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Jan 30 2006 03:57am
Quote (torn-mind @ Mon, Jan 30 2006, 03:30am)
Why not the runeword Kingslayer? Other than the fact that the runes could be a bit expensive to collect.
The stats are not bad at all the ED, IAS and -25 Def could help out.

+30% Increased Attack Speed
+230-270% Enhanced Damage (varies)
-25% Target Defense
20% Bonus To Attack Rating
33% Chance of Crushing Blow
50% Chance of Open Wounds
+1 To Vengeance
Prevent Monster Heal
+10 To Strength
40% Extra Gold From Monsters

ed does not work on smite.
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Feb 2 2006 12:04am
I use

Rare stat/resist ammy or +3 combat skills ammy
Grief Phase Blade
Upped Hoz
BK ring

No problems at all; plenty of CB with guillaume/Gores and plenty of resists with COH / a few resist all charms

Grief PB is fast as hell and nice +damage for smite. I hit @ 6 frames so the lifetap is rapid. And it needs no repair, which is a bonus on the annoyance side.
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Feb 2 2006 04:41am
Quote (Schlag96 @ Thu, Feb 2 2006, 06:04am)
I use

Rare stat/resist ammy or +3 combat skills ammy
Grief Phase Blade
Upped Hoz
BK ring

No problems at all; plenty of CB with guillaume/Gores and plenty of resists with COH / a few resist all charms

Grief PB is fast as hell and nice +damage for smite. I hit @ 6 frames so the lifetap is rapid. And it needs no repair, which is a bonus on the annoyance side.

I like this... smile.gif

What skills do you use, and such?

I guess
MAX Fana
MAX Smite

And then?

- LP
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Feb 13 2006 10:51pm
Hehe, heres my poor smiter setup. Why spend thousands fgs on a rarely used char when you can pretty much mf the stuff??

Helm: Guils Face
Armor: Fort
Gloves: Dracs
Weapon: Grief Pb
Shield: Griz Shield, 3 P diamonds
Rings: Ravenfrost and Carrion
Ammy: Catseye
Boots: Goreriders
Belt: Dungoes

On switch : 1 bo cta and a spirit

In inventory: Some 15+ life scs, some of each res gcs, torch, anni, and a wand with lifetap charges.

Even with this POOR setup I can EZ trist in 3 mins without dying and only using mana pots >.<

This post was edited by dvk- on Feb 13 2006 10:53pm
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Feb 17 2006 11:01am
thanx for the guide ill read it over now i just rushe dmy 1st pally this will come in very handy
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Feb 19 2006 09:53am
this is officially the worst guide ive ever read unless ur a little pub who cant afford anything
um'd kiras
upd zak or res exile eth works
2x20 dex ravens if u using pb otherwise raven and bk
soul spurs ( or bitter rouges if u can afford)
pally torch
pcombs(3 or 4)
and res life/res sc's owns ubers and owns ur pub guide also
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Feb 25 2006 02:03am
your name says it all fucking douche bag
this is not pvp guide this is to do ubers and tristram for people who maybe cannot afford godly items

also yes Forti does work with smite is just not displayed
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Feb 25 2006 04:43am
i use a 4 sox shield with 4 p diamonds instead of zaka, much cheaper wink.gif
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Mar 6 2006 06:39am
my semi poor smiter/zealer for torch hunting, that also works well - only time you die is of iron maiden, and only time you drink pots is baal mana drain.
kira 70% + 15 ias jewel (for hiting last break point) (ideal would be ias-res jewel)
metalgrid (mine is 35%)
stormshield (you don't need pala shield, dmg difference is minor - avg pala = 46, avg ss = 23, add around 70 dmg from holy shield and around 80 from good asterons -> 200 dmg pala shield vs 180 dmg ss + 35% dmg reduction) -> i'm going with ss
2x raven
t god
upd goblin on tristram - gore on others
asterons + sheal-> this is just crazy pvm smiter weapon - 33 cb, slow, + on dmg that adds to smite similar like grief, magic dmg for p immune
on switch life tap wand
i have anni and torch now, but you could do it without those

skill layout:
20 smite
20 holy shield
20 fana
20 resist lightning -> 95 res lightning + lightning sorb -> pvm light attacks heal you
zeal couple of points
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Mar 12 2006 05:28am
@Bigsexybrian ias works but it depends from the weapon and from the break points etc...i tried before a lot of time, many changes on the guide but really the guide is still enough good.

@ronidouchebag r u stupid ?

Btw the guides are not to make them 100% as it is, it's to give you a point how you could make a nice char.As Aktak says don't be stupid as others to make heroes on guides of someone other exactly, change them,make it how you want and how it's the best for you.

Have fun guys ! tongue.gif

This post was edited by ivopz on Mar 12 2006 05:32am
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