-1800 depends in your needs/playstyle)
Skillsi have some options (3 in there) that you can choose from depending in your needs / playstyle. ALL FOR LV 93 sorc(104 skills)
Frost Nova_______1 ALWAYS
blizz____________20 ALWAYS
ice blast_________20 ALWAYS
cold mastery_____20 ALWAYS
ice bolt__________
20 Glaciar Spike______
20 _________
16 warmth___________
1 ___________
1-5The option between bolt and glaciar is because glaciar gives same % bonus to blizzard but gives 2% more to ice blast per level than icebolt.
but glaciar is useless in duels, while icebolt can be used instead blast due to low mana cost.
teleport/tk/warmth you have to find out best for your quantity of mana/tk level and playstyle.
ItemsWeaponsMemory x Shiver/9ES (more ES as you can)
Eschutas 3/xx/xx/30 (3 skill 40fcr 30 energy + 9/9/x) (vs melee)
Eschutas 3/xx/xx/30 (3 skill 40fcr 30 energy + 20/20) (vs others)
hoto (3 skill 40fcr 40 resist 10 dex 20rep)
wizzardspike (9/9/x or 20/20, in case of you need resist/fcr boost)
HelmsShako(s) sock jah/sur + gul ( you can have Lo shako or others, but recomend to use kite shields 3 sockets to get resistance caps, except psn , cause you need block aswell vs psn ama)
Rare circlet 2sorc/20fcr/20fhr/hugemana/life
this one it the best you can get, specialy if you want to use kite shields
ShieldsHere is where my build is a bit diferent from others.
I would recomend: Life kite ( 210) cold resist kite ( 60life 120cold resist 3*PS) Foh/Sorclight Kite(17fhr or 60life LO LO PT) Trapsin Kite ( 17fhr LO LO LO )
(Can have less gems ( swich for jah) or change for nice res jewels if 120res go over cap)
Whistans(vs melee that you can use 75% block) ( sock it Jah(shako) or ber (circlet 20fc))
Whistans(GUL) vs psn ama
Lidless(Optional , if cant get fcr with kites or preffer +1 skill 10%mana, but this will make you have lidless with many dif sockets)
wisp20 (abs, a must vs foh,option vs trap)
Raven ( abs, optinal)
fcr/15dex/mana ( optional vs ama to save dex and if u cant get 15+fcr amu or 20fcr circlet)
AmuletsVS magee
2sorc/15fcr+/+huge life and/or mana (in case you cant get circlet 20fcr)
2sorc/stats ( str dex mana life energy res ) without fcr ( if you got circlet is the best)
VS Melee ( 75%block)
2sorc/15fcr+/1x dex/ life and/or mana ( if cant get 20fcr circlet)
Safety craft 2 sorc /%block/dex ( with fc circlet) (
MAX saving dex option)
ArmorViper Jah
BeltArachnid ( 1 skill 20 fcr..)
GlovesFrostburns ( mana boost)
Bloodfist( easy to get fhr break points with this if you dont want to take many of your Life skillers to stash)
BootsWaterWalks ( 65life 15 dext 5%max fire) kinda nice boots
Rare(Optional) with fhr and/or 3x/4x resists ( vs foh blizz light)
Hotspur/Inferno ( one of those vs fire in case of you preffer ES or not)
Charms10 colds 4xlife ( or as best you can)
Some Cold/FHR
9 sc life/mana
you may need some 20/1x cold fire light to make you have 225 res vs blizz foh , or even 90 vs fire in nightmare.
Items VS each Char :I Would Recomend :
Viper JAH
Memory(on switch)
7-10* cold skilers (sometimes FHR ones)
3-9* 20/17 ( sometimes 20/1xres)
HYBRID AMAZONOption 1Rare circlet 2sorc/20fcr/20fhr/hugemana/life
amulet 2sorc %block 1x dex ( safety Craft)
Whistans BER
2 soj
Eschutas 9/9/x (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
Waterwalks ( life and block)
Option 2Shako Jah/sur (depends on your needs)
Amu 2sorc/15+fcr/dex(if possible) + MANA
Whistans JAH
2 soj ( or soj+20dex 1xx mana for save dext)
Eschutas 9/9/x (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
Waterwalks ( life and block)
Amu 2sorc/15+fcr/dex(if possible) + MANA
Whistans GUL
2 soj
Eschutas 9/9/x (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
Waterwalks ( life and block)
BONESPIRIT NECROOption 1Rare circlet 2sorc/20fcr/20fhr/hugemana/life
amulet 2sorc +Huge Stats ( life mana , OR tal amu)
Kite JAH JAH JAH 60life
2 soj ( bulkathos if no theet)
Eschutas 9/9/x (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
BloodFist/Frost(depends if he uses or not theet)
Option 2Shako Jah/sur
amulet 2sorc 15+fcr+ mana (or 5+if wizz)
Kite JAH JAH JAH 60life
2 soj( bulkathos if no theet)
Eschutas 9/9/x (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana/fcr problems)
BloodFist/Frost(depends if he uses or not theet)
Amu 2sorc/15+fcr/ MANA
Kite GULGULJAH OR GULGULPE 60life (cap+res)
2 soj
Eschutas 20/20 (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
Waterwalks FrostBurns
TRAPS ASSASINOption 1Rare circlet 2sorc/20fcr/20fhr/hugemana/life
amulet 2sorc HUGE STATS ( max life mana possible or Tal amu)
Eschutas 20/20 (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
Waterwalks ( life)
ADD COLDs FHR if you need more FHR
Option 2Shako(Jah)
amulet 2sorc 15+fcr mana (5+ if you use wizzardspike)
Eschutas 20/20 (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
Waterwalks ( life)
ADD COLDs FHR if you need more FHR
HYBRID ASSASSINOption 1Rare circlet 2sorc/20fcr/20fhr/hugemana/life
amulet 2sorc %block 1x dex ( safety Craft)
Whistans LO
2 soj
Eschutas 9/9/x (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
Waterwalks ( life and block)
Option 2Shako Jah
Amu 2sorc/15+fcr/dex(if possible) + MANA(5+ if wizz)
Whistans LO
2 soj
Eschutas 9/9/x (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
Waterwalks ( life and block)
FIRE SORCOption 1Rare circlet 2sorc/20fcr/20fhr/hugemana/life
amulet 2sorc +Huge Stats ( life mana , maybe fire res, OR tal amu)
Kite JAH JAH JAH 60life
2 soj
Hoto (best IMO, can use wizz if you have resist/mana/regmana problems)
Add FHR CHARMS if Needed
Option 2Shako Jah/sur
amulet 2sorc 15+fcr+ mana (or 5+if wizz)
Kite JAH JAH JAH 60life
2 soj
Hoto (best IMO, can use wizz if you have res/mana/regmana/fcr problems)
Add FHR CHARMS if Needed
BLIZZ SORCOption 1Rare circlet 2sorc/20fcr/20fhr/hugemana/life
amulet 2sorc +Huge Stats ( life mana , maybe cold res, OR tal amu)
Kite PSPSPS 60life (120cr)
Hoto (best IMO, can use wizz if you have res/mana/regmana/fcr/res problems)
Waterwalks ( or Rare Fhr/4x cold res)
Add 20/1x SCs to get 225 cold res
Option 2Shako Jah/sur
amulet 2sorc 15+fcr+ mana (or 5+if wizz)
Kite PSPSPS 60life (120cr)
hoto (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana/fcr/res problems)
Waterwalks ( or Rare Fhr/4x cold res)
Add 20/1x SCs to get 225 cold res
ORB SORCOption 1Rare circlet 2sorc/20fcr/20fhr/hugemana/life
amulet 2sorc +Huge Stats ( life mana , maybe cold res, OR tal amu)
Kite JAHJAHJAH 60life
Waterwalks ( or Rare Fhr/4x cold res)
Add 20/1x CR to get 150cr( if you use raven no es , dont need much mana)
Option 2Shako Jah/sur
amulet 2sorc 15+fcr+ mana+cold res if possible
Kite JAHJAHJAH 60life
Waterwalks ( or Rare Fhr/4x cold res)
Add Many 20/1x CR to get 150cr ( if you use raven no es , dont need much mana)
LIGHTING SORCOption 1Rare circlet 2sorc/20fcr/20fhr/hugemana/life
amulet 2sorc +Huge Stats ( or tal amu)
Kite(17fhr or 60life LO LO PT)
Hoto (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
Waterwalks ( or fhr 4xlight rares)
Add FHR CHARMS if Needed (stun)
Option 2Shako Jah/sur
amulet 2sorc 15+fcr+ mana (or 5+if wizz)
Kite(17fhr or 60life LO LO PT)
Hoto (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana/fcr/res problems)
Waterwalks ( or fhr 4xlight rares)
Add FHR CHARMS if Needed (stun)
FOH SMITE PALADINOption 1Rare circlet 2sorc/20fcr/20fhr/hugemana/life
amulet 2sorc +Huge Stats ( or tal amu)
Kite(17fhr or 60life LO LO PT) (whistans if realy need block)
Hoto (best IMO, can use wizz if you have res/mana/regmana problems)
Add 20/1x CHARMS Needed TO REACH 225lr ( dont need much mana without ES)
Option 2Shako Jah/sur
amulet 2sorc 15+fcr+ mana (or 5+if wizz)
Kite(17fhr or 60life LO LO PT) (whistans if realy need block)
Hoto (best IMO, can use wizz if you have res/mana/regmana problems)
Add 20/1x CHARMS Needed TO REACH 225lr ( dont need much mana without ES)
TELE WW BARBOption 1Rare circlet 2sorc/20fcr/20fhr/hugemana/life
amulet 2sorc %block 1x dex ( safety Craft)
Whistans BER
2 soj ( or soj+20dex 1xx mana for save dext)
Eschutas 9/9/x(best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
Waterwalks ( life and block)
Option 2Shako Jah/sur (depends on your needs)
Amu 2sorc/15+fcr/dex(if possible) + MANA
Whistans JAH
2 soj ( or soj+20dex 1xx mana for save dext)
Eschutas 9/9/x (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
Waterwalks ( life and block)
REGULAR BARBOption 1Rare circlet 2sorc/20fcr/20fhr/hugemana/life
amulet 2sorc %block 1x dex ( safety Craft)
2 soj ( or soj+20dex 1xx mana for save dext)
Eschutas 9/9/x (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
Waterwalks ( life and block)
Option 2Shako Jah/sur (depends on your needs)
Amu 2sorc/15+fcr/dex(if possible) + MANA
2 soj ( or soj+20dex 1xx mana for save dext)
Eschutas 9/9/x (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
Waterwalks ( life and block)
MELEE DRUIDOption 1Rare circlet 2sorc/20fcr/20fhr/hugemana/life
amulet 2sorc +HUGE STATS ( or tal amu)
2 soj
Eschutas 9/9/x(best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
Option 2Shako Jah/sur (depends on your needs)
Amu 2sorc/15+fcr/ + MANA
2 soj
Eschutas 9/9/x(best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
ELEMENTAL DRUIDOption 1Rare circlet 2sorc/20fcr/20fhr/hugemana/life
amulet 2sorc +Huge Stats ( life mana , maybe fire res, OR tal amu)
Kite JAH JAH JAH 60life
2 soj
Eschutas 20/20 (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana problems)
Option 2Shako Jah/sur
amulet 2sorc 15+fcr+ mana (or 5+if wizz)
Kite JAH JAH JAH 60life
2 soj
Eschutas 20/20 (best IMO, can use wizz if you have mana/regmana/fcr problems)
[/color]I REMIND THAT YOU HAVE A CHEAP OPTION THAT IS REPLACE ALL KITES + FCR AMU FOR TAL AMU+LIDLESS ( that can force you to have many vipers/shakos dif socketed)PLAYING STRATEGYBasicly you have to know how to get enemys on the most far corners ( up corners are the best), If no ES try to be more rusher and block all exits, if ES dont be too risky if you almost out of mana, control your teleports and use more Reg mana items or stat more Warmth if that happens).
Video Guides vs Each CharThese Videos are ONLY to be seen as Training/Example Duels, not and Never as Player Skill (me or the other) comparison, Character Rules discussion, Flame or any other NON TRAINING/GuiDe proposes BSNecro (if you want to help and have one PM me)
FireSorc(+hydra) (if you want to help and have one PM me)
OrbSorc (if you want to help and have one PM me)
Hybridama (if you want to help and have one PM me)
PsnAMA (if you want to help and have one PM me)
TeleBarb (if you want to help and have one PM me)
RegBarb (if you want to help and have one PM me)
Lightsorc (if you want to help and have one PM me)
TrapAssa (if you want to help and have one PM me)
HybridAssa (if you want to help and have one PM me)
FoHPaladin (if you want to help and have one PM me)
MeleeDruid (if you want to help and have one PM me)
EleDruid (if you want to help and have one PM me)