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Jul 17 2006 08:36pm

Well, I did something like a few of the suggestions. I use Guilliames's (Ias jewel), Coh, a Black flail, 30 Mara's, Dracs, Arachs, a 3 diamond Gris shield, (6 BO CTA and Zak on switch) , gores and? I got my very first torch today! 3/13/19 Pally torch! Now? I'm key running with my light sorcy and almost have 2 keysets, so? Before end of week, I'll be doing Ubers again! This is a great guide, great place to get ideas and if you pay attention to what does and doesn't work? Great place to learn! I have to thank all of you for your help and ideas. ; *

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Jul 19 2006 03:10am
What merc is good for a smiter trist or just playing?
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Jul 19 2006 04:30am
Quote (chewster77 @ Tue, Sep 6 2005, 09:15am)
Lighting Resist got a hidden bonnus, +0.5% Maximum Lighting res on each upped level,when the skill is off.For example when you use Fanaticism,and got 20Lvl Lighting res skill,you will get 10% Maximum Lighting res.This is very useful.Thanx to Aktak for this info.

Is this true? Can anyone confirm this? This the first I have heard of this.
Thanks smile.gif
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Jul 20 2006 03:51am
i wanna try this build, sounds good and cheap ( im quite poor).
just a question: can be good as weapon a razor edge?

razor edge (unique axe):175-225 %ed, 40 %ias, -33 % monster def, 50 %CB , 50 %OW

sounds good to me happy.gif
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Jul 20 2006 06:10am
Quote (Sofine @ Wed, Jul 19 2006, 08:30pm)
Quote (chewster77 @ Tue, Sep 6 2005, 09:15am)
Lighting Resist got a hidden bonnus, +0.5% Maximum Lighting res on each upped level,when the skill is off.For example when you use Fanaticism,and got 20Lvl Lighting res skill,you will get 10% Maximum Lighting res.This is very useful.Thanx to Aktak for this info.

Is this true? Can anyone confirm this? This the first I have heard of this.
Thanks smile.gif

Yes, its true.
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Jul 27 2006 02:44pm
May i suggest using Heavens Light 'Shael Shael'. More ias, small loss in cb, but not noticable, and you get more dmg (more hs and smite lvls), therefor more leech which is very nice smile.gif
Then you don't need Highlord either, rather use mara if u can afford. If you cant afford that, use highlord, the light res is very nice vs meph smile.gif

Also, you have absolutel NOOO use for the extra defense from defiance on an uber/trist smiter, seing 99.5% of the dmg done there is elemental. Rather use light res aura, cold/fire when that is maxed. Or my favorite, add to zeal, much better at killing those small annoying guys around pre-bosses smile.gif

Quote (mainaman @ Sun, Jul 9 2006, 10:51pm)
kk my set up

umed guliaumes face
highlords wrath
coh (it is really cheap already) +200% dmg to demons +65 res all = sexy modes
lying of hands gloves +350% dmg to demons
any ed hoz umed works
dwarf star/raven/tgod
most xpensive part of the equipment -last wish pb -fade (adds+60 res, 50 dr, reduced curse duration, life tap trigers really fast)
charms diff res charms ,dext chrams
life 1,3 k no bo

he takes on ubers ez ,

skill 20 zeal/20 smite/20 fanat/20 hs rest prereq

zel minions /zmite bosses

works perfect

3 notes
1. The %ed vs deamons oh coh and lying of hands doesn't work with smite. As your using lw pb, you need the ias on both amu and gloves to get max cap tho. With this build, rather try to get gloves with 20ias, cb, life, res, whatever, much better happy.gif
2. For ubers, you want goblin toe for added cb, absolutely NO need for the ow or ds on gores.
3. This is not cheap build as the topic suggests ;D

Quote (truvout @ Thu, Jul 13 2006, 12:01am)
this builds not that good... i did it exactly how u said and i die on the countess level when i try and get the organ.. i dont even wana try it on the ubers..

This build is mainly specified for Trist... sux on pre-organs unfortunately :/ you need additional help there.. Especially at lillith. The amp dmg, high speed and those bloody witches are really a bitch ^^

Quote (swinger @ Thu, Jul 20 2006, 09:51am)
i wanna try this build, sounds good and cheap ( im quite poor).
just a question: can be good as weapon a razor edge?

razor edge (unique axe):175-225 %ed, 40 %ias, -33 % monster def, 50 %CB , 50 %OW

sounds good to me

Sure, could work happy.gif theres another scepter aswell, cant exactely remember name, thats quite good aswell smile.gif But neither Black, that wep your mentioning, or Heaven's Light(My cheap favorite) aren't expencive at all, and should be acheavable for most ppl that manages to get a hold of a keyset =)

@all: Remember, cb doesn't stack. Meaning you cannot add them like you add res and get maximum like that. They count each item a pease. Say 33% wep, 25% gloves etc.. even if you pass 100% by far, they will still not hit every time, but the items can be so kind to give u 2-3 cb's on one hit (doesn't work, only 1 effects)

For more expencive builds, heres my (ex)items and explenation.
Grief PB (IAS doesn't matter at all)
Exile high res
Guillaume 'Um', @res/life jewel or 'Lo'
Crafted gloves: cb, stats, life, res (nn ias)
Goblin Toe
Raven 20/xxx
Dwarf Star/Whisp/BK (nn high)

spirit (doh)

life/res sc's/gc's (light>all>fire>cold)
Anni and Torch (Switch beteween those(only use one at a time) wether u do trist or dc)

This build is to make trist as fast as possible, plus i die far less with this build than ppl using more expencive builds (coa, lw etc)
With Grief pb, you will have all the ias that you need. In addition, you will do FAR more damage which is REALLY nice vs the end. With weapons like LW, its a total bitch when the ubers got low life. Grief to finish em quickly. In adition to this, you will have FAR more leech with grief. Almost fill your life with one hit is quite nice, especially if life tap doesn't cast right away. Also quite nice when having fun with all 3 of em at the same time wink.gif
Use exile for casting lifetap ofc. Run'n'hit is really nice for speed smile.gif
I'm mainly using CoH for the resists (since the %ed vs deamons doesn't work on smite), but if you got enough resists without coh, go for duress insteald. More cb -> faster trist happy.gif

This is eZ 1-1.5 minute trist kill from u enter portal. Have fun with it =)

This post was edited by Tiedemanns on Jul 27 2006 02:59pm
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Aug 4 2006 06:46pm
imo this is a bad guide for uberdin smiters...no torch, no anni? lol...my uberdin smiter is..

helm:coa ber ber
Armour: Coh Ap 15ed
gloves:Dracs Or Laying of hands (dmg to demons)
boots: perf Uppd gore rider
belt:perf Verdungo
Rings: Bk 5 with Raven OR Bk 5 With soj
Weapn: Grief Pb (or Cs) 36+ 400dmg
Shield: Exile Vortex Shield

Second Hand: Cta 6 bo, Spirit

Charms: Sc's 20 Life/11 Res any res or +5 al res with 20 L or Gc's 15 all res

Best torch drop yet is pala 20/17 smile.gif wich i use atm
Best anni Drop 20/17/7 Selfound (only seen dc a few times this was my first anni drop)

fastest time solo'n ubers....98 secs

well this is my uberdin, does ok for me wink.gif
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Aug 4 2006 08:16pm
Hi, im new to the d2jsp forum!

ATM i got an Astreon +3 to combat skills, +85Dmg (shael'd). I want to know if i should use Heavens light, like Tiedemanns said in his post?

If yes, should I get socket it "Shael Shael" or "Jah Shael" for the "Ignore Targets Defence?)


Edit : Or should I wait to get a greif when ladder reset?

This post was edited by Bulletthroeyqc on Aug 4 2006 08:31pm
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Aug 4 2006 08:22pm
let me just say icon_pointr.gif SEEN THAT DONE THAT like 1000 of EXACT same guides out this is BS...
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Aug 5 2006 09:09am
the guid is nice, finally a guide for not rich people, i am rich :$ but i like it verymuch can i post it on my own website? it's the shiznit.
p.s your life isnt that high :S ,... i got 4.5k life on my pala (A)
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