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> !! Awesome Cheap Charms + Much More !!
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Joined: Sep 29 2021
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Apr 26 2024 04:58pm
Search 'LvL' for low-level LLD items

! ONLY 400FG !
0os Polished Wand 3ce 3sm 1ba 3 corpse explosion 3corpseexplosion 3skeletonmastery 3 skeleton mastery white base

! ONLY 50FG !

(can be upgraded to elite)
Rare Bow +1bow 267ed 0.5maxPerLevel 292ar 16.5arPerLevel 4-12cd 21pd 5ml duel bow

Fcr Ring 10fcr dual-leech ring caster ring mana life ar ll ml lr pr fr cr mdr mf eg maek dex str energy max min plr crafted caster amu caster amulet 20fcr sorc barb baba pala assa druid necro ama craft ring craft amu blood ring

not listed:
Amu 2barb 22str 7dex 29pr 25plr 15fg
Dual Leech Ring 4ll 4ml 32cr 7lr 7fr 17pr 2dr 20fg
Dual Leech Ring 5ll 3ml 10fcr 29ar 7@ 26lr 300fg
Ring 120ar 3ll 10@ 24lr dr2 220fg

Sold Rings
13 - 25fg
16 - 60fg
18 - 30fg
19 - 30fg

Sold Amus

1 - 200fg
3 - 160fg
6 - 60fg
8 - 20fg
21 - 100fg
22 - 180fg
23 - 200fg
24 - 110fg

3 - 9fg
5 -20fg

dtorch druid torch
19/16 45fg
17/10 6fg

atorch ama torch ztorch zon torch
18/13 35fg
16/18 40fg

storch sorc torch
10/18 25fg
16/17 60fg

btorch baba torch barbarian torch
13/19 20fg
11/18 8fg
16/13 10fg
16/14 14fg
15/15 14fg

ntorch necro torch
10/18 15fg
11/16 12fg

10/13 10fg
10/14 12fg

Annihilus Ani Anihilus Anni
19/13/10 17fg
16/19/9 20fg
20/13/9 10fg
18/14/9 6fg
16/16/8 5fg
19/13/8 5fg
12/20/7 5fg
16/15/7 4fg
15/16/7 4fg
18/19/6 23fg
17/19/6 12fg
14/20/6 4fg
20/15/6 6fg

18x unid anni pack 125fg

1 Token 8fg

10 Million IGG 10fg in game gold 10m ingame gold



1 Zod 20fg
1 Cham 15fg
3 Vex 10fg
2 Gul 8fg
11 ist 6.5fg
1 Mal 7fg
7 Pul Pack 25fg
29 Lem 3.75fg
0 Ko 1.2fg
135 Hel 2fg
16 Dol 0.8fg
87 Sol 1fg
200 Amn 0.4fg
90 Thul 0.3fg
232 Ort 0.33fg
0 Ral 1.2fg
160 Tal 0.35fg
77 Eth Runes 0.75fg eths
101 Nef 0.65fg
52 Tir 1fg
88 Ith 0.7fg
37 Eld 0.85fg
100 El 0.5fg

Gems Pgems Pgem pgs perfect gems
72 Perfect Sapphires - 0.55fg perfect sapphire psapphire psapphires perfect sapphires perfect saphire psaphire psaphires perfect saphires psaph psaphs psapph psapphs
60 Perfect Topazs - 0.42fg perfect topaz topazs ptopaz ptopazs perfect topazs
57 Perfect Emeralds - 0.42fg perfect emerald pemerald pemeralds perfect emeralds pemes
0 Perfect Diamonds - 0.55fg perfect diamond pdiamond pdiamonds perfect diamonds pdia pdias
0 Perfect Skulls - 1.15fg pskulls pskul pskuls pskull perfect skul perfect skull perfect skuls perfect skulls
101 Perfect Rubies - 1.1fg PRubies pruby perfect ruby perfect rubies
0 Perfect Amethysts - 1.7fg pames pamethyst pamethysts perfect amethyst perfect amethysts

Essence Pack 30fg :
26 Red Essence Burning Essence of Terror
37 Blue Essence Twisted Essence of Suffering
1 Yellow Essence Charged Essence of Hatred
0 Green Essence Festering Essence of Destruction

Key Pack 80fg (10 dkey 15 tkey 8 hKey) key of terror key of destruction key of hate key


121 Junk Jewels 0.22fg each magic jewels jj

Poison RBF poison facet
-5/+5 14fg
-5/+4 8fg

-4/+4 4fg
-3/+5 5fg

Fire RBF fire facet
-5/+5 45fg
-4/+5 10fg
-5/+3 8fg

-5/+4 white 15fg
-4/+3 4fg

Lightning RBF lightning facet
-5/+5 30fg
-5/+4 14fg
-5/+3 11fg

15min 23def 21fr yellow 23fg
26max 20fg
23max 10fg
15ias 28cr red 35fg
7dex 12@ 24fg

39ed 7str 18fg
38ed -15req 12fg
33ed 7min 4fg

36ed 7max 6fg
9dex 3maek 13fg
13@ 9str yellow 80fg jewel
10min 30lr 15fg
10min 13@ 60fg jewel

20life 3maek green 150fg
9min 30pr 9fg
14max 1-67ld 90fg
13max 99ar 50fg
15max 9energy 15fg
15max 74ar 20fg
15ias 22fr 24fg
15ias 22pr 17fg

15ias 6min 6fg
15ias 20fr 25fg
15ias 13fr 15fg
15ias 9fr 6fg

Low Level Low-Level duel lld
19max lvl27 13fg
15max 46ar lvl18 25fg
15max lvl18 5fg (6 available)
41ar -15req 7fg
4min 26lr lvl14 14fg
7max 4str 20cr LvL14 8fg
22cr -15req lvl14 5fg
22fr -15req lvl14 18fg
29cr -15req blue lvl14 17fg
30cr 5mf lvl14 4fg
30lr lvl14 pink 7fg
30pr 5dex lvl14 7fg
7ed 28ar 26fr lvl13 18fg
9max 5@ lvl12 blue 13fg 5allres
9ed 2dex 10@ lvl12 18fg

9@ 3dex yellow lvl12 15fg 9allres 9 all res
8@ red lvl12 6fg 8allres 8 all res
6@ red lvl12 3fg 6allres 6 all res
12ed -15req lvl9 4fg
9ed 2min 4max -15req 15fg
9max 11ed lvl9 13fg
9max 7lr LvL8 8fg
9max LvL8 5fg
6max 28ar LvL8 4fg
pack 5x 5max lvl3 13fg
pack 7x 4min lvl3 16fg

Bases - Weapons

0os eth Berserker Axe 5ed 90fg eth 0os ba eth 0os berserker axe 0os eth ba
4os eth Berserker Axe 7ed 2ar 60fg eth 4os ba eth 4os berserker axe 4os eth ba
6os Berserker Axe 10fg 6os ba
5os Berserker Axe 14/14 380fg 5os ba
5os Berserker Axe 10fg 5os ba
4os Berserker Axe 13ed 45fg 4os ba
4os Berserker Axe 10fg 4os ba
6os Eth Colossus Blade 50fg 6os eth cb eth 6os colossus blade eth 6os cb
4os Eth Colossus Blade 20fg 4os eth cb eth 4os colossus blade eth 4os cb
0os eth Colossus Sword 11ed 3ar 13fg eth 0os colossus sword
5os eth Colossus Sword 6fg eth 5os colossus sword
4os eth Colossus Sword 6fg eth 4os colossus sword
4os eth Colossus Voulge 25fg eth 4os colossus voulge 4os eth cv eth 4os cv
4os Conquest Sword 15ed 14dur 35fg
4os Conquest Sword 8ed 2ar 7fg
eth 4os Cryptic Axe 45fg 4os eth cryptic axe eth 4os ca 4os eth ca
4os eth Cryptic Sword 7fg eth 4os Cryptic Sword (3 available)
3os eth Cryptic Sword 25fg eth 3os Cryptic Sword
4os Cryptic Sword 15ed 15dur 50fg
6os Crystal Sword 12ed 8fg 6os cs
4os Crystal Sword 7ed 2ar 7fg
0os Ettin Axe 14ed 11dur 6fg

5os Flail 15ed 3ar 80fg '
5os Flail 7fg (0 available)
4os Flail 5fg (1 available)
0os eth Flamberge 15ed 15dur LvL0 5fg * eth 0os flamberge
5os eth giant thresher 20fg eth 5os giant thresher
6os eth Giant Thresher 20fg eth 6os giant thresher eth gt 6os eth gt
0os eth Giant Thresher 15ed 2ar 80fg eth 0os giant thresher eth gt 0os eth gt
0os eth Legendary Mallet 15ed 2ar 50dtu 100fg
3os Legendary Mallet 12/15 50dtu 16fg

4os eth Mancatcher 20fg eth 4os Mancatcher

4os Naga 14ed 13dur 10fg
0os Naga 15ed 2ar 200fg
0os Naga 13ed 1ar 65fg

0os Phase Blade (=6os pb larzuk) 0os pb 0os phaseblade / 6os pb 6os phaseblade 6os Phase blade
0os15ed 3ar 175fg
0os 14ed 2ar 26fg
6os plain 6fg (4 available)
6os 5ed 2ar 10fg

5os Phase blade 5os phaseblade 5os pb
7ed 3ar 28fg
plain 8fg (0 available)

4os Phase blade 4os phaseblade 4os pb
plain 4fg (5 available)
8ed 2ar 19fg
1ar 5fg
1ar 5fg

3os Phase blade 3os phaseblade 3os pb
plain 8fg
2ar 9fg
13ed 1ar 80fg
12ed 3ar 100fg

4os Scourge 10ed 13dur 50dtu 16fg
0os Scourge 14ed 1ar 50dtu 8fg *
5os eth Thresher 5fg eth 5os thresher
4os eth Thresher 45fg eth 4os thresher
5os Thresher 12/12 15fg
5os War Axe 14ed 8fg 5os wa
0os eth War Scythe 13ed 10dur 8fg *

Imbue Javelin pack 27fg grey javelin base grey matriarchal javelin base grey maiden javelin base grey ceremonial javelin base eth javelins
4x eth Matriarchal Javelin
3x eth Maiden Javelin

6os Colossus Crossbow 12ed 2ar 110fg
4os Composite Bow 13ed 3ar 7fg
0os Diamond Bow 14ed 25fg
4os Gorgon Crossbow 12ed 15fg faith base
6os Hydra Bow 8fg
0os Hydra Bow 7ed 6fg
3os Matriarchal Bow 3bow 15ed 1ar 10fg
0os Matriarchal Bow 3bow 11ed 3ar 15fg
4os Matriarchal Bow 3bow 40fg
4os Matriarchal Bow 1bow 11ed 2ar 25fg
4os Shadow bow 12ed 12fg faith base
0os Short Battle Bow 15ed 2ar 3fg
0os Short War Bow 15ed 2ar 7fg
4os Ward Bow 6ed 2ar 12fg

0os Feral Claws 3woi 2boi 10fg
3os Feral Claws 3venom 2df 1woi 40fg 3 venom
0os Feral Claws 3boi 2df 1venom (3bladesofice 3 blades of ice 2 dragon flight) 5fg

0os Feral Claws 3cot 1cs 10fg 3clawsofthunder 3 claws of thunder 3claws of thunder
0os Feral Claws 2venom 1ds 3df 25fg
3os Greater Talons 3ps 7ed 15dur 60fg
3os Greater Talons sup 3ar 3df 1cs 1boi 16fg
0os Greater Talons 3tigerStrike 10fg 3 tiger strike 3ts
0os Greater Talons 3ls 3dt 200fg 3 dragon tail 3dragontail
2os Grim Wand 3bg 3bs 75fg 3bloodgolem 3bonespirit 3 blood golem 3 bone spirit
3os Runic Talons 5ed 1sm 1df 3woi 10fg
0os Runic Talons 3venom 1df 6fg

3os Runic Talons 3mb 18fg
3os Scissors Suwayyah 1boi 3bf 15fg 3bladefury 3 blade fury
0os Suwayyah 2bs 3mb 80fg
0os Suwayyah 3cot 3sm +1ar 8fg 3 claws of thunder 3 shadow master 3clawsofthunder 3shadowmaster
0os Suwayyah 3ls 1sm 7fg * 3lightningsentry 3 lightning sentry
0os Suwayyah 3ls 1mb 10fg * 3lightningsentry 3 lightning sentry
0os Wrist Sword 3wof 7fg 3 wake of fire 3wakeoffire 3wake of fire
0os Wrist Sword 3ls 1wof 1mb 15fg 3 lightning sentry 3lightningsentry
0os Wrist Sword 3bf 10fg
0os Wrist Sword 3df 12fg
0os Wrist Sword 3dt 12fg
0os Suwayyah 11ed 3ls 3CloakOfShadows 15fg
Grave Wand 2revive 3firegolem 40fg
Polished Wand 3ironGolem 1summonResist 3raiseSkeletalMage 75fg 3 iron golem 3 raise skeletal mage

0os bone wand 3bs 15fg 3bonespear 3 bone spear 3bone spear 3 bonespear 3bspear
0os Ghost Wand 3FireGolem 1bonePrison 8fg 3 fire golem 3fire golem
2os Ghost Wand 3lowerResist 2ironGolem 10fg 3lr 3 lower resist
0os Grave Wand 2revive 3fireGolem 13fg
2os Lich Wand 3poisonExplosion 1bloodgolem 13fg 3 poison explosion 3pe
0os Lich Wand 3golemMastery 1lifeTap 12fg 3gm 1lt 3 golem mastery life tap
0os Tomb Wand 2lr 3sr 1bp (2lowerResist 3summonResist 1bonePrison) 10fg lower resist summon resist
0os Tomb Wand 3gm 3pe 1pn 3poisonExplosion 3golemMastery 50fg
2os Tomb Wand 3ig 2bg 1gm 20fg 3ironGolem 3 iron golem mastery
0os Polished Wand 3BloodGolem 13fg 3 blood golem 3blood golem
0os Petrified Wand 3poisonExplosion 1attract 7fg 3 poison explosion 3pe
0os Petrified Wand 3 poison nova 2 lower Resist 50fg

War Scepter 3charge 15fg

Bases - Chest Armor
4os Ancient Armor 13ed 16fg
3os Ancient Armor 14ed 30fg
eth 4os Archon Plate 733def 20fg eth 4os ap 4os eth ap 4os eth archon plate
4os Archon Plate 523def 4os ap 24fg
4os Archon Plate 506def 4os ap 13fg
3os Archon Plate 518def 45fg 3os ap
3os Archon Plate 506def 28fg 3os ap
0os Archon Plate 8ed 12dur 10fg 0os ap
4os Dusk Shroud 13/13 50fg 4os ds
4os Dusk Shroud 6ed 25fg 4os ds
3os Dusk Shroud 9ed 13d 510def 25fg 3os ds
0os Dusk Shroud 14ed 10fg 0os ds
3os Great Hauberk 6/14 532def 15fg
0os eth Great Hauberk 8ed 813def 9fg eth 0os great hauberk
3os eth Kraken shell 14ed eth 3os kraken shell 100fg
0os eth lacquered Armor 762def 8fg eth 0os lacquered armor

3os Mage Plate 3os mp / 0os Mage Plate 0os Mp (larzuk->3os)
10ed 40fg
8/11 36fg
8ed 30fg
0os 15ed 135fg
0os 14/15 100fg

0os Ornate Plate 14ed 9fg
4os Ornate Plate 13/10 13fg
3os Ornate Plate 12/14 17fg
0os Sacred Armor 14ed 685def 18fg 0os sa
0os Sacred Armor 9ed 15dur 655def 7fg 0os sa

4os Scarab Tusk 12ed 15dur 13fg
3os Scarab Tusk 10ed 13dur 522def 18fg
3os Shadow Plate 14ed 10dur 20fg 3os sp
0os Shadow Plate 15ed 12fg 0os sp
3os Wire Fleece 14ed 10dur 549def 23fg
4os Wyrmhide 14ed 11dur 536def 13fg

Bases - Helm
0os eth Demonhead 7ed 248def 12fg eth 0os Demonhead
3os Spired Helm 14ed 50fg

Earth Spirit 3volcano 2FireClaws 146def 10fg

Bases - Shields

0os Monarch :
14ed 10dur 169def 12fg
13ed 168def 7fg
0os Monarch 15ed 12dur 60fg

4os Monarch :
148def perfect 9fg
145def 6fg
142def 4fg
138def 3fg

0os Kite shield 15ed 10fg *

tags: 3os Zakarum Shield 4os Zakarum Shield 3os Kurast Shield 4os Kurast Shield 3os vortex Shield 4os Vortex Shield 4os targe 3os targe 4os heraldic 3os heraldic 3os aerin 4os aerin 3os crown shield 4os crown shield lld low level duel

4os Akaran Rondache 128def 64ed 111ar 9fg
0os Gilded Shield 144def 62ed 107ar 9fg
4os Kurast Shield 161def 56ed 118ar 9fg
4os Kurast Shield 158def 52ed 112ar 7fg
0os Kurast Shield 9/11 43@ 188def 15fg
0os Kurast Shield 13edef 10dur 195def 57ed 102ar 10fg
0os Protector Shield 44@ 147def 30fg
0os eth Sacred Rondache 41@ 210def 40fg eth 0os Sacred Rondache
3os Sacred Rondache 43@ 160def 100fg
0os Sacred Rondache 63ed 114ar 156def 25fg
0os Sacred Targe 63ed 120ar 135def 20fg 0os st
0os Sacred Targe 44@ 138def 40fg 0os st
0os Sacred Targe 64ed/108ar 141def 25fg 0os st
0os Sacred Targe 7ed 42@ 15dur 40fg 0os st
4os Vortex Shield 41@ 206def 20fg
4os Vortex Shield 55ed 106ar 209def 7fg

3os Zakarum Shield 57ed 117ar 179def 30fg dream base
0os Zakarum Shield 41@ 189def 14fg
0os Zakarum Shield 64ed 117ar 176def 35fg

0os Crown Shield 40allres 10ed 45def 12dur LvL18 7fg 40@ 40all res 40res
4os Rondache 6ed 36@ 15fg all res allres
4os Rondache 53ed 106ar 16def 18fg

Grand Charms Sharp GC


Cold Rupture
-70 eye 16fg
-71 dna 6fg

Crack of the Heavens lightning sunder :
-71 eye 23fg
-73 dna 11fg

-70 dna 49fg
-75 mst 4fg

Black Cleft
-53 mst 12fg
-47 29fg

Bone Break
12 11fg
10 35fg

Flame Rift Fire Sunder :
70 eye 30fg
71 mst 5fg ea
72 dna 3fg

Rotting Fissure
-72 eye 8fg
-70 mst 19fg

Offensive skiller 7frw eye 15fg offensive gc offensive sk

Lightning skiller 15fg sparkling gc lightning gc

javelin skiller javelin gc javelin sk
38eg mst 35fg
plain 9fg

Shape shifting Skiller 21eg mst 11fg shape shifting gc
Traps skiller eye 6fg traps gc traps sk
Curses skiller 7frw dna 4fg curses gc sk
Curses skiller 26life dna 12fg curses gc sk

Ama passive skiller 12fhr eye 8fg passive gc
Ama passive skiller 12fhr eye 8fg passive gc

Baba Combat skiller 5str 14fg bcomb gc bcomb skiller combat gc

pnb skiller pnb gc poison and bone skiller
mst 9fg
mst 10life + dna 14life pack 20fg

Warcries skiller warcries gc warcrys skiller warcrys gc Warcry skiller warcry gc warcry sk warcries sk
1-20ld eye 8fg

Cold Skiller cold gc chilling dna 10fg
fire skiller fire gc dna 7fg
elemental skiller elemental gc dna 8fg
Necro summoning skiller summoning gc dna 8fg

pcomb skiller eye 12fg pala combat skiller pcomb gc


128ar 5fg
131ar 7fg
101ar 21life lvl29 high roll 100fg steel sustenance
86ar 5dex LvL23 4fg
83ar 6dex LvL23 4fg
86ar 6str LvL23 4fg
5dex 32mana lvl18 18fg
7frw 23lr LvL16 7fg
1-78ld 33life shocking 12fg
17life 21fr LvL15 4fg
31life 29lr 18fg
9max 68ar 40life sharp 125fg
7max 62ar 34life 35fg
39life 39mana 7fg
59mana 32eg 8fg
6str 21pr LvL15 4fg


130ar 6fg
126ar 27life 35fg
91ar 6str lvl29 20fg
6dex 20cr lvl10 5fg
5dex 37mana lvl23 10fg
12fhr 54ar lvl14 14fg
12fhr 117ar 15fg
12fhr 9max 58ar 60fg
7frw 115ar LvL35 4fg
17Life 20cr LVL14 4fg
55mana 36eg 11fg
59mana 35life 20fg
2max 128ar 10fg
8max 72ar 1-7ld LvL21 7fg
9max 53ar LvL21 8fg


128ar 5fg
71ar 5dex lvl18 9fg
99ar 6dex lvl29 50fg
59ar 6str LvL18 7fg
102ar 6str lvl29 20fg
121ar 6str 18fg
40eg 11fg
40eg 6mana 13fg
17Life 22cr LVL15 4fg
19life 25fr LVL15 25fg
19life 46mana lvl29 28fg serpents
4max 36ar 3str LvL16 5fg
10max 51ar 8life LvL21 30fg

15@ monster 15fg 15allres 15 all res 15 allres shimmering
60ar 15life lvl18 10fg
4max 117ar 16fg
5max 35ar 6str LvL16 8fg
6max 31ar 1-13ld lvl16 20fg
9max 61ar 35life 65fg
9max 52ar 25life sharp LvL23 30fg
10max 49ar 5dex lvl21 16fg
10max 55ar lvl21 sharp 10fg maiming
10max 65ar lvl21 sharp 10fg maiming
6str 54mana 11fg

Large Charms


62ar 26life 15fg
5frw 40ar LvL26 5fg
5frw 14fr LvL27 15fg
5frw 32mana 22fg
5dex 52def 6fg
3max 15ar 2-5cd LvL14 6fg
5max 32ar 2dex 20fg
175psd 5str 10fg 175psn
5str 26ar LvL18 20fg


15ar 5dex LvL15 6fg
29ar 5str LvL18 40fg
70ar 5str 18fg
16life 23mana LvL25 9fg
5max 44ar 24life 22fg


54def 5dex 7fg
8fhr 45ar lvl26 20fg
8fhr 8cr LvL14 5fg
5frw 38ar LvL18 18fg
5frw 11fr LvL18 5fg
1-56ld 21life 13fg arcing
5max 31ar 32life 26fg
2min 2max 5fg
5str 14fr lvl27 10fg

Small Charms fine sc arcing of storms lvl82


4@ 6fg
10ar 20life 5fg
27ar 1-25ld 23fg
28ar 6mf 3fg
30ar 16life 30fg
32ar 2dex 11fg
36ar 2str 15fg
36ar 5mf 7fg
36ar 1str 4fg
7cr 10eg 11fg
1dex 15mana 5fg
2-4fd 11fr 6fg
7-12fd 9lr 9fg
5fhr 26ar 22fg
5fhr 8pr 9fg
5fhr 9mana 9fg
5fhr 3max 18ar 90fg
3frw 23def 5fg
3frw 8fr 12fg
3frw 11pr 32fg
1-28ld 9cr 20fg
1-23ld 11pr 25fg
12life 10cr 12fg
17life 5pr 4fg
17life 9pr 18fg
19life 6mana 6fg
20life 3fg
5lr 9eg 5fg
17mana 5fg
1max 11mana 5fg
3max 16ar 6fg LvL21
3x 7mf pack 7fg
7pr 10eg 9fg
11pr 4fg
11pr 4fg
175psd 15life 28fg
1str 11pr 6fg


19ar 10eg 11fg
19def 10eg 7fg
36ar 2dex 25fg
1dex 11pr 6fg
2dex 9cr LvL20 18fg
6-17fd 6fg
3frw 7cr 6fg
3frw 10pr 20fg
1-5ld 9lr LvL20 10fg
1-21ld 5@ 30fg
7life 11pr 8fg
10life 8fr LvL20 9fg
13life 6mana LvL17 18fg
18life 8mana 11fg
19life 7pr 7fg
20life 4fr 8fg
20life 4lr 8fg
20life 8cr 42fg
5mana 10eg 7fg
1max 11cr 9fg
2max 19ar 1-3ld LvL21 12fg
2max 14ar 1-22ld 24fg
3max 14ar 1dex LvL21 14fg
3max 16ar 6fg LvL21
175psd 2str 15fg 175psn
175psd 4-9cd 18fg 175psn


4@ lvl27 10fg
4@ 3frw lvl27 60fg
12ar 7mf 3fg
30ar 8eg 12fg
35ar 1str 3fg
36ar 3-6cd 6fg
5-13cd 2dex 9fg
18def 18Life 4fg
2dex 4@ 8fg
10eg 5fg
2-3fd 1-38ld 10fg
1-2fd 9lr lvl20 6fg
4-5fd 9lr lvl24 10fg
6-9fd 11fr 13fg
5-18fd 16life 18fg
5fhr 17ar 4fg
5fhr 10cr 12fg
5fhr 2max 18ar 30fg
3frw 8fr 12fg
3frw 6mana 4fg
3frw 9pr 11fg
1-3ld 11pr 5fg
1-5ld 9cr lvl20 10fg
1-21ld 8lr 16fg
1-28ld 13life 26fg
1-41ld 2str 33fg
10life 7pr LvL14 6fg
13life 8pr LvL20 4fg
14life 11cr 23fg
14life 9mana LvL24 13fg
15life 11lr 50fg
19life 8mana 12fg
17mana 5fg
17mana 3mf 6fg
1max 9-18cd 22fg
1max 9pr lvl77 8fg
1max 1-43ld 32fg
2max 13ar 18life lvl21 25fg
3max 20ar lvl21 9fg
1min 1-27ld 17fg
1min 17life 19fg
11pr 4.5fg
11pr 4.5fg
2str 9fr lvl20 20fg

Uniques & Set Items

Andariels visage andys andariel's visage :
10/128/25 13fg
10/121/29 socket(Ral) 20fg
9/125/26 10fg
9/150/29 20fg

8/147/27 12fg

eth Andariels visage eth andys eth andariel's visage :
8/104/29 35fg
9/132/27 55fg

8/143/26 40fg
8/149/26 45fg

Arachnid 101ed 15fg
Arachnid 102ed 16fg
Arachnid 106ed 18fg
Arachnid 115ed 30fg

12/242/6 5fg
11/254/10 9fg

Bul-katho's wedding band ring bk ring bk 3ll 4ll
eth Blackhorn's Face 216ed 12fg
eth bloodthief 53ed 11ll 10fg
Cat's Eye cats eye sun 5fg
Chance Guards 40mf 22ed 15fg
Crescent Moon Amu 12ml 3ll 4fg
eth Crown of Thieves 12/162/33/95 eth cot 90fg
Death Cleaver 261/8 12fg
Death's Fathom 31cd 28lr 37fr socketed with -5/x rbf yellow 18fg
Death's Fathom 26cd 29lr 26fr 25fg

Dracul's Grasp draculs
10ll 98ed 11str 8laek 14fg
7ll 110ed 14str 5laek 10fg

Duriel's Shell 194ed 5fg duriels

Dwarf Star 15mdr PERFECT :
chain 5fg
blue 5fg
blue 5fg
14mdr chain 3fg

Frostwind 230ed (PERFECT) 10ab 9abs 10fg *
Goblin Toe 4fg

Gheed's Fortune Gheeds fortune
158/12/37 60fg
123/15/33 mst 7fg

132/15/38 mst 40fg
40mf 7fg

Ghoulhide 187ed upped 5fg
Gladiator's Bane 191ed 17dr 20mdr 6fg gladiators
eth Gladiator's Bane 184ed 15dr 16mdr socket-Um 13fg gladiators

Gore Rider :
199ed 50fg
192ed 11fg
166ed 5fg

Griffon's eye Griffons eye
-15/14/173 20fg
-18/12/241 36fg
-16/14/214 27fg
-16/12/241 20fg

Griswold's Redemption 4/222 40fg
Gull 3fg

2x Guillaume's Guillaumes 3fg ea
Head Hunter's Glory 543/310/30/38/6/3 12fg

Harlequin Crest Shako :
135def 10fg
105def 'topaz' 8fg

123def 'topaz' 12fg
103def 5fg

Herald of Zakarum 182ed socket=diamond 18fg
Highlord's highlords cross 18fg
Infernostride 60eg 137ed 7fg
Infernostride 55eg 126ed 5fg
Laying of Hands 86def (perfect=87) 6fg
Laying of Hands 86def (perfect=87) 6fg

Lidless Wall 126ed 5maek 7fg
Lightsabre 198ed 10fg

30ed perfect 17fg

Manald 7ll 8rep blue 10fg
Maras Mara's sun 28@ 20fg
Marrowwalk 2/178/18 25fg
Metalgrid 447/312/30 50fg metal grid

Nature's Peace natures peace
27/9 chain 4fg
26/10 orange 5fg
22/9 orange 4fg

Nosferatu's Coil nosferatus
7LL 57def 10fg
6LL 59def 5fg
6LL 57def 4fg

Ormus Enchant 12fd 3enchant 20fg

Raven Frost Ravenfrost
164/18 5fg
157/18 4fg
165/19 7fg
211/16 12fg
157/19 6fg
174/19 9fg
248/18 sloop 20fg
199/20 20fg raven frost 20dex ravenfrost 20dex
236/20 45fg

Ravenlore-17/142/30/16 30fg

133ed 4fg
141ed 9fg

Eth Sandstorm Trek 142/13/12/48 90fg
Rising Sun perfect 19meteor star 7fg

Sandstorm Trek
168/15/11/50 9fg
160/14/10/69 6fg
eth Sandstorm Trek 141/10/13/50 35fg

Shadow Killer 220ed PERFECT 12maek 20fg
Silkweave 7fg

Snowclash 15/151 18fg
String of Ears 8LL 15dr 13dr 169ed 40fg
Tal Amu cross 4fg

Thundergods Thundergod's tgod tgods
197ed 16fg
188ed 9fg
170ed 7fg
164ed 5fg

Eth Titans 5ll 153ed 15fg eth Titan's Revenge

Trang-Oul's Girth trang ouls girth trang belt
50mana 152def 700fg
48mana 164def 100fg
36mana 140def 4fg

Trang-Oul's Wing 180def 44fr 8fg trang-ouls wing
Valkyrie Wing +2 4maek 175ed 9fg

Verdungo's Hearty Cord verdungos verdy
131/39/13/14 11fg
111/40/10/13 9fg

Wartraveler 42mf 186ed 13fg War Traveler
Waterwalk 203ed 63life 6fg

Wisp Projector whisp projector
19la 18mf orange 60fg
13la/18mf sloop 20fg
16/11 14fg
10/15 7fg


Orb 3cold 2blizzard 2glacial (= 5blizzard) 31mana 10fg
Volcanic Cornonet 3fire -3/5 rbf 9fg
Volcanic amulet 3fire 10fg
2x echoing throwing spear 3wc pack 12fg

echoing amulet 3wc 10fg
Tele amu teleport amulet 25ch 10fg


Monarch 34fcr 141def 96mana 8ma 18fg
Monarch 27fcr 4fg
Sacret Targe 15@ 32fcr 7fg spirit st
dimensional blade 33fcr 105mana 4fg
cs 35fcr 103mana 3mabs 35fg
Rune Sword 35fcr 107mana 4mabs 42fg

Hoto ETH Flail 36@ 13fg
Infinity Pike -51 NON-ETH 75fg

Enigma NON-SUP Ap 1272def 100fg
Enigma Mp 1010def 80fg

Myth AP 6fg
Insight Great Poleaxe 244ed 5crit 226ar 28fg
hoto 31@ flail 5fg
Grief pb 30/393 125fg
Posts: 6,948
Joined: Sep 29 2021
Gold: 7,611.26
May 2 2024 08:35pm
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