{11} What services do I provide?Remote Raid Invites (if still available in the future)- I have a private group on Discord to do this, but you must have purchased a large buy order from me to be invited to my private group.
- I do not sell raid invites because the raid Pokemon is not a guaranteed catch except when you get a shiny version.
- You can request to do weather boosted (maximum catch level of 25) or non-weather boosted (maximum catch level of 20) raids for free.
- I typically play in very populated areas, so you are guaranteed to finish the raid.
- You need to pay attention to the raid countdown timer because in some rare cases the people at the raid can exit right before it starts forcing you to solo the raid or waste your remote raid pass. If this happens, I am not liable for the remote raid pass loss. You will be warned about this before I do the remote raid invite with you in Discord.
5-Star Shadow Raid Help- At the time of this post, they don't allow remote raid passes for shadow raids.
- I tried to a 5-star raid with 2 of my accounts + 2 random level 30 trainers, I finished with 10 seconds left on the timer in a non-weather boosted, Level 20 Shadow Articuno raid.
- It would be very difficult for me to carry you in a 5-star raid. If there was a total of 5 people with hard hitting raid Pokemon, we might be able to beat it.
- If you want me to try to help you get it, you must have purchased a large order from me.
- To request the help, you must schedule it 48-hours before the shadow raid day.
- This is limited to 1 shadow raid attempt per Pokemon.
- You should pick a raid where the egg has just hatched to allow us to repeat the battle until we're successful. If the raid timer drops to 0:00 and we were unable to beat the raid, that's it.
- If you want the most amount of Premier Balls, you must be at a gym that matches your team (Mystic/Blue, Valor/Red, or Instinct/Yellow).
- Also, I cannot go onto your account because it's an illegal trade and carries ban risks.
Lucky Swap of Non-Special Trade Pokemon- I trade you a Pokemon until you get lucky or you trade me all the Pokemon you want extra candies.
- If you want a lucky Pokemon, it must be a Pokemon that is farmable during an event or is in season.
- If it's an event Pokemon, you must let me know during the event to save them for you because I will transfer them after the event ends.
- If the Pokemon is not available, it's very hard to get a large quantity which can end up taking many weeks to get.
- You must have your junk Pokemon ready for the swap.
Pokemon Power Ups- To request a level 40 power up, your trainer needs to be level 38 or higher.
- To request a level 50 power up, your trainer needs to be level 48 or higher.
- I will calculate how much stardust and candies it requires and let you know the price.
- On the day of the trade, I will ask you again before I do the power up in case if you change your mind and want a refund.
- No refunds once I start power up the Pokemon to the level you paid for.
- You can only receive Pokemon that are 2 levels above your trainer level (If you're level 48, you can get a level 50 Pokemon).
Unlock Second Charge Move for a Pokemon- Price depends on how much stardust and candies it requires.
- This has no minimum trainer level requirement.
- If I have extra regular Fast or Charge TM's, I can change the move for you for free.
- An Elite Fast or Elite Charge TM will cost extra.
- No refunds once I have performed the 2nd Charge Move unlock you paid for.
How about leveling, catching, farming stardust, raiding, and/or item bag refills?{12} Can I request a mediator for the trade?- No, Pokemon can only be traded once and will be bound to the account.
How to buy a Pokemon from me?To buy Pokemon, send me this Purchase Order form filled out in a D2JSP Private Message:- I take screenshots of our trade and your trainer name must match what's on the form in the private message.
- If you changed your trainer name, I'll ask you to send me a d2jsp PM stating the name change.
- After you send me a PM with the form filled out, I will reply back with my Discord Username along with my Trainer names and codes, so you'll know who you're trading with.
Can I build friendship first without a buy list?- Yes, but you may be removed from friend's list if you appear to not be active in the game.
- If you have no intentions to buy Pokemon, do not bother to build friendship with me because it would be a waste of a gift exchange since other people are working on building best friendship or getting their lucky status friendship.
Subject: Pokemon Go trade
Country you are from: Discord username: **Mandatory for trade communication and for giving me your location via address, map app share link, or map coordinates!**
- The username is in all lower case. For example "bobbby123"
- Discord recently got rid of the name#1234 numbering system, so I had to repost my thread.
Trainer names with codes: If you buy Pokemon for friends and family members, you can list multiple people in one PM with which Pokemon for which person.
Your buy list from which accounts (main and 2nd), legacy move, CP, gender, size, and price with below as an example:
Main account:Shiny Pikachu 400 F - 25
Shiny Zapdos 2430 - 1500
2nd account:Shiny Mewtwo 2910 Psystrike - 2000
Shiny Charizard Blast Burn - 100
Total: 3,625 FG
{13} Can you make offers?- Yes, you can make offers if you think the price is too high for you. Just keep in mind that some Pokemon require an insane grind to get won't get a major discount.
- I base my price on how long it takes to get a 2nd Pokemon because I usually keep the 1st Pokemon I catch unless the IV is trash.
- Some people complain that some of my shiny Pokemon is too expensive. This is due to the fact that the cost of an event ticket, raid passes, and super incubators has been added to the FG price. You can get them else where, but you have to build friendship with the account the seller gives to you. There is no refunds if you spend real money to get them. Here on D2jsp, I don't charge a restocking fee; if you change your mind on something, it's not a big deal for you to cancel. If you made a paid reserve and the Pokemon is available in an upcoming event, I just refund you.
Some examples:
- Shiny Mime Jr., which is the baby form of Mr. Mime. This Pokemon only comes from a 5 km egg from Europe unless there's a special event that allows you to hatch Mime Jr. outside of Europe. This is impossible to get. I am also not going to spend money on Super Incubators just, so you could buy it for only 500 FG when I list it for a high amount of FG. I only use the free incubator to hatch one egg at a time. I save my Super Incubators for special ticketed events.
- Shiny Libre Pikachu is from Go Battle League. You have to win a lot of battles to hit rank 25 to get one Libre Pikachu per season. If you don't get a Shiny version this season, you'll have to repeat it for the next season. The is a serious, repetitive, and finger tapping spam grind, so I am unlikely to get one. If I had one, I would sell it for an insane amount of FG because of what it requires to get a shiny version. The price will include 1,000,000 stardust trade, 3rd charge move unlock, and can wait for lucky friend status.
{14} Do you offer bulk discounts?- Yes, there is bulk or big buy list discounts. If I give you freebies, you will receive them at the end after all Pokemon you bought with FG has been traded to you. If you decide to cancel the trades after receiving some Pokemon, you will not get the included freebies anymore. I'll refund the remaining FG amount back to the account you sent it from.
- You may also get exclusive shiny event Pokemon too.
{15} Can you reserve a Pokemon?- You can do a paid reserve if you buy the Pokemon I have for sale while we wait to build friendship or try to get the lucky friends.
- Once you have made a paid reserve, no one else can buy it from me unless you cancel it.
- If you become inactive on D2jsp and in Discord, I will cancel your paid reserve and refund the FG back the account you sent it from. If your account is FG locked, I will contact a Senior Moderator from https://forums.d2jsp.org/staff.php?g=30 to go about your situation.
{16} Reserve Cancellation Policy:- To cancel your reserve, you send me a Discord message or D2JSP PM. Then, I will refund your FG to the account you sent it from.
{17} Why do you have two accounts?- This also allows me to trade with two people at a time, so people aren't waiting forever to trade.
{18} How do I give you my location?Please pick a location that is safe and convenient for you. Your location is confidential and will not be shared with anyone. If you do not agree to giving me your location via address, location share, or map coordinates, I cannot trade with you because Pokemon Go requires people to stand in front of each other when you do trades. I will not buy an airplane ticket to fly to you in person to do the trades.
Option #1: An address.- Must include number, street, city, state, and country.
- Example: McDonald's @ 1 Rue Gustave Eiffel, 78280 Guyancourt, France
- Example: In-N-Out @ 2950 E Capitol Expy, San Jose, CA 95148
Option #2: Share your location from Google Maps app on your phone.- Tap the dot that shows your location
- Tap on "share location"
- Select Discord
- My Discord username, which will be given to you when I reply to your D2JSP PM.
Option #3: Send map coordinates from Google Maps to Discord using your computer.- Go to https://www.google.com/maps then to your current location.
- Click on the map where you are. It has to be close to you or I cannot trade with you.
- Copy and paste the map coordinates to Discord app then message them to me.
{19} How does a trade work?1. You send me a D2jsp PM with the form from under "How to buy a Pokemon from me?"
2. I reply with my Discord username along with trainer names and codes.
3. We discuss your buy order and times when you are available to do the trades.
4. I schedule you on my Google Docs.
5. I message you on Discord if you're available at the specific times we agreed to.
6. We do a Special Trade and/or multiple non-Special Trades.
7. I repeat the 5 and 6 with you until all trades are finish.
8. Depending on how many special trades are required, it can take anywhere from a few days to many days.
{20} When are you available to trade?- Go to http://www.timebie.com and type in your city and "California" in the second box.
- I'm usually available between 6:00 AM (06:00) to 11:00 PM (23:00) maximum from Monday to Sunday.
{21} Where do you find what Pokemon you have for sale?https://docs.google.com/document/d/12cY2d97OS-fvQihp83pxDfSelLZoEQXEE0IvoJGHzjY/edit?usp=sharing- Sometimes I add new Pokemon or sections to the document, this will require you to wait about 60 seconds for the Google doc to refresh to the newest edit.
- Your Google Docs app on Android or iOS devices may freeze during the update process, so you just need to wait a little bit.
- The trade list is so massive, I cannot post everything on D2JSP due to the character and post edit limit.
This post was edited by ImVeryFood on Jul 6 2023 01:46pm