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Oct 14 2006 04:29am
Hello all, let's get started:

Hi guys, I'm Ido, known as Raka11 on all forums and *Rakanishu11 on B.net.
I started fb sorc in 2004 with euro-league, but decided to make a different kind of sorc: the PK sorc.
It's meant to just be the best build there is, no matter what, just for owning and killing all in game, whatever the situation may be, JUST DUEL!!

[b] Chapter 1: The sorc itself
Chapter 2: Items / gear
Chapter 3: Pre-cast items required
Chapter 4: Inventory / charms
Chapter 5: Skills
Chapter 6: Setting your stats
Chapter 7: Dueling tactics, setups and stats for every situation
Chapter 8: Last word / slot

NOTE: Chapter 8 in short: Total stats of complete sorc you'll archieve, a thankword for reading, and some more...

Chapter 1: The sorc itself

This sorc will be a char to especially kill casters; it can play TvT (Private games and tvt tours) very well and also be great in SvS (all games) or FFA-games (such as pubby games).

It's based on the 40/60 life/mana tank-mode ES sorc.
It'll have 80% es and 2200//3400 mana, 86 FHR-break, 105 FCR-break.

You also need 20 telekinessis, instead of 16 as it's 1:1 ratio, cause you'll need 94 to max synergies and telekinessis.
The sorc has no block, but that doesn't mean that you can't beat melee chars, because this sorc will get 86 fhr, 105 fcr break and be fast enough so u won't get hit.
And If you'd get hit you got enough life/mana/es to stand 3 full ww's, but that might happen once a year, because if u got hit once, your fhr will make you able to tele away yet.

Don't be suprised and stop reading if u think it's weird, because the build is fully fitted on all situations and will have some weird setups tongue.gif

Chapter 2: Items / gear.


- Main helm = Shako 'shael'
icon_pointr.gif Stash = Shako 'jah' / 'ber' / 'vex' / 'lo' / 'thul' (perhaps perf kira 'um' , but that's not nescessary cause you'll have shitloads of resist to stack)

- Main armor = CoH dusk / archon
icon_pointr.gif Stash: Viper 'lo'

- Main Amu: Bone clasp or gosu crafted like 2 sorc, 10 fcr, xx str, xx mana, xx resist

- Main weapon: Hoto 40 + wizzy socked str/dex/mana jewel
icon_pointr.gif Stash: eschuta socked 25/5/30 'mana/energy' jewel

- Main shield: Spirit monarch: 35 fcr, 100+ mana, xx abs.
icon_pointr.gif Stash: None

- Main belt: Arachnids mesh
icon_pointr.gif Stash: Thundergods vigor

- Main: 2 sojs
icon_pointr.gif Stash: 1x wisp 17+ abs, 1x raven 20/xxx, 2x BK ring, 1x dwarf star

- Main gloves: Frostburn
icon_pointr.gif Stash: magefist, trang-oul

- Main boots: Waterwalk 65 life - 2nd option: Silkweave ONLY if high es, huge mana setup
icon_pointr.gif Stash: Hotspur

Chapter 3: Pre-cast items required [/b]

You'll also need items to pre-cast, which is very important and the items really have to meet some stats as stated

[color=gray] 1st pre-cast slot: Memory with 8-9 ES, x CA. *1 (+ x Enchant would be handy in TvT)

NOTE *1: ES = +8-9 to Energy shield; CA = Chilling armor.

Items related to memory when pre-casting es: 3 to light cirlet, +3 es ormus, +3 light amulet (and 9 light skillers, but these aren't use in main setup; only vs 2-3 opponents)

2nd pre-cast slot: Called to Arms in flail / cs with 6 bo. + Spirit monarch - any stats, just for bo.[/b]

[color=green]Chapter 4: Inventory / charms

NOTE: The stats described are an advice, a bit lower is possible, but not too much, cause the invent as stated beneath is almost a MUST

1x Annihilus: 20 stats, 15+ resist, xx exp.
1x Sorceress Torch: 20 stats, 15+ resist.

8x Fire life 30+ (preferably 35+)
1x Fire FHR

10x Sc's: preferably 30+ stats life/mana sc's

Chapter 5: Skills

Fire skills:

- 20 fire bolt
- 20 fire ball
- 20 meteor
- 20 mastery (max this one last, due to the lowest % of synergies)
- 1 warmth
- 1 in each pre-skill required

Lightning skills:

- 20 telekinessis
- 1 teleport

NOTE: you DON'T need any skills putting in ES, cause you'll receive 8-9 es from memory and huge +skills from items which make it 80% es

Cold skills:

- None: you'll receive chilling armor and +skills from memory and items.

Chapter 6: Setting your stats:

Short beginning info:
Starting Attributes
Strength: 10
Dexterity: 25
Vitality: 10
Energy: 35

Life: 40
Stamina: 74
Mana: 35

Each Character Level
Life +1
Stamina +1
Mana +2

Attribute Point Effect
1 Vitality point gives 2 Life
1 Vitality point gives 1 Stamina
1 Energy point gives 2 Mana

Strength: 10 = base.
10 + 9 from boneclasp + 20 torch + 20 anni + 2 shako + 20 coh = 81.
So you'll have to stat 75 to get 156 to wear spirit.

Dexterity: 25 = base.
25 + 20 torch + 20 anni + 15 waterwalk + 2 shako = 82 dex.
NOTE: Don't stat more, cause max block with spirit monarch is insane...

Vitality: 10 = base.
Add enough to get at least 2000 life with your own bo from cta6+spirit pre-cast AND base setup icon_pointl.gif explained in chapter 7.
I don't know the exact number, but you can decide if u go for 2000 or 2200; keep it between 2000-2200 tho; more is wasted!

Energy: 35 = base.
Put all remaining points after statting the rest parts in here.
You'll get ~3200-3500 mana with your own bo and base setup.

Chapter 7: Dueling tactics, setups and stats for every situation

NOTE: I'll state the absorb and setup in bad mannered and good mannered versions

First of all: BASE-SETUP!

You'll use this when you're dueling all-round vs all:

Shako 'shael'
CoH Dusk / Archon
2 soj
Hoto 40
Spirit 35, 100+ monarch

- Cta bo'ed
- Es and CA pre-casted



Change Hoto versus Wizardspike for stacking resist, wisp ring vs 1 soj and shako 'lo'.
Bad mannered: Wizzy, thundergods, viper 'lo', kira's 'lo' , 1-2 wisp.

Tactic: just get close and don't get out range, cause he hits you and you don't: he has AA, you can't.
You're better in the close combat so tank him and stay close; just massive fb on him.


Stick with your base-setup, or try to get some dr.
important vs smiter is the 86 fhr, so you can't change shako shael vs ber etc...

Just try to be offensive, but don't tank too fast; you must be patient cause they using hotties and you're unable to tank, then you'll die first!
Stay out of his charge/smite combo field; tele around him and fire some fb's in his direction.
He'll come closer to attack you, then once if u see he's lowered by some fb's, tank him if you aren't charge-locked; always watch out, only tank if you aren't locked with smite/charge, else tele away again.
IF you tank, 1 tele on him, 10 fb's hit him, aka kamikaze and you'll win this 99/100 if you see he's low-life and you tank.


Put 1 wisp on, stay with coh, arach and shako 'shael' tho.
Wizard spike on. et voila, you stacked his conv + got some legit absorb vs conv: foh won't kill you, so you can either tank him, or just duel him vs smite tactic; cause he's forced to charge/smite...


You'll have to play high es, huge mana, using silkweave/2soj/wizzy/spirit/arach/frostburn for the mana boost, sacrificing 100 life and get ~1900 / 4k to 4.3k mana and aim for 90 es by using light skillers with pre-cast: this makes you able to take a lot of hammers (6+ if I'm right)

If they're defensive playing desync charging and invi hammer casting, just don't tele in the way he walked or you die.
You have to pay attention and watch out for the hammers, avoid the hammer-path and just spamm on him with namelocked fb's.
Wait till he's low-life and either tank or stay out of hammer-path and wait till he's death by the "fb rain".

Offensive tele tanker hammerdins are dangerous, cause they use hotties and he'll win in the close combat.
You can tele and fire fb's behind you.
Or you can tele into his screen, namelock him, hit, tele away. NOTE: don't tele ON him, but ~ 2 cm on screen next to him, then his hammers won't hit if he starts casting.
Just play offensive and tank him standing on the end of his screen namelocking him. but not more than 3 fb's; then you have to tele away, cause else he'll tele on you and throw hammer you and you're death.
Attack, run away before he can tele on you, tele, tele, attack: 2 fb's on him, tele away again.


[b] Fb sorc:

Switch to hotspur instead of your waterwalks and don't use es (90 resist without es = legit, 90 with es isn't) .
You CAN use bo tho, now you got more fhr than your opponent using es; you'll be untankable for him, but if he tries, you'll win the close combat.
So he'll tele away and play defensive like: tele away, spamm 2 fb behind him, run, tele, spamm, run tele... and just avoid those fb's by tele round the direction and NOT into them. Just tank him down.

Bad mannered: shako 'vex' , hotspurs, dwarf star with es+bo pre-casted and boom, he's dead ez'ed! No chance...

Blizz sorc:

Put 1 raven instead of soj, use shako 'thul' and wizzy to stack some more resist and just watch out for stupid tele's into his blizz.
He'll probably avoid you and play more defensive playing blizz casting in your tele-path.

Just watch out for the blizz, although you can take 4+ hits and spamm fb's on him, namelock, fast tanking.
You have to be fast tho, because he'll be tele, cast 1 blizz, tele, tele, cast 1 blizz, tele, tele.
So if you tank too late, he'll be gone again and you'll get hit by his blizz...

Bad mannered: Luna, kira's um or thul, 2 raven, snowclash

Light sorc:

If he plays mean by using infinity, you do it as well.
Then just stack with shako lo, wizzy, viper 'lo', thundergods, 1-2 wisps if he'll play lame like abs, infinity, nk or pk.
Ofcourse you win ez.

if he plays it legit, just put on 1 wisp and use es+bo.
Watch out for his huge damage hits and try tank him, but really be aware of those lightning strikes!
Tele, tele, come close, tank, tele away, tele, tele, spamm some fb's in his direction and come closer, then you'll spamm more and tele behind him and tank!


Ele / wind druid:

Get 86 fhr with base setup, use bo and es and first kill his summons and whole defense.
Don't tele in the hurricane area cause that is his range and he'll get advance by stunning + dmg from hurri and then tornado's...

When his summons and cyclone are gone, he'll pre-cast and it's your time: tank him down while he's precasting.
He'll tele without them and duel you with hurricane and cyclone: just stay 2 cm away from the hurricane area and namelock fb him.
You must be aware of him tanking you tho, but your 86 fhr will solve this and you're only hit by 1x hurricane and 1 tornado and you're gone already before he's able to hit you with more tornado's!

If you see his cyclone is down, then you CAN come closer than the hurricane area and he'll die ~1-3 fb's.

Shaper druids:

Don't come too close within his area; you're faster, so you can't get hit if you aren't that stupid to make first-hit-kill and gogo rush on him or come too close.
Just stay away a bit and namelock him from 1 screen away; if he runs uppon you, tele away again and keep on doing this till he's low life: then just tank him down and he'll die before he killed you.
Anyway stay aware of getting hit: shapers got huge dmg, high life, cyclone armor and summons...


Do they lame you? lame back with huge light absorb gear and tank him down ez.

They don't? just avoid the mb's and hit him.
Watch out for traps and mb's and spamm mb's in his direction.
Don't tank unless he'll die 1 hit-kill, because he's always surrounded by traps and a shadow to take the dmg: he'll win in close-combat.

Tele around him, but don't get mb'ed, then fire fb's in his direction, watch out for traps and tele away after 2 fb's, then tele, spamm, tele, spamm so you won't get hit by traps and you're already gone if he tries to mb-lock you.


Watch out, his range is great due to dragon flight; he'll tank you by df'ing on you and triangle ww'ing = you die!
You can tank him, but stay out of his ww-screen and nl him.
He won't df, cause then he already took 2-3 hits.

You can take ~3-5 hits, so don't tank too much.
Only tank if he's in your screen, but not df'ing on you immediately, cause you cast your fb's faster than he casted his df.


PB necro:

They'll spamm spirits in your direction and then tank with bone spear.
This isn't dangerous if you stay away of the spirits, cause they're too slow to hit before you already tele'd away.
Tank him, you can take enough bone spirits.

But the best is first getting him into a tele duel, cause then you're faster and he hasn't spammed any spirits in his screen as "back-up" for his bone spear attack before you're already close to him: you can tank him now.
You can take more spears than he can take fb's.


If your computer won't lagg due to his summons, then just spamm fb's on him and avoid close combat, so his army gets smaller and smaller.
if he hasn't got that many summons left: tank him, but make sure you hit him, not his summons...


Tank him, just stay close and namelock fb / tele him.
Don't let him get away, cause he has got a great range.
Stay close, you'll win in close combat.
Anyway you'll get a lot of fucking desync, that sux. Just keep on tanking.


Put on 1x wisp and use es + bo.
Bad mannered: the whole lame light setup, bo, but without using es.

Watch out, if you come close, he'll own you with cs: your mana is burned when first hit: es sorbed all; then you can't tele and 2nd or 3rd cs kills you.
if you choose for the BM setup, you'll be able to tank him without getting killed due to stacked+abs and your mana won't be burned due to no es and he won't have a chance...

Tele around him, come in his screen, but stay away and namelock-fb him; if he's low life, you might risk a chance, but as a said: it's a risk, his dodges might block the fb's and you're toast if he cs's you.

NOTE: avoid the furies he throws when you're out-of-cs-range, rest doesn't matter, cause he hasn't got anything else in long range.


Ww barb:

Watch out for those leap+ww-tele attacks; anyway your 86 fhr will avoid dying due to the stunn, but you have no block, although you can have 3+ full ww's, I'd watch out tho.
Be careful, namelock fb him and don't stay too long at same place, then he'll tele on you and triangle-ww, which is many hits within a second and you'll die then. So be fast and pay attention: you're faster caster than him.
If he's low-life you can risk a tank, but try to avoid getting hit by his ww, so don't come TOO close into his hitting-range.

Frenzy barb:

Just tank, he won't kill you if you play a bit seriously...
Just don't stand still, tele tele, tank, watch out for getting locked cause then tele has no use, tele away some screens and come back and gogo attack.

Chapter 8: Last word / slot

Thank you all for reading this guide; I hope you enojoyed it!
I've worked near 3-4 hours on it and tried to make it as best as possible.

If you think something is incorrect or missing OR you might have more useful info, then just tell me and explain why it's good and I'll add it!
Please note all missing parts and I'll try to update it and try to get it close to perfect.

Your sorc will have now:

- 80-90% es (can differ on situation; 80=base)
- 2200 life
- 3400 mana
- 19-21k damage
- 105 fcr break
- 86 fhr break

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Oct 14 2006 05:25am
errr....same w/ all other fb es guides...but good job anyways.
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Oct 14 2006 08:45am
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Oct 14 2006 10:34am

relying on prebuff which is BM which invites opponents to just hotspur your ass

also, you advise using hotspurs against other FBers? lol..

godly dupes such as grimspurs own waterwalks
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Oct 15 2006 04:22am
Quote (ImportAudi @ Sat, Oct 14 2006, 04:34pm)

relying on prebuff which is BM which invites opponents to just hotspur your ass

also, you advise using hotspurs against other FBers? lol..

godly dupes such as grimspurs own waterwalks

Dude, first read rules before starting your comments;

Rules: 90 resist, NO es is allowed and legit.
90 resist + es = not legit = BM

Also ofc u use hotspur instead of ww's and you don't use es vs other fb sorcs: it makes you having better fhr aka you win tankduels. You're able to bo and I bet with ya: hotspur no es > 85 es sorc
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Oct 15 2006 04:27am

FCR breaks:
105 fcr = 8 frames.
200 fcr = 7 frames.

FHR breaks:
42 fhr = 9 frames
60 fhr = 8 frames
86 fhr = 7 frames
142 fhr = 6 frames

This post was edited by Raka11 on Oct 15 2006 04:28am
Posts: 8,696
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Oct 15 2006 04:35am
nice guide raka

I always have played firesorcs in pvp but I tend to use perf viper mal and have 95% es, so you when you get hit ALL dmg goes from your mana wink.gif

Then use very high mana regen and u cant die smile.gif

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Oct 15 2006 04:41am
Quote (Mischa @ Sun, Oct 15 2006, 10:35am)
nice guide raka

I always have played firesorcs in pvp but I tend to use perf viper mal and have 95% es, so you when you get hit ALL dmg goes from your mana

Then use very high mana regen and u cant die

That's true; I can make a 95 es sorc guide too, but for example vs fb sorc you'll need hotspur, no es, with bo due to more fhr and then you're ez winner.

But both of these builds are usefull in certain situations, but the 3 reasons I chose for this one is: Easy pre-cast, nn stash walking with 9 skillers swap; it saves many points you need for 5 in es and the pre-skills to get 95 es and my build can duel well on his own within 1 minute; You'll need big pre-cast, bo, mana can be gone due to high es = again pre-cast.... etc tongue.gif
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Oct 15 2006 05:19am
Quote (Raka11 @ Sun, Oct 15 2006, 10:22am)
Quote (ImportAudi @ Sat, Oct 14 2006, 04:34pm)

relying on prebuff which is BM which invites opponents to just hotspur your ass

also, you advise using hotspurs against other FBers? lol..

godly dupes such as grimspurs own waterwalks

Dude, first read rules before starting your comments;

Rules: 90 resist, NO es is allowed and legit.
90 resist + es = not legit = BM

Also ofc u use hotspur instead of ww's and you don't use es vs other fb sorcs: it makes you having better fhr aka you win tankduels. You're able to bo and I bet with ya: hotspur no es > 85 es sorc

omg this iz so confuzing, wat rulz u talking bout nigga?
cuz different ralms have other rulz man lol. and wat means "legit"? cuz i thoguht legit was ep-legit? but can legit alzo be legit in aow? or pk legit wtf never heard of it lol?++!!! lol man u need to get your words straight, u cant make legit guide then say this is legit too omg. is not legit = bm? cuz i thought legit waz wenn u used no hacked itamz???!!111
also always when i rape people in public duelllz then say im no legit. they say me play legit i kill u in ep!! how come??
can u clearyfi this one and for all plz. wat is legit and wat is not legit?!!! and make guides to legit for all realms so i know what can be legit when i play different raelm. also plz make list of bad mannered stuff cuz people always cry bm along with play legit i rape u in ep!!!111 thanks! and post link to these rulz u talking bout nigga!!111

ps. horrible guide. one could expect ep-players like yourself being aware of things like blockswitches but no...
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Oct 15 2006 05:39am
Well legit is a big word...
but 40 abs, 95 resist etc isn't really legit.

Bad mannered are many bugg items such as bb, bt and also resist higher than 90 is "lame"...
You can play legit by not sorbing and stacking resist too much, doesn't say, as this is pk too, you can't sorb and kill all!
Cause you can tongue.gif

Anyway link to ep rules with items and sorbing: http://www.ep-pvp.net/RF/Limitations.htm

Hacks are also BM, nk'ing and pk'ing is, dueling with too much absorb and resist due to can't win without it is rly sad and BM
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