A Guide to the Osama
Table of contents
1) Introduction
2) An Osama, what is it?
3) Attacking Skills
4) Defending and Passive Skills
5) Breakpoints
6) Equipment
7) Stats
8) How everything falls in it’s place
9) Tactics
1) Introduction
There she stood, her eyes squeezed to make the best use of the last sunrays of the day, Exploring the vast plains to find the target she was seeking for. Suddenly a faint movement at her right side attracted her attention. While she turned her head towards it, the target already had disappeared in thin air to re-appear a bit closer. She watched the teleporting for a while in upper concentration to finally draw her bowstring and let off a volley of guided arrows. A few of them tracked and hit, but it didn’t seem to effect the life of her enemy. At this point the sorceress was moving in at an incredible pace, but she had a few other tricks up her sleeve. The sorceress was in range now and let loose a few balls of energy that turned into flames. With a shrieking sound they flew right at her but taking a few steps to the right they all missed as she fired another set of guided arrows. As the sorceress realized she wouldn’t win this ranged battle she soon moved in closer for a fast kill. The amazon however knew this was going to happen and quickly grabbed her javelin to create an enormous poisonous cloud around her, after which she dodged another fireball and resolved in thin air herself, just at the moment the sorceress appeared next to her. The sorceress was too late to turn back and landed straight into the cloud, while the amazon couldn’t suppres a subtle smile from a safe distance. The sorceress aggressiveness stepped up while her life was dropping rapidly. This was no time for subtle tactics and the amazon fired 10 arrows in rapid succession at the moment her enemy reappeared. A high-pitched sound filled the air and the sorceress sank to the earth…. Leaving an ear behind to prove she once existed.
2) An Osama , what is it?
An osama is basicly a pretty cowardly zon, that tries to hide a lot and fires precision attacks from a distance. Unlike other ama’s the osama is very capable of fleeing and creating distance since she makes use of tactical teleport with pretty high fcr breakpoints, combined with a decent damage guided arrow. She makes use of a lot of different skills and tactics to beat down the opposition, you might actually call it creative. And while her arrows hit with the force of an airplane from a distance, she also has anthrax and shock torture (furies/lightbolt) damage for everyone who gets to close to her or her cave.
What skills does an Osama use?
3) Attacking Skills
Guided arrow
Effect: Imbues an arrow with the ability to seek its nearest target.
This is the first main skill of an Osama. Stay out of harms way, let them fly through the air and see them track the target.
20 points into this one.
Multiple shot
Effect: Splits one arrow into several . Handy in some situations
1 point in here is enough
Effect: Fires a volley of arrows at multiple nearby targets. Handy in some situations.
1 point in here is enough
Effect: Multiple attacks within the time span of a normal attack. Handy in some osama vs other bowama duels.
1 point is enough.
Poison Javelin
Effect: Thrown javelin causes poison damage and leaves a trail of poison clouds. Anthrax suits the Osama.
Put 20 points in here.
Plague javelin
Effect: Similar to Poison Javelin with an additional cloud of expanding poison at the point of impact. A far more usefull variant of poison javelin if you look at the damage per second. However it also has a longer casting delay wich makes poison javelin in a few duels superiour
Put 20 points into this one too.
Lightning bolt and Lightning Fury
Effect: Creates a powerful lightning bolt that in case of fury releases multiple lightning bolts from target.
Usefull as spam attack when pressured and block is needed., or to go offensive with your shieldswitch.
1 point in these is enough
With the prerequisites counted you will have to put a total of 67 skillpoints in your attacking skills.
4) Defending and Passive Skills
Now lets say we make our osama lvl 92, wich is an fairly easy attainable level, we will have 37 skillpoints left to throw in the passive tree of the osama. Now how do we divide those skillpoints? First of all drop 1 point in all the passive skills. Every skill has it’s use. We now have 27 points left and we will want to pump 4 skills.
P.S. The Osama will get +11 to +14 to amazon skills, wich helps a lot to reach the required percentages on the following skills.
The 4 skills to pump higher are:
1: Critical strike
Passive Effect: Grants a chance to do double physical damage with your attacks.
Get it up to 65% or higher
2 + 3 + 4: Dodge , Evade, Avoid
Passive Effect: AllGrant a chance to move out of the way of attacks.
Get dodge and evade around 50-55%, and avoid around 60-65%
A few other defensive and passive skills explained:
Effect: gained by our armor enigma this will grant the osama wings with the proper faster cast rate
Decoy and Valkery:
Effect: Fake osama’s to prevent the enemy from catching you. 1 point in each and hotkey them too. The valkery is actually handy since it will work as a shield when you teleport around. Sidenote is that casting the valkery will make you unable to cast poison and plague javelin for a while.
Slow missiles:
Effect: Slows the missiles of nearby enemies.
Perfect to give you the time to flee to a nearby cave for example. Considered lame, but hey, you are an Osama so who cares.
5) Breakpoints
To grow fear in the hearts of men an osama needs to go in fast, hit hard, and flee even faster.
This is achieved by taking the following breakpoints into consideration.
Faster cast rate breakpoint:
We aim for a 13 frame teleport on both switches, wich is reached with 68% fcr. Why not only use fcr on the javswitch you might ask. That’s because switching takes time, and since the teleport already isn’t that fast you often need that time to immediately squeeze off some arrows in between tele’s. If we use a spirit shield on switch we reach the 99% breakpoint wich will grant us 12 frame teleport, which is nice in duels in which the damage reduction of stormshield is obsolete.
Faster hit recovery breakpoint:
We get 20% from our charms, wich works fine for me. Escaping stun skills works often with wsg-running anyways until you find a clear spot to make your quick tele out. If you feel like you need more the next breakpoints are 32, 52 and 86
Increased attack speed:
Since we use faith matriarchal bow it’s necessary to get at least 45% increased attack speed. Our helm already covers this, but having 20% more is nice to counter any 10% slow.
6) Equipment
Now this is pretty important and very narrowed down for a Osama. It’s also far from cheap, but a real Osama shouldn’t have trouble at secretively raising funds from filthy rich people that support your cause. An Osama needs a lot of different things to be effective. Let’s line them up.
1) Increased attack speed
2) Faster cast rate
3) Some resistances
4) Knockback
5) Cannot be frozen
6) Some faster run walk (about 100% on your Javswitch will do fine)
7) + Max damage
8) + Skills
To get all of this we will have to search for multiple of these mods on single items. Because of this I won’t be giving many gear-options, simply because there aren’t many to reach all the desired things/breakpoints.
Armor: Enigma
Only 1 choice here, since we are in need of the teleport. All the other mods are great too off course, especially the faster run walk, strength and +2 skills.
Weapon1: Faith in a Matriarchal bow
While the damage is a bit lower then the commonly used grand matron bow, the increased attack speed we need to obtain a 7 frame attack is only 45%. You will see we will get 65% increased attackspeed eventually, so some might say a Shadow bow would be better. However many people use items with 10% slow wich will seriously cripple you then, with matriarchal bow you have 20% stacked ias to counter this. Also the average damage difference between a shadow and matriarchal bow is not much.
Weaponswitch: Ethereal upgraded titans
While you don’t need an ethereal upgraded one to damage with the poison javelin skills you will frequently use lightning fury and bolt, at wich point you want the javelin to have high physical damage. Lightning fury will do this physical damage, while lightning bolt will convert it to lightning damage.
Shield to go with your titans: Stormshield , Spirit, 4xPsapphire shield
1) Stormshield (ber or ummed for allround purpose). This is your allround shield if there are physical damage enemies around.
2) Spirit. With this one you will reach the 99% faster cast breakpoint on your javswitch. Great shield to have when there aren’t any physical damage characters around or when you feel you need to teleport faster. The 55% faster hit recovery is also nice. By the way you will have enough dexterity to reach 75% block with spirit also.
3) 4x Psapphire’d monarch. Stacking cold resist is quite hard on this type of amazon. Using this shield will help you get safer poison/plague javelin hits in. After that it’s not so hard to stay out of harms way and finish with your bowswitch.
Helm: Jeweler’s Tiara of the Magus (3x 15 ias/ enhanced damage jewel)
Our first item in this list that combines two of our hardest needs. Namely 45% increased attack speed and 20% faster cast rate. It also will boost our damage a bit.
Belt: Arachnid mesh, Tgods optional
Used mainly for it’s 20%fcr, the +1skill is nice and will also help our poison damage and our passive skills. Tgods in your stash if you need higher lightresists.
Gloves: Crafted knockback gloves with 2 to java skills and 20% increased attack speed.
Now these babies are hard to find, but these will be the perfect gloves, the 20% ias is stack to counter 10% slow. The +2 javaskills will give you around 6k more plague javelin damage and the knockback is absolutely necessary. If you can’t find these then you could also use 2 java knockback gloves without ias, or 20ias kb gloves without skills or cleglaws as really poor option.
Boots: Wartravellers , Hotspurs, Sandstorm Treks, Rare triple resist boots
Your main boots are wartraveller’s for the added damage, wich you can really use. I wouldn’t build around the 10 strength from them though, since you will also want to use hotspurs vs. every fire related enemy. And Treks to get your poisonres up vs. nasty venom-related assassins.
Another allround option if multiple resists are needed are rare triple resistance boots.
Ring 1: Ravenfrost
Needed for the cannot be frozen mod mainly.
Ring 2: Faster cast ring, with stats, a bit of mana and more important some resists
Around 3x mana is already enough, most important to look for on this ring are high resists. Get a good one with as many stats too as possible depending on the budget you got from your secret philanthropists.
Amulet : Crafted amulet with 2 to amazon skills and 18+% faster cast rate
Another pretty tough item to get. But it’s necessary to reach the 68% faster cast breakpoint on both switches. Again look from some resists or damage factors on it. Luckily high fcr crafted amazon amulets are very cheap considered to other amulets for other charclasses. Again if you can’t get it then get a plain one. But you will loose not only 6k poison/plague javelin damage as well as +2 skills to the entire passive tree. If you have to make a choice about getting the skills on the gloves or the amulet then go for +2 on the amulet for sure.
Most people that played a pvp bowama will know that these aren’t cheap characters to make. Same goes for the Osama. I personally play mostly nightmare duels, at wich point I make sure with my charms that the resistances are covered there, even after subtracting -30 res due to the anyabug (once you die the 30allresist given by freeing anya won’t count anymore while they are still displayed in your charscreen). However damage is equally important on your osama and without the proper max damage charms you will lack it. Also life is needed to get it up to a respectable level so more can be put into dexterity.
Torch and annihilus are off course included. For the rest your main focus should lay on collecting maxdmg/ar/life charms. This can be gc’s / lc’s or sc’s. Once you feel comfortable enough about your damage you can start playing around with life/resist charms also.
I Also suggest getting 20% faster hit recovery on your charms. A good example of how to achieve this is by getting 4x 3max/ar/5fhr sc’s.
If you don’t got anyone giving you bo then keep 4 spots empty in your inventory and put your cube there. Put a Call to Arms in it and swap it for your Titans to grant yourself some battle orders. This will be more beneficial bo then a pure bowazon has, since enigma, arach and possibly spirit shield will boost it also, being able to give you up to lvl 14 bo.
7) Stats
Let’s first discuss the two simple stats.
No points here.
Enough to wear your gear. Your highest strength requirement will be 156 on your shieldswitch. You also got titans there wich will give you some strength. You can use this to equip your shield, but I don’t recommend it, since when you are for example killed with a cta equipped you won’t be able to pick up your body assuming your inventory is full. Use any strength you get from your torch, anni, enigma, rare ring, kb gloves and your crafted amulet though. As said before, don’t use the 10 strength from your wartraveller’s either, since you will want to change your boots in certain situations.
Now it gets more tricky. How to divide your remaining stats between vitality and dexterity?
Vitality and dexterity:
On the one hand you will want as much damage as you can, since guided arrow still remains your main attack. On the other hand you will have to be close to your enemy sometimes to poison them. A balance between life and damage is needed. I find that a certain amount of guided arrow damage is needed to be effective. This off course also depends on the jewels in your helm, your bowstats, your charms etc. Therefore I would say get your dexterity up to at least a minimum of 3.4k max guided arrow damage when you also have wartraveler’s equipped. From that point on start pumping your vita. Try to get a minimum of at least 1.5k life with bo. If you reach these 2 and still have statpoints left then start duelling with your zon and see what you find lacking yourself the most. Life or damage? If you are able to get good charms these 2 beforementioned values shouldn’t be too hard to reach.
For those of you that spend every wealth they got on the equipment i would say build your osama as a glasscannon build. Meaning you put everything in dexterity and get plain max damage charms. Your damage will be higher but you will die in 1 hit to everything. You will learn to play the amazon fast, but will only be able to use your poison javs in a defensive manner. Good Teleporting will help you keep your glasscannon alive and it might even be more viable then a non-teleport glasscannon build. Another option for those “ poor people” is to forego with the poison javelin skills altogether and use those skillpoints to pump your critical strike and dodges.
8) How everything falls in it’s place
Some of you might question why so many attacking skills are necessary and if teleport truly has value to a zon and won’t cripple it’s damage too much. It’s clearly obvious that most items we use that have faster cast rate also contain +skills. This is what gives the opportunity to make the plague javelin a weapon to be feared. The teleport and the bowswitch contribute to this by giving us the ability to flee and do damage from bigger range, while the poison drains.
With this I am not saying that plague javelin is your main weapon, don’t make that mistake, because the Osama is in it’s heart a bowazon. However with this time of almost every dueller teleporting and closing gaps quickly a bowazon needs secondary attacks to survive at close range (and being able to create distance herself). Plague javelin is a prime example of such an attack. Every char that will jump you will jump in your poison cloud in wich you are able hide and shoot arrows or throw furies/bolts from. A good Diablo metaphor for this is when a bowa is hiding in a hammerfield, I am sure most of you have seen that tactic.
Moreover plague javelin is also easy to use vs any chars that need to get close and have a blockable attack. You can tank them to get that pjav hit in, followed by some lightning furies and a few teleports away, at which point you can go defensive again with your arrows. Lightning fury is already broadly used by regular bowa’s and a good example of this. But the beauty about using plague also is that it costs one second to cast it, then it starts draining and you are able to use all your other attacks on wich your focus lays while the plague is a freebee drain.
All with all a Osama got a long range attack (ga/multi/strafe) usefull vs all, a short range attack that either drains or prevents people from jumping you (poison/plague javelin) and a short range attack that is spammable (lfury/lbolt) in between the draining attacks. The teleport adds to this that you will be able to create the wanted distance fast for every1 of these attacks. Whether it is to play offensive or defensive. That also makes the zon pretty unpredictable. You could for example play 3 minutes defense vs a sorc to suddenly jump her and try go for that poisonjav hit.
These 3 types of attacks combined with fast teleport and decent frw give you a lot of options in dueling and therefore makes it a char that actually has a chance vs many other types of duellers around.
Off course you lack some damage compared to forti bowa’s but they won’t be able to deliver such poison damage and create distance so fast to keep firing. On the other hand it means duels take longer and there is obviously also more chance of you getting hit in that timespan.
Strategies in the next post.