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Feb 6 2022 07:32am
Quote (gel87 @ Feb 6 2022 01:55pm)
Block dont have a next delay, but the animation of block "fbr" does.

There is grace time period but the result is you can't block consecutivly with 4fpa, you'll get hit if your opponent ever manages to bypass dodge/avoid/evade. Do you play D2R?
As of now if nothing changes, fire es sorcs and eni amas are going to get away with murder in PVP.
Fire es sorc is also going to be the ultimate nemesis of bone necro.

This post was edited by babun1024 on Feb 6 2022 07:35am
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Feb 8 2022 02:27pm
Quote (Goomshill @ Feb 2 2022 03:36am)
and its also well positioned to deal with the ES sorcs people are going to build to be busted with autowsg.

we've already got an 11 frame grace timer for block animations and the patch notes -claim- that blocking no longer interrupts foreswings on animations, though I haven't seen testing confirm this yet since its not exactly easy to tell. Just a basic stormshield with titans already has 3 frame block animation, no shael required, same frames as sin/pally.

why are es sorcs going to be busted? lack of fhr means my fb stomping is less effective.
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Mar 2 2022 04:17pm
Well the PTR 2.4 changes are in and plague javelin has been wildly overbuffed
It now deals about 70% more DPS than in 1.14, since its getting both +33% base damage and 10->14 synergy. Its duration was changed from 21 at level 46, to 12 at level 46. Which is still high enough it should be able to OHKO people and only need to be applied once per duel, unlike the 3 second duration that was on the previous PTR. So now plague is truly getting some insane buffs. On top of that, building as an Osama zon instead of Damach zon is getting a huge buff because of the +12% physical damage synergy to multi/guided. This benefits a vita enigma zon far more than it does some shitty glass cannon that already had high %ED.

So in total, we have:

  • Dodge/Evade/Avoid no longer have an animation, and make you nullify attacks without being interrupted and thus making you partially uninterruptible on all casts and attacks
  • Plague Javelin dealing about +70% DPS with ~12 duration
  • Plague Javelin cooldown from 4 to 1, and casting delay is no longer global
  • Multi gets +240% ED synergy
  • Guided gets +240% ED synergy and +2%*slvl
  • Strafe gets +300% Ed synergy and 1.33x overall damage
  • Charged Strike gets significantly higher damage per synergy point, but caps out just slightly above previous (10->14, total 800->840), but loses lightning fury as synergy
  • Valkyrie cooldown from 6 to 0.6, and casting delay no longer global
  • Slow missiles is now some serious bullshit in BM duels even even bigger slow, more radius, reduced damage

Overall I think this easily favors the Osama zon over Damach zon. Its harder to build both lightning fury and charged strike at the same time, but suddenly an Osama is getting what's basically a free fortitude in bow damage and even more on strafe, which conveniently favors a 1 point strafe build since its all synergies.
My new example build I think would be something like:

>Faith mat bow (alt faith shadow with highlords)
>Eth Titans / Stormshield (ber)
>Rare amazon circlet with +2 skills / 20 fcr / 2 sockets / etc , with 2x 15/15 jewels
>Crafted amazon ammy with +2 skills / 17%+ fcr / etc (or highlords)
>Crafted +2 java / kb / etc gloves
>Rare fcr / etc ring
>Rare resist / etc boots (option war trav, aldurs, etc)
>9x java skillers, life/res scs, torch/anni
>cta stash or swap out skiller or cube
>swap items in stash as needed, notably different shields for matchups (facet shield, spirit, 160/60, stack resists)

>20 plague
>20 poison
>20 guided
>20 multi
>1 point all passives
>1 point strafe and fury
>dex for max block, str for gear, rest vita

that uses up all skill points only up to level 84 (95 skills)
so after that you could dump points into D/A/E, or else maybe 1 point jab or even impale for left click, or some points into crit, or even fury. You'll have up to 15 spare skill points at level 99
I don't think valk, pierce or strafe give significant returns on skill points

It should wind up as +27 java skills / +17 bow skills / +14 passives on each side, after the +2/3 faith / +2/2 titans.
There's an absolutely massive effect on damage output. Previously a vita zon could have +288% ed on fanat and maybe ~188% ed on dexterity for a 208 max block build at level 99 with stormshield. Even level 37 ga would only give +180%, nothing to multi, strafe with -25% overall. Now you're getting +492% to GA, +240% to multi, +300% and 1.33x to strafe.
So even with a low base damage faith mat bow and vita build, you should be able to hit base damage (before crit/fire) of 1591 GA / 912 multi / 1439 strafe, then add 65% crit and +120 fire and its about 2745/1594/2494 damage. Pretty dang good for a vita zon, sure its only half what a glass pure bowa gets now, but a pretty sizeable buff from ~2k arrows previouly
If you did the same setup but using a faith shadow bow with highlords it should be about 3155/1876/2881 damage. That means you deal about 15% more bow damage overall, but get -1 java/passive skills, 1 frame slower teleport, 1 frame faster throw, probably lose some life/resists if you could have a good craft amulet. Its easier to build around at least, cheaper base and no craft ammy.
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Mar 3 2022 02:24am
Quote (Goomshill @ Mar 2 2022 11:17pm)
Well the PTR 2.4 changes are in and plague javelin has been wildly overbuffed
It now deals about 70% more DPS than in 1.14, since its getting both +33% base damage and 10->14 synergy. Its duration was changed from 21 at level 46, to 12 at level 46. Which is still high enough it should be able to OHKO people and only need to be applied once per duel, unlike the 3 second duration that was on the previous PTR. So now plague is truly getting some insane buffs. On top of that, building as an Osama zon instead of Damach zon is getting a huge buff because of the +12% physical damage synergy to multi/guided. This benefits a vita enigma zon far more than it does some shitty glass cannon that already had high %ED.

So in total, we have:

  • Dodge/Evade/Avoid no longer have an animation, and make you nullify attacks without being interrupted and thus making you partially uninterruptible on all casts and attacks
  • Plague Javelin dealing about +70% DPS with ~12 duration
  • Plague Javelin cooldown from 4 to 1, and casting delay is no longer global
  • Multi gets +240% ED synergy
  • Guided gets +240% ED synergy and +2%*slvl
  • Strafe gets +300% Ed synergy and 1.33x overall damage
  • Charged Strike gets significantly higher damage per synergy point, but caps out just slightly above previous (10->14, total 800->840), but loses lightning fury as synergy
  • Valkyrie cooldown from 6 to 0.6, and casting delay no longer global
  • Slow missiles is now some serious bullshit in BM duels even even bigger slow, more radius, reduced damage

Overall I think this easily favors the Osama zon over Damach zon. Its harder to build both lightning fury and charged strike at the same time, but suddenly an Osama is getting what's basically a free fortitude in bow damage and even more on strafe, which conveniently favors a 1 point strafe build since its all synergies.
My new example build I think would be something like:

>Faith mat bow (alt faith shadow with highlords)
>Eth Titans / Stormshield (ber)
>Rare amazon circlet with +2 skills / 20 fcr / 2 sockets / etc , with 2x 15/15 jewels
>Crafted amazon ammy with +2 skills / 17%+ fcr / etc (or highlords)
>Crafted +2 java / kb / etc gloves
>Rare fcr / etc ring
>Rare resist / etc boots (option war trav, aldurs, etc)
>9x java skillers, life/res scs, torch/anni
>cta stash or swap out skiller or cube
>swap items in stash as needed, notably different shields for matchups (facet shield, spirit, 160/60, stack resists)

>20 plague
>20 poison
>20 guided
>20 multi
>1 point all passives
>1 point strafe and fury
>dex for max block, str for gear, rest vita

that uses up all skill points only up to level 84 (95 skills)
so after that you could dump points into D/A/E, or else maybe 1 point jab or even impale for left click, or some points into crit, or even fury. You'll have up to 15 spare skill points at level 99
I don't think valk, pierce or strafe give significant returns on skill points

It should wind up as +27 java skills / +17 bow skills / +14 passives on each side, after the +2/3 faith / +2/2 titans.
There's an absolutely massive effect on damage output. Previously a vita zon could have +288% ed on fanat and maybe ~188% ed on dexterity for a 208 max block build at level 99 with stormshield. Even level 37 ga would only give +180%, nothing to multi, strafe with -25% overall. Now you're getting +492% to GA, +240% to multi, +300% and 1.33x to strafe.
So even with a low base damage faith mat bow and vita build, you should be able to hit base damage (before crit/fire) of 1591 GA / 912 multi / 1439 strafe, then add 65% crit and +120 fire and its about 2745/1594/2494 damage. Pretty dang good for a vita zon, sure its only half what a glass pure bowa gets now, but a pretty sizeable buff from ~2k arrows previouly
If you did the same setup but using a faith shadow bow with highlords it should be about 3155/1876/2881 damage. That means you deal about 15% more bow damage overall, but get -1 java/passive skills, 1 frame slower teleport, 1 frame faster throw, probably lose some life/resists if you could have a good craft amulet. Its easier to build around at least, cheaper base and no craft ammy.

I agree osama build for amazon would be great now! Always liked that build :D Simple yet effective.
My old used simpe 20fcr diadem with 3 x 40/15 jools, and a shadow bow. It reached 4k ga and 40k plague. Theese can be built rather cheap and effective.

My suggestion for 3hybrid(trying to continue somewhat my build from d2lod which i loved for it flexibility allowing me to take advantage in nearly any match)

Java: 2ama, 2java, some ed, 30+ias, none eth so u can repair it.
Shield: Stormshield 15ias/15@ (to gain the 95ias break, as well as cloning the 15@ you have in faith)
Bow: Faith math
Belt: Arach (keep a tg in stash)
Gloves: 2java, 20ias, kb, minimum, nice adds are the usual str/dex and or single res.
Boots: War Travs (the physical dmg has always been a gamechanger for me, so effective even though i only had 2,4k on d2lod)
Helm: 2ama, 20fcr, 30frw, 2soc minimum. Ideally adds are @, nice adds are str/dex/life/edmg%. Socet with 2 x 40ed/15ias if u have enought res, else 15ias/15@
Ammu: 2ama, 18+fcr, as much @ as possible, nice last add is ofc str/dex/life
Ring 1: Raven
Ring 2: 10fcr, str, dex, @, nice adds are mana and ar.

The bugbelt + sop + wisp combi will be missed from d2lod eu nl build. But we now have other nice features:
68fcr both sides
Higher DR% on java side, but lower on bow side.
Harder to get resists.
More damages on skills now.

Cube: Cta, maras, soj or bk x 2, demon limb or secondary jav
8 java sks life
9 x scs: life/5@ or 3max/ar/life depending on needs

Psn: Ideally 37-40k+++ (we now need to "waste" skills on innersight, slow missle, decoy, valkyrie to get meatshield, as well as i did not skill strafe and penetrade and pierce on my old, which i recommend now, we also miss the 2 skills sop granted)
14+ plague
6+ psn jav
Have not tested the ratio now with new base dmg and syntenergies. My old build had 16/6 and reached 37k with cube in invetory.
1 fury (the physical dmg of the skill is most important for summon removal, summons takes quitea while to die on low physical dmg, light dmg was always second priority on fury)
1 jab (always nice)
20 cs
20 bolt
Remaining into CS/BOLT syntenergies
Im aiming for around 7 to 7,5k cs dmg.

1 all 3 dodges, critic, penetrade, pierce, and previous mentioned valkyre and prerequesites.

1 to:
cold arrow
magic arrow

However i will miss theese stats/combi:
100frw, 28% dr both sides, 70% block SOP, 85fr, 80lr, 20% light abs, oak, 20% cold abs, cnbf, 68fcr, 52fhr, max ias both sides, 2,4k ga, 7,5k cs, decent physical dmg. I never needed to change eq vs any opponoment with that xD I totally relyed on kb stun and dodge vs blizz though^^ It had above 4k life as well.

But i belive we will have really inzane hybrid and 3hybrid amazons on new patch, and those builds are really fun to play! :D

This post was edited by gel87 on Mar 3 2022 02:25am
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Mar 3 2022 03:46am
1 point impale can't be overlooked now. I need to examine more frame-by-frame footage, but I think impale can hit around 12 FPA or something, hitting reasonably early into the animation like frame #6 or something. That makes it actually useable now. And oh boy, its about 5000 damage with 1 point eth titans (10-12k damage with godly javas and max impale), and its basically smite with 50% slow attached (slow capped in pvp), since its uninterruptible and autohit.
Even an Osama will have a legitimate threat of telestomping someone. Its no CS, its not the same threat as a damach zon, don't get me wrong, its not going to OHKO anyone and its not fast enough to be as deadly. But 1 point impale could conceivably let a pure bow/poison hybrid still have a chainlock telestomp threat.
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Mar 3 2022 04:19am
Quote (L8z. @ Feb 8 2022 09:27pm)
why are es sorcs going to be busted? lack of fhr means my fb stomping is less effective.

People cant stunlock you even with swirl so nothing prevent you from runing away before mana is depleted. Also Blaze buff is going to give you a lot of walk possibility

Did anyone here tryed to calculate the buff for ga / multi / strafe ? i want to see if i have same numbers

This post was edited by harg on Mar 3 2022 04:21am
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Mar 3 2022 05:16am
Quote (Goomshill @ Mar 3 2022 04:46am)
1 point impale can't be overlooked now. I need to examine more frame-by-frame footage, but I think impale can hit around 12 FPA or something, hitting reasonably early into the animation like frame #6 or something. That makes it actually useable now. And oh boy, its about 5000 damage with 1 point eth titans (10-12k damage with godly javas and max impale), and its basically smite with 50% slow attached (slow capped in pvp), since its uninterruptible and autohit.
Even an Osama will have a legitimate threat of telestomping someone. Its no CS, its not the same threat as a damach zon, don't get me wrong, its not going to OHKO anyone and its not fast enough to be as deadly. But 1 point impale could conceivably let a pure bow/poison hybrid still have a chainlock telestomp threat.

Are you running fort or enigma with Osama?
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Mar 3 2022 06:45am
Quote (Bigal22 @ Mar 3 2022 05:16am)
Are you running fort or enigma with Osama?

you run enigma 110% of the time
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Mar 3 2022 08:19am
Quote (Goomshill @ Mar 3 2022 04:46am)
1 point impale can't be overlooked now. I need to examine more frame-by-frame footage, but I think impale can hit around 12 FPA or something, hitting reasonably early into the animation like frame #6 or something. That makes it actually useable now. And oh boy, its about 5000 damage with 1 point eth titans (10-12k damage with godly javas and max impale), and its basically smite with 50% slow attached (slow capped in pvp), since its uninterruptible and autohit.
Even an Osama will have a legitimate threat of telestomping someone. Its no CS, its not the same threat as a damach zon, don't get me wrong, its not going to OHKO anyone and its not fast enough to be as deadly. But 1 point impale could conceivably let a pure bow/poison hybrid still have a chainlock telestomp threat.

Yes I run 1 pt impale on my zons in d2r even before the speed increase just for the always hitting currently. It’s really nice in situations like tvt when someone was mindblast locked I could hop in and get guaranteed hits, but my real use for it was in zvz situations I could get up close with teleport and while they are struggling to land a hit jabbing me I’m holding impale and slowly hitting each time, I win every trade like that haha. My telezon builds (I have 2, pure bowa 1 pt java skills big passives, and one similar to damach zon) both have 1 pt impale and I’m largely considering a variation where it’s maxed with high ias when the patch drops just to see how it will do haha.

This post was edited by ceejay3 on Mar 3 2022 08:20am
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Mar 3 2022 05:35pm
is 68 fcr critical for this build? wondering if 48 fcr would be better if you can drop a fcr ring for a free ring slot for more +skill or wisp for oak sage.

fcr: 20 arach + 8-18 amulet + 10-20 helm
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