Yo, best possible PVP amazon, please prove me wrong
Within GM cubecast category.
https://maxroll.gg/d2/d2planner/pzm2f0h5First mention is base eq:
Eth Javs 2/2/40/cruel/masters/5ctc amp/self repl + Stormshield 15ias/15@ + Swordback 15ias/15@ + Jmod 15/-15light/15ias/15@ + Jmod 15/-15psn/15ias/15@ + jmod 160cr/adds + Phoenix + Spirit
Faith MB 3/15/3 base
2/20/life/@ ammu
Diadem: 2/20/30/life/@/2soc '2 x 15ias/15@'
Gloves: 2java/kb/20ias/str/dex/7atd + IK + Death
Boots: War Travs + IK + Rare stack boots + Sands
Armor: Enigma MP
Ring 1: 10fcr/dex/life/mana/@/cr
Ring 2: Raven + Wisp + Carrions + Nature
Belt: Arach + Death + Tg + Strings/Dungo
Cube (cta + demon limb + mara + soj + soj)
7 x java 45
2 x java 12fhr
2 x 20life/5@
7 x 451
(one can mix invetory if like more psn damage, or more physical damage)
(if you like griffon, a griffon 15ias/15@ + jmod 10/-10light/30@/30ias is nice too)
20 cs
20 bolt
20 both cs syntenergies
1 jab
1 fury
1 ga
1 strafe
1-3 critic
1 all dodge, valk, decoy, slow missle, penetrate, pierce, inner sight, slow missle
Remaining Multi for 12% synergize to GA and Strafe