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Jul 28 2008 10:40pm
Just looking at those end ratios, gbane is the best setup hands down.

You know, with gbane you can also use angelics and not even have to worry about touching dext beyond max block.
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Jul 29 2008 12:02am
Quote (inkanddagger @ Tue, Jul 29 2008, 12:40am)
Just looking at those end ratios, gbane is the best setup hands down.

You know, with gbane you can also use angelics and not even have to worry about touching dext beyond max block.

you may end up lacking AR if you switch out gear though. =)
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Jul 29 2008 12:24am
so u tested eth stone? like disposable armors? for non disposable armors eth prudence has the best defense obviously. So I was wondering if there are defense break points? and what are the ar break points? Also do u usually aim for how much defense?(counting the shout on).
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Jul 29 2008 06:29am
there are breakpoints for AR o.O?
I tough every single AR point counts, or am I wrong?
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Jul 29 2008 07:49am
Most common AR points are 21k, 23k, and I think 34k (on some fort builds).

There are people like me who believe in the break points and like to be as close as possible. There are others who don't believe in break points and do equally well.

I keep getting a lot of questions 125% IAS vs. 75% IAS. I use both. My suggestion, if you are using a high damage setup, such as Fort, Rends, and an E BOTD Z maybe with War Travs as well I'd go 75% IAS. You'll be hitting hard. Now, if you're hitting for less damage, or using a high AR setup I'd much more use a 125% setup as you'll be chipping away at your opponent.

My list of essential switchable gear:
Cham'd Arreats
Gelics (2x rings, 1x ammy)
E BOTD WS (war spike)
E Sacred Fort (for tournies where it is allowed)
War Travelers
Goblin Toes

I also keep Dracs with me for Barb vs. Barb and hope it doesn't tap. The OW can be damn useful, the tap just seems stupid.

There are some defense break points... kind of...

I'd encourage no lower than 52k-ish def. 60k can be a high point. Temp Stones I believe 80k has been seen. There is a rule of diminishing returns for both AR and Def. Much higher than 80k, arguably 60k you're not going to see much return on the extra def. Same for AR, much higher than 34k and you aren't going to hit any better. If these figures seem weird because I'm at work, my internet is out, and I can't remember if these are just with Shout or Shout and the bonus from Conc.

Also, beware of "Over-AR-ing". Some people's set ups, different defenses can call for different AR points. Sometimes you'll find your setup works awesome at 18k vs some builds. Other times 28k won't seem like enough. At times, you'll find you hit better at lower AR. When your AR is so high and your hits are infrequent compared to a lower AR point you are considered "Over-AR". This unfortunately is something that you only find out as you duel people. A gear switch, such as an armor switch, can frequently throw off your chance of hitting, and it may not have been to a higher def armor. Duel often, and learn your char and your opponents, that's the best advice I can give in this regard.

As for testing temp items. At the time this guide was written the most common melee dueling tournaments, as hosted by Palapk Nation, did not allow for temp Forts, Stones, or any other gear. PN still does not allow for this. D2GM and CnH (a subsidiary of D2GM) and I have no idea what Civic City is offering these days. There are a few other tournaments that are common, most allow temps now. But when this guide was created temps were not allowed, and so they are not included in this guide. Also... I won't be increasing the breadth of the dueling results any time soon as my partner in making this guide has since left the D2 gaming world.

Anyways, I hope this answers some more questions and increases the comprehensiveness of this guide.

Please feel free to PM me questions.

- Corey
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Sep 12 2008 09:03am
Gvalor seems overrated. Maybe only good for zeal? Gvalor stomped by common eth glad bane for example
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Oct 11 2008 08:47pm
Instead of ebotd , would a eth fools sword with 40ias(base) and high ed be better?

This post was edited by skud on Oct 11 2008 08:47pm
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Oct 11 2008 09:04pm
nice guide
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Oct 11 2008 09:13pm
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Nov 20 2008 01:17pm
one question, the ias on botd war spike. How much would be needed 30% on top of the 60% on the botd, or 90% on top of the botds ias?
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