This is my fav all-around 55ias pvm setup:
Griffon's (15ias 15res or 15ias 3maek)
eth upg Titans
Spirit Monarch (for the fcr, +2sks and mana)
3/20 or 2/20/adds gloves
Silkweave (for the maek)
Razortail (for pierce)
Raven + BK/Soj
Sks+ Gheed's Fortune
Infinity merc
- Shako over Griffon's for moar mf
- if you like to walk and want more damage while losing teleport/mana/hp/mf, you can swap Enigma for a 4s 90+life rbf'd armor and Spirit for JMOC/S or just a plain 4s Monarch (JMOD is useless for zons generally speaking) socketed with 5/-5 rbfs but I wouldn't recommend it other than for style points.
- Phoenix over Spirit to sustain mana and for style points is also an option shield-wise, but same I wouldn't recommend it (you lose too much stats compared to other shields and the firestorm proc slows you down).
- 6/40 javs are for pvp or killing baal, rare 4/40 javs can have some cool adds such as maek/ml but unless you come accross 4/40 javs that are eth-rep with high %ed (something rare as fuck and worth a house irl), eth upg Titans' physical damage is just too good combined with pierce for clearing out packs with lfury.
- War Travelers for more mf, Aldur's for more hp/fr/frw, a rare pair for more res but less mana sustain (meaning you have to stop more often to loot mana pots and therefore kill less monsters in the same amount of time) compared to Silkweave
- budgeto-bugdet options: Shako/Valk, Peace, 4s Monarch or Moser's
This post was edited by Consoude on Nov 4 2022 12:21pm