Quote (harg @ Jul 11 2010 08:36pm)
indeed i prefer pur trap than hyb, hyb can be a bit funnier than trap but trap > hyb imo
vs barb 65 fcr rly suck imo, when barb does long whirl you alway fail teleport and you eat ww, i will even prefer 102 c/c on trap than 65 max block w/s
it is true that 65 fcr can be enough in 1v1 vs many casters, but i dont know how you do to play in 65 after testing 102, 65 is just...to slow
and in pub game /tvt, when you need to escape from dangerous situation and to play in X vs 1 102 is better too
meh, I'd rather play on a pure 102 trapper vs barb, or 65fcr hybrid. with 102 hybrid you are reducing your whirl damage to the point that the barb can just treat you as a trapper and not worry about exchanging blows. using 65fcr with gclaws allows a hybrid to have the whirl damage just have enough damage output to be a threat. this means that a barb has to consider balancing dr/tgods vs the hybrid, as well as needs to be careful at exchanging hits because they will likely not be using a full dr setup. not saying 65fcr hybridsins outwhirl barbs, they don't of course, but the whirl becomes enough of a threat that the hybrid can play on luring tactics with traps more efficiently in this matchup. with 102 hybrid its like youre playing a 102 trapper except having a useless whirl and no maxed mb.
and ya of course going back down to 65 after playing on 102 seems slow, but I think it really works out better with characters made to use claws. when you stomp down on casters with a 65fcr build its just so much stronger than a 102 which plays kinda like a flea.
as for pub games, again I'd rather play 65fcr vs all. and tvt I'd rather bring in a pure trapper any day.
such is my opinion on this.