Hey guys!
Don’t have much experience with Paladin but wanted to level one soon.
The following Foh/hammer/Smite tribrid build looks super fun to me.
https://maxroll.gg/d2/d2planner/s10106pr#4Just one question when it comes to weapon/swap. On maihand you run the 75fcr breakpoint. Since Foh has a casting delay, you don’t
Loose any dmg from a lower breakpoint with Foh itself.
On the weapon swap with cta spirit you get the 125fcr for fastest teleport possible.
Do you guys use hammers on the 75 Main weapons or on the cta switch?
With the build I linked above you would loose plenty of + skills on 125fcr cta switch
BUT, what if you get a Cta base scepter with +3 to blessed hammer (and +3 concentration possible?). Then your cta gives +4 skills to hammer , more than hoto or heavens light and you would only loose + one combat skills from dropping zaka for spirit.
This way you would have BO, big + skills for hammer and 125fcr on switch for the hammer-side of things and Foh + smite setup on mainhand.
So with the right cta base, you can have a full 125fcr hammerdin setup on switch without loosing dmg. Guess such a base is expensive, but seems by far the best for this build to me
Am I missing something? Or why does maxroll put a classic crystal sword cta on switch ?!
This post was edited by Junglist69 on Dec 17 2022 06:20am