I quit about 2 months ago so you may not have had your char at the time, but you ever duel FIame? That was my 200 vita fber. I hit 142 fhr though by changing one thing in my build...my weapon. I used a Spirit Crystal Sword instead of Hoto, which required a 20 Fcr Amy though(I used a plain 2/20)The 55 Fhr + Vita + Mana on the spirit seemed like a much better choice to me if you really want to go for the 142 bp. I made up for the resists by having a stacked resists circ and with good charms I had extremely stacked resists with the Spirit. Personally I think you should really try to hit the 142 fhr bp if your gonna be vita. My final sorc from earlier in this season had 2800 Life and the same damage, but also used worse lifers than yours, while still hitting 142 fhr. Your build is good but to get 142 you would only have to sacrifice 100-200 life in the end(probably less) and at the same time you gain an advantage most 105 sorcs will not be able to deal with.