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Oct 18 2006 08:13am
For starters this build is based around USEAST Non-ladder realm, if there is an item that i list that you do not have in your realm, do not worry, i will be adding on later, i am doing this guide around doing school work so be patient i will get all the builds listed that i have figured out. Just be patient.
Ok this build is for total ownage GM.
Here are your starting stats:
Str: 20
Dex: 20
Vita: 20
Eng: 20

Lightning trap Guide
20s coa 30 base res, 15 ias/15res jewels
Storm hide
chaos (+lite sentry (2-3 recoomended)), and fools claw (+lite sentry or asn skills required) on switch
20 dex ravenfrost
a great example of a second ring would be: Plague Coil: 5 ml, 11 str, 11 dex, 54 mana, and 15 all res. or a second raven w/e u want
+2 25 dex sdancers (perf, can be lower, but ull be spending major points)
6xshadow lifers
3xtrap lifers (Note: on one of these u will need either a trap fhr or a shadow fhr to substitute in.)

10x 20-5's
20-20 torch
20-20 anni

Gear in stash:
Dracs (yes dracs)
20 ias gloves (2 martial if u can get)
2x 20s 6 venom claws with psn facets( essential for buff)
cta and sig shield
Bramble (buff)
+3 shdow 20s psn faceted helm
2x soj/bk
Note most of this gear is for buffing, since u ahve to prebo, u might as well buff up venom, and all that stuff be4 hand tongue.gif

Max: lightning sentry
Shock web
death sentry
Charged bolt sentry
claw mast
psychic hammer
cloak of shadows
wep block
shadow WARRIOR
burst of speed
Fire blast

Dueling strategy:
bone necs : This strategy is very simple. Lay your traps in like a pentagon shape around u so that if he approaches from any direction he is takeing a hit and spam guided (on left click) towards him so that he cannot stay in 1 place and spam spirits while having mb on right click so that your shadow may mindlbast him if he gets close. If he gets close just tele on him and ww his ass till he dies. If he uses summons, just switch to ur claws and when he gets close, mb the fuck out of him till he comes out of his summons and let your traps do your work. Not that hard.
Psn necs : About the same strategy, But when they come close, dont bother ww'ing, they have to be close and your knockback will blow him away very ezily, when he gets close your shadow will mb (that is why mb is on right click and guided on left) and ur traps will take him while ur knocking him back, basiclaly an ez duel unless he has 152 fhr, which is HIGHLY unlikely.

Fc/CS: Set down your traps in a straight line about 1/2 a screen in front of u, then just spam arrows, if one of these get to you, you are fucked. this is about the only way ive seen to kill a fcer, if a reg cs walks up ww'ing is your best choice with mb on right click so that your shadow can mb her periodically and your traps are hitting her for full dodge lock.
Bowa For this one you have to play very offensive, her bow>yours in many ways, ias, dmg, and she can just dodge where u have to tank those arrows. For this one your bow is almost useless, just tele near, get a trap or 2 off, and ww her ass till she is dead, but make sure u have mind blast on RIGHT click b/c then ur shadow can mb if only periodically. More skilled bowas will tele gear also which will make this trick extremely hard, but just chase, ur wep block is the key to beating the bowas.
Trappers If it wasnt for your widowmaker this would be your hardest match. Set your traps in a corner so that you can just use your range as an option. Her traps may be more deadly but coming from a south corner lets you have more range than her and you have a widow maker with maxed out venom which will do ALOT to her considering she has to coem close to get you, again use mb on right so ur shadow may use it. if she does get in close jsut keep firing she will get locked in fhr or will just get knocked back, her traps wont be set most likely. If she does get her traps set, switch to claws(so u get block) and tele away and repeat
Ww sins: These are quite an ez kill actually. Just lay your traps, shoot your bow till they get to u. Make sure uc ast cloak when they get near you, and start ww'ing them, your traps should do enough dmg to take them out while your psn and claw block do the rest of the work, you shadow will mostly be useless in this fight.
BvC: set your traps, have cloak of shadows ready, make sure you spam arrows with burst on until he gets about 1-2 tele's away from you, hurry up switch to claws, cast fade, and start ww'ing so that your claw block does get a little more effective, your arrows will not do much vsing a bvc except keep him away for a little while longer. This is a tough match, if you build correctly you can take him, considering he has no block, but he is a challenging opponent nontheless. your traps should be the finisher for this.
BvB: This is a very difficult battle, he has max block and he usually has decent res when he duels you. Just do the same as you do with the bvc except only spam a few arrows, most of these will be blocked so it will basically be ww duel with your traps also. Play defensive with your traps if you must but i suggest just ww'ing, because you have a higher chance of winning that way.
Ele This is a fairly ez match up. Just lay your traps in a pentagon shape, and spam arrows, let your shadow mb on right click until he gets close then just mb the fuck out of him b/c i doubt he will have 174 fhr like most do not. It is a fairly ez duel to take on but if he sorbs you can ww when he gets close so that you do not have to worry about mana issues.
S/S This is an extremely ez matchup. Just trap shoot and when he gets close tele away and repeat, ez kill, u can also ww him if u would like to but thats up to u, teleing away is alot ezier.
Hdins This will probably be one of your tougher match ups. Lay out your traps in a pentagon shape again and spam arrows towards him (obviously hes either gonna tele on you or desynch..) and let your shadow have mind blast on right click, this will help when he does get close, when ur traps shoot towards a specific direction, start spamming that way. When he gets close ww away with your claws and mb him so the traps get him, when they run out, tele away, and repeat, this is the best way to explain how to do it. This is your hardest match up.
Smiters These are moderatly hard, be4 you even start teh duel just tele out there and set your traps, cast cloak, get mb on right click, arrows on left, when u both say go, just start spamming, when he looks like hes charged about 1/2 way then switch to claws and ww in his direction, this usually scores a direct hit and 1/2of the time you get a critical, cuz ur claws usually hit 1-2 times each, then just ww just out of his smite reach so that he has to chase you, when ur traps die, tele away and repeat, not the easiest duel, but moderately hard.
Fohers This is actually pretty ez. Just slap on fade, set your traps, shoot your bow till he gets about 2 screens away then you will need to switch to claws and get ready to mb him, you will need claws for your wep block vs foh, and you+shadow mbing him=fhr lock and he usualy does not get out before he dies, if he does jsut recast traps, and shoot 1-2 arrows and be ready for him again.

Umm for fire trap guide u only have to make minor modifications
20 fire blast
20 wake of fire
20 wake of inferno
20 venom
1 into prereqs for shadows
use shadow warrior, master sux for thsi build.
And i recommend putting the rest into claw mastery so u get more crit%, ar, dmg etc, it helps.
Just when u use your fire traps, id go with using 3x wake of inferno and 2x wake of fire, just my opinion, this is all my experience froma lite trap/bowa/ww.
I am going to try a fire trapper soon i think but this build for the litnign will take you to around lvl 98 (major lvling i know but its worth it)
The fire build is around 79 w/o maxing claw mast, 98 if you max it.
If you ahve any question or constuctive criticism nething just post here or pm me, ill gladly give you an explanation why i chose this or why i said that. O and idk when ill get to the ladder build yet, its gonna be kinda the same for dueling strategies, prolly only suggestion would be to switch out storm hide for a +2 asn fcr ammy with res/stats? dont need fcr really.
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Oct 18 2006 01:32pm
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Oct 18 2006 03:46pm
thought you were gonna publish it?

good job with the guide, and strategies
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Oct 18 2006 03:59pm
gear seems ok to me, but i disagree to some of your strategic advice.
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Oct 18 2006 07:27pm
skully do you have a bowasin?
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Oct 18 2006 08:15pm
For hammerdins, I'd say these matchups aren't bad (unless if they desynch and charge into you with high resist or sorb). For ele druids, I'd say a good ele druid is much harder than you've made it out to be. For a farcast zon, I'd suggest having a shadow warrior up, atleast 1 trap at all times firing on the zon, keep the zon mindblasted, and continually ww closely as much as possible on the zon. If she gets away, mindblast and tele away as fast as possible and out of range. Lay down your traps and start spamming your arrows, and try to get back to stage one of ww'ing the zon while having a couple traps down.
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Oct 18 2006 10:09pm
No my guide for the ele is not underated, ive dueled some of the best ele druids on useast, i have no problem with them, and btw note in the intro it states FOR GM.
And btw this is a build i brought up from 1.10 (in which i raped so bad it wasnt funny with this build) and i added torch/anni cuz i didnt use them, ima remake her when i get the time and funds then we will see how bad my strategies and gear sux ok?
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Oct 18 2006 10:32pm
Quote (Oog @ Thu, Oct 19 2006, 04:09am)
No my guide for the ele is not underated, ive dueled some of the best ele druids on useast, i have no problem with them, and btw note in the intro it states FOR GM.
And btw this is a build i brought up from 1.10 (in which i raped so bad it wasnt funny with this build) and i added torch/anni cuz i didnt use them, ima remake her when i get the time and funds then we will see how bad my strategies and gear sux ok?

I never said your strategies or gear suck... It seems like you have your own little voice in your own little head that's telling you things... rolleyes.gif

Btw, your item choices/guide is quite similar to some of the choices in my guide (I just have more alternative choices and reasoning for items), yet you say my guide is noobish and sucks. Wouldn't that mean your guide is even worse?
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Oct 19 2006 05:40am
Actually if u compared teh guides, mine would score higher, yours is more of a build list than a guide, ok guys lets use this gear just shoot arrows . This is STRATEGY AND GUIDES if you are going to right a guide write a GUIDE not a pos 10 sec read-me file that my 11-yr old brother could write in 10 mins...
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Oct 19 2006 03:55pm
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