I played WF 7fpa with Faith merc
WF 9fpa with Might/Pride
Shadow bow faith (max base, max roll) with Might/Pride
and GMB (max base, max roll) with Might/Pride
Both on d2.maxroll and my in-game tests (i play bowa for quite some time)
in terms of DPS GMB Faith + Might/Pride is no1 by far, on p1-4, on p8 damage falls of, and since i can't use Atma, i tried Wrath on switch and it was fun, huge damage buff
According to d2.maxroll WF 8fpa (60/160 armor) + Might/Pride has almost the same DPS (like 250-350 less), but i didn't manage yet to get 60/160, am willing to try.
Sure seems like a total glass cannon, without faith/forti res & life, but having same DPS while also being able to use Atma is very tempting.
WF + Faith has far less DPS (both d2.maxroll and my own in-game tests), same as Shadow/Diamond bow Faith + Might/Pride, though on p8 atma is pretty good.
I am really curious btw how some rare GMB with very highroll +%ED & amplify works out compared to those, if it can outperform, with something remotely close to this:
PS. i haven't yet played tele bowazon, will sure try it out.
This post was edited by c1nascimento on Jul 9 2022 10:11am