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May 22 2010 09:02am
Quote (Swash @ May 22 2010 03:00pm)
Oh, I can see why this is such a good char now.

god damn use your little brain, it was a typo. edited of course..

instead of acting big you could help the topic creator with constructive help and comments

This post was edited by Sa_Se on May 22 2010 09:04am
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May 22 2010 11:28am
Quote (sevlo @ May 22 2010 10:30am)
That East bvcs are as bad as you are.

Take a look at some insightful East-wisdom on bvcs:

Ww is a mobile attack which can't be just walked down (that's God damn suicide you brick), and full str bugged barbs (mass desynching)will just tear you like paper if you walk them.

what are you trying to say? str bugged is what makes barb desynch? Lol
and obv i dontonly walk, i can tele too, im a sorc, if the barb have more frw than me ill tele into the wall, how retarded are you?

Quote (Sa_Se @ May 22 2010 10:58am)
that isnt possible. you either sacrifice alot FB dmg or your firewall is that crappy that you can just leave it..

I have built a Firewall Sorc, with a friend. An expensive one though.

But we were contrarily to your build aiming for a huge tank, not going to total damage as you did.

We used the PeineĀ“s FB sorc guide ( i think you can remember, the one with TO helmet + belt, wizzy + 20fc amu) and totally perfect inventory / insane eq

our final stats so far are ~ 1800 life / 5900 Mana / 95 % ES and Full Res while maintaining 105fc and 86fhr

The dmg is at 25k.

The Pro Side on this build is the amazing Defense Ability. Full Res / Nearly 6k Mana / Maxed Warmth and ~ 20 Liferep ( We are using 10fhr 18life 10liferep 37Mana Blood Boots, with Mana Boots we could have even more mana )
The Damage you can Tank is simply amazing..

The Contra Side is aiming with Firewall against experienced Pvp players is hard. Fireballs can be spammed 24/7 , you can play offscreen alot.
but it is hard to hit with Firewall. Your opponent wont stand still in a firewall, namelocking is extremely hard too.You cant stomp a char like an FB would do,
Firewall has a cast delay and doesnt "stun" as Fb splash dmg does. So duels are pretty much longer and sometimes annoying as hell  as you just dont hit as much as you would do with FB

Take care, i am speaking about PvP. Not just pub duels, but about people investing 20k+ fg in their chars and knowing how to handle them

It is nevertheless an extremely cool char ;)

i dissagree with this
and yes the build is viable, can be focuses on damage or stats
and when u cast firewall on someone, he must stop attacking and move or he die, so firewall > fb
i have both char, sure fb rapes alot, bu fb vs fw, the fw wins

and with these stats you were no ladder, had a fletch, gspurs, bmanas, btal etc
this build is for ladder ppl

This post was edited by Sergeant01 on May 22 2010 11:30am
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May 22 2010 01:03pm
lol I just killed little ubers with your build :P
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May 22 2010 01:05pm
Quote (Sergeant01 @ 22 May 2010 20:28)
what are you trying to say? str bugged is what makes barb desynch? Lol
and obv i dontonly walk, i can tele too, im a sorc, if the barb have more frw than me ill tele into the wall, how retarded are you?

Full str bug makes barb desynch, yes.
But you said you walk down vs barbs, now you change it? ^_^
And when you tele into wall, it means barb is not in the wall, meaning he won't take damage, meaning he can whirl past you due to range 3 of Ba.
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May 22 2010 01:07pm
Quote (Sa_Se @ 22 May 2010 18:02)
god damn use your little brain, it was a typo. edited of course..

instead of acting big you could help the topic creator with constructive help and comments

You don't really check SnG often, do you? ^_^
I usually judge guides based on their performance instead of reading a fucking wall of text. So if by any chance the guide's creator has this char in EUSCNL I'll be happy to see how it works.
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May 22 2010 04:32pm
Quote (Seksi84 @ May 22 2010 03:03pm)
lol I just killed little ubers with your build :P

so did i :P

Quote (sevlo @ May 22 2010 03:05pm)
Full str bug makes barb desynch, yes.
But you said you walk down vs barbs, now you change it? ^_^
And when you tele into wall, it means barb is not in the wall, meaning he won't take damage, meaning he can whirl past you due to range 3 of Ba.

what makes bvc sych is the ias on weapons, a beast and a grief with at least 34 ias makes u reach the fastest ias bp u can get.
Doing LONG ww will make u desynch.

and u got nothing from what i mean, and u know nothing about barbs, and ur trying to tell me my build suck?

oh and btw, ba have range of 2, not 3

Once again ill explain you the strategy, because you seems a bit retarded and dunno how it works

OK, so you make a firewall, got it from there?

you stand into it, you make a wall on the barb, either he move, either he leap, either he attack you, if he move, you tele into the wall you just made, if he tele on you, you simply tele down on the same firewall or walk down, because you want to always move into the wall u made, so its harder for him to hit you, if he desynch, meaning he will make a long ww, he will burn a long time into ur firewall. If he leap, just go out of its range and make fire wall on urself, and wait for him.

From now, i dont want to hear what you want to say anymore, you know why?
because you dont know anything about barb (synch with str glitsh wtf?)
and you dont know anything about my build, of sorces in general.
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May 22 2010 06:21pm
Quote (Sergeant01 @ May 20 2010 06:06pm)
ill explain to all of these in order, but first of all, you never played a firewaller do you? because most of these are wrong

1.1 - you do not need fhr or fcr in this build, you walk more than you teleporte, and firewall have slow cast delay, and u cant sacrifice -fire res really because thats what profide so much damage

2.1 - i didnt mention desynch about these because if they start to run, they cant stop to cast arrow, because once they stop you fw them and firewall isnt affected by dodge, so about 1 sec into the fire they die, and for glass canon, they get an instant death

2 - you dont know whats firewall damage do you? u underestime it pretty much

3- ghost do rape this build, thats why its written hard

4- well, some trappers are offensive ofc, but i will not state everyexception, same reason why i didnt make strategy for fire trapper, fire druid, and all the uncommon causes. Ofc theres more offensive trappers than fire druid and things like that, but i only state the most common ones, and once again, i wrote hard, because ull get stunted pretty bad, and with fhr/fcr u do no damage to her, and with damage build you get stunted

5- i didnt say they would, i just say if their ww does the most damage, his trap will suck, so youi dont care about them, same for stronger traps

6- here i think u missed that part, All you have to do is walk and cast firewall as they cast slow bone spirit, once you casted firewall they will tele away, you follow them and at same time all bone spirits will be left behind
and obv i wont state everything about dueling, if you still need to learn everything, make an hdin not a firewall sorc

7- i didnt state hydra on most chars, because it is only as a suggested skills

8- if the bvc see you, he wont continu to leap, he will attack, so you make wall and walk down it, or if he only leap u go offensive, but once again, they can be hard as i stated

9- again, if you dont know not to teleport on hammer than you shouldnt make a firewaller, and for inv hammer, you namelock him and gently wait

10- did u read my guide? i wrote that i dont consider bming, and stacked resist is bm

11- foh dies in about 1 wall, so i didnt wrote a whole gg guide to deal about them, since you gets like no damage from them as a 95% es, you almost regen faster than ur mana go down

12- except real zeal have negative resistances

13. not gonna mention sorcs since that is a class I'm not familiar to. ( you should do the same .. don't guess. rather post that you don't know cos you haven't dueled one )
well, you're comenting on my sorc and u dont know much about them? ive had about 10 sorces, and ive curently 3, 1 fb, 1blizz, 1 firewall, all i do is sorc vs sorc because this is the most entertaining duel, so please

ill stop here and repeat what u just told me
have you even dueled a firewall sorc? have u ever had a firewall sorc?
heres what u said : ( you should do the same .. don't guess. rather post that you don't know cos you haven't dueled one )

What are you doing here? you suppose about everything, i duel with my sorc everydays, every duelers on east ladder mostly know her, she rapes in 4v4 gm, and in 1v1 gm

i wrote that i had the char since 2 weeks, but i  respeced my fireball sorc into a firewall for about 2 weeks too, so 1 month isnt enough to master a char?

the only one who can make critic here is Tommyvv, because he had a firewall sorc, but again he didnt consider everything about what he wrote
so please, make one and review all that once u dueled!

you failed to see my point. these are examples of what I would add or change to improve your guide. it's called constructive crit. aka trying to help..you asked for things people would change. I did that and now you are flaming me? the fact that you are even defending yourself proves the flaws in this guide. It is original yes but not well documented.

now on to your month of experience on a two month old ladder..I atm have a hybrid on ladder.. I have no experience playing assas.. the gear is average.. yet in the past month I have died vs 3 chars and lost 1 ft5.. does that make me good? hell no..I suck.. this just to prove the level of opposition we are talking about. you can critique many things but saying you have enough experience to share is a lie. many of your tactics are guesses and others are based around beating weak opponents making them false vs good opponents. And any strat that you post that doesn't give the best results is a lie and should not be posted to begin with.

on to my experience with fire waller. have I had one? no.. do i know how to duel with one? no.. does that make my opinion void and wrong? no.. as you said yourself. fw is much like blizz. so what I do know is how I would duel vs this kind of char with characters I have played with..which is what I based my constructive criticism on. further I am here pointing out flaws in your strat that an enemy can take advantage of. you are writing a guide ffs. there are people that actually listen to what you say so fix it.

on to respective tactics. first I would like to mention that posting that you forgot to mention certain enemy strats was an attempt at helping improve the guide but you obviously don't want to change anything so stop asking for suggestions.

secondly i would like to quote sun tzu :"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." I am trying to get you to the first part. you claim to be in the middle. in fact you are the latter..

and sorry but I am not the only person that has this opinion.. saw at least 2 posts saying that pvp section is lol. I am the only person that explained why and tried to help and you snap at me.. think about that

and seriously I know things about your build that you neglect. consider the width( not length ) of the firewall you are standing in. consider the range of melee chars.. do the math..dueling is knowing what you are fighting. you should read guides and react to their strats. you should practice and look for flaws in the build to exploit.

you may say that we do the same when guessing certain match ups.. and perhaps that is true. but I'm not the one with the guide and I would at least have the balls to admit a flaw.

now I've spent enough time posting in here answering to your if there is anything you would change bs question and no gratitude is shown. If you can't handle feedback don't ask for it.simple as that. either take it in. try grasp it's message and say thank you for your opinion. some of this is helpfull rather than attack me for what appears to be time wasted.
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May 22 2010 09:16pm
Quote (impiousbe @ May 22 2010 08:21pm)
you failed to see my point. these are examples of what I would add or change to improve your guide. it's called constructive crit. aka trying to help..you asked for things people would change. I did that and now you are flaming me? the fact that you are even defending yourself proves the flaws in this guide. It is original yes but not well documented.

now on to your month of experience on a two month old ladder..I atm have a hybrid on ladder.. I have no experience playing assas.. the gear is average.. yet in the past month I have died vs 3 chars and lost 1 ft5.. does that make me good? hell no..I suck.. this just to prove the level of opposition we are talking about. you can critique many things but saying you have enough experience to share is a lie. many of your tactics are guesses and others are based around beating weak opponents making them false vs good opponents. And any strat that you post that doesn't give the best results is a lie and should not be posted to begin with.

on to my experience with fire waller. have I had one? no.. do i know how to duel with one? no.. does that make my opinion void and wrong? no.. as you said yourself. fw is much like blizz. so what I do know is how I would duel vs this kind of char with characters I have played with..which is what I based my constructive criticism on. further I am here pointing out flaws in your strat that an enemy can take advantage of. you are writing a guide ffs. there are people that actually listen to what you say so fix it.

on to respective tactics. first I would like to mention that posting that you forgot to mention certain enemy strats was an attempt at helping improve the guide but you obviously don't want to change anything so stop asking for suggestions.

secondly i would like to quote sun tzu :"If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.  If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat.  If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." I am trying to get you to the first part. you claim to be in the middle. in fact you are the latter..

and sorry but I am not the only person that has this opinion.. saw at least 2 posts saying that pvp section is lol. I am the only person that explained why and tried to help and you snap at me.. think about that

and seriously I know things about your build that you neglect. consider the width( not length ) of the firewall you are standing in. consider the range of melee chars.. do the math..dueling is knowing what you are fighting. you should read guides and react to their strats. you should practice and look for flaws in the build to exploit.

you may say that we do the same when guessing certain match ups.. and perhaps that is true. but I'm not the one with the guide and I would at least have the balls to admit a flaw.

now I've spent enough time posting in here answering to your if there is anything you would change bs question and no gratitude is shown. If you can't handle feedback don't ask for it.simple as that. either take it in. try grasp it's message and say thank you for your opinion. some of this is helpfull rather than attack me for what appears to be time wasted.

all ur saying is that ive no experience, how long do you think ive been playing diablo 2? Ive been playing on bnet for about 5 years, mays be 6, i made about every charater possible.
Your giving me urself as exemple, you tell me taht u have no experiences with hybrid because u did 4 duels. WTF, ofc u have no experience in 4 duels, i did about 1 thousand duel with my char.
I dont do ft5, because these always start to bm me when they lose lol and like every bmer, they deny it. I just duel for fun, im not making this char to be the best player, im making it for fun

Now you complain because u gave ur opinion about my dueling strategy, all i did was reversing what you said, making it all worthless. I didnt flame you, as your quote says "don't guess. rather post that you don't know cos you haven't dueled one". Rathe post that you dont know instead of guessing everything. If i wrote something about a dueler, its because i dueled this kind of dueler. I did not duel a fire trapper, so i didnt write it.

And now you tell me ive no gratitude? why would i have any to someone complaining about everything and knowing nothing? im open to suggestion, but your wrong on about everything, so what do you expect? you say that im guessing everything and i know nothing about this char so i cant make these dueling strategy, who are you to tell me what to change than, you never dueled or OR had one? If i decided to make a guide it is because i enjoy this char, and i tested many different things, im not guessing anything.

Yes there was people loling at the dueling strategy, but these people actually lol because they dont think a firewaller will beat their asses, but they never dueler one.

Anyway, im done with you now, quit making wrong complain and make one and duel with her
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May 23 2010 09:25am
Quote (Sergeant01 @ 23 May 2010 01:32)
what makes bvc sych is the ias on weapons, a beast and a grief with at least 34 ias makes u reach the fastest ias bp u can get.
Doing LONG ww will make u desynch.


Quote (Sergeant01 @ 23 May 2010 01:32)
and u got nothing from what i mean, and u know nothing about barbs, and ur trying to tell me my build suck?


Quote (Sergeant01 @ 23 May 2010 01:32)
oh and btw, ba have range of 2, not 3


Quote (Sergeant01 @ 23 May 2010 01:32)
Once again ill explain you the strategy, because you seems a bit retarded and dunno how it works

Big words from a brainless brick.

Quote (Sergeant01 @ 23 May 2010 01:32)
OK, so you make a firewall, got it from there?

you stand into it, you make a wall on the barb, either he move, either he leap, either he attack you, if he move, you tele into the wall you just made, if he tele on you, you simply tele down on the same firewall or walk down, because you want to always move into the wall u made, so its harder for him to hit you, if he desynch, meaning he will make a long ww, he will burn a long time into ur firewall. If he leap, just go out of its range and make fire wall on urself, and wait for him.

I really wish you were Euscnl. These strategies work only versus D2 AI...or horrible duelers. Nice theorycraft + try, though.

Quote (Sergeant01 @ 23 May 2010 01:32)
From now, i dont want to hear what you want to say anymore, you know why?

No. More like "I don't want to hear you because I Rage And I Suck and know nothing about this game etc"

Quote (Sergeant01 @ 23 May 2010 01:32)
because you dont know anything about barb (synch with str glitsh wtf?)

Basics, you pile of junk.

Quote (Sergeant01 @ 23 May 2010 01:32)
and you dont know anything about my build, of sorces in general.

Definitely m9, I know nothing about sorcs or barbs.
Even Hydra sorc is > this lol

Quote (Sergeant01 @ 23 May 2010 06:16)
I dont do ft5, because these always start to bm me when they lose lol and like every bmer, they deny it. I just duel for fun, im not making this char to be the best player, im making it for funr


Conclusion: You're an idiot or a damn troll.
Cry in any case

This post was edited by sevlo on May 23 2010 09:30am
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May 23 2010 09:36am
Ok stop arguing guys... theres one sure thing:
This guide is more like theorycrafting than a fact so until u post a video of u owning decent pvpers
or someone with skills from this forum get pwnt by u i wont believe in those owning-ass-abilities which this guide says about.

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