Quote (Gbag383 @ May 24 2024 12:27am)
Whats ideal for solo mfing. Orb hydra? Looking for help
hi, so i am a classic player, i am also a sorc user as my main so heres the thing, the thing that is ideal for solo mfing
is not a hybrid sorceress, its just a pure blizzard sorc, the thing is is there is no monster in the game that you mf that
has cold resistance
andy-dury-meph vizor (after vizor) you do have an option to hit fector but he is cold immune half the time
if hes cold immune simply skip him go to next game and hit the next vizor, if thats a problem simply dont even hit fector at all
and go to the next vizor
now this is basically the best way to mf on classic as a sorceress who is alone. if u have a barb with you, or a teammate he can WW seis
and you guys can also kill diablo
now... what i am saying is if you attempt to go multiple elements in attempt to solo-kill- seis yourself and do diablo runs you are going
to be slowed to a point so greatly that its not going to be as affective as vizor runs as vizor dies in 1 hit we are talking 20 second runs.
now i want to mention here that dual elemental is simply not enough, cold+fire is not good enough sometimes you need lighting also so you would
also need a third element or you need to static that target down and teliknisis him this process makes mfing very bad because even a slow 4minute
chaos game you could be killing vizor and or fector alot of times netting you much more items then seis/diablo would
and its also very dangerous as any other Cold immune monster in the area makes this very dangerous and time consuming making 4minutes an extremely rare thing as most players this could take them farm to long to clear chaos in a random senario, as a few immune monsters near seis are going to highly complicated the process
diablo and vizor/fector item difference in classic is basically diablo can drop +2amulets and +red grim helms those are the main differences
which i dont think are nearly worth it
now, if you are talking about mfing outside of diablo/chaos to kill cold imunes right like lets say your not even talking about going hybrid for chaos
lets say your talking about going hybrid for another area, well i do want to just point out that classic and expansion alvl/ilvl area levels are
not the same i feel like alot of people from expansion may not know this, so im not really familuar with expansion but lets say tunnels for example
are popular on expansion cause they are ilvl/alvl 85 or something like that on classic they are going to be much lower so the big thing is here
if you are not talking about chaos im not 100% sure which area ur even attempting to farm on classic, as all of the popular high ilvl/alvl areas on expansion non are farmed on classic not only because they have cold immune monsters but also because the area level of those areas on classic are much lower then expansion and do not drop the desired gear that we are searching for for the most part.
now with all that being said lets say you still want a hybrid sorceress what i am going to recommend is that instead of going orb you go blizzard
at the end of the day which ever weird hybrid-build you attempt to go i think you are going to be better off going a low damage blizzard then you
are to be going an orb build so if someone is recommending to you " orb firewall " i would prolly recommend blizzard firewall so anytime someone says
orb hydra lighting blah blah etc etc just replace that orb with a low level blizzard and this should be better expecially if you are playing in an 8 player game but with that being said i do feel like this is also referring to a hybrid build for hell-chaos more then it is another outside area, that is
and while that is it, last but not leaste which ever build you decide to go orb or blizzard or which ever hybrid build you are going its importain to note that reguardless of what level your gspike is, even if your gspike is level 1, that its going to be your main attack/cast as it is very good survivability so yeah, if you go orb firewall for example you still need to have level 1 gspike on hitkey AOE freezing everything, in which you basically
going to be spamming that
thats all i got let me know if this helps or if u have any more questions about classic
This post was edited by Jvun7 on May 26 2024 02:14pm