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Jun 2 2010 09:35pm
Quote (impiousbe @ Jun 2 2010 05:22pm)
hdin got conv. the dmg sped up when the other pala left town.

well the point of me actually honestly trying to help you was after first time I posted contructive crit after which you just started being overly defensive of your guide and ripping on me to justify it. again don't ask for crit if you can't handle it.

I saw the other vids and will reply again here. first duel you won because of mb..your dueling was poor.. all you did was abuse mb and tank.. second smiter was too bad to even get a namelock..

I will tell you what this is. This is you who made something new and owned some pubs. Then after killing enough noobs you grew an ego and wanted to boast with your accomplishment. then when I come in here and tell you it's not as good as you think it is you can't handle it.

I give you that it is an original char and yes it may be a good pvp character but you are too inexperienced vs good players to tell people how to do it. The basic mechanics of this build are easy. You reach some frames..reach some damage.. perhaps get mb but all of these things are easy to do. I can build a simple caster char in 5 minutes and it would work in pub games.. The pvp strat is the only value this guide could add and sorry but it just isn't up to par.Other than the skill used this char is about as innovative as a fb sorc.

and come on. you are telling me that whatever i say can't be right because I havent had one yet you asume everyone should know how to duel with a fw sorc since your explenations on strats are so basic and shallow. The pvp strat should be essential to this guide because anyone can build what you just built with basic d2 knowledge. this isn't innovation.

Your gear choice is an opinion. it contains nothing key to this build which cannot be changed without losing out big.You just balanced some numbers.

Look you can bathe in your own big headedness of your GG firewall sorc guide anf try and make a name for yourself on jsp all you like but you should take the time to actually listen to things people say.

the only thing you took up in your guide are things that started with great guide..why don't you? whereas anyone who said this is bad because and had better opinions where automatically wrong.

If you put the time in and actually listen to some crit I would be happy to support v 3.0 and i would actually seriously like a fw guide in stickies and this is the best one out there but you need stop thinking you know it all because you think you are the only one who knows anything about this char cos it is original. You blatantly defended mistakes with lies and mistakes which proves that you are full of yourself and that my friend is the only reason i even bothered to waste my time on this crap..self proclaimed ground breaker on firewalls who is allknowing yet doesn't know the range of a simple BA..

key thought here being : you can never learn enough so keep an open mind and get your head out of your own ass.

im not saying that im the only one knowing this char, im saying that noone take firewall seriously.
My main objective with my sig and my guide are to make the build public, theres 2 essential things about this build > 95% es with maxed warmth and -fire res
when u know this ofc you can make your own gear, but ive tested most and this was what i found best.

I know im stil inexperimented, so thats why i accept critic, make a list of what you will like to see in that guide and ill be happy to add it, but when you are wrong ill be happy to tell you too.
And as the damage video, he hadnt conviction on, he was boing, how can u bo and have conv on. The low quality didnt make it clean about his hp draining, but it was lways the same.

I also understand that no class can beat everyone, this sorc has weakness like any other char, its like if you ask a glass cannon zon to beat a barb, its barely possible, and if the barb is barb you can do it.
Strategy versus noob or pro is the same though, only the result change. Ofc some strategy could be bad, because the opponent is a weakness, but i found nothing better to do, if you have an opinion, give it! dont simply
comment by saying that it is crap.

Quote (mysz15 @ Jun 2 2010 11:53am)
i still dont belive in this theorycrafting!!!!!!!!
ISO DUEL EU SC LD OR NL!!!!!!!!!!!

Quote (mysz15 @ Jun 2 2010 07:21pm)

I v been doing non ladder pub tour this evening... i sticked to the game with hardest opponents and smile came up on my face when i notice that theres... fire wall tal sorc in the game!!!!!!;OOOOOOOo
First thing that came to my mind was "ppfff lol naab, tal set, will be ez!" so i hosted her with my gz BvC and.... whoah, she pwned me;O
Once... twice... so i raged and took widowmaker - this time wasnt so bad... was 50/50 loss/wins cuz of support from opened wound from distance.

He used 63fcr whistans, 95es, 3,5 k mana build (105 in stash)... and huh i couldnt break throught that fuckin fast block + es! Also moving around without getting pwned in few seconds in area FULL of firewalls and burning shit was hard piece of cake for my non sorbing ass (even thought i have 7,7k life)! :/

Iv got huge lags so she had some advantage over me (in clean, non laggy game i'd probably got like 50/50 kills/death instead of 80/20) but still i
was stunned by effectivness of that sorc!!!

He owned EVERYONE in game, even in 3 vs 1 with healing noobs... i dont think he died even once...
Also he admitted that his stuff is not too fancy! And yeah, tal set is fuckin stylish^^ ("lolololo noob, cry? owned by tal sorc, ez shit!" ;)
That massive pwnage was caused mostly by his skills (stunning tank/namelock/dodgin skills!) but still this char is fuckin strong itself!

Coming back to you jugement ? :P
thanks, and ofc it rocks :P
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Jun 2 2010 10:57pm
i was wondering can i duel ur sorc?

i hope u play east ladder lol

pm me
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Jun 2 2010 11:24pm
madddddddddddddd props to this guys sorc just dueled with my smiter its pretty fucking crazy. if u guys don't belive how much potential this char has your all fools.

i honestly didn't think it was possible to use firewall for pvm let alone pvp but this sorc brings it, and ur gona need alot more the sunblock to win.

sick guide, sick build, sick sorc, now i need too put some aloe vera on my burns.
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Jun 2 2010 11:29pm
Quote (staysictonkpils @ Jun 3 2010 01:24am)
madddddddddddddd props to this guys sorc just dueled with my smiter its pretty fucking crazy. if u guys don't belive how much potential this char has your all fools.

i honestly didn't think it was possible to use firewall for pvm let alone pvp but this sorc brings it, and ur gona need alot more the sunblock to win.

sick guide, sick build, sick sorc, now i need too put some aloe vera on my burns.

thanks for the gg vouch ^^

This post was edited by Sergeant01 on Jun 2 2010 11:37pm
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Jun 3 2010 05:39am
I have been telling you what to add all along. and i have been telling you why. The first time i bothered to post was just to tell you what but you ignored that completely whereas useless comments from people with positive comments were added while they have no use in here.

Anyway here is what I suggest you add and change to make it better.

First of all. You are currently using max block. As I could see this is a huge improvement against your harder matchups ( being bvc and smiters ) so add this build in it's entirety. you say it is viable in here in what 4 sentences. I sugest you write it down. how you built it etc. Now this is somthing I am a big fan of and am going to sugest you do also. So you statted for mb which lost you a decent amount of mana which is a pretty serious drawback vs non melee builds. So what I always do is get a mb set-up. stat nothing into dex and try and get as close as possible to max block with different gear.

we get whistans shield and eld it.

with that shield your sorceress will require 167 dex on your build to reach mb. I can see on your screen that no dex statted leaves you with 65.

now we can take into account that you don't need eni fro strength anymore so we can gear up with a twitch. now you need : 135 dex for max block. so Just 70 more to reach and I will try maintain as much damage as possible while doing this and keeping your frames. Ko into your twitch = 60 more dex needed.

Gear could be :

30/30 sword:
3/20/2 soxed 1 x ko + Facet = 10 dex
twitch " ko"
whist "eld"
Raven 20 + fcr ring with 15 dex ( random one )
13 fcr amu
waterwalks : 15 dex

this would lose you some mana on the block set-up but you would have max block and maintain -35 res and mainly it wouldn't cripple your non block build. You should try this out ( thank god for respec ) see how this gear does vs melee..

thats first thing I would change.

Second thing as you will know is the pvp strats. I'm not gonna bother trying to correct certain things but there are some thing sthat shoul definately be changed.

DELETE the part about camping a corner vs a smiter. trust me you may be able to tank and block charge but you cannot tank and block smite. You have lost sight that charge is a 1 pt skill on smiters. you should be scared of their smite and not give them the chance.

I hope you have taken a cs hit on an es sorc and that you realise they can 1 hit ko you. mention legit fc. if you see they have you locked and are attempting to do it tell people to go offensive and try to dodgelock them by either casting a hydra or fireballs on them. Say you tele to just near them but too far to hit a normal cs and dodge lock while fire wall cooldown is up. when you cast firewall their dodge lock may end if not using hydra but they won't continue to farcast. they will try to run up to you due to the short distance.. giving you time to escape. Just a thought on tactic vs what is a very important trick in the arsenal of any good cs java. if they are good they will hit you really quickly.. 1 hit kill you and survive you wall so you need to abuse their weaknesses and mention the threat.

also on bone nec strat there is some room for improvement. An es sorc simply can't lose vs a bone nec if you avoid the soultrain and ibs. basically your regeneration is faster than he can hit you so all you need to avoid is taking 3+ hits at once. how you end up killing him doesn't really matter since you can't die. mention that you should chase in circular motions to avoid running into a large amount of spirits. If you avoid that you just can't lose so I think it would be good to mention that. Right now you just state how easy it is because you know you have to avoid those large amounts. however it wasn't mentioned so there may be people you should enlighten.

now vs assas. Mention wsg. it is of ke importance and just a small sentence. if they trap you with mb and traps use wsg, tapping w franticly while running away. this is the only way to escape these fhr locks so mention it. also you have a misconception on what a ghost is and what a hybrid is. a ghost uses poison and ow and shadow skills for damage. she does however use low skill traps to stunlock. mention that. it is important since ow + psn = dead es sorc so you need to be careful. hybrid is a sin that uses mainly trap damage with descent ww damage for an alternative source and again stun lock.The traps being the main danger here. both use traps and ww. your explanation is that hybrid consists of both ghost and hybrid since low trap high ww = ghost and not a diff version of hybrid.

now again vs barbs the leap but here is the tricky part. leap doesn't kill if you know how to react. you obviously do by saying when you see im tele tele away but mention it. if people get leaped and attempt to tele away before the baba has started his tele you will die since he will drop where you tele to. however when you start your tele after he starts his he teles to where you were and you tele to somewhere else. Hard to time but teleporting away before he does is suicide so mention it.

I hope you actually do something with this info this time.
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Jun 3 2010 05:57am
Quote (impiousbe @ Jun 3 2010 11:39am)

wall of txt... but wall of usefull txt!
this is pretty good guide but lacks some details, so u should read this and apply some parts, especially about max block.

Anyway... im gonna try talset firewall build today;)

This post was edited by mysz15 on Jun 3 2010 05:58am
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Jun 3 2010 06:54am
Quote (staysictonkpils @ Jun 3 2010 05:24am)
madddddddddddddd props to this guys sorc just dueled with my smiter its pretty fucking crazy. if u guys don't belive how much potential this char has your all fools.

i honestly didn't think it was possible to use firewall for pvm let alone pvp but this sorc brings it, and ur gona need alot more the sunblock to win.

sick guide, sick build, sick sorc, now i need too put some aloe vera on my burns.

ok dude... let me just cut this out for you

he has - resist fire gear and I am very sure you dont stack that much res..

while this built looks good fun.. its more of a pubs killer

still needs improvement
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Jun 3 2010 08:03am
iv just finished doing my cheapo tal fw sorc and final stats looks rly nice:)

mb setup:
Tal armo with fire rbf 5/-5 die
tal mask with rbf
tal weapon with 7fhr/15resi jwl
tal belt
2 sojs
whistans rbf
30frw/30 poison resi/4%mana/45max mana boots
9x 25life fire sks (some fhr to reach 86 in stash if needed)
16life/15mana scs
torch 18/18, anni 17/17
Cta 5bo

105fcr setup - lidless rbf, 2x 10fcr/110+ mana rings

Precast stuff- eni, 9es/cold armo memory, shako, seraph, arach, spirit mon
These items give me precast not just to es but to bo also:)

On 94 lvl final stats with mb setup are:
63fcr, 30fhr (up to 86 optional), 1750 life, 3,3k mana, 95es (max tk), 30k dmg with -30fire res.
105fcr setup has just 130 mana and 1,5k dmg less.
ofc max resi with both setups...
ahh and gz style ofc;)

The only thing she lacks is frw, but that tal fw sorc which i met in game havent ran almost at all, she tele mostly and she was still pwning, so its not neccesary imo;)

This post was edited by mysz15 on Jun 3 2010 08:04am
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Jun 3 2010 08:15am
Quote (impiousbe @ Jun 3 2010 07:39am)
I have been telling you what to add all along. and i have been telling you why. The first time i bothered to post was just to tell you what but you ignored that completely whereas useless comments from people with positive comments were added while they have no use in here.

Anyway here is what I suggest you add and change to make it better.

First of all. You are currently using max block. As I could see this is a huge improvement against your harder matchups ( being bvc and smiters ) so add this build in it's entirety. you say it is viable in here in what 4 sentences. I sugest you write it down. how you built it etc. Now this is somthing I am a big fan of and am going to sugest you do also. So you statted for mb which lost you a decent amount of mana which is a pretty serious drawback vs non melee builds. So what I always do is get a mb set-up. stat nothing into dex and try and get as close as possible to max block with different gear.

we get whistans shield and eld it.

with that shield your sorceress will require 167 dex on your build to reach mb. I can see on your screen that no dex statted leaves you with 65.

now we can take into account that you don't need eni fro strength anymore so we can gear up with a twitch. now you need : 135 dex for max block. so Just 70 more to reach and I will try maintain as much damage as possible while doing this and keeping your frames. Ko into your twitch = 60 more dex needed.

Gear could be :

30/30 sword:
3/20/2 soxed 1 x ko + Facet = 10 dex
twitch " ko"
whist "eld"
Raven 20 + fcr ring with 15 dex ( random one )
13 fcr amu
waterwalks : 15 dex

this would lose you some mana on the block set-up but you would have max block and maintain -35 res and mainly it wouldn't cripple your non block build. You should try this out ( thank god for respec ) see how this gear does vs melee..

thats first thing I would change.

Second thing as you will know is the pvp strats. I'm not gonna bother trying to correct certain things but there are some thing sthat shoul definately be changed.

DELETE the part about camping a corner vs a smiter. trust me you may be able to tank and block charge but you cannot tank and block smite. You have lost sight that charge is a 1 pt skill on smiters. you should be scared of their smite and not give them the chance.

I hope you have taken a cs hit on an es sorc and that you realise they can 1 hit ko you. mention legit fc. if you see they have you locked and are attempting to do it tell people to go offensive and try to dodgelock them by either casting a hydra or fireballs on them. Say you tele to just near them but too far to hit a normal cs and dodge lock while fire wall cooldown is up. when you cast firewall their dodge lock may end if not using hydra but they won't continue to farcast. they will try to run up to you due to the short distance.. giving you time to escape. Just a thought on tactic vs what is a very important trick in the arsenal of any good cs java. if they are good they will hit you really quickly.. 1 hit kill you and survive you wall so you need to abuse their weaknesses and mention the threat.

also on bone nec strat there is some room for improvement. An es sorc simply can't lose vs a bone nec if you avoid the soultrain and ibs. basically your regeneration is faster than he can hit you so all you need to avoid is taking 3+ hits at once. how you end up killing him doesn't really matter since you can't die. mention that you should chase in circular motions to avoid running into a large amount of spirits. If you avoid that you just can't lose so I think it would be good to mention that. Right now you just state how easy it is because you know you have to avoid those large amounts. however it wasn't mentioned so there may be people you should enlighten.

now vs assas. Mention wsg. it is of ke importance and just a small sentence. if they trap you with mb and traps use wsg, tapping w franticly while running away. this is the only way to escape these fhr locks so mention it. also you have a misconception on what a ghost is and what a hybrid is. a ghost uses poison and ow and shadow skills for damage. she does however use low skill traps to stunlock. mention that. it is important since ow + psn = dead es sorc so you need to be careful. hybrid is a sin that uses mainly trap damage with descent ww damage for an alternative source and again stun lock.The traps being the main danger here. both use traps and ww. your explanation is that hybrid consists of both ghost and hybrid since low trap high ww = ghost and not a diff version of hybrid.

now again vs barbs the leap but here is the tricky part. leap doesn't kill if you know how to react. you obviously do by saying when you see im tele tele away but mention it. if people get leaped and attempt to tele away before the baba has started his tele you will die since he will drop where you tele to. however when you start your tele after he starts his he teles to where you were and you tele to somewhere else. Hard to time but teleporting away before he does is suicide so mention it.

I hope you actually do something with this info this time.

Thanks, now that is usefull comment :P

will take them into consideration

Quote (mysz15 @ Jun 3 2010 10:03am)
iv just finished doing my cheapo tal fw sorc and final stats looks rly nice:)

mb setup:
Tal armo with  fire rbf 5/-5 die
tal mask with rbf
tal weapon with 7fhr/15resi jwl
tal belt
2 sojs
whistans rbf
30frw/30 poison resi/4%mana/45max mana boots
9x 25life fire sks (some fhr to reach 86 in stash if needed)
16life/15mana scs
torch 18/18, anni 17/17
Cta 5bo

105fcr setup - lidless rbf, 2x 10fcr/110+ mana rings

Precast stuff- eni, 9es/cold armo memory, shako, seraph, arach, spirit mon
These items give me precast not just to es but to bo also:)

On 94 lvl final stats with mb setup are:
63fcr, 30fhr (up to 86 optional), 1750 life, 3,3k mana, 95es (max tk), 30k dmg with -30fire res.
105fcr setup has just 130 mana and 1,5k dmg less.
ofc max resi with both setups...
ahh and gz style ofc;)

The only thing she lacks is frw, but that tal fw sorc which i met in game havent ran almost at all, she tele  mostly and she was still pwning, so its not neccesary imo;)

Well sure you can tele only, but to pwn charge and melee char, running is kinda better

And when you posted taht i tried it too and it has great potential, but i was thinking if -30% less res would matter, it sure does on non-stacked chars, but when he stack both damage are the same, but tal sorc has more resist/life/mana than the one i currently have
So im going to try this out on bnet soon

Quote (haloneya @ Jun 3 2010 08:54am)
ok dude... let me just cut this out for you

he has - resist fire gear and I am very sure you dont stack that much res..

while this built looks good fun.. its more of a pubs killer

still needs improvement

when you say that it needs improvement, precise what improvement
and he was using 1 dwarf/salvation
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Jun 3 2010 08:42am
Quote (Sergeant01 @ Jun 3 2010 02:15pm)
Well sure you can tele only, but to pwn charge and melee char, running is kinda better

And when you posted taht i tried it too and it has great potential, but i was thinking if -30% less res would matter, it sure does on non-stacked chars, but when he stack both damage are the same, but tal sorc has more resist/life/mana than the one i currently have
So im going to try this out on bnet soon

well i dont agree about running vs meele - its much harded to kill spam-tele sorc with, for example, BvC
than the running one which is like ez telestomp and ez kill cuz of 33% block (when running its decreased).
IF u have mass frw (150+, no less) than u can try running around... if no, than stick with tele.

About -30 fire resi - yeah most experienced players stack those 30 res cuz of anya bug, but for pubs most people just want to hit that 75 in hell and dont bother about stacking;)
But if u 1v1 a lot and u know opponents stacked resi than id keep perf shaphyred tal mask/armor and sur'd shield for that occasions - great mana boost.
Ur build got -60fres and its imo unstackable (most people just care about cold/light resi stacking) so in this is the point where ur build > tal build.

Btw. That sorc which i dueled has used telekinezis a lot which causes huge troubles...
i dont remember if u included that factor in your strategy section, but if u didnt i reccomend u to work with that and see the results:)

This post was edited by mysz15 on Jun 3 2010 08:44am
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