i wanted to make an iron golem that wont die on me because i am thinking between bramble, plague, exile, or pride
so my first question is about the synergies and golem mastery
the synergy is blood golem which gives 5% life per invested point
is it on top of the % golem mastery gives or aditionnaly so basically right now i am fully geared so +16 to all
with 1 point in golem mastery and 1 point in blood golem
how will my golem benefit more life, from blood golem or from golem mastery?
my merc has infy mancatcher forti and andy 15ias fire res jewl socketed because with my hand held beast i get lvl 9 fana and needed 34 ias to hit last ias breakpoint on merc so andy + 15 ias jool
my thoughts go on exile for the incredible defense all my summons will get and especially the merc and the golem itself
plague would be nice for the extra free heal but i dont think its that much needed
pride adds concentration aura which everyone will benefit
bramble on the other hand i have a question about that as well, will the auras stack ? like for when you dual dream ?
since the golem has the aura and gains the item's ability
so basically if the dmg stacks or doubles or whatever it does i think i should get that one
imagine it stacks and then gives it to all the summons
and with the improvement of the thorns aura and given to all the summons i think this is the best possible scenario but i dont really know how exactly it is gonna work outwhat is in your eyes the best item to use in iron golem for the ultimate sumoner?
pvm obviously