I have never seen a guide under so much fire, and for the life of me I cannot understand why.
I guess the issue is the so called BM. What are those manners anyway? They are handycaps put in place so that we can have a little balance, and thus have more variety and fun.
Sounds to me that his character does not disturbe the balance at all. (He admitted himself that he don't own as much nowadays.)
Now we have all heard that summoners are for PVM only. Why is that? Because they have certain disabilities when it comes to PVP.
For people with disabilities we remove some of the handycaps. The logic is nuke proof, is it not?
I am not saying that we should do away with all the manners. But rather make them more complex. Keep in mind that the ultimate goal is variety and fun.
You would be crazy if you think fighting him, with his army of minions, is not fun.
As far as skill goes, I believe a good deal of his skill lies in selecting the revives to counter his enemies, which he did not go into depth in his guide.
Too much is still uncertain: what flying revives can catch a sorc? does golem slow melee foes enough to make a difference?
We will only be guessing if we did not dual him, or one like him. And we will not even be allowed that chance if no one follows this guide.
See my point?