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Jul 11 2007 10:48am
Quote (Trae8 @ Wed, 11 Jul 2007, 19:45)
I was just talking about displayed character screen damage actually.  If we were talking about fire ball sorc's, and how much extra damage one build has over another, you would just say X build has 20k, and Y build has 22k.  So X build does 2k more.  You wouldn't actually take PVP penelty, and then take resists, and say it that way.  Of course ALL damage in the game is subject to various penelties, but when talking about differences, you just say the character screen displayed difference.  1360 difference is HUGE when you think about it.  A venom sin does about 4k displayed damage.  Basically, we are talking about a 33% Damage increase if you go with my build

33% !!!

I think that's hella significant don't you agree?

it doesn't deal significantly more damage. I care about performance, not how it looks on paper.
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Jul 11 2007 10:54am
Haha.. assassin pros banging heads >:]
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Jul 11 2007 10:55am
And Xepo, I realize you are just trying for a totally accurate number, but it's too hard to do because there are too many factors that change depending on the situation. And you are skewing only on the side of favouring the Venom sin. I could just as easily say we have to factor in Antidotes and GUL runes and poison length reduced items aswell. Don't forget, venom based ghost sins can be negated with ease. Sins that about 2/3's of their damage is physical like mine can't be.

But that's all stuff that makes it confusing. Lets just look at an average example like mine was. No pvp penelties, no stacking, no antidotes, no Gul runes, etc... The damage per hit is around 1350 Per hit difference, give or take a bit depending on the situation.
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Jul 11 2007 11:15am
Don't be a faggot and send me that fucking file. Stop making shitty assumptions and realize you can't make comparisons without looking at every factor, too much my ass.
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Jul 11 2007 11:24am
If you want to do it, be my guest Xepo. 3.1k phys, 1.4k venom, Non prebuffed. Run with it if you want. Do the math if it's so easy. I want you to factor in PVP penelty, resists, hell penelties, Nm penelties, antidotes, stacking with Gul runes, poison length reduced items, and everything else you can think of and I want you to come up with a number for the damage difference. GO

If someone was to invent a new Barb Build that gets about 33% More damage, 25% more attack rating, and 10% more life, and all the rest of the breakpoints and everything would stay roughly the same, would you do it? What about a bowazon? A Necro? A sorc? Of course you would, it would be a no brainer.

So why are you clinging so tightly to Kodachi's out dated guide? Why not just build a better sin? He never thought of it back then because he set out to build a sin that owns bramble sin builds and he did it. His sin changed how other people make them. Now i've made one that owns venom based ghosts and many people are getting on board. I've seen several being made, and i've been helping tonnes of people through PM's to build theirs. Things change, the game changes, why can't you? I bet you also tried to defend your bramble sin right to the bitter end too right? LOL

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Jul 11 2007 11:27am
excellent guide rain. very detailed and useful.
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Jul 11 2007 11:27am
Quote (Lobotomy @ Wed, Jul 11 2007, 04:54pm)
Haha.. assassin pros banging heads  >:]

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Jul 11 2007 11:30am
Banging heads would imply that this is a close debate... But when i'm right and Rain is so wrong I would just call it a boot fucking
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Jul 11 2007 11:34am
Quote (Trae8 @ Wed, Jul 11 2007, 05:24pm)
If you want to do it, be my guest Xepo.  3.1k phys, 1.4k venom, Non prebuffed.  Run with it if you want.  Do the math if it's so easy.  I want you to factor in PVP penelty, resists, hell penelties, Nm penelties, antidotes, stacking with Gul runes, poison length reduced items, and everything else you can think of and I want you to come up with a number for the damage difference.  GO

If someone was to invent a new Barb Build that gets about 33% More damage, 25% more attack rating, and 10% more life, and all the rest of the breakpoints and everything would stay roughly the same, would you do it?  What about a bowazon?  A Necro?  A sorc?  Of course you would, it would be a no brainer.   

So why are you clinging so tightly to Kodachi's out dated guide?  Why not just build a better sin?  He never thought of it back then because he set out to build a sin that owns bramble sin builds and he did it.  His sin changed how other people make them.  Now i've made one that owns venom based ghosts and many people are getting on board.  I've seen several being made, and i've been helping tonnes of people through PM's to build theirs.  Things change, the game changes, why can't you?  I bet you also tried to defend your bramble sin right to the bitter end too right?  LOL
Think of more irrelevant shit nerd. I'm not the one so desperate proofing one thing is better than the other. I'm not the one who's too fucking incompetent to run a few numbers and make actual, concrete statements. I'm not the one who pulls out random and complete worthless percentages out of his ass.

Now, send me the fucking file or eat shit and die. On second thought, eat shit and die regardless.

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Jul 11 2007 12:13pm
trae, you don't understand that your build changes nothing but uses full inv of 32020s wohoo big deal.

I'll lose 15 life per gc, but I'll gain more fade, more claw block, more mb, more sm, more venom....

You'll gain 111 more max damage from the charms. And you'll lose fcr+stats from amulet. Those can potentially be more than the 9*15 loss of life I'll experience compared to you.

You're also calculating everything from the point of view favoring you. max damage all the way (you should calculate average damage, difference will be much less) + you keep saying you maintain all the same breakpoints, but not without sacrificing other equipment. take amulet for an example. you''ll never have 50% dr without prebuff with that build of yours (unless coa)

here's the compilation: you need to prebuff, you'll gain 111 more MAX damage (with claw mastery, ~250 more (being generous here, again)). 135 more life (before bo) and 740 ar. ofc, claw mastery will multiply that, so lets say 2,1k more ar.

but you'll lose 9% dr (at least, even more due to using hl so lets say 10%) and few percentages of claw block (unless you put hard points in) and much much more.

now, you'll prebuff so you'll hit that 50% dr mark and whatnot. I'll prebuff too. My prebuff only will be much more thorough since you'll need 9 skillers in stash, leaving less space for other prebuff equipment. Or you could bring a mule into the game with all the prebuff gear, but that's not anywhere near sane.

since my prebuff will be more thorough, I'll have more damage than you.

Your biggest argument just got flushed down the toilet. now now, don't bother telling me someone will chuch antidotes against me. 3,1k physical does _shit_ against chars with max block AND 50 dr. That's like 75% all res + 50% reduced pld for poison. Due to that little fact, pure physical damage sins won't be that much more effective. the difference is marginal. venom is the real killer with assassins and that it shall stay. of course, more physical damage won't hurt, but sacrificing poison damage/mb/fade/claw block for it ain't sane.
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