Quote (X4dow @ Mon, Aug 13 2007, 05:08am)
i never agreed 100% with ep rules. but also dont agree with 95% absorv + dwarfs and rising sun, so u heal with fire damage, or 95% cold + luna so u heal, or 95% + tgv so u heal,. that would make sorceress non usable, and all the duel thing would be telebarbs or smiters.
typical ep argument. we've heard it all before and it is obvious 99% of ep never dueled anyone good. personally i've never seen anything like what you describe being used among any top duelers in europe.
on the other hand every single ep-sorc i've ever dueled are incapable of doing anything but tele 5 screens away and spam. they are really fast to tele off minimap if you ever get close though, maybe thats where true ep skill lies ^^
ep in a nutshell:
JURK: LOL druid vs barb with tele+10k ww no thx.
"top" barbs discussing: i kill necs easier with 2 axes than with a twohander but i dont know why. anyone? no we're all fucking stupid.
do i have to continue? i even saw some idiot (another "top" barb) suggest raven+angelic ring vs pallies with foh lolololol what a joke