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Poll > Flat Earth Vs Globe Earth
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May 22 2017 02:03pm
Another questions for you all to dodge.

Is the ceiling in this picture really going "down" or just obeying our optical perspective?

Quote (Thor123422 @ May 22 2017 09:59am)
3d perspective is a product of two, separable, 2d systems at work. The "perspective" you're seeing is a result of the 2d math I just showed you.

I could easily expand it to 3d, but that would take more time than I want to commit, and it's really not necessary since it would just decompose down to the same 2d system I just showed you.

100% wrong, answer that question or dodge it if you are intellectually a complete fraud.

I guess your saying ceilings would never appear to go down, that picture is a hoax right?

This post was edited by card_sultan on May 22 2017 02:09pm
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May 22 2017 02:08pm
Quote (card_sultan @ May 22 2017 02:03pm)
Another questions for you all to dodge.

Is the ceiling in this picture really going "down" or just obeying our optical perspective?


100% wrong, answer that question or dodge it if you are intellectually a complete fraud.

It looks like it's going down, because the angle defined by A - B - C, A = The End Wall, B = Your Eyes, C = The Ceiling, is decreasing as you follow the ceiling further away.

However, it can be easily shown mathematically that the angle will never reach zero degrees, as that would require the ceiling to stretch infinitely far down the hall way.

This post was edited by Thor123422 on May 22 2017 02:08pm
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May 22 2017 02:10pm
Quote (Thor123422 @ May 22 2017 10:08am)
It looks like it's going down,

Exactly, just like the sun, duhhhhhh

see i can do what your saying

Omg room ceilings never go down you just dont understand Geometry!

This post was edited by card_sultan on May 22 2017 02:18pm
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May 22 2017 02:17pm
Quote (card_sultan @ May 22 2017 02:10pm)
Exactly, just like the sun, duhhhhhh

Keep reading, because even if it looks like it's going down it will never go down past the plane of your eyes. It doesn't continue going down past the plane of your eyes because that would require the hallway to be longer than infinite distance.
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May 22 2017 02:21pm
Quote (Thor123422 @ May 22 2017 10:17am)
Keep reading, because even if it looks like it's going down it will never go down past the plane of your eyes. It doesn't continue going down past the plane of your eyes because that would require the hallway to be longer than infinite distance.

Because ceilings have a finite length, if you were standing in a room 5000 miles long it would.
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May 22 2017 02:22pm
What in the world are you trying to prove with this prospective nonsense? What does this prove about the earth being flat? NOTHING!

You have zero scientific proof of anything, you just run circles around about how we are indoctrinated in our thinking and will all see. You sound crazier and crazier by the minute. You literally posted a "proof" of why gravity didn't exist which used basic physics 101 calculations and ignored buoyancy. This is an absolute joke.

You remind me of the kid at school with a 60 IQ who latched onto one crazy idea and tried to learn everything he could about it because he was "smarter" than everyone. Sureeeeee buddy
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May 22 2017 02:22pm
The sun much higher than an 8' ceiling or a 100' tree.
I can only conclude that your brain is unable to comprehend the realistic outcomes of the difference in magnitudes of angles.
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May 22 2017 02:23pm
Quote (card_sultan @ May 22 2017 02:21pm)
Because ceilings have a finite length, if you were standing in a room 5000 miles long it would.

I can prove mathematically that the ceiling directly above your head will never appear to go below the vanishing point.

clarification* I can prove that the line of ceiling above your eyes extending to the end of the hall way will never go below the vanishing point.

This post was edited by Thor123422 on May 22 2017 02:27pm
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May 22 2017 02:35pm
Quote (Thor123422 @ May 22 2017 03:23pm)
I can prove mathematically that the ceiling directly above your head will never appear to go below the vanishing point.

clarification* I can prove that the line of ceiling above your eyes extending to the end of the hall way will never go below the vanishing point.

Of course you can, your outcome is not dependent of length in the slightest and his assumption that it is is silly.

What I can't wrap my head around is why in the hell we are talking about a sunset and prospective when he still hasn't told us the size and location of our sun. How our earth orbits, how our own planet spins or doesn't, etc. Why and how can you so logically explain what the perspective sight of something will be if you don't even know the other contributing factors?!
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May 22 2017 02:39pm
In case anybody is wondering, I'll do it now.

Let A be the height of the ceiling, B be the length of the hallway, and Theta be the angle formed by The Ceiling above you, Your Eyes, and the ceiling at the end of the hallway.

Using this, the triangle formed by your eyes, the ceiling above you, and the ceiling at the end of the hall has a hypotenuse of length H

Using the Pythagorean Theorem we know that H = sqrt(A^2 + B^2)

We also know that H * sin(theta) = B, because sin(theta) = B/H

So if we solve for theta, we end up getting the following

Theta = B/H = B / (sqrt(A^2 + B^2))

There are no numbers you can plug into this formula such that you get a number less than or equal to zero. This means that as the hallway gets longer you will never have a result where the top of the ceiling actually reaches the vanishing point, but it will get infinitely close to it the longer you make the hallway. Our eyes aren't perfect, so at a certain distance it just looks like it's reached the vanishing point. This is due to our inability to resolve very small differences in angles.

This same process can be used for every line on the ceiling extending to the end of the hallway with some simple transformations.
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