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Oct 24 2007 06:34pm
is it true you don't need max block for ubers? I'm skeptical of any pve guide that doesn't include max block.
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Oct 24 2007 06:43pm
i used this guide to make my smiter
awesome! can finish an uber in about 1 minute
very cheap too, good for me because i'm kinda poor =/
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Nov 2 2007 07:10am
Wonderful guide, Helped me so much
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Nov 4 2007 04:56pm
guillaume face with 15ias/15 res jool and put zaka and last wish and in inventory put 5 all res sc's or 20/5 for good res
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Nov 4 2007 05:04pm
Quote (archawoo2 @ Sun, Nov 4 2007, 10:56pm)
guillaume face with 15ias/15 res jool and put zaka and last wish and in inventory put 5 all res sc's or 20/5 for good res

and those are non-expensive how?

This post was edited by mid3vil on Nov 4 2007 05:04pm
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Nov 8 2007 10:56am
I dpnt think u should wear duerres armor iam nnl uber and my arm is upped guradian its great couz 15 max resi and i use gore rider i pesonaly think its batter than toe.

i didnt invenst 1 point in light res and whan i put of my kiras i still have 95 light res!

i puted in my zaka P dimond Its the best!!

From time to time i steal my firend's exile and uber with it and i still have 95 95 95 90

thats my advice
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Nov 19 2007 09:53pm
actually 75% is top for cb so everhting +75% is weasted but pretty nice list u migth be able to switch something for cb to get more maybe deadly strike or ress

This post was edited by kracuz on Nov 19 2007 09:55pm
Posts: 53,451
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Nov 20 2007 03:26am
Guardian Angel would be way better than Duress for Uber Tristing, and it's very very cheap.

Use Heaven's Light instead of Black runeword, and socket it with resist jewels. This is cheap as well.

It's better to use Guillaume's than Kira's, imo.

Anyway, wow @ 2005 post being still up and unlocked, lol.

This post was edited by pwb3 on Nov 20 2007 03:26am
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Nov 20 2007 04:32pm
my gear was

last wish
perf raven
exile eth 45 res etc
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Dec 3 2007 09:06am
I have this build right now:

guillames (w/ 15 res jewel, 35% cb, 30 fhr, 15 str!!!!)
highlords (20 ias, +1 skills)
black flail (15 ias, 45% cb)
griswolds vortex shield w/ 3 pdiam (+102 res!)
duress great hauberk (40 fhr, 20ed, good resists, 33 ow)
draculs (15str, LIFETAP, 25 ow)
tgods (+10 max light, light absorb, 20str/20vit)
raven frost (dex, cold absorb, cannot be frozen)
dwarf star (fire absorb)
gore riders (15cb, 10 ow, upped goblintoes are fine, but gore riders have FR/W which is a necessary luxury IMO)

put remainder of skills into resist fire or resist lightning for passive max resist.

1) This setup should give you 95% crushing blow (or 105% if u went w/ goblintoe)
2) 35% IAS for 6 frame smite with flail
3) 4 frame FHR if you hold a 12% FHR large charm, and a 7fhr sc,
4) light/cold/fire absorb + maxed resists + lifetap + faster r/w
5) and the lovely bonus of 68% open wounds

My question is, what AFFORDABLE gear for smiter merc? or is it necessary?
Expensive route gaze/fort/pride on a A2 nm combat (for might). What about cheap route?
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