i tried it first time, in single player (atm it is lvl 83 after ancients), but i want to try it in battle.net too ofc. in single player i dont have good items, i cant choose, but in bnet i can..
1. Trang
2. 3/20
3. 2/20/add?
my plan is the 3rd, but let me know your experience
1. Andy
2. something else?
i wont use shako!
1. titan + cta on switch
2. titan + 6/30-40 on switch (titan is for fend, magic javelin is for psn)
3. 6/30-40 + cta on switch
my plan is 1st, but let me know your experience
1. bramble (does it need that dmg?)
2. COH (for res, ll)
3. Enigma (for frw)
my plan is COH, but let me know your experience
1. cat (for frw)
2. HL (ds)
3. mara (res, skill)
my plan is HL (helps for fend), but let me know your experience
1. spirit (for 2 skill)
2. head hunter with 3 facet (it has good def)
3. magic monarch (-req or deflection mod) with 4 facet
4. something else?
my plan is spirit, but let me know your experience
This post was edited by Safi on Aug 20 2022 02:16am