If defense counter attackrating then enemy is basicly missing his attack on you.
If ar counters defense then enemy hits you, but you can still block it with ur shield of that roll's a successfull block.
If you block it with shield there will be a FBR animation, which basicly acts as a stun function. FBR rate can speed up this animation.
If enemy bypass both defense and block% then u will get hit. Then there is a small chance of getting stunned. Based upon damage treshhold's or if u have stun swirl above ur head.
Defense, level, block% matters to avoid getting hit.
DR%, DR, MDR overflow reduce the damage.
Many physical attack's ignore defense such as:
Lightning fury
Tornado, volcano, moulten boulder, armageddon etc. (theese can be blocked partly... 1 of 3 hits in nado can be blocked, and all volcano can be blocked)
So basicly defense help vs:
Mobs, zeal, fury, wirl, zerk, conc, strafe, multi, normal attack and so on xD
This post was edited by gel87 on Mar 12 2023 08:18am