Quote (jevans203 @ 12 Apr 2023 21:42)
The idea is for me to make the absolute tankiest build possible (that is not an immortal sorc).
I was thinking about absolutely maxing a wearbear tank, with a few diff sets, one for physical damage, one with ridiculous res, and one for both occasions for pvp.
What gear would you recommend for physical? How about res gear? How about both haha
Guardian angel armor would be a nice selection for max resistance, you would just need some runes to max the resistance to 95%.
After that, just have charms in your inventory to stack up that resistance.
Stormshield ber'd + engima already reached the 50% resistance cap for physical when you have that in the stash.
You could always go with a hdin with grief equipped for that charge damage while still able to spam.
Just make sure to reach 75% fcr (or 125 depending on your setup and what you intend to versus).