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Poll > Flat Earth Vs Globe Earth
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May 21 2017 12:52pm
Quote (Xx Shin3d0wn xX @ May 21 2017 01:15pm)
Also as for your proofs 1. Stats gravity doesn't exist because experimentally a helium balloon shouldn't float. False, it's called buoyancy. Any fluid in a gravitational field possesses a pressure gradient, (which if the gas/liquid is in equilibrium) counterbalances the effect of gravity. Gravity acting on such a fluid creates this pressure, which is referred to a hydrostatic pressure. To make a long story short, the external pressure (of the air) is greater at the bottom of your ballon than at the top. So the net external pressure on the ballon is imbalanced, providing a net upward force equal to the weight of the displaced air.

Card please respond, your mans proof of no gravity completely ignored buoyancy. Please explain.
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May 21 2017 01:26pm
Quote (Xx Shin3d0wn xX @ May 21 2017 12:52pm)
Card please respond, your mans proof of no gravity completely ignored buoyancy. Please explain.

He ignores a lot of things that you learn in a 100 level physics class.
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May 21 2017 01:26pm
If sunset occurred on flat Earth, the entire world would be cast in darkness at the same second, and there could be no time zones.
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May 21 2017 02:38pm
Quote (Saucisson6000 @ May 22 2017 04:56am)
If sunset occurred on flat Earth, the entire world would be cast in darkness at the same second, and there could be no time zones.

sun doesn't set...it leaves ur field of visual perspective....sun is still in the sky rotating around the flat earth
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May 21 2017 02:54pm
Quote (ChivasRegal @ 21 May 2017 21:38)
sun doesn't set...it leaves ur field of visual perspective....sun is still in the sky rotating around the flat earth

the point is on flat earth asshole model we would have night at the same moment, that is actually not true...
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May 21 2017 02:59pm
Quote (Saucisson6000 @ May 22 2017 06:24am)
the point is on flat earth asshole model we would have night at the same moment, that is actually not true...

you have no clue at all do you..
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May 21 2017 03:11pm
Quote (ChivasRegal @ 21 May 2017 21:59)
you have no clue at all do you..

im fine, on the other hand look like the trashcan got wasted.
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May 21 2017 04:13pm
Quote (card_sultan @ May 21 2017 07:34pm)
yes you can use your smartphone to prove the earth isn't a spinning ball


Quantum mechanics has found no proof of gravity existing at the quantum level.


Quantum gravity (QG) is a field of theoreticalphysics that seeks to describe gravity according to .... While there is no concrete proof of the existence of gravitons

Cringeworthy is how i would describe your post, you gave no examples of proof beside your opinion, and opinions are great but everyone's got one. You should stay in your safe box and have more faith in Nasa, because they never lie...

You wave the term quantum mechanics away by referring to quantum gravity? One envelops the other, but one =/= the other. Look, I'm not going to actually spend time to dig up the proof, but let me at least tell you that ALL and EVERY science is in fact, theoretical, even when proven. If you read my earlier post you will realize I have already said as much. A thinking human being will come to realize that knowledge comes from a sense of missing knowledge and thus acknowledges the fact that there is a gap there that one will try to fill with a model that befits observations. When we prove something, we prove that one model fits certain observations, and we expand our observations based on this newly gained material. This is a cyclic movement and humans will reflect on models every time new knowledge comes in. But, matey. Flat earth is 125834598347596987438539467947 of these cycles ago, and our model since then has expanded quite explosively. We base everyday physics, that we put in practice even in the very screen you're reading this with, on models that are also entangled with how we see astrophysics. Because, like it or not, the models we have now envelop both quantum mechanics and astrophysics. And because our model does not fully fit our observations in quantum mechanics as is, new theories have popped up like tourists in Amsterdam in the past 10 years. I even thought the Higgs particle was a fun model, for a while. But, much like they teach you in math class when you're 13, you don't scratch out your 26 pages of work because you ended up with an answer equal to -3/15 instead of 3/15. For all you know, the mistake was in your very last "discovery". (Feel free to expand this metaphore to, 26*10^6pages of work)

God, I have never spend more than 3 minutes on a post that says as little as this. People like you are giving me be habits T_T
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May 21 2017 04:27pm
Quote (Forg0tten @ May 21 2017 04:13pm)
You wave the term quantum mechanics away by referring to quantum gravity? One envelops the other, but one =/= the other. Look, I'm not going to actually spend time to dig up the proof, but let me at least tell you that ALL and EVERY science is in fact, theoretical, even when proven. If you read my earlier post you will realize I have already said as much. A thinking human being will come to realize that knowledge comes from a sense of missing knowledge and thus acknowledges the fact that there is a gap there that one will try to fill with a model that befits observations. When we prove something, we prove that one model fits certain observations, and we expand our observations based on this newly gained material. This is a cyclic movement and humans will reflect on models every time new knowledge comes in. But, matey. Flat earth is 125834598347596987438539467947 of these cycles ago, and our model since then has expanded quite explosively. We base everyday physics, that we put in practice even in the very screen you're reading this with, on models that are also entangled with how we see astrophysics. Because, like it or not, the models we have now envelop both quantum mechanics and astrophysics. And because our model does not fully fit our observations in quantum mechanics as is, new theories have popped up like tourists in Amsterdam in the past 10 years. I even thought the Higgs particle was a fun model, for a while. But, much like they teach you in math class when you're 13, you don't scratch out your 26 pages of work because you ended up with an answer equal to -3/15 instead of 3/15. For all you know, the mistake was in your very last "discovery". (Feel free to expand this metaphore to, 26*10^6pages of work)

God, I have never spend more than 3 minutes on a post that says as little as this. People like you are giving me be habits T_T

Card is only able to think in absolutes.
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May 21 2017 04:54pm
Quote (ChivasRegal @ May 21 2017 02:38pm)
sun doesn't set...it leaves ur field of visual perspective....sun is still in the sky rotating around the flat earth

Why can't I see it when it's over Asia, and why does it appear to set?
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