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Poll > Flat Earth Vs Globe Earth
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May 21 2017 11:50pm
Quote (Saucisson6000 @ May 21 2017 07:31pm)
This destroy the whole fart earth models
You cant hide the truth 🔮

I've already explained 3 times, if you haven't gotten it yet you might be one of those retarded people who dont understand the difference between reality and the reality of optical perspective.

Answer these questions:
Are these railroad tracks going over a hill in reality or just appear to be raising optically because of perspective?

Is this water raising in reality or just optically raising according to the Law of optical perspective?

This post was edited by card_sultan on May 21 2017 11:52pm
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May 22 2017 06:25am
Quote (ChivasRegal @ May 21 2017 11:48pm)
ur looking at it from a side view, on a 2d screen....u are not taking the real optical perspective view of it
no human can see 6,700 miles away, our eyes don't function that way...objects (on the higher plane) will converge (fall) until it disappears at the vanishing point

I understand, this is truly difficult to grasp, the indoctrination is taking hold and won't let you go.....u gotta fight it and break it

If the object is bright enough it doesn't matter how far away it is.
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May 22 2017 06:39am
What started as joke has grown into the biggest failure of science. :wallbash:

I don't know what's worse, the fact that people didn't realize it was all a joke, or the people who actually believe it. Then again, it's the same people, so C.) All of the above.
For the flatearthers (As, you are the only ones who wouldn't understand if my comment was pointed towards you all, or the people with brains, who know that the earth is round...) yes, my comment is pointed towards you.
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May 22 2017 06:53am
Quote (card_sultan @ May 21 2017 10:32pm)
perspective lines do not converge at the horizon, it actually called the vanishing point
you probably need to understand the perspective matrix after the hozizon.
That plane the sun is on just continues to go down, you just cant see it because it is hidden behind the visually rising plane you are on


I could show you another 10 videos to explain this but i doubt youll watch them, anyhow

Heres a nice vdeo that shows the sun is just going away from you and it has the right conditions to see it getting smaller and smaller


Perspective doesn't make things continue to fall. They only go to the vanishing point and no further, and this can be proven with basic trigonometry.
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May 22 2017 08:04am
Quote (Thor123422 @ May 22 2017 07:53am)
Perspective doesn't make things continue to fall. They only go to the vanishing point and no further, and this can be proven with basic trigonometry.

Trig is far beyond basic for card, he cant even wrap he head around basic 100 level geometric and physics as is.
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May 22 2017 10:55am
Quote (card_sultan @ 22 May 2017 06:50)
sun is at 3000 miles

Quote (ChivasRegal @ 22 May 2017 06:48)
u are not taking the real optical perspective

should be funny until you realize some people are actually truely believe in that shit

This post was edited by Saucisson6000 on May 22 2017 10:57am
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May 22 2017 11:20am
Quote (Saucisson6000 @ May 22 2017 06:55am)

should be funny until you realize some people are actually truely believe in that shit

Dodge my questions and doesn't understand reality versus the reality of perspective, your indoctrination is fucking hilarious.

Ballers have Down syndrome cause they dont know which way down is really. :rofl:

This post was edited by card_sultan on May 22 2017 11:23am
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May 22 2017 11:30am
Quote (card_sultan @ May 22 2017 11:20am)
Dodge my questions and doesn't understand reality versus the reality of perspective, your indoctrination is fucking hilarious.

Ballers have Down syndrome cause they dont know which way down is really. :rofl:

Perspective actually says things will NEVER cross the horizon if they travel parallel to the ground. They will only asymptotically approach the horizon/vanishing point.

This post was edited by Thor123422 on May 22 2017 11:31am
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May 22 2017 11:32am
Quote (card_sultan @ May 22 2017 06:20pm)
Dodge my questions and doesn't understand reality versus the reality of perspective, your indoctrination is fucking hilarious.

Ballers have Down syndrome cause they dont know which way down is really. :rofl:

Oh, so you completely and utterly ignored my post, that's a little sad.
Anyway, do tell me this.

How is it that you find it so difficult to accept our models with respect to the earth's shape and the position of the earth with respect to the sun, but accept so blindly all models that exist upon the subject of perspectives, for one, and how we perceive light, or how we even perceive time since all your videos go "so deep" into timelapse?

By the way, does your silly model also suggest the flat earth is fully stationary and not rotating? I find it a little difficult to believe that the entire Universe around us (i.e. visible stars and stuff) would twirl around in our dark sky like that. They would have to move at a speed quite a few factor of tens higher than the speed of light to accomplish that, and there would be a force in the center of that rotation that I wager is quite a bit larger than the very explosion that gave birth to our Universe. Just some thoughts ._.

/e Oh, fuck, wait, you don't believe in our models with respect to how the Universe came to be, probably. What are we then. Energy fluctuation? :p

This post was edited by Forg0tten on May 22 2017 11:32am
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May 22 2017 11:40am
Quote (card_sultan @ 22 May 2017 18:20)
Dodge my questions and doesn't understand reality versus the reality of perspective, your indoctrination is fucking hilarious.

Ballers have Down syndrome cause they dont know which way down is really. :rofl:

No, YOU dodged my questions, now it's time for you to convert to the spheric authority

here's the sun in the true spheric heaven of a 0° angle

the sextant; destroying flat eaters since 1730 !

This post was edited by Saucisson6000 on May 22 2017 11:47am
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