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Posts: 2,050
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Dec 16 2004 04:19pm
yeah fortitude and pheonix are pretty damn good now biggrin.gif
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Dec 16 2004 07:18pm
i was wrong there, you probably lose up to 800 live. still the damage and resistances make more then up for it. i find phoenix pretty useless by the way, because it's shite for blocking and what else do you need a shield for? blink.gif
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Dec 16 2004 10:28pm
QUOTE (kanniball-gws @ Dec 16 2004, 05:49 AM)
That's a bit lame don't u think? I mean, stacked res + sorb; It's like dueling something that not even can hit u, it's the same as dueling a fallen -.-
(except a fallen doesn't cry when it dies, or doesn't run/tele)

I use him to kill bmers, nk/tgers much like the charger, but barb can kill non elementals with sorb gear on, charger cant. Barb can absorb as well as a charger, takes me a few hits to kill, but i dont die to non elementals like your charger does.
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Dec 17 2004 04:26am
Kortez: Dont even think about using fortitude against anything else than stationary targets like smiters/zealots.
You NEED enigma to catch casters/bowazons period. For casterkilling, nothing has changed. Botd+beast and enigma still is #1.
And yes, phoenix sucks major ass on barbs. For blocking use ss, for dmg use beast.

QUOTE (wuaffiliate)
my barb is made to duel elementals, sorb and stacked res is what hes used for. wiz is superior.

QUOTE (wuaffiliate)
I use him to kill bmers, nk/tgers much like the charger

I will refrain from any nasty comments here, but it's quite obvious that you always use absorb when you "duel".

But ok, lets pretend I buy your crap; what do you do against the non-bm/nk/tg-duelers? Dont duel them at all? The sad fact is that with wiz you WILL need absorb, otherwise all decent sorcs will outtank you.

Imo a botd+beast barb is superior for bmkilling too. With some maxres you wont get killed, and you can kill them before they go kiss akara, which you wont with wiz.
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Dec 17 2004 04:42am
QUOTE (morotsjos @ Dec 17 2004, 05:26 AM)
QUOTE (wuaffiliate)
my barb is made to duel elementals, sorb and stacked res is what hes used for. wiz is superior.

QUOTE (wuaffiliate)
I use him to kill bmers, nk/tgers much like the charger

I will refrain from any nasty comments here, but it's quite obvious that you always use absorb when you "duel".

But ok, lets pretend I buy your crap; what do you do against the non-bm/nk/tg-duelers? Dont duel them at all? The sad fact is that with wiz you WILL need absorb, otherwise all decent sorcs will outtank you.

Imo a botd+beast barb is superior for bmkilling too. With some maxres you wont get killed, and you can kill them before they go kiss akara, which you wont with wiz.

1) How do those two quotes make it obvious that i always use absorb when i duel? You assume too much, but you are just a random so carry on.

2) Vs non BM i use one piece of absorb, i only use mass absorb and stacked res when dueling BM. I dont seem to have a problem taking the majority from any sorc, unless they eshield + 70/15.

3) I have no problem killing BM elementals with wiz at all, i rarely die if ever in BM mode.

Wiz works for me, if you were on east i would show you. My barb is only used in those situations where i need to kill nk/tg elementals, i generally dont use him for anything else although he is very much fit to deal with other threats. You have no basis here for this "absorb noob" accusation, you wrote a crappy guide on building a sorb charger, i bet you never absorb BMers do you?

You are a waste of time, you prove nothing at all you just talk, stop wasting my time.

This post was edited by wuaffiliate on Dec 17 2004 04:50am
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Dec 17 2004 05:08am
you will now have to use fortitude archon, that's the new best barb armor.

Correction: the best new BvB armor. It's useless vs casters, u need tele. smile.gif
yeah fortitude and pheonix are pretty damn good now  biggrin.gif

Phoenix sux0r for baba's, u'll need around 380 dex for full block, and if u'd take it for the damage, go with a 2-handed BoTD, that will do alot more.

My barb is only used in those situations where i need to kill nk/tg elementals, i generally dont use him for anything else

Expansive caster, if u wanna make 'a anticaster char' make a barb like morot or ww sin or charge pally.
you wrote a crappy guide on building a sorb charger

I bet that pally is a better anticaster then your baba. Oh, yeah, almost forgot, stacked res + sorb, "not all the time, just when I don't wanna die. " ph34r.gif
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Dec 17 2004 06:08am
wuaffiliate: I cant help but laugh when reading your hilarious posts. First, you state that botd+wiz is superior for "dueling" casters. Then you admit that you use absorb, and thats what makes botd+wiz so good. Then again, you claim that you only use him for killing nk/tg:ers.

Fact is:
1) Decent sorcs WILL tank botd+wiz barbs (especially shaeled wiz, i.e. no ow) unless they nullify all dmg by absorb.

2) Decent sorcs WILL tank botd+wiz barbs when they use 1 absorb + stacked resist. If you "dont have a problem taking the majority from any sorc" with botd+wiz and only 1 absorb then you're either lying or only dueling the standard 400 life pubbie tal rasha sorc.

Ofc you dont die when you absorb, any 3-year old knows that. My point was that you wont kill them either before they kiss akara unless they are utter retards trying to tank an absorb-barb.

Your barb is not "very much fit" at all to deal with anything but elementalchars by absorbing. I'd like to see you kill any decent nec/druid/paladin/amazon/barb or assasin using botd+wiz. It simply wont happen, you're living in fantasyland.

Quite pathetic of you to mention my bm-charger "guide". I simply posted a brief gear/skill-layout by request, nothing else. Since you fail to realize it; this "crappy" outline is a POOR-MANS #1 choice to get rid of nk/tg-newbs.

Ever since I made my barb, I dont have to absorb BMers, I just kill them. Sometimes I use max res or stacked res, but never absorb. Learn to play barb instead.

If I'm such a waste of time, why do you bother answering?

QUOTE (wuaffiliate)
you are just a random so carry on
What is "a random"? Eng pls (after all, it IS your native language).

QUOTE (wuaffiliate)
shael'd wiz spike + botd is the best

QUOTE (wuaffiliate)
your ww is 2 fpa with shael wiz

QUOTE (wuaffiliate)
+ 2 caster rings is stupid, that means you cant use tgods/dwarfs/ravens/snowclash.

QUOTE (wuaffiliate)
you can check the ias calculator yourself, wiz+20ias on weapon + botdzerker = 2fpa ww, research before you act a fool please.
QUOTE (wuaffiliate)
wiz is superior to beast easily

QUOTE (wuaffiliate)
You are a waste of time, you prove nothing at all you just talk, stop wasting my time.

I am cincerely sorry for wasting your precious time, but I got that the first time you know, nn repeating yourself.
You dont even have the wits to um your wiz... gogo 2 fpa ww evil.gif

No wonder all casters on east go non-block if the barbs are like yours...

With that I conclude this argument. I won btw.

This post was edited by morotsjos on Dec 17 2004 06:13am
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Dec 17 2004 06:59am
QUOTE (morotsjos @ Dec 17 2004, 11:26 AM)
Kortez: Dont even think about using fortitude against anything else than stationary targets like smiters/zealots.
You NEED enigma to catch casters/bowazons period. For casterkilling, nothing has changed. Botd+beast and enigma still is #1.

who is talking about casterkilling? i want a char that's good against all classes, elemental and physical. furthermore, i never use teleport in duels and dont need it (20 points in faster run, as i stated above. the only opportunity where i ever used teleport is for surprise attacks, when assas hide in the middle of their traps).
if you teleport you need alot of mana and need to drink, and drinking is bm in my opinion.
i am faster than an amazon can possibly run, so why would i need teleport to catch them? sorcs have to get near you when they want to hurt you, i just ww them right in that moment.
you won't believe how hard it is to hit a barb that's running so fast.

you US-ers are real funny pvp-players. no offense, but the whole thing is far more developed here wink.gif it seems to me that you don't really know much about the game itself. just calculate it all, i'll give you the facts:
on a barb with the usual pvp equip, you lose about 1/7 to 1/8 life and teleport, when using fortitude. however, you win almost 1/4 damage and 30 all resist. that makes more than up for the life, because you need alot less hits to kill.
and if you really need enigma for one particular duel, you can just put it on. the points in strength give you alot of freedom on what you want to equip.
pvp is all about math, at least building the characters is.

This post was edited by Kortez on Dec 17 2004 07:12am
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Dec 17 2004 08:29am
Kortez: hehe, I'm Europe btw. =)

You dont need fortitude to beat meleechars, therefore I see no reason whatsoever to use it.
70-80% of all duelers are casters, be it elemental (sorcs etc) or not (necs/druids/hammerdins).

Lets make it clear, the difference between 40% inc speed (which I have on my barb) and 45% (maxed) is barely noticable. 20 pts in increased speed is such a waste it's hilarious. There are other MUCH better skills to max for a barb.
You wont EVER outrun a good amazon without some serious sacrifice in gear (i.e. frw-charms or whatever). Even then, you'll have a hard time due to desynch, you simply cant tell where she is. Why bother when you can simply teleport? Without teleport you'll also eat like 15 arrows before you even catch up on her.

You dont have to drink as a barb, you have 600+ mana. In fact, if the rules doesn't allow drinking, all casters (except sorcs) will run out of mana before you, just play a tad defensive. Ofc, when they drink, so do I.

I seriously have a hard time believing that you could catch any decent caster unless your barb is completely dedicated to frw (i.e. massive frw on charms/gear) and thus desynching. The good sorcs/necs stay off your screen 99% of the duel. Heck, I even had a hard time catching them with my charger...

I wonder how you beat the following classes without teleport (assuming competent players ofc, not the usual pubbiethrash):
defensive necs (all good casters play defensively against barbs btw)
defensive sorcs
defensive hammerdins
constantly teleporting druids (i.e. you'll always end up in their tornados when trying to ww)
massive frw trapassas that just sidestep your wws
foh:ers with 25+k def and either massive fcr or massive desynching charge

There is a reason that the best barbs on USwest (revolution, blobs etc) went FROM a 160 ed armor setup TO enigma. That reason is casterkilling.

If you build a barb around fortitude, there is no chance you'll be good against all classes. Also keep in mind that you lose the 45% frw from enigma laugh.gif
Building around enigma on the other hand, well, lets just say that I haven't lost to any meleechars (except other wwbarbs ofc) yet with my non-block, 3k def, 12k ar enigma bp-barb.
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Dec 17 2004 10:10am
i practice with those guys from german dual leagues, and i outrun all of the amazones. the frw % that come wit the run skill count more than normal frw. which other skills would you stat by the way? i don't need any more skill points. of course i need to get the 45% that enigma gave me with charms, but alltogether i will not lose more than 1000 life, which is ok compared to the great damage boost and resists i get.

defensive nec: they have to stop when they want to shoot, that's where i get them. basically it has to come to a shoot-out, because when we both run i don't hit him and he doesn't hit me.
same for sorcs, though i hate defensive sorcs, because they are just boring to duel against. i like action wink.gif
defensive hammerdins i beat with open wounds, as i said above. they are my fav opponents actually, because i like pissing them off tongue.gif specially easy duel if they don't drink, but most do, because they suck.
druids end in a shootout aswell, same reason as necros and sorcs. but with fortitude they will be dead even faster (by 1/4th).
assas are hard, but then again they don't do much damage so i've got a good bit of time to hit them.
foh-ers, i put my 4topaz shield on and laugh at them when they run to town.

3k def and 12k ar and you win?
lets just say that you haven't fought any good melee char yet happy.gif

by the way, one of the main reasons 160/60 armos got exchanged is more likely because %ED and max/min dmg jewels are bugged and don't work properly in armory.

This post was edited by Kortez on Dec 17 2004 10:14am
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