Hi, need some input.
As of right now I run a lightning sorc using 6-7 skillers 44k lightning,
73+ in all resist, 2.4k hp wirh bo, using a 39@ hoto and enigma dusk, infi merc. Mainly my mf comes from eni, gheed and a few 7mf sc sittang around 160. Yesterday I made a CM for fun but really enjoyed the damg feelt almost double. So my question is would you go with my current setup hoto, eni or cresent moon/ upg viper with 5/5 light facet? Getting -40% light resist almost same resist, sacrificing some hp since more stats have to go into str instead of vita, and 92mf mainly doing chaos cows, baal and keys. Or stay with eni to balance damg output and mf?